pharmacology spotters

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Chart 1

Chart 1 What is this condition? phocomelia ( seal like limbs ) Which trimester exposure causes this

deformity? Why? 1st trimester ,18 to 55 days when

organogenesis takes place. What are the other uses of the above drug? erythema nodosum leprosum , multiple

myeloma , melanoma , aids related cachexia ,GVHD , RA.

Name any 4 teratogenic drugs. androgens , progestogens, ACE inhibitors ,

lithium ,antithyroid drugs , indomethacin . Which vitamin prevents neural tube defects? folic acid , 5mg starting from the

periconceptional period till delivery of the fetus.


Chart 2 Yellowish discoloration of teeth following antibiotic therapy

Chart 2 Yellowish discoloration of teeth following antibiotic therapy

Name the drug causing this condition. Tetracyclines .

2) How is it caused? Tetracyclines have chelating property .calcium- tetracycline

chelate gets deposited in developing teeth and bone .

3) In which age group is the drug contraindicated the drug is contraindicated in children below 8 years of age

4) What advice will you give to a patient taking this drug orally?

milk ,iron preparation , antacids , sucralfate , calcium and other metals reduce absorption of tetracyclines. When taking together.

5) Which drug of this group is safe in renal failure? Doxycycline.

Chart 3

Chart 3 What is this condition? Scurvy.

2) Which vitamin deficiency causes this condition? Vitamin C.

3) What is the daily requirement of this vitamin? 60 mg/day.

4) What are the other uses of this vitamin? Post operatively to enhance wound healing and scar

strength To enhance iron absorption in anemia. To acidify urine in urinary tract infection.

5) What are the other antioxidants? Vitamin E,Beta carotene,selenium,zinc

Chart 4

Chart 4 What is this condition? Rickets. 2. What is it due to? Vitamin D deficiency 3. What is this condition in adults known as? Osteomalacia. 4. How will you treat? Alfa calcidol 1-2 microgram/day. 5. What is the daily requirement of this

vitamin? 10-30mg/day.

Chart 5

Chart 5 1) What is DMARD? Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs. 2) Name 4 DMARDS. Etanrecept, Infliximab, Methotrexate, Cyclosporin,

Auranofin, d-Penicillamine, Sulfasalazine, Chloroquine. 3) Which anti-malarial is used in the management

of this disease? Chloroquine. 4) Write the M.O.A of methotrexate. Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor - inhibits cytokine

production, chemotaxis and cell-mediated immune reaction.

5) Write 2 ocular side effects of steroids. Glaucoma, posterior subcapsular cataract.

Chart 6

Chart 6 1) What is this condition Gum hypertrophy 2) Which anti-epileptic drug causes this side

effect? Phenytoin 3) What is the reason for this side effect? Phenytoin inhibits collagenase resulting in

overdeposition of gingival collagen fibres causing gum hypertrophy

4) Name two calcineurin inhibitors which cause this.

Cyclosporine, tacrolimus 5) Mention 2 uses of calcineurin inhibitors. Auto immune disorders-RA, uveitis , after organ

transplantation to prevent graft rejection


CHART 7 1) Mention the hormones involved in positive

calcium balance Parathormone, calcitriol, estrogen 2) Effect of parathormone in kidney. Parathormone increases calcium and decreases

phosphate reabsorption from DCT in kidney 3) Name 2 SERMs used in the treatment of

osteoporosis. Tamoxifen, Raloxifene 4) Role of bisphosphonates in osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates decrease bone resorption by

accelerating apoptosis of osteoclasts , and causing disruption of cytoskeleton and ruffled borderof osteoclasts

5) Write the dietary factors that inhibit calcium absorption.

Phytates ,phosphates and oxalates in diet reduce calcium absorption


CHART 8 1) What is this condition? Hirsuitism

2) Name 2 immuno suppressants which cause this condition.

Cyclosporine, tacrolimus

3) Name 2 hormonal agents causing this condition. Androgens, glucocorticoids

4) Which drug is used topically for male pattern baldness?


5) Drugs used to treat this condition. Anti androgen-flutamide, estrogen, gluco corticoid synthesis


Chart 9

Chart 9 1) What is this condition? Gouty arthritis

2) Name 2 ATT drugs causing hyperuricemia. Pyrazinamide, ethambutol

3) Name 2 uricosuric drugs. Probenacid, sulfinpyrazine

4) Name the synthesis inhibitors. Allopurinol,oxpurinol,febuxostat

5) What are the NSAIDs to be avoided in this patient?

Aspirin-cannot be tolerated for long term use in chronic gout, tolmetin

Chart 10

Chart 10 1) What is this condition? Fixed Drug Eruption.

2) How will you treat? avoid the drug causing this, topical steroid creams like

betamethasone cream can be applied ,in severe cases systemic steroids are given.

3) Name the antibiotic which commonly causes this condition.


4) What is Steven-johnson syndrome? Severe fatal exudative erythema multiforme affecting skin

and mucous membranes causing exfoliation of skin and mucous membrane

5) Name 2 fluroquinolones causing photo toxicity. lomefloxacin , pefloxacin

Chart 11

Chart 11 1) Which groups of drugs commonly cause

alopecia? Anticancer drugs.

2) Drugs used in the treatment of alopecia. Minoxidil, Finasteride.

3) Fungal infection causing alopecia and its treatment.

Tenia capitis. Terbinafine, Griseofulvin.

4) Name 4 topical anti-fungal agents. Terbinafine, Clotrimazole , Ketoconazole, Miconazole.

5) Name the antifungal drug given systemically to treat dermatophytoses.


Chart 12

Chart 12 1. What is the diagnosis? Cleft lip.

2. Name the drugs causing this condition. Phenytoin.

3. What peri-conceptional prophylaxis is given to prevent neural tube defects?

Folic acid.

4. What is fetal hydantoin syndrome? When phenytoin used during pregnancy, can produce foetal

Hydantoin syndrome—hypoplastic phalanges, cleft palate , hare Lip, microcephaly.

5. Write 4 features of fetal alcohol syndrome. Growth retardation, mental retardation, flattened face,


Chart 13

Chart 13 1. What is this condition? Oral candidiasis.

2. Name 2 immunosuppressants causing this condition?

Glucocorticoids, cyclosporine

3. Name 2 drugs used topically to treat this condition.

Nystatin, Amphotericin B.

4. How will you treat candidiasis in immunocompromised patient?

Oral Flucanozole.

5. Write MOA of triazoles. Inhibits ergosterol synthesis.

Chart 14

Chart 14 1.what is this condition? Dwarfism. 2.what is it due to? Growth hormone deficiency 3.How will you treat? Recombinant human growth hormone-0.025

mg/Kg/day daily or 1.5 mg/kg/month. 4.what are the other uses of this hormone? Treat muscle wasting in AIDS patients,short

bowel syndrome and absorption syndrome to improve intestinal growth and function anabolic effect to improve muscle mass by athletes

5.what is peg-visomant? Growth hormone antagonist. used to treat GH adenomas ,acromegaly and


Chart 15

Chart 15 1. What is this condition? scabies 2. Topical agents used for this condition. 5% permethrin ointment and 10%GBHC (Gamma benzene

hexachloride) lotion. 3. Advice to be given to the patient. Should be applied all over the body below neck not to be applied over mucous membrane and eyes all family members should take treatment simultaneously To be repeated after 7 days. 4. Which anti helminthics can be used to treat this

condition? Ivermectin 5. Which topical agent is more prone for systemic

toxicity? GBHC

Chart 16

Chart 16 1. What is this condition? Crushing’s syndrome.

2. Name the drug causing this condition. Chronic coricosteroid therapy.

3. What is the effect of chronic treatment with the drug on bone?

Osteoporosis, fractures ,avascular necrosis

4. What are the metabolic derangements seen in this patient? Hyperkalemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypertension, hyperglycemia,

fluid retention and dilutional hyponatremia

5. What are the drugs used to treat this condition? ACTH and prednisolone ???? Both adrenals are removed, and replacement with hydrocortisone or

prednisolone Drugs that inhibit cortisol synthesis (e.g. ketoconazole, metyrapone)

Chart 17

Chart 17 1. Identify this condition. Goitre 2. What micronutrient deficiency causes this

condition? iodine

3. What hormone disorder causes this condition? Thyroxine 4. Name the thiomide derivative used in this

condition. Carbimazole, methimazole and propylthiouracil. 5. What is the role of beta blockers? Reduce symptoms due to sympathetic overactivity reduce HR, tremors , anxiety and hypertension.

Chart 18

Chart 18 1. What is this disease? Hansen's disease.

2. Name the drugs used to treat the disease. Rifampicin, dapsone, and clofazamine

3. Which drug used in the treatment of the above disease is contraindicated in G6PD deficiency?


4. What is the cutaneous side effect of clofazamine? Brown to black discolouration of skin.

5. Drugs to treat Erythema nodosum leprosum? Corticosteroids and thalidomide

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