phet’s presentation 2

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Goose Barnacle are beliefs of the strangest animal on earth. The goose barnacle’s eyes are in the black line between the chalky-white shells. The goose barnacle’s eggs are really rare , some people thought that the goose barnacles are new born baby goose

Crabs are 10-legged animal that walked side ways. There are almost 5,000 different species of crabs.

Most crabs live under the ocean some live on the ground example robber crab.

Hermit Crabs are crabs that have to change it’s shell every time it grows. Hermit crabs shell are not hard because hermit crabs like to use old shell that are on the ground.

Sea Anemones have no skeleton at all. They live attached to objects in the seas, usually the sea floor, rock, and coral, but they can slide around very slowly.

Chitons are in a class called Polyplacophora they have small and big shells . People commonly call them sea cradles .

Limpets are similar to snails , limpets have one shell and one big foot that really sticks. Limpets hunt at night because it’s safe.

There are many different types of sea stars with many different shapes, colors and sizes. Most sea stars have five arms or multiples of five. The arms radiate from a central disc. A few species have multiples of six.

Mussels are names for clams too it is found on the high tide zone and it’s found in low tide zone too.

Periwinkle snails live at the high tide and it’s a common snail tat people found at the intertidal zone. Periwinkle snails liked to sick on rocks.

Black-faced blenny is a fish that live at the middle tide and it grows up to 8.9cm

Sea urchins live around the middle tide and the low tide of the intertidal zone. Sea urchin has millions of feet under and it moves really slow. The spikes of the sea urchins are their teeth.

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