philcamsat and cmet granted bmi accreditation for 26 …...medical first aid training (a-vi/4-1) 6....

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5/2018 Volume 14 Issue 4

PHILCAMSAT and CMET Granted BMI Accreditation for 26 Courses

The Philippine Center for Advanced Maritime Simulation and Training, Inc. (PHILCAMSAT) and the Mapúa-PTC College of Maritime Education and Training (CMET) has further cemented their status as the country’s center for excellence in maritime education and training (MET) as they announce the accreditation of 26 of their programs and courses by the prestigious Belgian Maritime Inspectorate (BMI).

PHILCAMSAT and CMET hold the distinction of being the only institutions in Asia to be recognized by the BMI which operates under the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport agency of the Kingdom of Belgium.

Having initially accredited four STCW courses in 2014, BMI has now granted certification to 8 training programs under CMET and 18 under PHILCAMSAT. With this development, PHILCAMSAT trainees and graduates of CMET are assured that their training is compliant with international standards and is duly recognized by European-flagged ships, thereby helping secure their employment on board these vessels.

The BMI-accredited programs under CMET are as follows:

1. Training for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more (A-II/1)2. Training for ratings forming part of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more (A-II/4)3. Training for ratings as able seafarer deck4. Training for Certification of GMDSS radio operators 5. Training for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine room or as designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine room (A-III/1)6. Training for ratings forming part of a watch in a manned engine room or as designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine room (A-III/4)7. Training for ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned-engine room (A-III/5)8. Training for electro-technical ratings (ETR)

Meanwhile, the training courses under PHILCAMSAT that were accredited are:

1. Basic Safety Training (A-VI/1)2. Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats training (A-VI/2-1)3. Proficiency in fast rescue boats training (A-VI/2-2)4. Advanced firefighting training (A-VI/3)5. Medical First Aid Training (A-VI/4-1)6. Medical care on board a ship (A-VI/4-2)7. Refresher training on advanced firefighting8. Refresher training on proficiency in fast rescue boats9. Refresher training on proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats10. Refresher training on basic training (Personal training techniques and Fire prevention and firefighting)11. Ship Security Officer training (A-VI/5)12. Ship Security Awareness training (A-VI/6-1)13. Ship Security Duties training (A-VI/6-2)14. Basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations (A-V/1-1)15. Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations (A-V/1-1)16. Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations (A-V/1-1)17. Basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations (A-V/1-2)18. Advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations (A-V/1-2)

The certifications for the abovementioned courses were issued in Antwerp, Belgium by BMI Naval Architect-Director Bart Heylbroeck.

PTC at the 11th Seatrade Maritime Awards AsiaPTC joined the industry’s leading organizations and key stakeholders in celebrating and honoring the outstanding achievements of maritime individuals and companies at the 11th Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia. The awards gala was held at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore last April 25, 2018 in conjunction with the Singapore Maritime Week.

The Seatrade Lifetime Achievement of the Year Award, supported by PTC, was presented by Capt. Ronald Enrile, PTC Senior Executive Director for Government Affairs in Maritime and Sectoral Representation, to Ms. Tan Beng Tee, Assistant Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), in recognition of her contributions in developing and promoting Singapore as an International Maritime Centre (IMC).

“In line with the IMO’s programme on the Integration of Women in the Maritime Sector, we are especially pleased to have outstanding female executives winning major Awards this year. The Seatrade Maritime Awards Asia has the very important mission of recognizing and honoring outstanding achievements by individuals and companies across the maritime industry,” said Chris Hayman, Chairman, Seatrade UBM EMEA. Winners from the 13 competitive award categories were also unveiled on the night of the presentation ceremony.

PTC Receives Highest Rating in Quality Management System AuditPhilippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc. has successfully passed its second ISO 9001:2015 periodic audit conducted from April 19 to 20, 2018 by DNV-GL auditor Alexander Jose T. Javier. Without any Non-conformity and Observation noted during the audit, PTC garnered the highest rating of 5 on the Degree of Control for its Quality Management System (QMS). Several noteworthy efforts regarding the implementation of the company’s QMS were also commended during the audit.

ACM Home Conducts 2nd Run of Disaster Preparedness Workshop for PTC CommunitiesACM Foundation, in partnership with the PTC-CSJ Foundation and Museo Pambata, conducted a Disaster Preparedness Workshop last April 20 at the PTC South Clubhouse in Imus, Cavite. The workshop was organized to help ACM Communities establish community-based disaster preparedness programs and to educate children on the importance of risk reduction, preparation and planning. The interactive workshop was designed after the “Iza! Kaeru Caravan,” a Japanese disaster preparedness education program for children implemented locally by the Japan Foundation-Manila Office (JFMO) in partnership with Museo Pambata and MOVE Philippines. Through learning activities mixed with games, art exercises and music such as “Up, Shake and Evaluate,” “Connect the Objects” and “Be Wise, Improvise,” the children were able to simulate evacuation and emergency drills and understand disaster preparedness in a very fun and engaging manner.

CTI Now on Lean Blitz Constellation Travels, Inc. has now joined the Lean Blitz initiative, first implemented at PTC Inc. in 2017 through the company’s Business Process Control and Compliance. With the enthusiastic response of the various CTI Lean Blitz Teams, four top projects are already starting to make an impact within the organization and were recognized by the company last April 13, 2018. Named as the Best Project of the Quarter is the “Non-Printing of Tickets” by the CTI Support Group. The Visa Team’s “Paperless CA Request” placed second followed by the Cargo Department’s “Log Monitoring Improvement” and the Cruise Division’s “Change Shift Schedule.” The Lean Blitz System involves short but rapid project improvements focused on eliminating wastage and increasing efficiencies and productivity.

IT Graduates Join LifeLinks’ Nihongo Language Training LifeLinks International Resources Inc. proudly presents the first batch of newly-graduated Information Technology (IT) majors to be accepted to the Free Nihongo Language Training Program commencing this May. Successful graduates of the program, conducted in partnership with TechnoPro, will be eligible for deployment to various IT positions in Japan by the last quarter of 2018. For more information regarding the program, interested parties may call 0917-8157318 or visit

PTC GMP Takes Part in Rescue Operation in Mexico PTC salutes Global Maritime Professional Alejandro Flores, Able Seaman of NMM-Stena, for his part in the rescue operation conducted by the officers and crew of Stena Crystal Sky that helped save the lives of two Americans in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico last January 18, 2018. According to Northern Marine Manning Services, the LNG carrier received a distress call from the U.S. Coast Guard prompting the ship’s crew to set off on a 185-mile rescue mission through stormy conditions to the stranded yacht “Jaunt” and its occupants Don Spitler and Elizabeth Anderson.

The pair was on their way from Cabo San Lucas in Mexico bound for the Cook Islands via the Marquesas when they found themselves in unexpected heavy seas and an estimated 3-meter swell. The challenging conditions and resulting violent motion of the boat caused damage to the rudder and destroyed the yacht’s auto-pilot mechanism. Arriving at the scene, the Stena Crystal Sky deployed a rescue boat, commanded by Second Officer John Giffin, and ably assisted by Third Officer James Hamilton, Third Engineer Shaun Reid and AB Seaman Alejandro Flores. Battling difficult conditions, the crew brought the rescued sailors safely back to the LNG carrier where they stayed onboard until they were endorsed to the proper authorities in Panama.

PHILCAMSAT Launches Low Flash Point Fuel TrainingPHILCAMSAT, in partnership with Gassteknikk, is proud to introduce its IGF Code Basic Training Course, the first and only Low Flash Point Fuel (LFPF) Basic Training online course available in the Philippines.

Delivered in accordance with the IGF Code (STCW Table A-V/3-1), the training program aims to enhance the capability of seafarers deployed on LNG-fueled vessels. Through PHILCAMSAT and Gassteknikk, Filipino seafarers can equip themselves with a Certificate of Proficiency (COP) issued by the Norwegian Maritime Authority, a requirement for all shipboard personnel onboard vessels subject to the IGF Code. Interested parties may call PHILCAMSAT at (02) 7981111 local 3006 to 3008 or email for more details about the program.

WMU Students Visit PTC for Field Study TourWorld Maritime University (WMU) students under its Master of Science in Maritime Education and Training program visited First Maritime Place last April 19, 2018 to learn more about PTC and the local maritime industry as part of their Field Study Tour in the Philippines. Headed by WMU Associate Professor Dimitrios Dalaklis and accompanied by members of the Philippine Coast Guard, the delegation was comprised of eight graduate students representing South Africa, Vietnam, Namibia, Malaysia, Myanmar and the Philippines. After being given an overview of the company, the delegation toured the simulation training facilities of PHILCAMSAT and participated in round table discussions with executives of the PTC Group.

Jeppesen Offers Flight Dispatch Course (FOM-2) through PTC Mil-ComJeppesen, in partnership with PTC Mil-Com Aviation Training Center, will be offering its Flight Dispatch Course (FOM-2) in the Philippines from June 4 to July 13, 2018. The 6-week intensive certification training aims to educate and prepare flight dispatchers to take the written, oral, and practical exams leading to the issuance of an aircraft dispatcher certificate. Upon successful completion of the course, trainees will have the necessary knowledge and skills to earn the FAA Dispatcher Certificate issued in the United States.

The course is designed for existing Flight Dispatchers who want to obtain an FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Certificate, or current airline employees who plan to transition to an aircraft dispatcher/flight operations officer position. Pilots who are preparing for their Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) written exam, airline management & administration officers who wish to learn more about the technical details associated with air carrier transportation, and vendors who specialize in products and services for the aviation industry will also benefit from the program.

To register for the course, you may contact PTC Mil-Com at (02) 841-5551 or visit for more details.

PTC-CSJ Holds A Plastic Ocean Screening at the University of the PhilippinesContinuing the environmental advocacy of the PTC-CSJ Foundation, 90 students from the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman, Quezon City participated in the Plastic Oceans school roadshow “HindiAkoPLASTIC: A Collaboration on Sustainability” last February 20 at the Malcolm Hall, UP College of Law.

In collaboration with the Swedish Embassy in Manila, the roadshow features the award-winning documentary “A Plastic Ocean” by journalist Craig Leeson, which aims to address the growing threat of plastic pollution to the marine environment by engaging students in a conversation to rethink plastic. This marks the fifth leg of the roadshow following its launch last October 2017 in Laguna. The event is supported by PTC, the Philippine Center for Advanced Maritime Simulation and Training, Inc. (PHILCAMSAT), the

Swedish Institute, Business & Professional Women (BPW) Makati, Plastic Oceans Foundation, UP-Diliman University Student Council, The E-waste Project, UP Paralegal Volunteer’s Organization, UP Marine Biological Society, Ecowaste Coalition, UP Mountaineers, Ateneo Environmental Science Society, and UP College of Science Student Council.

Aalto Shipping Appoints Two Cargo Vessels to PTCThe Finnish company Aalto Shipping Company Oy, represented by Fleet Manager Capt. Matti Jerkola and Finance Manager Mr. Michael Schroder, visited First Maritime Place last March 16 to formally sign with PTC as their chosen provider of Filipino Crew to two of their vessels - MS Aurora & MS Bothnia.

The vessels are sister ships built in the Netherlands in 2002 with a fleet capacity of 7,750 tonnes (dwt) and an overall length of 120 meters. They also meet the high Finnish Ice Class Requirement 1A and are able to operate in difficult ice conditions.

Northern Star Awardees Explore Cambodia and Corregidor Sun, sand, sea, temples and history. These were only some of what the winners of the First Northern Star Polaris Awards enjoyed as a reward for their outstanding sales performance posted in 2017. Representatives of Grand Winners Caltex Bantay, Baguio and Laoag 3 enjoyed a 4-day, all-expenses-paid tour of Siem Reap in Cambodia. The trip included visits to major historic temples like Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, a boat ride on Lake Tonle Sap and shopping at the town’s sprawling night markets.

“Seeing an ancient wonder with our very own eyes and exploring such a majestic and beautiful place with our Northern Star family truly is an unforgettable experience. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and we look forward to our continued success with Northern Star for many years to come,” said Camille Singson of Caltex Bantay. Meanwhile, Polaris winners Caltex Tabuk, Bantay, Bangued 1 and 2, Baguio, Sta. Maria, Narvacan, Bangar, San Marcelino, Vigan and Bauang spent a memorable night at the historic island of Corregidor. Starting with a fastcraft ferry ride across Manila Bay, the group enjoyed a day tour of various locations that bore witness to the courage, valor and heroism of Filipino and American soldiers during World War II. A night visit to the mystical Malinta Tunnel featured an audio-visual presentation created by National Artist Lamberto V. Avellana showing Corregidor’s rich past. Lodging was at the luxurious Corregidor Inn and the following day was devoted to fun activities. “We thought Corregidor was just another island made famous by WW II,” said Sonny de Luna of Caltex San Marcelino. “But thanks to Northern Star, we were able to learn more about its historical significance, colorful past and unique beauty, making it a must-see for local and foreign tourists alike.”

John T. Essberger Holds SSHEQ SeminarDeutsche Afrika-Linien GmbH & Co./ John T. Essberger GmbH & Co. and Transocean Shipmanagement held a Safety, Security, Health, Environment and Quality (SSHEQ) Seminar for its officers and crew last April 16 to 18, 2018 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Manila. The conference included a workshop on Teamwork & Leadership and sessions on Safety Culture and Management, Port State Control Inspections, ISO 14001 Standards and Social Media Awareness, as well as, a fun and memorable fellowship night. Joining the conference were John T. Essberger’s Mr. Bjoern Borbe, Senior Crewing Manager; Capt. Dietrich Wulff, QA Manager; Mr. Lutz Weber, Chief Financial Officer; and Mr. Hartmut Nickel, Managing Director, Shipmanagement.

Team Blue Triumphs at the PTC Group Minilympics 2018Over 600 employees joined the PTC Group-wide Minilympics at the Splendido Taal Country Club in Tagaytay last April 14. An array of sports activities from fun minute-to-win-it style games to highly-competitive events such as basketball, volleyball, badminton, bowling and more took place throughout the day. Stepping up to the spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie, employees were grouped randomly into eight teams with each group being led by a captain and co-captains from various business units within the PTC Group. The roster of competitions commenced with a Zumba warm-up followed by a fun run and an entertaining rock-paper-scissors tournament. Each team then presented their respective cheers, setting everyone in a sports fest high. Capping it off was an exhilarating Bingo game and the awarding of winners.

Rising as Champion was the Blue Team led by Group Captain Rick Hawkins followed by Group Captain Toby Abaya’s Green Team at second place and Group Captain Stan Santiago’s Yellow Team at Third.

Customers of Northern Star’s Caltex Aringay in La Union received special treats of free collectible tumblers and snacks when the service station opened on April 26, 2018. Caltex Aringay is the town’s first Caltex service station and 9th in the province of La Union.

Mr. Stefanos Tzimas, Seagoing Personnel Manager of Eletson Corporation, visited PTC to conduct an audit on the local Eletson crewing office last March 6 to 18, 2018. He is joined by PTC Inc.’s Capt. Stan Santiago, Vice President for Crewing Operations; C/E Gil S. Magdirila, Fleet Manager; Mr. Gener Barco, Crewing Manager; Ms. Mary Grace Abella, Marine Personnel Assistant and Ms. Marilyn Lozano, Quality Management Representative.

Congratulations to Commodore Honorio Casalme, PTC Senior Crewing Manager, for bagging the Ryder Cup Championship as part of the Filipino Team at the 14th Filipino Association for Mariners’ Employment, Inc. (FAME) Annual Golf Invitational Tournament held at the Wack Wack Golf & Country Club in Mandaluyong City last April 13, 2018. Commo. Casalme was also named as the Low Net Champ and winner of the 2 on 2 Putt.


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