philippine family code

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  • 8/14/2019 Philippine Family Code



    July 6, 1987

    I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtueof the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do herebyorder nd promul!te the "mily Code of the Philippines, sfollows#

    $I$%& I


    Chpter ). Re*uisites of 'rri!eArti+le ). 'rri!e is spe+il +ontr+t of permnent unionbetween mn nd womn entered into in ++ordn+e withlw for the estblishment of +onu!l nd fmily life. It is thefoundtion of the fmily nd n inviolble so+il institutionwhose nture, +onse*uen+es, nd in+idents re !overned bylw nd not sube+t to stipultion, e-+ept tht mrri!esettlements my fi- the property reltions durin! the mrri!ewithin the limits provided by this Code. /01

    Art. 0. No mrri!e shll be vlid, unless these essentil

    re*uisites re present#

    )1 %e!l +p+ity of the +ontr+tin! prties who must be mle nd femle2 nd

    01 Consent freely !iven in the presen+e of thesolemni3in! offi+er. /41

    Art. 4. $he forml re*uisites of mrri!e re#)1 Authority of the solemni3in! offi+er2

    01 A vlid mrri!e li+ense e-+ept in the +ses providedfor in Chpter 0 of this $itle2 nd

    41 A mrri!e +eremony whi+h t5es pl+e with theppern+e of the +ontr+tin! prties before thesolemni3in! offi+er nd their personl de+lrtion thtthey t5e e+h other s husbnd nd wife in the presen+eof not less thn two witnesses of le!l !e. /4, //1

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    Art. 6. $he bsen+e of ny of the essentil or forml re*uisitesshll render the mrri!e void ab initio, e-+ept s stted inArti+le 4/ 01.

    A defe+t in ny of the essentil re*uisites shll not ffe+t the

    vlidity of the mrri!e but the prty or prties responsible forthe irre!ulrity shll be +ivilly, +riminlly nd dministrtivelylible.n1

    Art. /. Any mle or femle of the !e of ei!hteen yers orupwrds not under ny of the impediments mentioned inArti+les 47 nd 48, my +ontr+t mrri!e. /61

    Art. 9. No pres+ribed form or reli!ious rite for thesolemni3tion of the mrri!e is re*uired. It shll bene+essry, however, for the +ontr+tin! prties to pper

    personlly before the solemni3in! offi+er nd de+lre in thepresen+e of not less thn two witnesses of le!l !e tht theyt5e e+h other s husbnd nd wife. $his de+lrtion shll be+ontined in the mrri!e +ertifi+te whi+h shll be si!ned bythe +ontr+tin! prties nd their witnesses nd ttested by thesolemni3in! offi+er.

    In +se of mrri!e in articulo mortis, when the prty t thepoint of deth is unble to si!n the mrri!e +ertifi+te, itshll be suffi+ient for one of the witnesses to the mrri!e towrite the nme of sid prty, whi+h f+t shll be ttested by

    the solemni3in! offi+er.//1

    Art. 7. 'rri!e my be solemni3ed by#

    )1 Any in+umbent member of the udi+iry within the+ourt:s urisdi+tion2

    01 Any priest, rbbi, imm, or minister of ny +hur+h orreli!ious se+t duly uthori3ed by his +hur+h or reli!iousse+t nd re!istered with the +ivil re!istrr !enerl, +tin!within the limits of the written uthority !rnted by his

    +hur+h or reli!ious se+t nd provided tht t lest one ofthe +ontr+tin! prties belon!s to the solemni3in!offi+er:s +hur+h or reli!ious se+t2

    41 Any ship +ptin or irplne +hief only in the +sementioned in Arti+le 4)2

    61 Any militry +ommnder of unit to whi+h +hplin

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    is ssi!ned, in the bsen+e of the ltter, durin! militryopertion, li5ewise only in the +ses mentioned in Arti+le402

    /1 Any +onsul;!enerl, +onsul or vi+e;+onsul in the +se

    provided in Arti+le )

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    91 Present residen+e nd +iti3enship2

    71 ?e!ree of reltionship of the +ontr+tin! prties2

    81 "ull nme, residen+e nd +iti3enship of the fther2

    =1 "ull nme, residen+e nd +iti3enship of the mother2nd


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    defult, persons of !ood reputtion in the provin+e or thelo+lity.

    $he presenttion of birth or bptisml +ertifi+te shll not bere*uired if the prents of the +ontr+tin! prties pper

    personlly before the lo+l +ivil re!istrr +on+erned nd swerto the +orre+tness of the lwful !e of sid prties, s sttedin the ppli+tion, or when the lo+l +ivil re!istrr shll, bymerely loo5in! t the ppli+nts upon their personllypperin! before him, be +onvin+ed tht either or both of themhve the re*uired !e. 9

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    sworn sttement by the +ontr+tin! prties to the effe+t thtsu+h dvi+e hs been sou!ht, to!ether with the written dvi+e!iven, if ny, shll be tt+hed to the ppli+tion for mrri!eli+ense. @hould the prents or !urdin refuse to !ive nydvi+e, this f+t shll be stted in the sworn sttement. 901

    Art. )9. In the +ses where prentl +onsent or prentl dvi+eis needed, the prty or prties +on+erned shll, in ddition tothe re*uirements of the pre+edin! rti+les, tt+h +ertifi+teissued by priest, imm or minister uthori3ed to solemni3emrri!e under Arti+le 7 of this Code or mrri!e +ounselorduly ++redited by the proper !overnment !en+y to the effe+ttht the +ontr+tin! prties hve under!one mrri!e+ounselin!. "ilure to tt+h sid +ertifi+tes of mrri!e+ounselin! shll suspend the issun+e of the mrri!e li+ensefor period of three months from the +ompletion of the

    publi+tion of the ppli+tion. Issun+e of the mrri!e li+ensewithin the prohibited period shll sube+t the issuin! offi+er todministrtive sn+tions but shll not ffe+t the vlidity of themrri!e.

    @hould only one of the +ontr+tin! prties need prentl+onsent or prentl dvi+e, the other prty must be present tthe +ounselin! referred to in the pre+edin! pr!rph. n1

    Art. )7. $he lo+l +ivil re!istrr shll prepre noti+e whi+hshll +ontin the full nmes nd residen+es of the ppli+nts

    for mrri!e li+ense nd other dt !iven in the ppli+tions.$he noti+e shll be posted for ten +onse+utive dys on bulletin bord outside the offi+e of the lo+l +ivil re!istrrlo+ted in +onspi+uous pl+e within the buildin! nd++essible to the !enerl publi+. $his noti+e shll re*uest llpersons hvin! 5nowled!e of ny impediment to the mrri!eto dvise the lo+l +ivil re!istrr thereof. $he mrri!e li+enseshll be issued fter the +ompletion of the period ofpubli+tion. 941

    Art. )8. In +se of ny impediment 5nown to the lo+l +ivil

    re!istrr or brou!ht to his ttention, he shll note down theprti+ulrs thereof nd his findin!s thereon in the ppli+tionfor mrri!e li+ense, but shll nonetheless issue sid li+ensefter the +ompletion of the period of publi+tion, unlessordered otherwise by +ompetent +ourt t his own instn+e ortht of ny interest prty. No filin! fee shll be +hr!ed for thepetition nor +orrespondin! bond re*uired for the issun+esof the order. 961

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    Art. )=. $he lo+l +ivil re!istrr shll re*uire the pyment ofthe fees pres+ribed by lw or re!ultions before the issun+eof the mrri!e li+ense. No other sum shll be +olle+ted in thenture of fee or t- of ny 5ind for the issun+e of sidli+ense. It shll, however, be issued free of +hr!e to indi!ent

    prties, tht is those who hve no visible mens of in+ome orwhose in+ome is insuffi+ient for their subsisten+e f+testblished by their ffidvit, or by their oth before the lo+l+ivil re!istrr. 9/1

    Art. 0hen either or both of the +ontr+tin! prties re+iti3ens of forei!n +ountry, it shll be ne+essry for thembefore mrri!e li+ense +n be obtined, to submit +ertifi+te of le!l +p+ity to +ontr+t mrri!e, issued bytheir respe+tive diplomti+ or +onsulr offi+ils.

    @tteless persons or refu!ees from other +ountries shll, inlieu of the +ertifi+te of le!l +p+ity herein re*uired, submitn ffidvit sttin! the +ir+umstn+es showin! su+h +p+ityto +ontr+t mrri!e.991

    Art. 00. $he mrri!e +ertifi+te, in whi+h the prties shllde+lre tht they t5e e+h other s husbnd nd wife, shlllso stte#

    )1 $he full nme, se- nd !e of e+h +ontr+tin! prty2

    01 $heir +iti3enship, reli!ion nd hbitul residen+e2

    41 $he dte nd pre+ise time of the +elebrtion of themrri!e2

    61 $ht the proper mrri!e li+ense hs been issued++ordin! to lw, e-+ept in mrri!e provided for inChpter 0 of this $itle2

    /1 $ht either or both of the +ontr+tin! prties hvese+ured the prentl +onsent in pproprite +ses2

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    91 $ht either or both of the +ontr+tin! prties hve+omplied with the le!l re*uirement re!rdin! prentldvi+e in pproprite +ses2 nd

    71 $ht the prties hve entered into mrri!e

    settlement, if ny, tt+hin! +opy thereof.971

    Art. 04. It shll be the duty of the person solemni3in! themrri!e to furnish either of the +ontr+tin! prties theori!inl of the mrri!e +ertifi+te referred to in Arti+le 9 ndto send the dupli+te nd tripli+te +opies of the +ertifi+te notlter thn fifteen dys fter the mrri!e, to the lo+l +ivilre!istrr of the pl+e where the mrri!e ws solemni3ed.Proper re+eipts shll be issued by the lo+l +ivil re!istrr tothe solemni3in! offi+er trnsmittin! +opies of the mrri!e+ertifi+te. $he solemni3in! offi+er shll retin in his file the

    *udrupli+te +opy of the mrri!e +ertifi+te, the +opy of themrri!e +ertifi+te, the ori!inl of the mrri!e li+ense nd,in proper +ses, the ffidvit of the +ontr+tin! prtyre!rdin! the solemni3tion of the mrri!e in pl+e otherthn those mentioned in Arti+le 8.981

    Art. 06. It shll be the duty of the lo+l +ivil re!istrr toprepre the do+uments re*uired by this $itle, nd todminister oths to ll interested prties without ny +hr!ein both +ses. $he do+uments nd ffidvits filed in +onne+tionwith ppli+tions for mrri!e li+enses shll be e-empt from

    do+umentry stmp t-. n1

    Art. 0/. $he lo+l +ivil re!istrr +on+erned shll enter llppli+tions for mrri!e li+enses filed with him in re!istryboo5 stri+tly in the order in whi+h the sme re re+eived. eshll re+ord in sid boo5 the nmes of the ppli+nts, the dteon whi+h the mrri!e li+ense ws issued, nd su+h other dts my be ne+essry. n1

    Art. 09. All mrri!es solemni3ed outside the Philippines, in++ordn+e with the lws in for+e in the +ountry where they

    were solemni3ed, nd vlid there s su+h, shll lso be vlid inthis +ountry, e-+ept those prohibited under Arti+les 4/ )1, 61,/1 nd 91, 4947 nd 48. )71

    >here mrri!e between "ilipino +iti3en nd forei!ner isvlidly +elebrted nd divor+e is therefter vlidly obtinedbrod by the lien spouse +p+ittin! him or her to remrry,the "ilipino spouse shll hve +p+ity to remrry under

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    Philippine lw. As mended by &-e+utive Order 0071

    Chpter 0. 'rri!es &-empted from %i+ense Re*uirement

    Art. 07. In +se either or both of the +ontr+tin! prties re tthe point of deth, the mrri!e my be solemni3ed withoutne+essity of mrri!e li+ense nd shll remin vlid even ifthe ilin! prty subse*uently survives. 701

    Art. 08. If the residen+e of either prty is so lo+ted tht thereis no mens of trnsporttion to enble su+h prty to pperpersonlly before the lo+l +ivil re!istrr, the mrri!e my besolemni3ed without ne+essity of mrri!e li+ense. 701

    Art. 0=. In the +ses provided for in the two pre+edin! rti+les,

    the solemni3in! offi+er shll stte in n ffidvit e-e+utedbefore the lo+l +ivil re!istrr or ny other person le!llyuthori3ed to dminister oths tht the mrri!e wsperformed in articulo mortis or tht the residen+e of eitherprty, spe+ifyin! the brrio or brn!y, is so lo+ted thtthere is no mens of trnsporttion to enble su+h prty topper personlly before the lo+l +ivil re!istrr nd tht theoffi+er too5 the ne+essry steps to s+ertin the !es ndreltionship of the +ontr+tin! prties nd the bsen+e of le!limpediment to the mrri!e. 701

    Art. 4

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    Art. 44. 'rri!es mon! 'uslims or mon! members of theethni+ +ulturl +ommunities my be performed vlidly withoutthe ne+essity of mrri!e li+ense, provided they resolemni3ed in ++ordn+e with their +ustoms, rites orpr+ti+es.781

    Art. 46. No li+ense shll be ne+essry for the mrri!e of mn nd womn who hve lived to!ether s husbnd ndwife for t lest five yers nd without ny le!l impedimentto mrry e+h other. $he +ontr+tin! prties shll stte thefore!oin! f+ts in n ffidvit before ny person uthori3ed bylw to dminister oths. $he solemni3in! offi+er shll lsostte under oth tht he s+ertined the *ulifi+tions of the+ontr+tin! prties re found no le!l impediment to themrri!e. 791

    Chpter 4. Boid nd Boidble 'rri!esArt. 4/. $he followin! mrri!es shll be void from thebe!innin!#

    )1 $hose +ontr+ted by ny prty below ei!hteen yersof !e even with the +onsent of prents or !urdins2

    01 $hose solemni3ed by ny person not le!llyuthori3ed to perform mrri!es unless su+h mrri!eswere +ontr+ted with either or both prties believin! in

    !ood fith tht the solemni3in! offi+er hd the le!luthority to do so2

    41 $hose solemni3ed without li+ense, e-+ept those+overed the pre+edin! Chpter2

    61 $hose bi!mous or poly!mous mrri!es not filin!under Arti+le 6)2

    /1 $hose +ontr+ted throu!h mist5e of one +ontr+tin!prty s to the identity of the other2 nd

    91 $hose subse*uent mrri!es tht re void underArti+le /4.

    Art. 49. A mrri!e +ontr+ted by ny prty who, t the time ofthe +elebrtion, ws psy+holo!i+lly in+p+itted to +omplywith the essentil mritl obli!tions of mrri!e, shll

  • 8/14/2019 Philippine Family Code


    li5ewise be void even if su+h in+p+ity be+omes mnifest onlyfter its solemni3tion. As mended by &-e+utive Order 0071

    Art. 47. 'rri!es between the followin! re in+estuous ndvoid from the be!innin!, whether reltionship between the

    prties be le!itimte or ille!itimte#

    )1 etween s+endnts nd des+endnts of ny de!ree2nd

    01 etween brothers nd sisters, whether of the full orhlf blood. 8)1

    Art. 48. $he followin! mrri!es shll be void from thebe!innin! for resons of publi+ poli+y#

    )1 etween +ollterl blood reltives whether le!itimte

    or ille!itimte, up to the fourth +ivil de!ree2

    01 etween step;prents nd step;+hildren2

    41 etween prents;in;lw nd +hildren;in;lw2

    61 etween the doptin! prent nd the dopted +hild2

    /1 etween the survivin! spouse of the doptin! prentnd the dopted +hild2

    91 etween the survivin! spouse of the dopted +hildnd the dopter2

    71 etween n dopted +hild nd le!itimte +hild ofthe dopter2

    81 etween dopted +hildren of the sme dopter2 nd

    =1 etween prties where one, with the intention tomrry the other, 5illed tht other person:s spouse, or hisor her own spouse. 801

    Art. 4=. $he +tion or defense for the de+lrtion of bsolutenullity of mrri!e shll not pres+ribe. As mended by &-e+utive Order007 nd Republi+ A+t No. 8/442 $he phrse"However, in case of marriage celebrated before the effectivity ofthis Code and falling under Article 36, such action or defense shall prescribe in ten years after this Code shall takeneffect"hs been deleted by Republi+ A+t No. 8/44 DApproved "ebrury 04, )==8E1.
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    Art. 6

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    shll be forfeited in fvor of the +ommon +hildren or, ifthere re none, the +hildren of the !uilty spouse by previous mrri!e or in defult of +hildren, the inno+entspouse2

    41 ?ontions by reson of mrri!e shll remin vlid,e-+ept tht if the donee +ontr+ted the mrri!e in bdfith, su+h dontions mde to sid donee re revo5ed byopertion of lw2

    61 $he inno+ent spouse my revo5e the desi!ntion ofthe other spouse who +ted in bd fith s benefi+iry inny insurn+e poli+y, even if su+h desi!ntion bestipulted s irrevo+ble2 nd

    /1 $he spouse who +ontr+ted the subse*uent mrri!e

    in bd fith shll be dis*ulified to inherit from theinno+ent spouse by testte nd intestte su++ession.n1

    Art. 66. If both spouses of the subse*uent mrri!e +ted inbd fith, sid mrri!e shll be void ab initiond lldontions by reson of mrri!e nd testmentrydispositions mde by one in fvor of the other re revo5ed byopertion of lw.n1

    Art. 6/. A mrri!e my be nnulled for ny of the followin!+uses, e-istin! t the time of the mrri!e#

    )1 $ht the prty in whose behlf it is sou!ht to hve themrri!e nnulled ws ei!hteen yers of !e or over butbelow twenty;one, nd the mrri!e ws solemni3edwithout the +onsent of the prents, !urdin or personhvin! substitute prentl uthority over the prty, intht order, unless fter ttinin! the !e of twenty;one,su+h prty freely +ohbited with the other nd both livedto!ether s husbnd nd wife2

    01 $ht either prty ws of unsound mind, unless su+h

    prty fter +omin! to reson, freely +ohbited with theother s husbnd nd wife2

    41 $ht the +onsent of either prty ws obtined byfrud, unless su+h prty fterwrds, with full 5nowled!eof the f+ts +onstitutin! the frud, freely +ohbited withthe other s husbnd nd wife2

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    61 $ht the +onsent of either prty ws obtined byfor+e, intimidtion or undue influen+e, unless the smehvin! disppered or +esed, su+h prty therefterfreely +ohbited with the other s husbnd nd wife2

    /1 $ht either prty ws physi+lly in+pble of+onsummtin! the mrri!e with the other, nd su+hin+p+ity +ontinues nd ppers to be in+urble2 or

    91 $ht either prty ws ffli+ted with se-ully;trnsmissible disese found to be serious nd ppers tobe in+urble. 8/1

    Art. 69. Any of the followin! +ir+umstn+es shll +onstitutefrud referred to in Number 4 of the pre+edin! Arti+le#

    )1 Non;dis+losure of previous +onvi+tion by finl

    ud!ment of the other prty of +rime involvin! morlturpitude2

    01 Con+elment by the wife of the f+t tht t the time ofthe mrri!e, she ws pre!nnt by mn other thn herhusbnd2

    41 Con+elment of se-ully trnsmissible disese,re!rdless of its nture, e-istin! t the time of themrri!e2 or

    61 Con+elment of dru! ddi+tion, hbitul l+oholism orhomose-ulity or lesbinism e-istin! t the time of themrri!e.

    No other misrepresenttion or de+eit s to +hr+ter, helth,rn5, fortune or +hstity shll +onstitute su+h frud s will !ive!rounds for +tion for the nnulment of mrri!e.891

    Art. 67. $he +tion for nnulment of mrri!e must be filed bythe followin! persons nd within the periods indi+ted herein#

    )1 "or +uses mentioned in number ) of Arti+le 6/ by theprty whose prent or !urdin did not !ive his or her+onsent, within five yers fter ttinin! the !e oftwenty;one, or by the prent or !urdin or personhvin! le!l +hr!e of the minor, t ny time before su+hprty hs re+hed the !e of twenty;one2

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    01 "or +uses mentioned in number 0 of Arti+le 6/, bythe sme spouse, who hd no 5nowled!e of the other:sinsnity2 or by ny reltive or !urdin or person hvin!le!l +hr!e of the insne, t ny time before the dethof either prty, or by the insne spouse durin! lu+id

    intervl or fter re!inin! snity2

    41 "or +uses mentioned in number 4 of Arti+le 6/, bythe inured prty, within five yers fter the dis+overy ofthe frud2

    61 "or +uses mentioned in number 6 of Arti+le 6/, bythe inured prty, within five yers from the time thefor+e, intimidtion or undue influen+e disppered or+esed2

    /1 "or +uses mentioned in number / nd 9 of Arti+le 6/,by the inured prty, within five yers fter the mrri!e.871

    Art. 68. In ll +ses of nnulment or de+lrtion of bsolutenullity of mrri!e, the Court shll order the prose+utin!ttorney or fis+l ssi!ned to it to pper on behlf of the@tte to t5e steps to prevent +ollusion between the prtiesnd to t5e +re tht eviden+e is not fbri+ted or suppressed.

    In the +ses referred to in the pre+edin! pr!rph, no

    ud!ment shll be bsed upon stipultion of f+ts or+onfession of ud!ment.881

    Art. 6=. ?urin! the penden+y of the +tion nd in the bsen+eof de*ute provisions in written !reement between thespouses, the Court shll provide for the support of the spousesnd the +ustody nd support of their +ommon +hildren. $heCourt shll !ive prmount +onsidertion to the morl ndmteril welfre of sid +hildren nd their +hoi+e of the prentwith whom they wish to remin s provided to in $itle IF. Itshll lso provide for pproprite visittion ri!hts of the other


    Art. /

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    $he finl ud!ment in su+h +ses shll provide for theli*uidtion, prtition nd distribution of the properties of thespouses, the +ustody nd support of the +ommon +hildren, ndthe delivery of third presumptive le!itimes, unless su+hmtters hd been dudi+ted in previous udi+il pro+eedin!s.

    All +reditors of the spouses s well s of the bsolute+ommunity or the +onu!l prtnership shll be notified of thepro+eedin!s for li*uidtion.

    In the prtition, the +onu!l dwellin! nd the lot on whi+h it issituted, shll be dudi+ted in ++ordn+e with theprovisions of Arti+les )

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    Children +on+eived or born of the subse*uent mrri!e underArti+le /4 shll li5ewise be le!itimte.

    $I$%& II

    %&(A% @&PARA$IONArt. //. A petition for le!l seprtion my be filed on ny ofthe followin! !rounds#

    )1 Repeted physi+l violen+e or !rossly busive +ondu+tdire+ted !inst the petitioner, +ommon +hild, or +hildof the petitioner2

    01 Physi+l violen+e or morl pressure to +ompel thepetitioner to +hn!e reli!ious or politi+l ffilition2

    41 Attempt of respondent to +orrupt or indu+e thepetitioner, +ommon +hild, or +hild of the petitioner, toen!!e in prostitution, or +onnivn+e in su+h +orruptionor indu+ement2

    61 "inl ud!ment senten+in! the respondent toimprisonment of more thn si- yers, even if prdoned2

    /1 ?ru! ddi+tion or hbitul l+oholism of therespondent2

    91 %esbinism or homose-ulity of the respondent2

    71 Contr+tin! by the respondent of subse*uentbi!mous mrri!e, whether in the Philippines or brod2

    81 @e-ul infidelity or perversion2

    =1 Attempt by the respondent !inst the life of thepetitioner2 or


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    )1 >here the !!rieved prty hs +ondoned the offenseor +t +omplined of2

    01 >here the !!rieved prty hs +onsented to the+ommission of the offense or +t +omplined of2

    41 >here there is +onnivn+e between the prties in the+ommission of the offense or +t +onstitutin! the !roundfor le!l seprtion2

    61 >here both prties hve !iven !round for le!lseprtion2

    /1 >here there is +ollusion between the prties to obtinde+ree of le!l seprtion2 or

    91 >here the +tion is brred by pres+ription. )

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    the sme powers nd duties s those of !urdin under theRules of Court.)

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    $he +tion to revo5e the dontion under this Arti+le must bebrou!ht within five yers from the time the de+ree of le!lseprtion be+ome finl. )

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    +reditor:s +lim. )=/, )&&N U@AN? AN? >I"&

    Art. 98. $he husbnd nd wife re obli!ed to live to!ether,observe mutul love, respe+t nd fidelity, nd render mutulhelp nd support. )

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    01 enefit hs o++urred to the fmily prior to theobe+tion or therefter. If the benefit ++rued prior to theobe+tion, the resultin! obli!tion shll be enfor+ed!inst the seprte property of the spouse who hs notobtined +onsent.

    $he fore!oin! provisions shll not preudi+e the ri!hts of+reditors who +ted in !ood fith.))71

    $I$%& IB

    PROP&R$G R&%A$ION@ &$>&&N U@AN? AN? >I"&

    Chpter ). (enerl ProvisionsArt. 76. $he property reltionship between husbnd nd wife

    shll be !overned in the followin! order#)1 y mrri!e settlements e-e+uted before themrri!e2

    01 y the provisions of this Code2 nd

    41 y the lo+l +ustom. ))81

    Art. 7/. $he future spouses my, in the mrri!e settlements,!ree upon the re!ime of bsolute +ommunity, +onu!lprtnership of !ins, +omplete seprtion of property, or ny

    other re!ime. In the bsen+e of mrri!e settlement, orwhen the re!ime !reed upon is void, the system of bsolute+ommunity of property s estblished in this Code shll!overn. ))=1

    Art. 79. In order tht ny modifi+tion in the mrri!esettlements my be vlid, it must be mde before the+elebrtion of the mrri!e, sube+t to the provisions ofArti+les 99, 97, )08, )4/ nd )49. )0)1

    Art. 77. $he mrri!e settlements nd ny modifi+tion thereof

    shll be in writin!, si!ned by the prties nd e-e+uted beforethe +elebrtion of the mrri!e. $hey shll not preudi+e thirdpersons unless they re re!istered in the lo+l +ivil re!istrywhere the mrri!e +ontr+t is re+orded s well s in theproper re!istries of properties. )001

    Art. 78. A minor who ++ordin! to lw my +ontr+t mrri!emy lso e-e+ute his or her mrri!e settlements, but they

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    shll be vlid only if the persons desi!nted in Arti+le )6 to!ive +onsent to the mrri!e re mde prties to the!reement, sube+t to the provisions of $itle IF of this Code.)0

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    Art. 86. If the future spouses !ree upon re!ime other thnthe bsolute +ommunity of property, they +nnot donte toe+h other in their mrri!e settlements more thn one;fifth oftheir present property. Any e-+ess shll be +onsidered void.

    ?ontions of future property shll be !overned by theprovisions on testmentry su++ession nd the formlities ofwills.)4hen the mrri!e t5es pl+e without the +onsent ofthe prents or !urdin, s re*uired by lw2

    41 >hen the mrri!e is nnulled, nd the donee +tedin bd fith2

    61 Upon le!l seprtion, the donee bein! the !uiltyspouse2

    /1 If it is with resolutory +ondition nd the +ondition is+omplied with2

    91 >hen the donee hs +ommitted n +t of in!rtitudes spe+ified by the provisions of the Civil Code on

    dontions in !enerl. )401

    Art. 87. &very dontion or !rnt of !rtuitous dvnt!e,dire+t or indire+t, between the spouses durin! the mrri!eshll be void, e-+ept moderte !ifts whi+h the spouses my!ive e+h other on the o++sion of ny fmily reoi+in!. $heprohibition shll lso pply to persons livin! to!ether s

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    husbnd nd wife without vlid mrri!e.)441

    Chpter 4. @ystem of Absolute Community

    @e+tion ). (enerl Provisions

    Art. 88. $he bsolute +ommunity of property between spousesshll +ommen+e t the pre+ise moment tht the mrri!e is+elebrted. Any stipultion, e-press or implied, for the+ommen+ement of the +ommunity re!ime t ny other timeshll be void. )6/1

    Art. 8=. No wiver of ri!hts, shres nd effe+ts of the bsolute+ommunity of property durin! the mrri!e +n be mdee-+ept in +se of udi+il seprtion of property.

    >hen the wiver t5es pl+e upon udi+il seprtion ofproperty, or fter the mrri!e hs been dissolved or nnulled,the sme shll pper in publi+ instrument nd shll bere+orded s provided in Arti+le 77. $he +reditors of the spousewho mde su+h wiver my petition the +ourt to res+ind thewiver to the e-tent of the mount suffi+ient to +over themount of their +redits.)691

    Art. =ht Constitutes Community PropertyArt. =). Unless otherwise provided in this Chpter or in themrri!e settlements, the +ommunity property shll +onsist ofll the property owned by the spouses t the time of the+elebrtion of the mrri!e or +*uired therefter. )=71

    Art. =0. $he followin! shll be e-+luded from the +ommunityproperty#

    )1 Property +*uired durin! the mrri!e by !rtuitoustitle by either spouse, nd the fruits s well s thein+ome thereof, if ny, unless it is e-pressly provided bythe donor, testtor or !rntor tht they shll form prt ofthe +ommunity property2

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    01 Property for personl nd e-+lusive use of eitherspouse. owever, ewelry shll form prt of the+ommunity property2

    41 Property +*uired before the mrri!e by either

    spouse who hs le!itimte des+endnts by formermrri!e, nd the fruits s well s the in+ome, if ny, ofsu+h property. 0

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    the e-+lusive purpose of +ommen+in! or +ompletin! professionl or vo+tionl +ourse or other +tivity forself;improvement2

    =1 Ante;nuptil debts of either spouse other thn those

    fllin! under pr!rph 71 of this Arti+le, the support ofille!itimte +hildren of either spouse, nd libilitiesin+urred by either spouse by reson of +rime or *usi;deli+t, in +se of bsen+e or insuffi+ien+y of the e-+lusiveproperty of the debtor;spouse, the pyment of whi+hshll be +onsidered s dvn+es to be dedu+ted from theshre of the debtor;spouse upon li*uidtion of the+ommunity2 nd


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    owever, the trns+tion shll be +onstrued s +ontinuin!offer on the prt of the +onsentin! spouse nd the thirdperson, nd my be perfe+ted s bindin! +ontr+t upon the++eptn+e by the other spouse or uthori3tion by the +ourtbefore the offer is withdrwn by either or both offerors.0hen there is de+ree of le!l seprtion2

    41 >hen the mrri!e is nnulled or de+lred void2 or

    61 In +se of udi+il seprtion of property durin! the

    mrri!e under Arti+les )46 to )48. )7/1

    Art. )

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    the fruits or pro+eeds thereof to stisfy the ltter:s shre.)781

    Art. )

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    voluntry wiver of su+h shre provided in this Code. "orpurpose of +omputin! the net profits sube+t to forfeiturein ++ordn+e with Arti+les 64, No. 01 nd 94, No. 01, thesid profits shll be the in+rese in vlue between themr5et vlue of the +ommunity property t the time of

    the +elebrtion of the mrri!e nd the mr5et vlue tthe time of its dissolution.

    /1 $he presumptive le!itimes of the +ommon +hildrenshll be delivered upon prtition, in ++ordn+e withArti+le /).

    91 Unless otherwise !reed upon by the prties, in theprtition of the properties, the +onu!l dwellin! nd thelot on whi+h it is situted shll be dudi+ted to thespouse with whom the mority of the +ommon +hildren

    +hoose to remin. Children below the !e of seven yersre deemed to hve +hosen the mother, unless the +ourths de+ided otherwise. In +se there in no su+h mority,the +ourt shll de+ide, t5in! into +onsidertion the bestinterests of sid +hildren. n1

    Art. )

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    the sme shll be divided between the different +ommunitiesin proportion to the +pitl nd durtion of e+h. )8=1

    Chpter 6. Conu!l Prtnership of (ins

    @e+tion ). (enerl ProvisionsArt. )

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    41 $ht whi+h is +*uired by ri!ht of redemption, bybrter or by e-+hn!e with property belon!in! to onlyone of the spouses2 nd

    61 $ht whi+h is pur+hsed with e-+lusive money of the

    wife or of the husbnd. )681

    Art. ))

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    the +*uisition ppers to hve been mde, +ontr+ted orre!istered in the nme of one or both spouses, is presumed tobe +onu!l unless the +ontrry is proved. )9henever n mount or +redit pyble within period of time belon!s to one of the spouses, the sums whi+h

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    my be +olle+ted durin! the mrri!e in prtil pyments or byinstllments on the prin+ipl shll be the e-+lusive property ofthe spouse. owever, interests fllin! due durin! the mrri!eon the prin+ipl shll belon! to the +onu!l prtnership. )/9,)/71

    Art. )0hen the +ost of the improvement mde by the +onu!lprtnership nd ny resultin! in+rese in vlue re morethn the vlue of the property t the time of theimprovement, the entire property of one of the spousesshll belon! to the +onu!l prtnership, sube+t toreimbursement of the vlue of the property of the owner;spouse t the time of the improvement2 otherwise, sidproperty shll be retined in ownership by the owner;spouse, li5ewise sube+t to reimbursement of the +ost ofthe improvement.

    In either +se, the ownership of the entire property shllbe vested upon the reimbursement, whi+h shll be mdet the time of the li*uidtion of the +onu!l prtnership.)/81

    @e+tion 6. Chr!es Upon nd Obli!tions ofthe Conu!l Prtnership

    Art. )0). $he +onu!l prtnership shll be lible for#

    )1 $he support of the spouse, their +ommon +hildren,nd the le!itimte +hildren of either spouse2 however,the support of ille!itimte +hildren shll be !overned bythe provisions of this Code on @upport2

    01 All debts nd obli!tions +ontr+ted durin! the

    mrri!e by the desi!nted dministrtor;spouse for thebenefit of the +onu!l prtnership of !ins, or by bothspouses or by one of them with the +onsent of the other2

    41 ?ebts nd obli!tions +ontr+ted by either spousewithout the +onsent of the other to the e-tent tht thefmily my hve benefited2

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    61 All t-es, liens, +hr!es, nd e-penses, in+ludin!mor or minor repirs upon the +onu!l prtnershipproperty2

    /1 All t-es nd e-penses for mere preservtion mde

    durin! the mrri!e upon the seprte property of eitherspouse2

    91 &-penses to enble either spouse to +ommen+e or+omplete professionl, vo+tionl, or other +tivity forself;improvement2

    71 Ante;nuptil debts of either spouse insofr s theyhve redounded to the benefit of the fmily2

    81 $he vlue of wht is donted or promised by both

    spouses in fvor of their +ommon le!itimte +hildren forthe e-+lusive purpose of +ommen+in! or +ompletin! professionl or vo+tionl +ourse or other +tivity forself;improvement2 nd

    =1 &-penses of liti!tion between the spouses unless thesuit is found to !roundless.

    If the +onu!l prtnership is insuffi+ient to +over thefore!oin! libilities, the spouses shll be solidrily lible forthe unpid bln+e with their seprte properties.)9)1

    Art. )00. $he pyment of personl debts +ontr+ted by thehusbnd or the wife before or durin! the mrri!e shll not be+hr!ed to the +onu!l properties prtnership e-+ept insofrs they redounded to the benefit of the fmily.

    Neither shll the fines nd pe+uniry indemnities imposedupon them be +hr!ed to the prtnership.

    owever, the pyment of personl debts +ontr+ted by eitherspouse before the mrri!e, tht of fines nd indemnities

    imposed upon them, s well s the support of ille!itimte+hildren of either spouse, my be enfor+ed !inst theprtnership ssets fter the responsibilities enumerted in thepre+edin! Arti+le hve been +overed, if the spouse who isbound should hve no e-+lusive property or if it should beinsuffi+ient2 but t the time of the li*uidtion of theprtnership, su+h spouse shll be +hr!ed for wht hs beenpid for the purpose bove;mentioned. )941

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    Art. )04. >htever my be lost durin! the mrri!e in ny!me of +hn+e or in bettin!, sweepst5es, or ny other 5indof !mblin! whether permitted or prohibited by lw, shll beborne by the loser nd shll not be +hr!ed to the +onu!lprtnership but ny winnin!s therefrom shll form prt of the

    +onu!l prtnership property. )961

    @e+tion /. Administrtion of theConu!l Prtnership Property

    Art. )06. $he dministrtion nd enoyment of the +onu!lprtnership shll belon! to both spouses ointly. In +se ofdis!reement, the husbnd:s de+ision shll previl, sube+t tore+ourse to the +ourt by the wife for proper remedy, whi+hmust be viled of within five yers from the dte of the

    +ontr+t implementin! su+h de+ision.

    In the event tht one spouse is in+p+itted or otherwiseunble to prti+ipte in the dministrtion of the +onu!lproperties, the other spouse my ssume sole powers ofdministrtion. $hese powers do not in+lude disposition oren+umbrn+e without uthority of the +ourt or the written+onsent of the other spouse. In the bsen+e of su+h uthorityor +onsent, the disposition or en+umbrn+e shll be void.owever, the trns+tion shll be +onstrued s +ontinuin!offer on the prt of the +onsentin! spouse nd the third

    person, nd my be perfe+ted s bindin! +ontr+t upon the++eptn+e by the other spouse or uthori3tion by the +ourtbefore the offer is withdrwn by either or both offerors. )9/1

    Art. )0/. Neither spouse my donte ny +onu!l prtnershipproperty without the +onsent of the other. owever, eitherspouse my, without the +onsent of the other, m5e modertedontions from the +onu!l prtnership property for +hrity oron o++sions of fmily reoi+in! or fmily distress. )761

    @e+tion 9. ?issolution of Conu!l Prtnership Re!imeArt. )09. $he +onu!l prtnership termintes#

    )1 Upon the deth of either spouse2

    01 >hen there is de+ree of le!l seprtion2

    41 >hen the mrri!e is nnulled or de+lred void2 or

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    61 In +se of udi+il seprtion of property durin! themrri!e under Arti+les )46 to )48.)7/1

    Art. )07. $he seprtion in f+t between husbnd nd wifeshll not ffe+t the re!ime of +onu!l prtnership, e-+ept

    tht#)1 $he spouse who leves the +onu!l home or refusesto live therein, without ust +use, shll not hve theri!ht to be supported2

    01 >hen the +onsent of one spouse to ny trns+tion ofthe other is re*uired by lw, udi+il uthori3tion shllbe obtined in summry pro+eedin!2

    41 In the bsen+e of suffi+ient +onu!l prtnershipproperty, the seprte property of both spouses shll be

    solidrily lible for the support of the fmily. $he spousepresent shll, upon petition in summry pro+eedin!, be!iven udi+il uthority to dminister or en+umber nyspe+ifi+ seprte property of the other spouse nd usethe fruits or pro+eeds thereof to stisfy the ltter:s shre.)781

    Art. )08. If spouse without ust +use bndons the other orfils to +omply with his or her obli!tion to the fmily, the!!rieved spouse my petition the +ourt for re+eivership, forudi+il seprtion of property, or for uthority to be the sole

    dministrtor of the +onu!l prtnership property, sube+t tosu+h pre+utionry +onditions s the +ourt my impose.

    $he obli!tions to the fmily mentioned in the pre+edin!pr!rph refer to mritl, prentl or property reltions.

    A spouse is deemed to hve bndoned the other when he orshe hs left the +onu!l dwellin! without intention ofreturnin!. $he spouse who hs left the +onu!l dwellin! for period of three months or hs filed within the sme period to!ive ny informtion s to his or her wherebouts shll be

    prim f+ie presumed to hve no intention of returnin! to the+onu!l dwellin!.)97, )=)1

    @e+tion 7. %i*uidtion of theConu!l Prtnership Assets nd %ibilities

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    Art. )0=. Upon the dissolution of the +onu!l prtnershipre!ime, the followin! pro+edure shll pply#

    )1 An inventory shll be prepred, listin! seprtely llthe properties of the +onu!l prtnership nd the

    e-+lusive properties of e+h spouse.

    01 Amounts dvn+ed by the +onu!l prtnership inpyment of personl debts nd obli!tions of eitherspouse shll be +redited to the +onu!l prtnership s nsset thereof.

    41 &+h spouse shll be reimbursed for the use of his orher e-+lusive funds in the +*uisition of property or forthe vlue of his or her e-+lusive property, the ownershipof whi+h hs been vested by lw in the +onu!l


    61 $he debts nd obli!tions of the +onu!l prtnershipshll be pid out of the +onu!l ssets. In +se ofinsuffi+ien+y of sid ssets, the spouses shll besolidrily lible for the unpid bln+e with their seprteproperties, in ++ordn+e with the provisions ofpr!rph 01 of Arti+le )0).

    /1 >htever remins of the e-+lusive properties of thespouses shll therefter be delivered to e+h of them.

    91 Unless the owner hd been indemnified fromwhtever sour+e, the loss or deteriortion of movblesused for the benefit of the fmily, belon!in! to eitherspouse, even due to fortuitous event, shll be pid tosid spouse from the +onu!l funds, if ny.

    71 $he net reminder of the +onu!l prtnershipproperties shll +onstitute the profits, whi+h shll bedivided e*ully between husbnd nd wife, unless different proportion or division ws !reed upon in the

    mrri!e settlements or unless there hs been voluntry wiver or forfeiture of su+h shre s providedin this Code.

    81 $he presumptive le!itimes of the +ommon +hildrenshll be delivered upon the prtition in ++ordn+e withArti+le /).

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    =1 In the prtition of the properties, the +onu!ldwellin! nd the lot on whi+h it is situted shll, unlessotherwise !reed upon by the prties, be dudi+ted tothe spouse with whom the mority of the +ommon+hildren +hoose to remin. Children below the !e of

    seven yers re deemed to hve +hosen the mother,unless the +ourt hs de+ided otherwise. In +se there isno su+h mority, the +ourt shll de+ide, t5in! into+onsidertion the best interests of sid +hildren. )8), )80,)84, )86, )8/1

    Art. )4henever the li*uidtion of the +onu!l prtnershipproperties of two or more mrri!es +ontr+ted by the smeperson before the effe+tivity of this Code is +rried outsimultneously, the respe+tive +pitl, fruits nd in+ome ofe+h prtnership shll be determined upon su+h proof s mybe +onsidered ++ordin! to the rules of eviden+e. In +se ofdoubt s to whi+h prtnership the e-istin! properties belon!,the sme shll be divided between the different prtnershipsin proportion to the +pitl nd durtion of e+h. )8=1

    Art. )40. $he Rules of Courton the dministrtion of esttes ofde+esed persons shll be observed in the pprisl nd sleof property of the +onu!l prtnership, nd other mtterswhi+h re not e-pressly determined in this Chpter. )871

    Art. )44. "rom the +ommon mss of property support shll be!iven to the survivin! spouse nd to the +hildren durin! theli*uidtion of the inventoried property nd until wht belon!s
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    to them is delivered2 but from this shll be dedu+ted thtmount re+eived for support whi+h e-+eeds the fruits or rentspertinin! to them. )881

    Chpter /. @eprtion of Property of the@pouses nd Administrtion of Common Property byOne @pouse ?urin! the 'rri!e

    Art. )46. In the bsen+e of n e-press de+lrtion in themrri!e settlements, the seprtion of property betweenspouses durin! the mrri!e shll not t5e pl+e e-+ept byudi+il order. @u+h udi+il seprtion of property my eitherbe voluntry or for suffi+ient +use. )=

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    +ommunity or the +onu!l prtnership of !ins, nd for theseprtion of their +ommon properties.

    All +reditors of the bsolute +ommunity or of the +onu!lprtnership of !ins, s well s the personl +reditors of the

    spouse, shll be listed in the petition nd notified of the filin!thereof. $he +ourt shll t5e mesures to prote+t the +reditorsnd other persons with pe+uniry interest.)=)1

    Art. )47. On+e the seprtion of property hs been de+reed,the bsolute +ommunity or the +onu!l prtnership of !insshll be li*uidted in +onformity with this Code.

    ?urin! the penden+y of the pro+eedin!s for seprtion ofproperty, the bsolute +ommunity or the +onu!l prtnershipshll py for the support of the spouses nd their +hildren.)=01

    Art. )48. After dissolution of the bsolute +ommunity or of the+onu!l prtnership, the provisions on +omplete seprtion ofproperty shll pply. )=)1

    Art. )4=. $he petition for seprtion of property nd the finlud!ment !rntin! the sme shll be re+orded in the properlo+l +ivil re!istries nd re!istries of property. )=41

    Art. )6hen the +ivil interdi+tion termintes2

    01 >hen the bsentee spouse reppers2

    41 >hen the +ourt, bein! stisfied tht the spouse!rnted the power of dministrtion in the mrri!esettlements will not !in buse tht power, uthori3esthe resumption of sid dministrtion2

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    61 >hen the spouse who hs left the +onu!l homewithout de+ree of le!l seprtion resumes +ommon lifewith the other2

    /1 >hen prentl uthority is udi+illy restored to the

    spouse previously deprived thereof2

    91 >hen the spouses who hve seprted in f+t for tlest one yer, re+on+ile nd resume +ommon life2 or

    71 >hen fter voluntry dissolution of the bsolute+ommunity of property or +onu!l prtnership hs beenudi+illy de+reed upon the oint petition of the spouses,they !ree to the revivl of the former property re!ime.No voluntry seprtion of property my therefter be!rnted.

    $he revivl of the former property re!ime shll be !overned byArti+le 97. )=/1

    Art. )60. $he dministrtion of ll +lsses of e-+lusive propertyof either spouse my be trnsferred by the +ourt to the otherspouse#

    )1 >hen one spouse be+omes the !urdin of the other2

    01 >hen one spouse is udi+illy de+lred n bsentee2

    41 >hen one spouse is senten+ed to penlty whi+h+rries with it +ivil interdi+tion2 or

    61 >hen one spouse be+omes fu!itive from usti+e or isin hidin! s n ++used in +riminl +se.

    If the other spouse is not *ulified by reson of in+ompeten+e,+onfli+t of interest, or ny other ust +use, the +ourt shllppoint suitble person to be the dministrtor. n1

    Chpter 9. Re!ime of @eprtion of PropertyArt. )64. @hould the future spouses !ree in the mrri!esettlements tht their property reltions durin! mrri!e shllbe !overned by the re!ime of seprtion of property, theprovisions of this Chpter shll be suppletory. 0)01

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    Art. )66. @eprtion of property my refer to present or futureproperty or both. It my be totl or prtil. In the ltter +se,the property not !reed upon s seprte shll pertin to thebsolute +ommunity.0)41

    Art. )6/. &+h spouse shll own, dispose of, possess,dminister nd enoy his or her own seprte estte, withoutneed of the +onsent of the other. $o e+h spouse shll belon!ll ernin!s from his or her profession, business or industrynd ll fruits, nturl, industril or +ivil, due or re+eived durin!the mrri!e from his or her seprte property. 0)61

    Art. )69. oth spouses shll ber the fmily e-penses inproportion to their in+ome, or, in +se of insuffi+ien+y ordefult thereof, to the +urrent mr5et vlue of their seprteproperties.

    $he libilities of the spouses to +reditors for fmily e-pensesshll, however, be solidry. 0)/1

    Chpter 7. Property Re!ime of Unions >ithout 'rri!eArt. )67. >hen mn nd womn who re +p+itted tomrry e+h other, live e-+lusively with e+h other s husbndnd wife without the benefit of mrri!e or under voidmrri!e, their w!es nd slries shll be owned by them in

    e*ul shres nd the property +*uired by both of themthrou!h their wor5 or industry shll be !overned by the ruleson +o;ownership.

    In the bsen+e of proof to the +ontrry, properties +*uiredwhile they lived to!ether shll be presumed to hve beenobtined by their oint efforts, wor5 or industry, nd shll beowned by them in e*ul shres. "or purposes of this Arti+le, prty who did not prti+ipte in the +*uisition by the otherprty of ny property shll be deemed to hve +ontributedointly in the +*uisition thereof if the former:s efforts

    +onsisted in the +re nd mintenn+e of the fmily nd of thehousehold.

    Neither prty +n en+umber or dispose by +ts inter vivos ofhis or her shre in the property +*uired durin! +ohbittionnd owned in +ommon, without the +onsent of the other, untilfter the termintion of their +ohbittion.

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    >hen only one of the prties to void mrri!e is in !oodfith, the shre of the prty in bd fith in the +o;ownershipshll be forfeited in fvor of their +ommon +hildren. In +se ofdefult of or wiver by ny or ll of the +ommon +hildren ortheir des+endnts, e+h v+nt shre shll belon! to the

    respe+tive survivin! des+endnts. In the bsen+e ofdes+endnts, su+h shre shll belon! to the inno+ent prty. Inll +ses, the forfeiture shll t5e pl+e upon termintion ofthe +ohbittion.)661

    Art. )68. In +ses of +ohbittion not fllin! under thepre+edin! Arti+le, only the properties +*uired by both of theprties throu!h their +tul oint +ontribution of money,property, or industry shll be owned by them in +ommon inproportion to their respe+tive +ontributions. In the bsen+e ofproof to the +ontrry, their +ontributions nd +orrespondin!

    shres re presumed to be e*ul. $he sme rule ndpresumption shll pply to oint deposits of money ndeviden+es of +redit.

    If one of the prties is vlidly mrried to nother, his or hershre in the +o;ownership shll ++rue to the bsolute+ommunity or +onu!l prtnership e-istin! in su+h vlidmrri!e. If the prty who +ted in bd fith is not vlidlymrried to nother, his or her shll be forfeited in the mnnerprovided in the lst pr!rph of the pre+edin! Arti+le.

    $he fore!oin! rules on forfeiture shll li5ewise pply even ifboth prties re in bd fith. )661

    $I$%& B

    $& "A'I%G

    Chpter ). $he "mily s n InstitutionArt. )6=. $he fmily, bein! the foundtion of the ntion, is

    bsi+ so+il institution whi+h publi+ poli+y +herishes ndprote+ts. Conse*uently, fmily reltions re !overned by lwnd no +ustom, pr+ti+e or !reement destru+tive of the fmilyshll be re+o!ni3ed or !iven effe+t. 0)9, 0)81

    Art. /

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    01 etween prents nd +hildren2

    41 Amon! brothers nd sisters, whether of the full orhlf;blood. 0)71

    Art. )/). No suit between members of the sme fmily shllprosper unless it should pper from the verified +omplint orpetition tht ernest efforts towrd +ompromise hve beenmde, but tht the sme hve filed. If it is shown tht no su+hefforts were in f+t mde, the sme +se must be dismissed.

    $his rules shll not pply to +ses whi+h my not be thesube+t of +ompromise under the Civil Code.0001

    Chpter 0. $he "mily ome

    Art. )/0. $he fmily home, +onstituted ointly by the husbndnd the wife or by n unmrried hed of fmily, is thedwellin! house where they nd their fmily reside, nd thelnd on whi+h it is situted. 0041

    Art. )/4. $he fmily home is deemed +onstituted on housend lot from the time it is o++upied s fmily residen+e. "romthe time of its +onstitution nd so lon! s ny of itsbenefi+iries +tully resides therein, the fmily home+ontinues to be su+h nd is e-empt from e-e+ution, for+ed sle

    or tt+hment e-+ept s hereinfter provided nd to thee-tent of the vlue llowed by lw. 0041

    Art. )/6. $he benefi+iries of fmily home re#

    )1 $he husbnd nd wife, or n unmrried person who isthe hed of fmily2 nd

    01 $heir prents, s+endnts, des+endnts, brothers ndsisters, whether the reltionship be le!itimte orille!itimte, who re livin! in the fmily home nd who

    depend upon the hed of the fmily for le!l support. 0091

    Art. )//. $he fmily home shll be e-empt from e-e+ution,for+ed sle or tt+hment e-+ept#

    )1 "or nonpyment of t-es2

    01 "or debts in+urred prior to the +onstitution of thefmily home2
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    41 "or debts se+ured by mort!!es on the premisesbefore or fter su+h +onstitution2 nd

    61 "or debts due to lborers, me+hni+s, r+hite+ts,builders, mterilmen nd others who hve rendered

    servi+e or furnished mteril for the +onstru+tion of thebuildin!.0641

    Art. )/9. $he fmily home must be prt of the properties of thebsolute +ommunity or the +onu!l prtnership, or of thee-+lusive properties of either spouse with the ltter:s +onsent.It my lso be +onstituted by n unmrried hed of fmily onhis or her own property.

    Nevertheless, property tht is the sube+t of +onditionl sleon instllments where ownership is reserved by the vendor

    only to !urntee pyment of the pur+hse pri+e my be+onstituted s fmily home. 007, 0081

    Art. )/7. $he +tul vlue of the fmily home shll not e-+eed,t the time of its +onstitution, the mount of the threehundred thousnd pesos in urbn res, nd two hundredthousnd pesos in rurl res, or su+h mounts s myherefter be fi-ed by lw.

    In ny event, if the vlue of the +urren+y +hn!es fter thedoption of this Code, the vlue most fvorble for the

    +onstitution of fmily home shll be the bsis of evlution.

    "or purposes of this Arti+le, urbn res re deemed to in+lude+hrtered +ities nd muni+iplities whose nnul in+ome tlest e*uls tht le!lly re*uired for +hrtered +ities. Allothers re deemed to be rurl res. 04)1

    Art. )/8. $he fmily home my be sold, liented, donted,ssi!ned or en+umbered by the owner or owners thereof withthe written +onsent of the person +onstitutin! the sme, theltter:s spouse, nd mority of the benefi+iries of le!l !e.

    In +se of +onfli+t, the +ourt shll de+ide. 04/1

    Art. )/=. $he fmily home shll +ontinue despite the deth ofone or both spouses or of the unmrried hed of the fmily for period of ten yers or for s lon! s there is minorbenefi+iry, nd the heirs +nnot prtition the sme unless the+ourt finds +ompellin! resons therefor. $his rule shll pply

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    re!rdless of whoever owns the property or +onstituted thefmily home. 0481

    Art. )9hen +reditor whose +lims is not mon! thosementioned in Arti+le )// obtins ud!ment in his fvor, nd

    he hs resonble !rounds to believe tht the fmily home is+tully worth more thn the m-imum mount fi-ed in Arti+le)/7, he my pply to the +ourt whi+h rendered the ud!mentfor n order dire+tin! the sle of the property under e-e+ution.$he +ourt shll so order if it finds tht the +tul vlue of thefmily home e-+eeds the m-imum mount llowed by lw sof the time of its +onstitution. If the in+resed +tul vluee-+eeds the m-imum llowed in Arti+le )/7 nd results fromsubse*uent voluntry improvements introdu+ed by the personor persons +onstitutin! the fmily home, by the owner orowners of the property, or by ny of the benefi+iries, the

    sme rule nd pro+edure shll pply.

    At the e-e+ution sle, no bid below the vlue llowed for fmily home shll be +onsidered. $he pro+eeds shll be ppliedfirst to the mount mentioned in Arti+le )/7, nd then to thelibilities under the ud!ment nd the +osts. $he e-+ess, if ny,shll be delivered to the ud!ment debtor. 067, 0681

    Art. )9). "or purposes of vilin! of the benefits of fmilyhome s provided for in this Chpter, person my +onstitute,or be the benefi+iry of, only one fmily home. n1

    Art. )90. $he provisions in this Chpter shll lso !overne-istin! fmily residen+es insofr s sid provisions reppli+ble. n1

    $I$%& BI


    Chpter ). %e!itimte Children

    Art. )94. $he filition of +hildren my be by nture or bydoption. Nturl filition my be le!itimte or ille!itimte.n1

    Art. )96. Children +on+eived or born durin! the mrri!e of theprents re le!itimte.

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    Children +on+eived s result of rtifi+il insemintion of thewife with the sperm of the husbnd or tht of donor or bothre li5ewise le!itimte +hildren of the husbnd nd his wife,provided, tht both of them uthori3ed or rtified su+hinsemintion in written instrument e-e+uted nd si!ned by

    them before the birth of the +hild. $he instrument shll bere+orded in the +ivil re!istry to!ether with the birth +ertifi+teof the +hild.//, 0/81

    Art. )9/. Children +on+eived nd born outside vlid mrri!ere ille!itimte, unless otherwise provided in this Code.n1

    Art. )99. %e!itim+y of +hild my be impu!ned only on thefollowin! !rounds#

    )1 $ht it ws physi+lly impossible for the husbnd to

    hve se-ul inter+ourse with his wife within the first )0

    Chpter ). Preftory Provisions

    Art. 048. Until modified by the @upreme Court, the pro+edurlrules provided for in this $itle shll pply s re!rdsseprtion in f+t between husbnd nd wife, bndonment byone of the other, nd in+idents involvin! prentl uthority. n1

    Chpter 0. @eprtion in "+t

    Art. 04=. >hen husbnd nd wife re seprted in f+t, orone hs bndoned the other nd one of them see5s udi+iluthori3tion for trns+tion where the +onsent of the otherspouse is re*uired by lw but su+h +onsent is withheld or+nnot be obtined, verified petition my be filed in +ourtlle!in! the fore!oin! f+ts.

    $he petition shll tt+h the proposed deed, if ny, embodyin!

    the trns+tion, nd, if none, shll des+ribe in detil the sidtrns+tion nd stte the reson why the re*uired +onsentthereto +nnot be se+ured. In ny +se, the finl deed dulye-e+uted by the prties shll be submitted to nd pproved bythe +ourt.n1

    Art. 06

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    Art. 06). Hurisdi+tion over the petition shll, upon proof ofnoti+e to the other spouse, be e-er+ised by the proper +ourtuthori3ed to her fmily +ses, if one e-ists, or in the re!ionltril +ourt or its e*uivlent sittin! in the pl+e where either ofthe spouses resides. n1

    Art. 060. Upon the filin! of the petition, the +ourt shll notifythe other spouse, whose +onsent to the trns+tion isre*uired, of sid petition, orderin! sid spouse to show +usewhy the petition should not be !rnted, on or before the dteset in sid noti+e for the initil +onferen+e. $he noti+e shll be++ompnied by +opy of the petition nd shll be served tthe lst 5nown ddress of the spouse +on+erned. n1

    Art. 064. A preliminry +onferen+e shll be +ondu+ted by theud!e personlly without the prties bein! ssisted by +ounsel.

    After the initil +onferen+e, if the +ourt deems it useful, theprties my be ssisted by +ounsel t the su++eedin!+onferen+es nd herin!s.n1

    Art. 066. In +se of non;ppern+e of the spouse whose+onsent is sou!ht, the +ourt shll in*uire into the resons forhis filure to pper, nd shll re*uire su+h ppern+e, ifpossible.n1

    Art. 06/. If, despite ll efforts, the ttendn+e of the non;+onsentin! spouse is not se+ured, the +ourt my pro+eed e-

    prte nd render ud!ment s the f+ts nd +ir+umstn+es mywrrnt. In ny +se, the ud!e shll endevor to prote+t theinterests of the non;pperin! spouse. n1

    Art. 069. If the petition is not resolved t the initil+onferen+e, sid petition shll be de+ided in summryherin! on the bsis of ffidvits, do+umentry eviden+e ororl testimonies t the sound dis+retion of the +ourt. Iftestimony is needed, the +ourt shll spe+ify the witnesses tobe herd nd the sube+t;mtter of their testimonies, dire+tin!the prties to present sid witnesses. n1

    Art. 067. $he ud!ment of the +ourt shll be immeditely finlnd e-e+utory.n1

    Art. 068. $he petition for udi+il uthority to dminister oren+umber spe+ifi+ seprte property of the bndonin! spousend to use the fruits or pro+eeds thereof for the support of the

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    fmily shll lso be !overned by these rules. n1

    Chpter 4. In+idents Involvin! PrentlAuthority

    Art. 06=. Petitions filed under Arti+les 004, 00/ nd 04/ of thisCode involvin! prentl uthority shll be verified.n1

    Art. 0/

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    Art. 0/7. $his Code shll t5e effe+t one yer fter the+ompletion of its publi+tion in newspper of !enerl+ir+ultion, s +ertified by the &-e+utive @e+retry, Offi+e ofthe President.

    Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteenhundred and eighty-seven.

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