philippinesamerican colony

Post on 06-May-2015






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Philippines under the

American Colony

Philippine History Lecture

Prepared by: Devons F. Somera

Group 2

The Philippines, an American

colony from 1898 to 1946In 1898, the United States took advantage of the struggles for independence in Spanish colonies to enlarge American political, economic, and moral influence. Ironically, Spanish and American interests were very similar. The Philippines, under Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo, had already begun a revolution against Spain, which had controlled the Islands as a colony, administered from Manila through Mexico from 1565 to 1821, when New Spain became independent of Spain.Events moved quickly in 1898. After the sinking of the "Maine" at Havana harbor, the United States declared war in April. In May, Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay and the U.S. returned Aguinaldo from exile in Hong Kong. Both men thought that U.S. policy promised independence for the Philippines. In June, Philippine revolutionaries declared independence, but U.S. troops occupied Manila in August. In December, Spain signed the Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish American War and ceding Spanish colonies, including Puerto Rico and the Philippines to the U.S. In February 1899, the United States Senate ratified the Treaty without the support of President McKinley, but not without heated debate. What the U.S. called an "insurrection" had begun in the islands earlier in February. The conflict became the brutal Filipino-American War that officially lasted until 1902. An estimated 4,500 Americans, and at least ten times that many Filipinos died. By 1902, a U.S. Commission had installed a civil government in Manila to promote American culture and Protestant Christian values.


The Philippines, an American

colony from 1898 to 1946From 1902 to 1934, the Philippines was subject to U.S. economic and social interests while gradually receiving greater autonomy. A U.S. Act in 1902 established a Philippine Assembly. By 1907, the Philippines had held an election, formed a legislature, and been introduced to U.S. teachers, engineers and missionaries. Free trade with the U.S. came in 1913, and limited self-government in 1916. In 1934 a U.S. Act assured independence within ten years, and Manuel Quezon and Sergio Osmena were elected President and Vice President of the Philippine Commonwealth.

The independence act sharply curtailed Philippine emigration to the U.S. Then, in December 1941, Japan invaded the Philippines and imposed the horrors of World War II. Filipino guerillas continued to fight, and in October 1944, their hope was fulfilled with the return of Allied forces under General MacArthur. U.S. President Truman announced the war's end in August 1945, and in 11 months the Philippines became independent

American Colonial Policy

They promised to train the Filipinos in Democracy and Self-Government. They want the Philippines to stand on its own as a free and independent nation

They shared power with the Filipinos in the government. Human Rights were protected. They developed the economy, improved hygiene and sanitation, and introduced the public school system.

American Colonial Government

Military Government (August 1898-July 1901)

Gen. Wesley Merritt

Gen. Elwell Otis

Gen. Arthur MacArthur (Father of Douglas MacArthur)

Civil Government (July 1901-August 1902)

The Philippine Commission

The American Gov. Gen. together with the Philippine Assembly or the Philippine Legislature

The Commonwealth of the Philippines

Contributions of the Americans to

the PhilippinesEconomic Progress:

Population Explosion

New Land PolicyFriars land were resold to Filipino farmers

Homestead Act of 1924 allowed Filipinos to own up to 24 hectares of public land

Torrens titles were given to the land owner

Contributions of the Americans to

the PhilippinesAgriculture Increase

In 1902, the Bureau of Agriculture became the first gov’t agency in the Philippines

Free Trade America

Business Flourished

New Industries

Improvement of Transportation and Communications

Better Budget

New Banks

International Exhibitions and Meetings

Economic Problems

We sold our raw materials cheap and bought expensive manufactured goods from America.

Colonial Mentality

Labor and peasant unrest spread in 1920s and 1930s

American Capitalists and businessmen controlled the new companies

Other American contributions

Religious Freedom

Training in Democracy

Free Education

Better Health Service

Introduction of the English Language

Free Press

Democratic Family Life and Social Classes

Emancipation of Women

Recreation, Movies, Theater, Arts and Science

Political Campaign for Independence

o After World War I, Filipino politicians united to campaign for immediate Philippine Independence.

o Sent independent missions in the US from 1919-1935 in the hope of urging the American Congress to grant independence to the Philippines.

o In 1932, the US Congress passed the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law. It was the first Philippine Independence law passed by the US. The law was passed after the 1931 OSROX mission of Sen. Sergio Osmeña and House Speaker Manuel Roxas.

Political Campaign for Independence

o In 1934, US Congress passed the Tydings-McDuffie Law.

o The law provided that the Philippines would be independent in ten years time.

o A transition government run by Filipinos would be established. This was the Commonwealth of the Philippines.


Thank you for listening.

Special thanks to windows XP, Microsoft PowerPoint and also to my group mates who inspired me to do this presentation.

Love ko yan ♥♥♥♥♥♥

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