photo chemistry7 identifying chemistry in our world

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Photo Chemistry7-Identify-ing Chemistry In Our World

By- Iris Kim2010. 5. 8th

Science chemistry

MATTER: Matter is anything that has mass and volume.

There are four state of matter; solid which has strong bonds, liquid which has weak bonds, gas which has no bonds, and plasma which is ionization.


This wood made human represent a real living human. A person is also a matter, because it has mass and vol-ume.

This picture is bobbles. The bobbles has mass and volume, it’s just a clear air balloon.

This balloon is a air bag. Air is a gas and it’s mat-ter too. You can see when you blow a balloon. It has mass and volume. If it doesn’t then how can the balloon get bigger?

NOT MATTER: Something that doesn’t have mass and volume. Which means

it’s not solid, not liquid, not gas, and not ionization.

This pictures represent the heat. Heat is not matter be-cause it’s one type of energy.

Light is not matter. It’s a type of energy that doesn’t have mass and volume.

Sound is not matter. It doesn’t have mass and vol-ume.


Object of atoms that make matter.

Matter divide into two main things; pure substances and mixtures. Pure substances divide into two groups; elements and compounds. Mix-ture also divide into two groups; homogeneous mixtures and het-erogeneous mix-tures.

Pure substances:

Fire, glass, iron, rock… they are all pure sub-stances.

ELEMENT: Consists only one type of atom, so elements can’t be break


This is called periodic table of elements. It shows the 117 elements and it’s also divide into eight dif-ferent groups.


Fire and water are both the well known elements. Fire and wa-ter they can’t be break down again, that ‘s why it’s called el-ements.Fire(left) water(right).


A substances that consists of two or more elements.

This is some ex-amples of com-pounds, like NO is nitrogen oxide and it is made by two different elements. Therefore it’s called compounds.


As this cube for example, this many different col-ors of squares made one perfect cube. It’s not com-pound, but it is a perfect definition for compound.

This night sky is the same as the cube. Many different type of lights and houses mixed to-gether made a perfect im-age of com-pound. The houses to-gether made a city.

MIXTURE: Two or more substances mixed together, combination of two

or more substances.


This are all examples of mixture. Salad is full of many dif-ferent vegetables and fruits in it. The nuts have more than four types in there. The glass ball and the pencils are the same as the other one. This things can be call as the mix-tures in our life.


Many different substances that are mixed together.

Use this picture as example, this two different type mixed together made this hetero-geneous mixture.


The substances that have the same members or parts that are mixed together. When things are completely dissolved.

This is homoge-neous mixture. The same ones are together, the red with red, the blue with blue.

This ice tea is a homogeneous mixture. The tea and sugar and many other cu-ratorial are mixed together but you can’t ac-tually see them.

VOLUME: The amount of space something takes up.

Even though the picture is about math but what it basically means the space some-thing is tak-ing.

SUSPENSION: Two substances that can’t be mixed.

This one has oil and juice, look carefully you can see the layers. It’s because it’s suspension.

Because it’s sus-pension so the wa-ter can’t be mixed with the oil.

Tomato juice and water and wax had made three layers, which meant it was suspension like the other two pictures.


The change that can’t change back to its original form.

The thing like coffee they are already made, and it can’t be get back to it’s original form, it’s called non-re-versible change.


When there are salt added in a cup of water its chemical change.

When a piece of soap dissolved in a cup of water its chemical change.

Chemical change: Where there is a chemical reaction, a new sub-

stance is formed and energy is either given off or absorbed.

Soap water. Salt water.

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