photo portfolip

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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A mix of photos from the past few years


JMIKE KUHN .COMdesigner•photographer•painter9 0 8 9 6 3 9 2 7 2nowmikekuhnis@gmail .com

Shooting children’s birthday parties is always a fun, yet exhausting, time. I was lucky enough to capture some of the many funny and precious moments at Liz Cho’s daughter’s birthday party. Jobs like this are so much fun that it’s hard for me to even call it a job.

A mother’s love for her child is often shown in beautiful moments.

I have been to this dock a few times before in search of interesting photo. It’s always a treat to come back to a location that you have already shot at. It becomes a new challenge to improve upon what was shot prior.

Ralph Bury (top) and Tyrone Williams at Red Bull’s Trick or Treat BMX contest in Brooklyn.

I have rode/ shot with Brian Foster a couple times. He has been a professional BMX rider for longer than I have been alive. The first time I rode with Brian is a funny story. I was taking a test and got a text from my a friend asking me if I wanted to come ride the Little Devil warehouse bowl with Brian. I didn’t hesitate for second; I handed in my test nearly blank and ran to my car. I sped to the turnpike rest stop I was told to meet my friends and Brian Foster at. I jumped in Brian’s truck and he drove the rest of the way. The session was amazing and he turned out to be an awesome guy! On the way back to my car I realized I spent the money I was going to give him for gas on my dinner. I apologized to him, but he still dropped me off on the opposite side of turnpike and told me to ride over the police only bridge with my camera bag. The day I shot this photo, we had a good laugh remembering that night.

Jessie K. doing a perfect back flip off the tower into the reservoir near my parent’s house

The Newport Bridge in Rhode Island and some gentlemen cruising down the Chicago River.

This photo of Bennett Williams sporting a fine piece of farfalle was used as part of a campaign for a pasta company. Art Direction by Andrew Teoh and Lidsey Reay.

My sister, Meredith Kuhn, has always been one of my favorite people to shoot. Her personality and charisma shines through in every photo.

I stayed at Alan Shirley’s house for a couple nights while on a trip to Florida to escape the cold of winter. His backyard was mostly a skate park and he had a lot of pets. I slept in the living room with two cats, a couple baby chickens, two ferrets, some fish, a snapping turtle and large energetic puppy. It was a wild yet amazing time staying at his house.


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