photos of classroom

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Data Board

Student’s Tracking Data

Students move their dojo clip weekly after weekly fact test. Students also shade in their data after major test and write reflections on how they feel and what their going to do to improve.

Teacher Tracking Data

Teacher tracks student data and create small groups and RTI lessons based off skills students are struggling with.

Behavior Tracker-Dojo

Students decide on their own goal and get a sticker on their behavior chart when they have successfully reached their goal. Students also have the opportunity to increase or decrease the number of dojo points earned.

Daily Schedule


Leveled Library

My books are separated by subject, fiction/nonfiction, biographies, and reading levels. Reading Fluency levels are posted in my class to allow students to pick a book that’s at their reading levels.

Math Facts

Automaticity of Facts: The scores below the teacher’s name are the number of fact cards each class could answer within 2 minutes.

Students move their clip when they have mastered a certain math fact. Once the fact is mastered they sign the paper.

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