physical education department class: 3º eso notes

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Physical Education Department Class: 3º ESO Notes: Volleyball and AcroSport Date of Exam: 10th or 11th of March

Other Contents of Exam covered in class Warm up : Muscles of Body and Bones Relaxation methods

3º ESO IES Juan Gris


Departamento de Educación Física IES Juan Gris



TECHNIQUES: A Serve: Servicio o saque An Underhand serve: saque de abajo A Set: Colocación de dedos. An Overhand pass/bump: Toque de dedos A Forearm pass or a bump: Toque de antebrazos A Dive or dig: plancha A Spike or Smash: Remate A Block: Bloqueo A Rally: un punto, la duración de un punto ACTIONS: To serve: sacar, to pass pasar, to set colocar... To attack: atacar To defend: defender To switch or rotate: rotar To hit: golpear

PLAYERS: Front row player (front court players): delantero Back row player (back court players): zaguero Captain: Capitán Libero: libero Hitter or spiker: rematador Setter: colocador

LINES: Boundary lines: líneas de la pista Base line (end line): línea de fondo Sidelines: líneas laterales

FAULT: Boundary lines: líneas de la pista Double-hit: hitting the ball 2 times in succession, not allowed Foot fault: the server steps on or over the end line

3º ESO IES Juan Gris


WHAT´S A VOLLEYBALL GAME LIKE? Volleyball players hit a ball over a net using any part of their bodies. Points are scored

when a team cannot return the volleyball over the net or prevent it from touching the court

surface. Your team can pass the ball in 3 touches maximum.

Who wins? The first team to score 25 points, by a margin of two points, wins the set.

The team that wins three out of five (or 2 out of 3) sets wins the volleyball match. Last set you need to score 15 points.

How Long Is A Match? There is no time limit for a volleyball match. There are two-

minute breaks between each game;

How many people play? Each team has two rows of three players in the court, so six


What are the main faults? A fault occurs when:

The ball is held, thrown or pushed.

A team contacts the ball more than three times consecutively. Except when the first

contact is a block. A ball touches a player twice in succession or the ball touches the body twice in


Players are out of position at service. A player touches the net.

A player attacks the ball above the opponent court or steps in an opponent’s court.

A) THE SERVE: The serve begins play, and it can be decisive in a game. We will learn the basics ones: The underhand serve Overhand serve

Jump Serve: The player makes a timed approach and jumps to make contact with the ball.

3º ESO IES Juan Gris


B) THE FOREARM PASS (or bump): Use it to receive a serve or a low hit ball.

Place your body low, extend your forearms and pass it up to the “setter.”

Join your hands together, Let the ball hit you in the middle part of your forearms simultaneously. A common mistake is to hit the ball with your wrists or hands.

Bend your knees before the ball gets to you.


The set is an overhead pass. With it, the setter passes the ball with a high arc to front-line players for them to spike.

Your thumbs and index fingers must form a triangle, and also, your hands must form the shape of the ball.

Bend your elbows and your knees.

You must hit the ball with both hands together and simultaneously. Don’t let the ball touch your palm. Receive the ball over your head, and act as a spring.

All the following parts of your body must extend with the ball when you are doing a set: first your legs, afterwards your upper body and arms, and finally your wrists and fingers.

D) THE SPIKE (or Smash):

The spike is a powerful overhand smash into the opposite court.

The spiker steps toward the net, jumps high in the air, and swings his or her arm powerfully toward the ball to smash it.

Front row players can attack the ball from anywhere on the court. Back row players can only attack from behind the three meter line.

Jump with both feet, as you aim to the ball with your left hand (if you are right-handed).

Hit the ball with your right palm. Your arm must be extended.

You must hit the ball in front of your head, not above it, so it goes straight to the floor.

Do not touch the net, and land on both feet.

E) BLOCK: Blocking refers to the actions taken by players standing at the net to stop or alter an opponent's attack. It does not count as a pass.

3º ESO IES Juan Gris


Positions: There are six positions in the court. Three in the front line and three in the back line. Players must keep their positions before the other team serves. After the server hits the ball, players can move freely. Starting at the serving position and going counterclockwise the positions are numbered 1-6. Number one is the server (right back when facing the net) and number two is the front line player on the right. The Server Stands with both feet in the “service area”: behind the baseline of the volleyball court. One player serves continuously until his or her team commits a “fault”, after which the opposite team “rotates” and serves the ball.

Rotation: Every time your team gains the possession of the ball, your whole team must rotate one position clockwise. So the player that was in position number 2 goes to position number 1 and serves. Player that was on number one moves to number six and so on. Each player must be within the court at the time the ball is served. All players must be in their correctly rotated position. If one player is out of his position, the team commits a fault and they lose a rally.

3º ESO IES Juan Gris


UNIT 5 ACROSPORT Vocabulary for Acrosport

Pyramid – Pirámide

Figure – Formación en acrosport

Forward roll – Voltereta hacia delante

Sideway roll (pencil roll) – Volteos sobre el lateral del cuerpo (croqueta, rulo…)

Cartwheel – Rueda lateral

Handstand – Equilibrio invertido sobre las manos (pino)

Roles – Funciones

Safety – Seguridad

To lift – Elevar, cargar

Sequence – Secuencia

Theme - Tema

Responisibility - Responsibilidad

“Acrosport or Acrobatic Gymnastic is a sport practiced with a partner or with a

group. The exercises must include a combination of choreography, acrobatic

elements (figures and floor acrobatic series), all in perfect timing with partners

and music”.

Three basic elements in Acrosport are:

Making shapes, figures or human pyramids.

Strength, flexibility and balance.

Dance, gymnastics, jumps and pirouettes.

Roles: Base. It is the person that is situated at the base (bottom), using his/her body

to support partners.

o Is stable, static or dynamic base on pyramids buildings.

o Is strong, stable and has good balance.

o The base must provide trust and support to his partners.

o Basic Position: Bench

For the hands-and-knees position your back should be straight and your arms and legs

should be parallel

Correct hand-and-knees position Incorrect hand-and-knees position

Top: The person who is lifted. They perform more complicated elements

(acrobatics) and climb to the highest point of the pyramids/figures.

o Usually light and smaller than the base.

o Is flexible, agile and has good balance

o Must trust his/her partners.

o Is on the top of the pyramids/figure with a balanced or strength position.

3º ESO IES Juan Gris


In the hands-and-knees position the top performer must stay over the hip or

shoulders so that bodyweight is supported by the thighs or arms of the base


Correct position Incorrect position

Helper: Assists in the positions as well as being part of the figure

o Helps to eliminate accidents. o Provides confidence, cooperating and assisting with partners.

Safety: For the lifter: the correct position is a straight back and spine.

For the person being lifted (the lighter person), must be stable the whole time.

They must not move until the lifter is completely stable.

Transitions: Elements that you do to connect one figure to the next one. You can dance, do

gymnastics, tell a story; whatever you want!!

Building figures or pyramids: There are three phases:


o Communication among partners is very important.

o Tops must climb carefully. They must try to avoid pushes that could unbalance

the bases.

o Bases must be stable


o Once the team has built the pyramid it should keep the structure during three

seconds. It depends on: Correct distribution and Position control.

Undoing or ending

o It must always be done in the construction opposite order, from the sides to

the center. o Top must always get off the pyramid through de front side, never through the back


top related