physical properties of matter. what is a physical property? a physical property of matter can be...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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  • Slide 1

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER Slide 2 What is a physical property? A physical property of matter can be observed or measured without changing the matters identity. Slide 3 Slide 4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES YOU NEED TO KNOW Density Boiling Point Melting Point Freezing Point Solubility Specific Heat Magnetism Electrical Conductivity Thermal Conductivity Malleability Ductility State Shape Slide 5 What is density? Density is the ratio between the mass and volume of a substance. It tells the size of the atoms and how close the atoms are to each other in a substance. Slide 6 How do you solve for density? D= m/v Density can be used to identify substances Each substance has a unique density Slide 7 Density AIR SUBSTANCE A SUBSTANCE B Slide 8 More about density The density of a substance is the same everywhere in the universe. Slide 9 LETS DO A DENSITY ACTIVITY!!!! Slide 10 Boiling Point is the temperature when a liquid changes to a gas. Melting Point is the temperature when a solid changes to a liquid. Freezing Point is the temperature when a liquid changes to a solid Slide 11 EVERY SUBSTANCE HAS A UNIQUE MELTING, FREEZING AND BOILING POINT! Slide 12 Slide 13 What is solubility? Solubility The ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance. Different amounts of substances may dissolve in the same amount of water. Slide 14 100 g of water Sodium chloride Sodium bromide Sodium iodide Slide 15 SubstanceMelting Point Boiling Point Dissolve in water? Amount of substance dissolved in 100 g of water Sodium chloride 800.7C1,465 C YES36 g Sodium bromide 747C1,390 C YES94.6 g Sodium iodide 660C1,304 C YES184 g Slide 16 Starch-based packing peanuts are soluble in water, but plastic foam peanuts are not, as shown in the images below. Slide 17 Lets try to solve this scientific question? How much sugar can dissolve in 10 mL of water? (write this question down on another sheet of paper) Slide 18 What is specific heat? Specific Heat is the amount of ENERGY needed to change the temperature of a substance 1 degree. The higher the specific heat of something is, the more ENERGY it takes to increase its temperature. Slide 19 METAL = 500 CLOTH = 1340 Slide 20 Slide 21 Specific Heat Demo Slide 22 What is magnetism? Magnetism the property of some materials to attract iron or something that has iron in it. Slide 23 What is electrical conductivity? Electrical Conductivity the ability to allow charges (electricity) to move through a material. Slide 24 BAD CONDUCTORS/ CALLED INSULATORS Slide 25 REMEMBER: Metals are usually good conductors Slide 26 What is thermal conductivity? Thermal Conductivity the ability to allow heat to transfer through a substance Slide 27 Slide 28 CONVECTION VS CONDUCTION ACTIVITY Slide 29 What is malleability? Malleability the ability of a substance to be rolled or pounded into thin sheets. REMEMBER: Most metals are malleable Slide 30 Slide 31 What is ductility? Ductility is the ability of a substance to be pulled into a wire. Slide 32 Slide 33 What are the three states of matter? SOLID LIQUID GAS Slide 34 SUBSTANCEMELTING POINT (deg C) BOILING POINT (deg C) STATE at 21 deg C Water0100 Ethanol-11779 Propane-190-42 Table Salt8011465 Slide 35 Slide 36 What is shape? Shape is the form something takes

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