pib weekly news - usd259 · which we will begin the second topic. this unit focuses on using the...

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PIB Weekly News F E B R U A R Y 7 , 2 0 2 0 W W W . U S D 2 5 9 . O R G / R O B I N S O N / P I B



February 10: We

the People State

Senate Hearings

February 10: Bas-

ketball at Robinson

February 11:

Foundation and

PTSO Meeting

February 12-14:

Student, Parent,

Teacher Confer-


February 14: Ear-

ly Release for Stu-

dents at 12:00

February 17: No


February 18: No


February 20: Bas-

ketball at Robinson

February 21:

Spring Dance 6:00-


February 24: Bas-

ketball at Allison

February 24: PIB

Family Night

Parent, Student,

Teacher Conferences

are NEXT week

(February 12, 13,

14). Progress

Reports will be

posted Monday morning. They will be

handed out during conferences.

Please check Parent/Student Vue for

the most up to date grades. We look

forward to meeting with everyone on

Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. At

conferences you will receive an letter

an envelope asking you to write a

positive note to your student to

receive during state assessments.

Those notes are due by Friday,

February 28. Our goal is to meet

with 100% of our families. On Friday

students will be dismissed from

school at 12:00.

Just a reminder, if you are planning

on being absent please let the

teachers know so we can give you

the work ahead of time. Remember

for school excused absences

(athletics, music, NAL, IB shadowing,

etc) all work is due the day you


Students need to have all hours of

community service hours turned in

on the first Friday of May. 6th: 15

hours; 7th: 20 hours, and 8th: 25

hours. If the hours are not

completed CHARGE grades will be

lowered a letter grade. Check http://

bit.ly/pibcommunityservice or google

classroom or for the amount of hours

they have turned in. Log sheets

are available on our team page on

the Robinson Website.

Also, remember that students are

allowed to earn up to a maximum

of 5 community service hours for

participating or supporting the

Robinson Community through

organized activities. There are

several NAL and Basketball games

in January that students can


You can earn 1 hour for each

Robinson event you attend. No

matter how long the event, it

counts for 1 hour.

Practice does not qualify for

community service.

Any event happening during the

school day does not qualify for

community service.

If attendance is required for a

class, it does not qualify for

community service.

You must still document on the

community service sheet with a

signature and a reflection.

6th, 7th, 8th PIB

Project Showcase


24, 2020

5:00 to


P A G E 2

Volunteers Needed

Have you heard of Volunteer Kansas? It’s a website

(www.volunteerkansas.org) for people who want to find

exciting and useful ways to engage in their community.

Students can browse opportunities to volunteer by loca-

tion or by their interests.

United Way has a website that lists

volunteer opportunities for teens. For

more information, visit http://


volunteers/ .

Have a picture of you volunteering?

Send it to Denise Van Horn to include in our PIB Presentations and Newsletters.

P A G E 3

Sixth Grade PIB Berry—Math Berry—Science

Callard—Language Arts Flores—Spanish

This week’s lessons are all about understanding the

vocabulary associated with the statistical process. We

will ask statistical questions, display and analyze data,

and come to conclusions based upon the data. Our

test over the first topic will be on Wednesday, after

which we will begin the second topic. This unit focuses

on using the five number summary and mean absolute

deviation to summarize data. The student goal for Ma-

thia is 75% completion by the end of February, please.

Our week will be filled with experiments over

properties of matter and physical v. chemical re-

action. There will be a test over these two ideas

(pgs. 36-49 in the spiral) on Thursday or Friday. I

will only check two pages this week (44-45) due

to the extra hours worked to accommodate par-

ent-teacher-student conferences. See you there!

Mandelbaum—Language Arts Mandelbaum—Social Studies

Polson—Spanish Taylor—Math

We will be reading the Phantom Tollbooth play in

class. We will be working with vocabulary and

grammar directly from the play.

We will be moving into the founding of Rome,

their republic government and the Punic Wars.

Students are reading the award-winning short story “The Cat and

the Coffee Drinkers,” by Max Steele, first published in The New

Yorker in 1963. We will be focusing on characterization in fiction,

first person point of view, and making inferences. Next week stu-

dents will begin to share their family interview websites in class.

Students should be close to finishing, editing their work and adding

photos and text features. Please utilize the graphic organizer with

suggestions for the ten required topics and to add as much detail

as possible to websites. Again, please gather the decorative arti-

facts for your presentation table so that you are not in a panic on

February 24, PIB Family Night.

Next week students will see their results from the

Ch. 1B test and read the first chapter in the novel

Pobre Ana. If you have not yet obtained a copy of

the novel for your student, please check

ParentVue for a message from me about how to

purchase the novel online or print it at no charge

as a pdf file.

We will begin reading our mini-novel, Pobre Ana,

this week! If your student prefers to read with a

pencil in their hand and wants to take notes in the

text, then they will need to bring their own copy of

the novel with them beginning on Monday. There

will be no formal quiz this week.

In this topic, students are introduced to the statis-

tical problem-solving process: formulate ques-

tions, collect data, analyze data, and interpret the

results. Students will use this process throughout

their studies of statistics, increasing the complex-

ity of each step of the process as they develop

their statistical literacy. Math Practice: Under-

stand and persevere.

Flores—Spanish Jenney—Science

Lavacek—Language Arts Rowley—Social Studies

Sims—Language Arts Sinsel—Math

Van Horn—Math

We will continue working on Module 2 Topic 2: Linear Relationships where we will continue working on

writing equations of lines. Reminder that 75% of Mathia is due by Monday, March 9. If you need addi-

tional help, ZAP is available on Tuesday and Thursday at lunch in my classroom.

Students will be beginning our journey with The

Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This

novel will allow us to work on annotating text for

character development, motif, and theme. Stu-

dents can purchase the correct translation from

me for $1.50; otherwise, they will need to pur-

chase the Katherine Woods translation.

This coming week, the seventh graders will con-

tinue our study of The Little Prince by Antoine de

Saint-Exupery. In addition, the second compo-

nent of the personal project will be due Monday,

Feb. 24. Please talk to your student about their

project and their progress.

7th Grade Math 7+: Math students will test over

proportionality on Tuesday. We’ll then start our

next unit on linear relationships!

7th grade Algebra: Math students will test over

exponents and scientific notation on Wednes-

day. We’ll then start our next unit on statistics!

We will finish our South Asia unit on Friday. Sev-

eral students of South Asia descent have asked if

we could have a chance for them to share parts

of their culture. As Friday already a half day, that

seems like the perfect time. If students what to

bring South Asia food (India, Bangladesh, Paki-

stan, Afghanistan, Nepal or Bhutan), each class

has around 30 students. I will provide plates and

silverware. This is completely optional and just

for fun.

P A G E 4

Seventh Grade PIB

On Thursday of next week students will take a quiz

that will require them to know how to correctly

spell all of the vocabulary words from Chapter 3B

in their textbooks. A great tool for preparing for

this quiz is the quizlet.com website. In the site's

search box, please type "tktflores" and look for my

link to Chapter 3B.

Seventh grade will be studying the cell next week.

P A G E 5

Eighth Grade PIB Flores—Spanish Jenney—Science

Lavacek—Language Arts Rowley—Social Studies

Next week's focus will be on grammar, specifically

on comparisons and superlatives. The quizzes

over both grammar points will be on Friday, Febru-

ary 21st. Students can go online to

www.phschool.com to practice for the quizzes. The

web codes that they will need to access the prac-

tice activities are jcd-0603 and jcd-0604.

Eighth grade will be studying human impact to

the environment next week.

Sims—Language Arts Sinsel—Math

Taylor—Math Van Horn—Math

Next week, the eighth graders will move into their

small group novel study. Students must provide their

own books (though they may check them out from the

library since we are not annotating them). They should

have them in class on Monday, Feb. 10. In addition,

the final copy of the personal project research paper is

due Monday, Feb. 10. The second component of the

personal project will be due Monday, Feb. 24. Please

talk to your student about their project and their pro-


Math students will test over exponents and scien-

tific notation on Wednesday. We’ll then start our

next unit on statistics!

Students will be starting their Small Group Novel Study

this week. Each student has chosen a book to read

with a small group. Students will be in charge of deter-

mining reading schedule, organizing discussions, cre-

ating projects, and writing tests. This unit gives them

the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply

and synthesize their understanding of literary elements

and devices. All students should have a copy of their

book in class on Monday.

We have finish chapter 10 this week which ends

the Launching the Republic unit. We will begin

the 4th (of 5) units, Nationalism and Sectionalism,

and specifically the Jacksonian Era on Tuesday.

Trigonometry provides an important bridge be-

tween geometry and algebra. Understanding the

trigonometric ratios in terms of side length ratios

prepares students to study trigonometric func-

tions in the next course. Students experience a

concrete representation of the trigonometric rati-

os using triangles in this course, beginning with

utilizing the tangent, cotangent and the inverse.

Math Practice: Model with Mathematics.

We will finish our supplemental exponents unit on

Wednesday with our unit test. Students will be

given a packet to work from. We will test over

this unit next Friday, February 7. Reminder that

75% of Mathia is due by Monday, March 9. If you

need additional help, ZAP is available on Tuesday

and Thursday at lunch in my classroom.




ct In




If you wish to contact any of the Pre-IB teachers with questions please note the following contact information. You can leave a message by

phone for any teacher at 973-8600.

Berry, Kathleen 6th Grade Math and Science Email: kberry@usd259.net

Callard, Tracy 6th Grade Language Arts

Email: tcallard@usd259.net

Flores, Tara 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Spanish Email: tflores@usd259.net

Jenney, Charles 7th and 8th Grade Science

Email: cjenney@usd259.net

Lavacek, Molly 7th and 8th Grade Language Arts

Email: mlavacek@usd259.net

Mandelbaum, Susan 6th Gr. Language Arts & Social Studies Email: smandelbaum@usd259.net

Polson, Elizabeth 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Spanish

Email: epolson@usd259.net

Rowley, Michele 7th and 8th Grade Social Studies

Email: mrowley@usd259.net

Sims, Katherine 7th and 8th Grade Language Arts

Email: ksims@usd259.net

Sinsel, Jennifer 7th and 8th Grade Math

Email: jsinsel@usd259.net

Taylor, Mike 6th and 8th Grade Math

Email: mtaylor4@usd259.net

Van Horn. Denise Team Leader

7th and 8th Grade Math Email: dvanhorn@usd259.net

Website http://www.usd259.org/robinson/pib

The page gives team information. A Weekly Newsletter (published Friday afternoons) will be posted. The newsletter will give information about topics of study and events

for the following week. To access classroom websites you will need to use your Parent/Student Vue account.

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