pick 3 part of fortune

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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“Part of Fortune” Fact or Fiction

In the past, several researchers such as Joyce Wehrman and Jack Gillen held a special place for the Part of Fortune within their special astrological research. According to each this “Hot” zodiac location would herald a lucky time within a persons life if they new how to locate it. They also felt the most powerful and luckiest time in a persons life was when the person would have Jupiter conjunct their Part of fortune…A very rare event only transpiring once every 12 years.

Now, for me I’ve been trying to test this “Hot” zodiac degree for myself for several years with only a little luck. My personal quest on the subject is to try to figure out if the Part of Fortune really does hold important timing keys for winning at speculative events……and I finally think I found my answer…..!

My “Lucky Time” over the past few months was an aspect of Jupiter conjunct my Part of Fortune ……..which took place from Jan 26- Mid Feb 2010 ….Again this aspect only happens once every 12 years and I was finally going to get my chance to test their theory first hand with a conjunction.

During this period I also started testing several new astrological and mathematical cycle system based on the NY pick 3, Pick 4, roulette casino games as well as horse race betting strategies (My stock research however is still my main research) as I wanted to get to the bottom of this elusive aspect once and for all.

As the aspect approached I wanted to use a 2 degree orb before and after its exact conjunction for my research as I wanted to know just when if at any time the aspect would show promise. However within the first 2 degree orb I found absolutely nothing different at my casino or racetrack play as I had several small hits but nothing different then most other times. I also had no wins at the pick 3 or 4 draws….though a new set of research tools were beginning to emerge.

It wasn’t until Jupiter became within a quarter degree orb from an exact conjunction that my plays begin to see something very odd…..It was at this time I continuously hit the pick 3 lottery draw 6 times over 14 days! …….A ratio that’s more or less astronomical by most lottery betters views…..I WAS HOT IF NOT ON FIRE WITH THE PICK 3!

This can also be confirmed first hand within my web group’s posts as several picks were put down in print several draws before many of my hits……This started in late January 2010 if you are interested in looking up the posts…

The following chart is my personal natal chart showing my “Part of Fortune” to be located at 2 Pisces 14 Min in my 8th house…

After researching each date I hit the pick 3 over the past few months starting with my first hit on Jan 29 and progressing all the way through until now I also found several very interesting points with the moon as well!

You will also over the next few charts see the Moon played a key role on almost ALL the pick 3 dates that I actually played and won when combined with the part of fortune aspect….. The next chart is a snapshot of the first Pick 3 hit on 1/29/10.If you take notice Jupiter was in an exact conjunction with my Part…….!

If you follow the Moon through this period you will also see it was in a 210 degree aspect to the conjunction on hit 1

The next chart was the second Pick 3 hit date of 1/31/10 the moon was exactly 180 degrees or in opposition from the Jupiter Part conjunction

The next hit was 2/3/2010 the Moon was 135 degrees from the aspect …..However the conjunction’s orb was widening

The next hit was on 2/9/2010 the Moon was around 60 degrees away from the aspect

The next hit was on 2/10/2010 when the moon was around 45 degrees away from the aspect …..The Jupiter part aspect at that point was still widening to about a 2.5 – 3 degree orb

The next hit was on 2/13/2010 with the moon at no real aspect but within 30 degree from a conjunction, the total Jupiter part aspect has now opened to about a 4 degree orb

And the last hit but NO win was on 2/15/2010 the moon was within a tight 15 degree aspect but this time past the Jupiter part conjunction…Jupiter was about 12 degree’s past my parts location.

Now what I mean by a hit but NO win was on this date I placed a 24 ticket pick 3 bet with a 50 cent combo cost of $55.00 to win $250…..Without looking over the tickets I walked out of the store and waited to potentially collect on my next ticket as all the other.

What actually happened was the girl at the counter who placed my bets, correctly placed 23 of the 24 bets in with 1 exception….THE WINNNG TICKET!!…..Up to this point I hit the pick 3 6 times in 2 weeks and thought I could do no wrong …..I also didn’t really think the part of fortune aspect had much to do with it because I started testing the aspect starting with a 2 degree before the exact conjunction but never won a cent above average at the casino.

However after that final date I have only since hit 2 pick 3 plays and played many dozens of combinations up till now!.......My new calculation and system though are still pointing to the winning groups but now it just seems to be personal choice that have left me without the big wins……

Example 1… I played the same root number bet as always (with a key root number ready to hit) but in the 5 years history the column I was playing never went more then 44 draws before a repeat…… I played it from the 18-24 draw with no hit, then from the 33-38th , then from the 40-the 44 and still no hit!1… so I grudgingly stopped at the 44th draw!

It came out in the 45th draw……THAT NIGHT!.....A loss of around $3500.00…

Example 2…Wile I was playing that column big I was also keying in on a few other roots with a key number in it and placed several other bets leaving out the double digits as I was trying to keep my bets down….. The new root with the key came out but in a double digit……It would have paid $3500.00

Example 3… After getting slapped around with the past bets I started keying in on a tighter money management system only playing 12 numbers within a root with a key number in it……Playing six with a $1 combo 2 times and the other 6 with a 50 cent box bet 3 times……..I actually flipped a coin on this play to choose what group of the 2 to combo for a $1000.00 potential hit….. and the others would just be a consolation bet paying $120.00……….well I hit for $120…….from the flip of a coin I lost out on a Grand!.....This happened to me 3 more times since then….

This type of non win sequence has been with me ever since the 2/15 number error…..

So after reviewing the data I came to realize that the most wins was on the exact Jupiter part of fortune conjunction and NOT before….And it lasted up until about a 4-5 degree orb after…..

Although the number system in itself gave me 2 of the 3 numbers in the pick 3 even up until today as well as 3 of 4 in the pick 4 it was both systems combined that actually gave me the best hits of play……..The astro and the odds stacking mathematical cycle system for the numbers.

So in a nut shell the “new lottery software” I’m developing is defiantly worth the narrowing down of the odds on the pick 3 and 4 number combinations but a little luck is still needed to produce the best hits…….

Hopes this helps to shed a little extra light on the subject….

ThanksRob Giordanowww.pvtpointmktres.com

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