pickerel fish

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Pickerel Fish. By: Nick and Chantal. Size. The Pickerel Fish can get up to 40cm (16 inches) It can weigh up to 2.25 pounds. What it Looks Like. The pickerel has dark green and black. The pickerel also has scales all over itself. The pickerel’s fins are orange to red . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



By: Nick and Chantal

SizeThe Pickerel Fish can get up to 40cm (16 inches) It can weigh up to 2.25 pounds.

What it Looks LikeThe pickerel has dark green and black. The pickerel also has scales all over itself. The pickerel’s fins are orange to red.They have big mouths to swallow big fish.

Special Body PartI think the special body part of the pickerel is the fins and the tail. It helps them move through the water.

Habitat/HomeThe habitat of the pickerel fish are lakes and rivers.

What it EatsThe pickerel eats minnows, other small and big fish, and sometimes crayfish.

How it BreathesThe pickerel breathes through it’s gills.

How it Moves The pickerel moves with its tail and fins by moving them from side to side.

How it Sleeps or RestThe pickerel rest by floating and doing nothing.

What it does in the Winter/Enemies

The pickerel stays under the ice or finds shelter close to the bottom during the winter. Their enemies are very large fish.

Family LifeThe mother pickerel lays sticky eggs in shallow heavily vegetated waters. The hatch in 11-15 days.

Bibliography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_pickerelthejoyofflyfishing.comhooked-in.com


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