pigeon dissection. what body parts does a bird have to help it fly? everything! every body system in...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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PIGEON DISSECTION Slide 2 WHAT BODY PARTS DOES A BIRD HAVE TO HELP IT FLY? EVERYTHING! EVERY body system in a bird is modified in some way to help it fly! Slide 3 Slide 4 Image from: http://www2.thny.bbc.co.uk/education/darwin/exfiles/archaeopteryx.htm ARCHAEOPTERYX First bird Fossil image from: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/birds/archaeopteryx.html Slide 5 PIGEON LATIN meaning KINGDOM _____________ PHYLUM ____________________________ SUBPHYLUM ___________________________ CLASS _______________________________ ORDER _____________________________ ANIMALIA CHORDATA VERTEBRATA backbone AVES Plural of avis= bird COLUMBIFORMES Slide 6 FEATHERS Image from: http://www.biology.eku.edu/RITCHISO/554notes1.html VANE RACHIS Slide 7 MODIFICATIONS of INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Feathers- (light weight & sturdy) provide lift & protect against heat loss Preen gland keeps feathers fly-able Streamline body to decrease air/wind resistance Slide 8 BEAKS Image from: http://www.antbits.co.uk/ant_pages/bio-pages/bio-02.html Slide 9 Slide 10 NICTITATING MEMBRANE TYMPANIC MEMBRANE inside head SCALY SKIN on feet CLAWS EXTERNAL NARES CERE Slide 11 EYES BIG for size of head See in COLOR Eyes on front of face- gives depth perception Seen in predators Eyes on sides of head- Gives wide range of vision Seen in prey Kestral Image from: http://www.biology.eku.edu/RITCHISO/birdbrain2.html Slide 12 BROOD PATCH Skin-to-egg contact keeps growing babies WARM Males that sit on eggs have it, too Image from: http://www.ventanaws.org/images/bsol/SongSparrow.jpg Slide 13 CLOACA & VENT Image by Riedell/VanderWal2005 Slide 14 Image from: http://www.rit.edu/~vertzo/Pigeon/PigeonPages/Home.html Oil makes feathers waterproof Preening straightens feathers and re-hooks barbules PREEN GLAND Slide 15 SKELETAL Hollow bones = light weight Image from: BIODIDAC Slide 16 Image modified from: http://www.biology.eku.edu/RITCHISO/554notes1.html FURCULA PYGOSTYLE STERNUM FUSED BONES = Sturdy Slide 17 MODIFICATIONS of SKELETAL SYSTEM Bones = hollow/air sacs extend into bones to make them LESS DENSE = fused to make them STURDY FURCULA stabilizes shoulders during flight STERNUM- attaches flight muscles PYGOSTYLE- support for tail Slide 18 PECTORALIS & SUPRACORACOIDEUS make up 35% of total body weight MUSCULAR SYSTEM Slide 19 MODIFICATIONS of MUSCULAR SYSTEM HUGE PECTORALIS MUSCLE provides power to move wings Slide 20 CROP No digestion happens here Stores and moistens food waiting to be digested Allows food to move faster/next batch is waiting Image by Riedell/VanderWal2005 Slide 21 CROP MILK COLUMBIFORMES- crop makes nutritious fluid called CROP MILK for babies http://www.joanbramsch.com/images/feeding.jpg Slide 22 HEART Heart = 1 to 2 times larger than in equal size mammal Heart rate much faster to move more blood Slide 23 HEART COMPLETE SEPTUM NOW 4 chambers 2 atria/2 ventricles Image by Riedell/VanderWal2005 Slide 24 1 loop 2 loops2 loops 2 chambers3 chambers4 chambers Fishamphibians birds & & reptiles mammals Slide 25 4 CHAMBER HEART 2 LOOPS Slide 26 Sinus venosus RIGHT Atrium Ventricle Conus arteriosus Lungs Body organs LEFT Atrium FROG & TURTLE CIRCULATION Slide 27 RIGHT Atrium Right Ventricle Lungs Body organs LEFT Atrium BIRD & MAMMAL CIRCULATION 4 chambers/2 loops Left Ventricle Slide 28 BIRD CIRCULATION Slide 29 MODIFICATIONS of CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Heart large for body size-pumps more blood Closed 2 loop system- most efficient/faster Complete septum/4 chamber heart- keeps Low/High oxygen blood totally separated Rapid heart rate- delivers more oxygen/faster Slide 30 MODIFICATIONS of ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ENDOTHERMIC METABOLISM- provides maximum energy for extended activity (flying) BURNING more GLUCOSE faster is where the heat comes from! Slide 31 GIZZARD PANCREAS LIVER with GALL BLADDER inside Slide 32 Slide 33 GIZZARD Muscular Contains gravel/rocks to grind food Slide 34 SMALL INTESTINE (Duodenum & Ileum) LARGE INTESTINE isnt very large! Absorbs less water back from feces (Water is HEAVY!) EXITS through CLOACA Slide 35 COLIC CAECA Pouches on intestine Contain bacteria to digest plants Slide 36 MODIFICATIONS of DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Fast efficient digestive system fuels endothermic metabolism for more energy for extended activity CROP- stores next batch so food always moving through 2 part stomach (Crop/Gizzard)- so food moves through faster COLIC CAECA- help break down plants LONG SMALL INTESTINE-absorbs lots of nutrients SHORT LARGE INTESTINE- Absorbs less water / feces not stored out of body as it is made so weigh less Slide 37 TRACHEA BRONCHI Cartilage rings keep airway open Image by Riedell/VanderWal2005 Slide 38 SYRINX VOICE BOX Image by Riedell/VanderWal2005 Slide 39 LUNGS Remove 31% of oxygen ; Human lungs remove 24% Slide 40 AIR SACS STORE AIR No gas exchange ALLOW OXYGEN IN LUNGS on the INHALE and on the EXHALE Slide 41 OXYGEN on the EXHALE This is an adaptation! Animation from: http://www.sk.lung.ca/content.cfm/birds Slide 42 MODIFICATIONS of RESPIRATORY SYSTEM SUPER EFFICIENT RESPIRATORY SYSTEM gets the most oxygen possible Extra AIR SACS allow oxygen in lungs on both the INHALE AND EXHALE Air sacs extending into bones makes skeleton less dense Alveoli increase surface area for more gas exchange Slide 43 KIDNEYS & URETERS Slide 44 MODIFICATIONS of EXCRETORY SYSTEM Excrete nitrogen waste as URIC ACID- so uses less water to dilute No URINARY BLADDER- so urine (water) not stored less weight Slide 45 TESTES TESTES-males KIDNEYS URETERS CLOACA Slide 46 OVARY make eggs OVIDUCTS add albumen/shell Slide 47 INTERNAL FERTILIZATION http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/avianreproduction.html http://www.usgs.nau.edu/swwf/images/WIFL%20nest%20with%20eggs%20-%20MD.jpg OVIPAROUS Lay amniotic eggs Slide 48 DIRECT DEVELOPMENT 2 KINDS OF BABIES ALTRICIAL = HELPLESS hatch without feathers, eyes closed, cant walk, parents must feed every 20 min Ex: songbirds, pigeons, raptors http://www.kathyskritters.com/tales/robins/images/baby_robins_5-13.jpg Slide 49 DIRECT DEVELOPMENT 2 KINDS OF BABIES PRECOCIAL MORE INDEPENDENT hatch with fuzzy down, can follow parent and feed itself soon after hatching EX: Ducks and geese http://cowpi.com/journal/2004/06/the_dangers_of_leadership.html Slide 50 MODIFICATIONS of REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Female has only ONE OVARY & OVIDUCT on left side less weight OVIPARITY- lay eggs OUTSIDE of body less weight REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS- enlarge during breeding season/shrink rest of time less weight Slide 51 TUBES IS TUBES? OVIDUCTS- carry eggs from ovary to cloaca VAS DEFERENS- carry sperm from testes to cloaca URETERS- carry urine from kidneys to cloaca Slide 52 http://www.wtamu.edu/~rmatlack/pigeon_dissection/brain.jpg Slide 53 MODIFICATIONS of NERVOUS SYSTEM Large brain for body size = smarter Bigger CEREBRUM for more complex behaviors problem solving; learning; navigation; Bigger CEREBELLUM- for muscle coordination Bigger OPTIC LOBES for better vision; 3D & Color Concentration of iron in brain to act as compass Thus the ability to migrate!!! You are now ready to dissect!

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