pilgrim’s passport

Post on 25-Nov-2021






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St. James Episcopal Church


The end of the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) in Spain is celebrated by receiving a Compostela. This document certifies that you have completed the Camino. To receive it you must take the Journey for religious reasons, travel a specific distance, and be able to accredit the distance covered.

This accreditation process happens with a Pilgrim's Passport, which inspired this guide. Pilgrims must get their Passport stamped in the towns they pass through to show that they have completed the minimum distance required. These stamps can be obtained in hostels, Friends of the Camino associations, churches and other places such as town halls, cafes or Correos post offices.

In this passport you will find a reminder of the theme for the week, some suggested prayers and readings, and a place for you to log and track your journey. Though we won't have stamps for you to collect, I hope you will use the space provided to log your journey this Lent. Additionally, you may find it helpful to pair this with a small notebook or journal to use to write out your thoughts and prayers along the way.

Stamps in the Passport

Access this Passport online at www.stjamesdallas.org/walk

Prayers before setting out on a pilgrimage God of the guiding star, the bush that blazes; Show us your way. God of the stormy seas, the bread that nourishes; Teach us your truth. God of the still, small voice, the wind that blows where it chooses; Fill us with life. God of the elements, of our inward and outward journeys, Set our feet on your road today.

May God bless us with a safe journey. May the angels and saints travel with us. May we live this day in justice and joy. Amen.

Bless to us, O God, the earth beneath our feet. Bless to us, O God, the path whereon we go. Bless to us, O God, the people whose we meet. Amen.

Prayers to Finish Pilgrim God, our shoes are filled with stones, our feet are blistered and bleeding, our faces are stained with tears. As we stumble and fall may we know your presence in the bleeding and in the tears and in the healing and in the laughter of our pilgrimage. Amen.

A Prayer for Pilgrims

Walking Suggestion

Decide the length of your journey each day, whether measured by time or distance. Start at your door and walk through you neighborhood. Take time to look at what makes your neighborhood unique. The houses, trees, parked cars, and especially your neighbors all make up what you will encounter. Walk away from your house until you reach the halfway point of your journey and then turn around and walk back.

On each trip take a slightly different route. Ask God to guide your prayers and thoughts as you walk.

A Prayer for the Week Guardian of my soul, guide me on my way today. Keep me safe from harm, Deepen my relationship with you, your earth, and all your family. Strengthen you love within me that I may be presence of your peace in our world. Amen.

Suggested Readings

Luke 9:1-6 Mark 6:6b-13

“Bringing Christ to the People in Your Neighborhood” blog post.

scan code to read post

Your Goal for the Week Use this space to list your distance or time goal as well as other things you would like to accomplish this week.


Week OneStart Where You Are

tracking your journeySunday







Total for the Week

Progress towards goal

Walking Suggestion Pilgrimage is about experiencing something new. Last week you probably found new ways to look at things that you see all of the time but this week we are stepping together into the unknown and looking for God in new places.

In the back of this passport is a List of places to walk. Choose one that you have never been to and find time this week to go and walk there. You could also find a park, trail, or neighborhood near you that you have never explored and go walk there. It may be a good idea to invite someone with you on your walks this week. that is always appropriate.

A Prayer for the Week My Lord and my God, take from me whatever keeps me from Thee. My Lord and my God, grant me whatever brings me to Thee. My Lord and my God, take my self, to live wholly in Thee. Amen.

Suggested Readings Isaiah 43:16-21 2 Corinthians 5:16-20

“My Pilgrimage Experience" blog post.

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Your Goal for the Week Use this space to list your distance or time goal as well as other things you would like to accomplish this week.


Week TwoGet out of your Comfort Zone

tracking your journeySunday







Total for the Week

Progress towards goal

Walking Suggestion This week we remember that God is with us, even in the deserts of life. On a pilgrimage, a desert is a place of monotony. The dry, arid conditions make for an uninspiring journey. There are no rolling rivers to accompany us on our walk. The beautiful trees and foliage of the forests are a distant memory, and the motivation to continue down the dusty path is dwindling with each step forward.

To conjure up this feeling in our Pilgrimage at Home, you may choose to walk laps around a track, or at a local park, or anywhere that can recreate the monotony of the desert.

A Prayer for the Week May God the Father who created you, guide your footsteps, May God the Son who redeemed you, share your journey, May God the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you, lead you on life’s pilgrimage, and the blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you wherever you may go. Amen.

Suggested Readings Mark 1:9-15 Psalm. 25:1-9

“Finding God in the Everyday” blog post.

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Your Goal for the Week Use this space to list your distance or time goal as well as other things you would like to accomplish this week.


Week ThreeGod is Present in the Desert

tracking your journeySunday







Total for the Week

Progress towards goal

Walking Suggestion On a traditional pilgrimage, you would be at the point where sore feet and muscles are a part of your journey each day. Maybe on our version of pilgrimage, you have felt these things as well.

For a walk this week, see if you can push yourself on the distance you travel. If your schedule allows, maybe try to fit an entire weeks walking into a single day. You may also need to do some catching up to finish your goal on time. This would be a great time to push yourself each day, trusting that God will provide.

A Prayer for the Week Guardian of my soul, guide me on my way today. Keep me safe from harm, Deepen my relationship with you, your earth, and all your family. Strengthen you love within me that I may be presence of your peace in our world. Amen.

Suggested Readings Matthew 6:25-34 Psalm 121

“Our Help on our Journey” blog post.

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Your Goal for the Week Use this space to list your distance or time goal as well as other things you would like to accomplish this week.


Week FourGod Will Provide

tracking your journeySunday







Total for the Week

Progress towards goal

Walking Suggestion Our Journey comes to a close as we prepare to celebrate with churches around the world on Palm Sunday. The end of a pilgrimage is marked with celebration and what better to celebrate than King Jesus entering into Jerusalem.

Find a way to celebrate your walks this week. Walk someplace that is fun. to a favorite destination, or with people who make you happy. A Prayer for the Week May I walk this day in the realm of grace, walking with You my feet firmly on your earth-path, my heart loving all as kindred, my words and deeds alive with justice.

May I walk as blessing, meeting blessing at every turn in every challenge, blessing, in all opposition, blessing, in harm’s way, blessing. May I walk each step in this moment of grace, alert to hear You and awake enough to say a simple Yes.

Suggested Readings Mark 11:1-11 Psalm 118:19-29

“The Tension of Celebration and Agony” blog post.

scan code to read post

Your Goal for the Week Use this space to list your distance or time goal as well as other things you would like to accomplish this week.


Week FiveWalking into Jerusalem

tracking your journeySunday







Total for the Week

Progress towards goal

Cedar Ridge Preserve Southwest Dallas - 603-acre Cedar Ridge Preserve on Mountain Creek Parkway in southwest Dallas County.

Katy Trail Central Dallas - The historic Katy Trail is built on an old railroad line and has quickly become an iconic destination for the people of Dallas.

Cedar Hill State Park Cedar Hill - Cedar Hill State Park, with 1,826 acres, is located on the 7,500-acre Joe Pool Lake.

Arbor Hills Nature Preserve Plano - Arbor Hills Nature Preserve is a 200-acre park featuring vast areas of natural beauty for walking, jogging, hiking, orienteering, and other outdoor activity.

Trinity River Audubon Center South Dallas Will open in March. - Gateway to exploring the amazing resources of the 6,000 acre Great Trinity Forest.

Oak Cliff Nature Preserve Trails Oak Cliff - Oak Cliff Nature Preserve is a 121-acre oasis of green space located right in the middle of urban Dallas

White Rock Lake East Dallas - 1,015 acre city lake located approximately 5 miles northeast of downtown Dallas.

Spring Creek Nature Preserve Garland/Richardson - 1,015 acre city lake located approximately 5 miles northeast of downtown Dallas.

more can be found online, if you find a spot that you love please share it.

Places to Walk

In-person Every Saturday during Lent you are invited to join us at the church to share and hear about our experiences walking together. From 4-5:30, outdoors if weather permits, or in the Parish Hall if needed all with social distance efforts required (masks and distance).

Online Look for a weekly encouragement in your email inbox used to sign up. These will be short and simple reminders that we are on a journey together even though we may be far apart.

Worship with Us Whether in person or online, you are welcome to worship with us on Sunday Mornings. Find more information at www.stjamesdallas.org/worship

Connecting with others

www.caminodesantiago.me Where past pilgrims share and future pilgrims learn.

www.caminoadventures.com General information about routes and history

More about the Camino de Santiago

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