pillars to inner healing

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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You Are Healed!

Exodus 15:261 Peter 2:24


• Our Lord continues to heal today and it is vital that the church preach, teach and practice this biblical truth. Scriptures command believers to pray in faith and trust God for the outcome.

“Christ’s death on the cross not only provides for forgiveness of sin, but also healing for sickness. The One who gave you the gift of eternal life…is the same One who can heal your body.” -- Doug Clay

4 Pillars To Healing

Pillar #1. Position

yourself to be healed!

Having the right relationship with God.

Overcoming the religious mindset is a very important step to position yourself to receive healing to your damaged emotions.

• Many Christians have what we call a religion with God, not a relationship.

• Dead religion is fear based, whereas relationship is faith and love based.

Pillar #2.Get yourself to

the point where you know the will

of God.

• Knowing that He loves, forgives, and accepts you, is one of the foundations to receive inner healing.

Pillar #3.Tear down the

walls that hinder the healing

power and light of Christ.

• The Holy Spirit is very eager and ready to heal our wounded emotions, but He's also a gentleman and won't override our freewill.

Pillar #4.Be thankful for Jesus carrying our sorrows.

• We need to realize that Christ has taken our pain on the cross, and if we will transfer it to Him, He is waiting to heal our wounds.

Isaiah 53:5 (NIRV)But the servant was pierced because we had sinned. He was crushed because we had done what was evil.He was punished to make us whole again. His wounds have healed us.

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