pinterest test

Post on 29-Aug-2014






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What is Pinterest?

What is Pinterest?Pinterest is a virtual bullein board that allows users to share images/links they find intersting or inspiring. Once shared, these images become “Pins” that can be placed on thematic “Boards” that users can customize for any topic. Once something is pinned, it can then be “Repinned” by other Pinterest users.

What is Pinterest?Lian’s Definition:Pinterest is the Online Visual Gateway to your personality (or in this case, the personality of 500 Staffing)

What is Pinterest?

Rule #1It’s a Visual Medium, so everything must be visually appealing.

Lian’s Definition:Pinterest is the Online Visual Gateway to your personality (or in this case, the personality of 500

Why Use Pinterest?According to comScore, Pinterest reached 11.7 million unique monthly visitors in January, making it the fastes standalone site in history to cross the 10 million mark.

Why Use Pinterest?Pinterest has the potential to drive serious referral traffic. According to Shareaholic, based on data from their 200,000 member publishers, Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, Linkedin, and YouTube combined.

Rule #2Pinterest is all about embodying culture. It is NOT about self-promotion

Pinterest DemographicsFemale-Dominated and Varied in Age

Pinterest LingoA Primer on Basic Pinterest Terminology

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