pipeline pipeline servicesservices · 2017. 3. 10. · pipeline right of ways – geohazards...

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  • Pipeline Pipeline ServicesServices


  • ABOUT USKlohn Crippen Berger Ltd. (KCB) is a leading engineering, geoscience and environmental consul ng fi rm with its head offi ce in Vancouver and 10 offi ces in other loca ons in Canada, Peru, Australia and the UK. KCB off ers a full range of services in oil and gas, mining, environmental, water, power and transporta on. Our commitment to excellence is the driving force behind everything we do and, as a result, we are the recipient of over 50 na onal and interna onal awards for major projects. In fact, our projects con nue to stand the test of me and, today, we work on many sites that we helped develop decades ago.

    We have a strong reputa on for quality service and technical experience in a range of services. Formed in 1951, KCB has a long history of par cipa ng in some of the largest and most challenging engineering projects in the world; projects that have helped develop resources,reclaim landscapes, build communi es and s mulate economies.

    Through our associa on with the Louis Berger Group (LBG) we have access to over 6,000 employees in more than 50 countries. LBG works in the main business areas of environment, highways and infrastructure.

    Our corporate vision is to build a be er world throughexcellence, teamwork and innova on. Our commitment to excellence is the driving force behind everything we do and as a result, we are the recipient of over 50 awards forbusiness leadership and project innova ons. Our projects stand the test of me and we con nue to work on many sites that we helped develop decades ago.



  • KCB AND THE PIPELINE INDUSTRYWe have provided solu ons to the pipeline industry for decades and are con nually looking for opportuni es to provide innova ve solu ons to meet the unique needs of our key pipeline and industry clients.

    KCB recognizes that the pipeline industry has recently been subjected to increased regulatory and public scru ny, regarding environmental impacts, pipeline integrity, and pipeline safety. With this increased scru ny comes a greater challenge to develop mul -disciplinary innova ons, increase sustainability of opera ons, and develop and maintain opera onal risk management systems.

    Our project experience includes geotechnical and hydrotechnical engineering, as well as environmental solu ons for the life-cycle of pipelines and their associated facili es. KCB also has experience with mul disciplinary projects, combining tradi onal engineering and environmental services to cost eff ec vely and effi ciently complete all facets of a project from concept to construc on to decommissioning. In addi on to our project experience KCB has experience developing programs to: monitor depth of cover and crossing integrity; manage geohazards; and to ensure companies are in compliance with health, safety, security, and environmental regula ons and guidelines.”



    KCB is commi ed to protec ng the health and safety of our employees, subcontractors and visitors, and minimizing the impact of our opera ons on the environment, through proper planning and execu on of our work. Our HSE system is registered to the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards for environment and occupa onal health and safety, respec vely. Our goal is preven ng harm in our offi ces and laboratories, and on project sites worldwide by:

    • Mee ng or exceeding legisla ve, regulatory and client requirements.• Communica ng and enforcing the requirements of our HSE system with our employees, contractors and visitors through our

    managers and supervisors.• Ensuring all employees, subcontractors and visitors understand and carry out their responsibili es, including hazard

    iden fi ca on, risk assessment, incident repor ng and inves ga on.• Con nually improving our HSE system in collabora on with employees through training, measurement of our performance,

    sharing of lessons learned, and annual reviews of the eff ec veness of our HSE system.

    As a part of our integrated management system, KCB uses a Quality Management System (QMS) to provide a consistent and disciplined approach to project management and to our engineering, geoscience and environmental consul ng services. Our QMS has been registered to the ISO 9001 standard since 1999.

    KCB’s QMS includes review and checking procedures for our consul ng prac ce, including calcula ons, designs, drawings, tender documents and cost es ma ng. This helps us to:

    • Sa sfy clients’ requirements consistently;• Meet the appropriate codes and standards;• Check that technical input is complete and reliable;• Determine that work is carried out by staff who are adequately trained;• Check our work is reviewed; and• Maintain adequate project records.

    We con nually strive to improve the eff ec veness of our integrated management system through regular external and internal audits, and by weekly and monthly management reviews.

  • SUSTAINABILITYKCB is commi ed to sustainability in our business opera ons and professional services, and we publish our progress in an annual Sustainability Report. We strive to balance social, environmental and economic considera ons to meet the needs of our clients, the community, our employees and other key stakeholders. Our business is governed using an integrated management system consis ng of quality, health and safety, and environment (QHSE) procedures. Our management system meets the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards, steers our business conduct and the manner in which we undertake our projects. Our QHSE Policy includes our goals of fostering a culture of quality, building a safe and healthy culture, while reducing our environmental impact .

    In Our ProjectsWe endeavor to minimize the impact of our opera ons on the environment, including the preven on of pollu on to the land, water and air, and to integrate sustainability considera ons in our professional prac ce. We also advise our clients on ways to eliminate, mi gate or remediate the environmental impact of their opera ons or facili es, and include opportuni es to incorporate sustainable op ons into their projects.

    In Our Offi cesAs a consul ng fi rm, our greatest opportunity to posi vely impact the environment is through our project work. This however, does not deter us from con nuing to focus on our offi ce opera ons as we believe in maintaining a culture of sustainability throughout all aspects of our work. Details on our in-offi ce ini a ves can be found in our sustainability report.

    For Our CommunityWe have a robust Corporate Social Responsibility program driven by our employees. We believe that by suppor ng causes that employees are passionate about, we build an environment in which employees feel engaged and supported. This posi vely impacts our professional prac ce and the communi es that we serve. We also support educa onal ins tu ons through endowments, co-op programs and guest lectures.


    Services LeadersTim Keegan, Edmonton, is a senior geotechnical / geological engineer who has spent the majority of his professional career managing opera onal risk associated with geotechnical hazards and design, construc on and opera ons in water reten on dams, tailings containment, water supply, wastewater management, pipelines, and railway opera ng environments.

    Gregg O’Neil, Calgary, has over 30 years of experience in civil engineering design and project management with a focus on the oil sands mining and pipeline industries. His pipeline experience includes route selec on and design of pipeline river crossings.

    Pam Fines, Edmonton, has more than 10 years of experience as a geotechnical engineer and project manager with a focus on tailings dam and waste rock dump design.

    Chris Gräpel, Edmonton, is a civil / geotechnical engineer with 20 years of experience in water resources, mining, and transporta on engineering.

    Darren Ratcliff e, Calgary, has more than 20 years of experience in geotechnical engineering with experience in geotechnical inves ga ons, embankment and founda on designs, and the project management of numerous projects.

    Client Service Needs

    Design, construc on and maintenance of:• Pipelines and crossings• Pipeline facili es, plant facili es, wellsites and

    associated facili es

    KCB Service Areas

    Pipelines and crossings• Geotechnical evalua on and design of Horizontal

    Direc onal Drills (HDD)• Slope stability at river crossings• Buoyancy control• Geohazard management of pipeline right-of-ways• Drainage and erosion control• Construc on inspec on and QA / QC• Permi ng and regulatory approvals

    Pipeline facili es, plant facili es, wellsites and associated facili es

    • Risk assessment• Site drainage and surface water management • Permi ng and regulatory approvals• Groundwater management

  • ExperienceGEOTECHNICAL

    Geotechnical / Geophysical Inves ga ons for Alliance Pipelines, BC – SaskatchewanKCB coordinated the geotechnical and geophysical inves ga ons for the proposed Canadian Mainline including HDD river, railway, and road crossings. Site inspec ons and assessments were compiled for pipeline rou ng, construc on remedia on, buoyancy control, conven onal trenching, and bedrock rippability.

    Geotechnical / Geophysical Inves ga ons for Kinder Morgan Pipelines, AlbertaKCB coordinated the geotechnical and geophysical trenchless HDD crossing studies in Jasper Na onal Park and Mount Robson Provincial Park. Comprehensive planning and consulta on with Parks Canada was an integral component, with par cular emphasis on minimizing impacts to wildlife, vegeta on, and surface terrain.

    HDD Evalua ons and Design, Western CanadaKCB coordinated route selec on, geotechnical assessments, and geophysical surveys for trenchless HDD

    crossings of water bodies throughout Western Canada. KCB also provided engineering support during installa on of the HDD crossings.

    Geohazard Management on Right of Ways, Western CanadaKCB has undertaken a number of assessments of geohazards on or near pipeline right of ways – geohazards include slope instability, drainage and erosion, and buoyancy control failures. Assessments iden fy the hazard, determine the cause, assess poten al impacts, and recommend mi ga ve measures. KCB has also provided construc on inspec on during management of geohazards.

    Mackenzie Gas Project, Northwest TerritoriesKCB led the development of the Integrity Management Plan (IMP) for the Mackenzie mainline. The IMP iden fi ed pipeline hazards, monitoring methods to track progress of each hazard, and mi ga ve measures for each hazard. Hazards included frost heave, thaw se lement, slope stability, and river crossings.

    Pembina River Crossing Installa on, AlbertaKCB conducted crossing inspec ons during the “lowering-in” of NPS 48, double sagbend concrete coated pipeline at a crossing of the Pembina River. The nature of the construc on required a pump and bypass technique for placing the pipe. The pipeline route also extended through the river fl oodplain, requiring buoyancy and control design using both river weights and screw anchors.

    Smoky River Crossing Feasibility, AlbertaKCB inves gated terrain and subsurface condi ons, as a basis for evalua ng the feasibility of an HDD or open cut crossing on the Smoky River. The project included a detailed review of regional and site-specifi c ground informa on, a geotechnical site inves ga on, and a terrain assessment. KCB also es mated the risk and costs of future maintenance with each crossing design to aid in the company’s pipeline integrity program.


    Services LeadersChuck Slack, Calgary, has more than 26 years of experience in a variety of surface water engineering-related projects.

    Rob Cheetham, Calgary, is a senior civil engineer with more than 18 years of experience in civil engineering and water resources projects.

    Wes Dick, Calgary, has over 25 years of experience in hydrotechnical engineering with an emphasis on hydrology, hydraulic analysis, and civil engineering design.

    Sarah McArthur, Calgary, is a senior hydrogeologist with over 13 years of experience applying a variety of hydrogeological and geophysical methods towards characterizing the geological subsurface.

    Warren Vincent-Lambert, Calgary, is a senior hydrogeologist with over 18 years of experience in water management and environmental inves ga ons.

    Client Service Needs

    Design and construc on of waterbody crossingsOpera ons and maintenance of crossingsSurface water runoff / erosion managementGeohazard assessments

    KCB Service Areas

    Design and construc on of waterbody crossings• Baseline data collec on - bathymetric surveys, bed / bank material

    sampling, records review• Crossing classifi ca ons - fl ow regime, channel morphology, and stability• Hydrologic analysis• HDD design including entry and exit points• Regulatory support• Bank restora on / protec on measures• Installa on procedures - isola on techniques, ver cal cover requirements,

    and construc on access• Field engineering and construc on inspec on

    Opera ons and maintenance of crossings• Channel surveys and electromagne c scoping of pipe• Depth of cover / crossing integrity assessments • Development and implementa on of programs to monitor depth of cover• Field engineering and construc on inspec on during repairs• Design of in-stream scour protec on or bank stabiliza on• Pipeline rupture inves ga ons• River engineering

    Design of surface water runoff / erosion control plansComple on of geohazard assessments and avoidance during rou ng


    Depth of Cover and Integrity Assessments, Western CanadaKCB conducted site inspec ons, electromagne c pipe scoping, fl ood analyses, and channel stability inves ga ons for numerous waterbody crossings throughout BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. KCB provided site specifi c monitoring requirements for the crossings and evaluated repair and replacement op ons for crossings at risk of exposure.

    Major River Exposures, AlbertaKCB directed channel surveys, conducted hydrologic / hydraulic inves ga ons, regulatory permit applica ons, and construc on monitoring for conven onal open cut replacement of exposed crossings on the James River, the Athabasca River, and the North Saskatchewan River. KCB also advised on entry / exit loca ons for HDD replacement of the Sheep River crossing at Turner Valley.

    Pipeline Rupture Inves ga ons, AlbertaKCB directed river survey programs and hydrologic / hydraulic analyses aimed at determining the causes of various pipeline ruptures at crossings of the North Saskatchewan River, Smoky River, Oldman River, and the Athabasca River. As part of the analyses KCB provided recommenda ons on pipeline rou ng and minimum cover requirements for replacement of the crossings.

    Keystone XL Pipeline, Western CanadaKCB was commissioned to conduct a hydrology baseline study to characterize the hydrology of streams crossed by the Keystone XL pipeline. This study supported planning for pipeline crossing design and construc on, and supported fi sheries and aqua c resource components of the baseline study.

    Nordegg River Diversion and Crossing Replacement, AlbertaKCB inves gated problems with bank erosion and shallow in-stream burial depth at a bundled sour gas pipeline crossing on the Nordegg River. KCB was involved from assessment to construc on, providing recommenda ons for replacement by isolated open trenching and fi eld engineering advice during installa on and opera on of the diversion.

    Pembina River Crossing, AlbertaKCB was retained to review pipeline burial depths at three crossings of the Pembina River in west-central Alberta. The primary objec ves were to review the history of the fl ooding in the crossing area; analyze the behaviour of the river with respect to bed scour, bank erosion, and channel shi ; and evaluate the need for repair and / or replacement of the crossings.


    Services LeadersSuzanne Davis-Hall, Calgary, has 20 years of experience in the resources and infrastructure sectors, with the last 10 years being in senior corporate and government environment, community and sustainability roles.

    Jason Duxbury, Edmonton, has over 20 years of environmental work experience. He has par cipated in over 30 environmental assessments throughout Alberta and Bri sh Columbia.

    Lyne e Esak, Edmonton, has over 23 years of experience in environmental services, such as soil remedia on and reclama on, environmental assessments, pre-disturbance assessments, conserva on and reclama on plans, and environmental protec on plans.

    Chad Wawrinchuk, Calgary, has over 10 years of experience managing projects involving hydrocarbon, heavy metal and salinity contamina on at oil and gas facili es throughout Western Canada.

    Client Service Needs

    Environmental assessments and inves ga onsRemedia on and reclama on of pipelines and associated facili esRegulatory compliance and approvalsConstruc on inspec on

    KCB Service Areas

    Environmental assessments and inves ga ons• Pre-construc on / pre-disturbance site assessments – soil, vegeta on, and

    migratory birds• Baseline studies and environmental impact assessments – soil, wildlife,

    habitat, biodiversity, weeds, and rare plants• Environmental protec on plans and environmental alignment sheets• Wildlife management plans including species at risk and habitat screening• Conserva on and reclama on plans• Surface water and groundwater quality assessments• Wetland assessments and compensa on plans• Fisheries and habitat assessments• Fish habitat restora on and habitat protec on planning

    Remedia on and reclama on of pipelines and associated facili es• Liability assessments• Decommissioning of pipeline facili es• Phase I and II environmental site assessments• Various remedia on strategies such as bioremedia on, and dual phase

    extrac on• Detailed site assessments and remedia on / reclama on applica ons

    Regulatory compliance and approvals• Federal and provincial permi ng and approvals• Health, safety, security, and environmental compliance audits• Public consulta on / enrollment

    Environmental inspec on during pipeline construc on


    Gas Plant Liability and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Western CanadaKCB conducted Phase 1 ESAs and liability assessments at 25 gas plants in Alberta, Bri sh Columbia, and Saskatchewan. The Phase I ESAs recommended environmental work with respect to regulatory guidelines and assessed the environmental liabili es. The liability assessments es mated remedia on and reclama on costs associated with each gas plant.

    Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Site AuditKCB conducted an audit of a salt caverns storage facility, evalua ng the facility against provincial regula ons. KCB assessed opera ons, prac ces, and systems, and evaluated the site to determine poten al impacts and mi ga on measures. Assessments were made regarding site se ng including transporta on access, product movement capacity, storage facili es,

    integrity and security, visual site assessment, environmental monitoring and protec on, regulatory compliance, document control and tracking, and facility opera ons.

    Arc c Remedia on, Northwest TerritoriesKCB provided environmental services for the clean-up of a former logis c base. This involved delinea on and treatment of petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater. We developed and planned prac cal soil and groundwater treatment op ons; including a water treatment system to remediate contaminated groundwater prior to returning it to the environment. An aera on program to decrease hydrocarbon concentra ons in contaminated soil was implemented.

    Peppers II Pipeline, AlbertaKCB conducted a scou ng alignment and developed an environmental design basis: providing DFO with an

    authoriza on applica on; conduc ng a salvage and environmental inspec on; provided fi sheries and creek monitoring and enhancement; and completed a fi sheries report. Habitat enhancement of Sandstone Creek, including fry shelters, pool and rock armoured banks, and development and u liza on of na ve seed mix for reclama on.

    Abandoned Gas Plants, AlbertaKCB has conducted Phase II ESAs on numerous gas plants throughout Alberta. KCB delineated poten al on and off -lease soil and groundwater impacts by developing a soil and groundwater sampling program. The data was used to establish management and remedia on plans to reduce the soil and environmental risks to the surrounding areas.

  • www.klohn.comwww.klohn.com





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