placing heavy rainfall events in context using long time series: an example from the north york...

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Placing heavy rainfall events in context using long time series: An example from the North York MoorsJonathan Hopkins, Jeff Warburton and Tim BurtUniversity of Durham

Heavy rainfall events in upland areas have

important implications for flooding, erosion,

and sediment transport. The characteristics

of many upland runoff events often result in

‘flash’ floods, which present a danger to life

due to rapidly rising floodwaters (Gruntfest

and Handmer, 2001). Recent flash floods fol-

lowing heavy rainfall have occurred in

Boscastle, Cornwall (2004), Ryedale, North

Yorkshire (2005) and Alston, Cumbria (2007).

For settlements located in upland or steep-

sided valleys, flash floods are a significant

threat due to the risk of rapid runoff in these

areas. Therefore, studies of long-term trends

in heavy rainfall, where available, are particu-

larly important in assessing this risk.

The magnitude and frequency of heavy

rainfall events (indicated using daily totals)

appear to have increased in the UK since

c. 1960, with an increase in the number of

heavy rain days in winter; however, summer

rain days appear to have declined in fre-

quency (Osborn et al., 2000; Osborn and

Hulme, 2002; Fowler and Kilsby, 2003;

Jenkins et al., 2007; Maraun et al., 2008).

Studies of rainfall in northern England show

similar trends: increases in winter rainfall

totals and heavy rainfall events, but a decline

in summer totals and heavy rainfall events,

for example in Cumbria (Malby et al., 2007).

Additionally, the long-running Durham

record shows an increase in heavy rainfall in

the latter half of the twentieth century (Burt

and Horton, 2007). The aim of this paper is

to determine whether heavy rainstorms are

becoming more frequent in upland catch-

ments by assessing the significance of the

recent 19 June 2005 event which caused a

major flash flood in upper Ryedale (North

Yorkshire), using a 93-year rainfall record.

Case study: Heavy rainfall and flash flood in upper Ryedale, 19 June 2005

In this paper, the terms ‘Ryedale’ and ‘upper

Ryedale’ refer to the valley of the River

Rye upstream of Helmsley (SE 615 845,

altitude c. 50 metres) in the western North

York Moors National Park in northeast

England (Figure 1). The River Rye and its

tributaries drain much of the western

North York Moors, an area of peat moor-

land and grassland. The catchment area of

upper Ryedale is 210 square kilometres

with a maximum altitude of 454 metres at

Round Hill (NZ 594 015, Figure 2). Average

annual rainfall varies from 950 to 1000 mil-

limetres in the highest parts of the catch-

ment to approximately 850 millimetres at

Helmsley (CEH, Wallingford, 2005).

On 19 June 2005, a heavy rainstorm in

upper Ryedale caused a major flash flood.

The day of the flood saw high temperatures

across the region: a weather station at

Carlton-in-Cleveland (NZ 508 039, Figure 2)

to the north of Ryedale recorded a maxi-

mum temperature of 28.1ºC (Cinderey,

2005). The overall synoptic situation is

shown in Figure 3. Instability in the atmos-

phere was caused by the passage of a split

cold front (Sibley, 2009) and the oro-

graphic influence of the North York Moors,

which led to rapid convection and a series

of thunderstorms, causing intense, local-

ised downpours over the western moors.

A tipping bucket rain gauge at Hawnby

(SE 542 894, Figure 2) recorded a daily

rainfall of 69.6 millimetres, of which

59.4 millimetres fell in one hour between

1600 and 1700 UTC. A second gauge at

Bilsdale, Poole House (NZ 562 000, Figure 2)

Figure 1. The location of the River Rye in the North York Moors. (Map data © Crown Copyright/

database right 2009. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service.)


Weather –

April 2010, Vol. 65, No. 4

Heavy rainfall in long tim

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11 kilometres north of Hawnby recorded

a slightly higher daily total of 73.5 milli-

metres. Nearby upland rain gauges

recorded significant (but lower) accumula-

tions, including 44.1 millimetres at Church

Houses (SE 668 974, Figure 2) and 22.2 mil-

limetres at Osmotherley (SE 457 967,

Figure 2); recorded totals declined rapidly

away from the upper Ryedale area

(Cinderey, 2005). Rainfall reconstructions

based on radar predictions by Wass et al.

(2008) suggest peak rainfall accumulations

of c. 120 millimetres at Sutton Bank to the

west of Ryedale (SE 515 825, Figure 2);

Sibley (2009) produced an additional esti-

mate of 89 millimetres using a further

radar analysis. Walker (2008) suggested a

maximum storm rainfall of 200 millime-

tres, based upon runoff calculations at

Boltby Reservoir (SE 495 885, Figure 2). As

these estimates cannot be directly veri-

fied, the recorded Hawnby total is used for

analysis in this study. Runoff from hill-

slopes was rapid, with the River Rye peak-

ing within 1.5 hours of the rainfall event

(Wass et al., 2008). The flood caused major

damage to infrastructure and buildings

1960. The remainder of the record is com-

piled from three gauges: Hawnby (SE 569

925, altitude 123 metres), January 1961 to

March 1977; Bilsdale, Spout House (SE 575

936, altitude 143 metres), April 1977 to

November 2003 and Hawnby No. 2 (SE 542

894, altitude 112 metres), September 2004

onwards. Hawnby and Bilsdale, Spout House

are situated within 1.3 kilometres of each

other on the valley floor of Bilsdale and

Hawnby No. 2 is located four kilometres fur-

ther down the valley (Figure 2). The daily

rainfall totals from these gauges have not

been adjusted.

Minor gaps in these records were filled

using modified daily values from two nearby

rain gauges: Hambleton Greystones (SE 528

830, altitude 271 metres) was used to fill

four months and Coxwold Stores (SE 668

974, altitude 70 metres) to fill in nine

months and 14 days (Figure 2). Monthly,

seasonal and annual rainfall totals are regu-

larly used to fill gaps in series (Aguilar et al.,

2003; Burt, 2009), although no clear guide-

lines exist for daily totals (Burt and Horton,

2007). Linear regression is commonly used

to fill gaps in hydrological series where

nearby monitoring stations exist (Aron and

Rachford, 1974): this method has been used

to modify daily totals from Hambleton

Greystones and Coxwold Stores. Strong cor-

relations (coefficients >0.8) exist between

the Bilsdale/Ryedale gauges and the records

above. Remaining missing days (six in the

Ampleforth record) were replaced with

0 millimetres rainfall. Therefore, a complete

rainfall series between January 1916 and

August 2009 has been constructed.

Due to Ampleforth’s position on the

southern edge of the North York Moors, it

receives slightly lower annual rainfall totals

than the gauges which are situated in

upland valley locations (a comparison of

rainfall with Hawnby from 1961 to 1972

shows that Ampleforth received 16.6% less

rainfall than Hawnby, 14 kilometres away).

In order to account for this, annual and sea-

sonal rainfall totals are compared using nor-

malised totals (each total expressed as a

percentage of the long-term mean). Annual

totals at Ampleforth are quoted as percent-

ages of the Ampleforth mean annual total

from 1916 to 1960 (755.7 millimetres) and

annual rainfall totals at the upland gauges

are percentages of the 1961 to 2008 mean

at these stations (886.6 millimetres). A simi-

lar procedure has been used for seasonal

rainfall totals.

Analyses of heavy falls of rain follow the

methodology of Osborn et al. (2000),

Osborn and Hulme (2002) and Burt and

Horton (2007). Two thresholds of heavy

daily rainfall are used: (1) ‘category 10’

or T10 threshold defined by Osborn et al.

(2000) as the daily rainfall total above which

the heaviest 10% of rainfall has occurred (on

‘rain days’, or days with rainfall >0.25

Figure 2. Map of the upper Ryedale region, showing rain gauges used in the data analysis and

locations referred to in the text. (Map data © Crown Copyright/database right 2009. An Ordnance

Survey/EDINA supplied service.)

throughout upper Ryedale, particularly in

the villages of Hawnby and Rievaulx (SE

575 855, Figure 2) and the town of

Helmsley. The flood received extensive

local and national press coverage and

prompted an emergency debate in parlia-

ment. While the floods of 2005 were cer-

tainly a rare event, a key question that

arises is how unusual the rainstorm was in

the context of the history of the Ryedale


Data sources and methodology

Many UK rainfall records are relatively short

and of limited use in deciphering long-term

trends (Lane, 2008). To overcome this prob-

lem, the rainfall record used in the following

analysis is a composite record for the period

January 1916 to August 2009. The rain

gauges used to construct this rainfall series

are shown in Figure 2 (British Atmospheric

Data Centre (UK Met Office, 2006)).

The first part of the record is composed

of a single series from Ampleforth (SE 598

789, altitude 95 metres), used from 1916 to




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millimetres); (2) DR1, a modified version of

that used by Karl and Knight (1998), rep-

resenting the rainfall total exceeded on 1%

of all days in the record. These thresholds

do not necessarily represent a rainfall

capable of generating a major flash flood,

but they are suitable for an assessment of

long-term changes in the frequency of

heavy rainfall. In order to assess whether

trends in the frequency of heavy rain days

correspond with wet years and periods,

annual and seasonal rainfall totals are


In the following analysis decades run

from xx01 to xx00, and seasons are defined

as three-month periods: spring = March,

April and May; summer = June, July and

August; autumn = September, October and

November and winter = December, January

and February. Winter 1971 therefore

includes December 1970, January and

February 1971.

Annual and seasonal rainfall totals

The 10-year running mean of normalised

annual totals (Figure 4) shows three wet

periods with above-average rainfall: the late

1920s and 1930s, the late 1970s and 1980s

and the late 1990s to present. The earliest

of these periods includes two of the ten

wettest years on record, 1927 and 1930

(Table 1); the mean annual rainfall total in

the 1930s is the second highest of all dec-

ades (Table 2). The 1950s are the second

wettest decade in this record (Table 2): this

decade includes three of the ten wettest

years, 1951, 1956 and 1960 (Table 1). Later

periods of above-average rainfall include

1977–1981, and the mid-1980s. The late

1990s to present have been extremely wet:

from 1998 to 2008, annual rainfall totals

have been, on average, 12% above the

1916–2008 mean, and this most recent

period includes the first and second wettest

years in the Ryedale record (2000 and 2008)

and also the eighth and tenth wettest (2004

and 1999) (Table 1). Since 1961 there has

been an increase in normalised rainfall

totals which is statistically significant

(p-value = 0.0496). Periods outside those

identified above saw generally below-

average annual totals, particularly in the

1910s and early 1920s, the 1940s, 1960s and

1970s, and the early-to-mid 1990s (Table 2,

Figure 4).

For seasonal rainfall totals, there has been

a clear increase in the winter:summer rain-

fall ratio from c. 1960 to c. 2003, following

a decline from the early 1940s (Figure 5).

From 1961 to 2000, the positive trend in this

ratio lies just outside statistical significance

at the 95% confidence level (p = 0.08). Since

c. 2003, however, the ratio has declined

(Figure 5) following several summers with

above-average rainfall.

Annual trends in heavy rain days

For annual frequencies of heavy rain days,

there are no clear trends in DR1 or T10 daily

falls across the entire period, although from

the mid-1960s onwards running means

have generally increased as a result of a

particularly low number of heavy rain days

in the 1960s and a relatively high frequency

of heavy rain days in the 1980s and late

1990s to 2008 (Figure 6). This increase, from

1961 to 2008, lies just outside statistical sig-

nificance with p values of 0.06 (DR1) and

0.07 (T10). The 1960s have the lowest fre-

quency of heavy rain days of any complete

decade in the record, at both DR1 and T10

thresholds (Table 3). The 1930s have by far

the highest number of heavy rain days on

record (50) (Table 3), with the 1950s, 1970s,

1980s and 1990s also recording above-

average numbers of DR1 heavy rain days

(Figure 6, Table 3). The 2001–2008 period,

whilst not a complete decade, has wit-

nessed an above-average number of heavy

rain days per year. Heavy rain days are there-

fore particularly numerous in the periods

observing high annual rainfall totals as

Figure 3. Synoptic situation at 1200 UTC, 19 June 2005. (© Crown copyright 2005, the Met Office.)

Figure 4. Normalised annual rainfall totals for the Ryedale record, 1916–2008, showing 10-year

running mean.


Weather –

April 2010, Vol. 65, No. 4

Heavy rainfall in long tim

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defined above. The year with the highest

number of heavy rain days at both thresh-

olds is 2000 (9 DR1, 8 T10); however, the late

1920s–1930s period has three years which

record eight DR1 rain days each (1927, 1930,

1935) and two years which record seven

(1931, 1933).

In terms of the proportion of annual rain-

fall falling on days with heavy rainfall, a simi-

lar pattern to the heavy rain day frequency

emerges (Figure 7), with the 1930s having

the highest heavy rain day (DR1 threshold)

contribution to annual rainfall of any dec-

ade (Table 3). Notably, the peak in the

10-year running mean in the early-to-mid

1950s is higher and more pronounced than

it is for heavy rain day frequencies (Figure 7):

DR1 rain days produced over 25% of annual

rainfall in 1948, 1951 and 1956. Recent years

have also seen a high proportion of rainfall

falling as heavy rainfall, as the years 2000

and 2002 were two of only seven years

across the 1916–2008 period to have a con-

tribution to annual rainfall from T10 rain

days greater than 20%.

Considering the maximum daily rainfall

recorded annually, it is interesting to note

that the rainstorm which caused the flood

in Ryedale in 2005 is only the fifth heaviest

daily rainfall on record (Table 4), as days in

2002 (87 millimetres), 1948 (81.8 millime-

tres), 1976 (75 millimetres) and 1940 (73.4

millimetres) recorded more rainfall. The

2002 and 2005 falls are part of a set of very

high annual daily maxima at the end of the

record, as 1997 and 2000 also recorded daily

falls of 67.6 millimetres and 53.7 millimetres,

respectively. By contrast, the highest maxi-

mum recorded from 1990 to 1996 was only

39.9 millimetres. Figure 8 indicates a general

increase in the maximum daily rainfall

recorded annually since the 1960s: this, how-

ever, is not statistically significant between

1961 and 2008 (p = 0.2).

Seasonal trends in heavy rain days

There are no statistically significant trends

in seasonal frequencies of heavy rain days

(DR1 threshold), or the proportion of sea-

sonal rainfall contributed by heavy rain

days, across either the whole record (January

1916–August 2009) or the shorter January

1961–August 2009 period. The contribution

of heavy rainfall to winter rainfall totals,

however, has generally increased from the

1940s to the late 1990s. Meanwhile, the

summer running mean has remained well

below its 1950s peak (Figure 9). Since

c. 2000, there has been a marked decline in

the contribution of heavy rain days in winter

(the 10-year running mean is at its lowest

value), and a sharp rise in the proportion of

summer rainfall contributed by heavy rain

days (Figure 9).

Over the 1916–2008 period, heavy daily

rainfalls tend to occur predominantly in

summer (36% of all DR1 heavy rain days)

and autumn (33%); 17% of DR1 rain days

have fallen in winter and just 14% have

fallen in spring. Summer rain days tend to

be heavier than those in other seasons: six

of the highest ten daily rainfall totals in the

Ryedale record have occurred in summer

(Table 4). Additionally, the mean of the high-

est 100 daily totals recorded in summer is

33.7 millimetres: comparative averages for

winter, spring and autumn are 24.5 millime-

tres, 25.1 millimetres and 29.7 millimetres

respectively. Furthermore, the largest daily

Table 1

The 10 years with the highest and lowest normalised annual rainfall totals, respectively, in

the Ryedale record, 1916–2008.

Highest annual rainfall totals Lowest annual rainfall totals

Rank Year Normalised rainfall (%) Rank Year Normalised rainfall (%)

1 2000 135.6 1 1964 58.9

2 2008 128.8 2 1921 64.7

3 1960 126.1 3 1959 71.7

4 1930 123.3 4 1973 73.8

5 1927 123.0 5 1949 74.5

6 1956 120.6 6 1975 75.8

7 1951 120.6 7 1989 75.8

8 2004 120.5 8 1991 78.5

9 1978 119.7 9 1996 80.1

10 1999 118.3 10 1971 80.7

Table 2

Decadal averages of normalised annual and seasonal rainfall totals, Ryedale, 1916–2008.

Period Annual Winter Spring Summer Autumn

1916–1920 93.8 90.0 111.2 96.8 83.5

1921–1930 97.7 98.6 92.3 97.9 100.0

1931–1940 105.9 109.6 107.0 95.3 112.0

1941–1950 98.5 98.3 103.4 96.4 96.0

1951–1960 101.1 97.6 91.7 112.0 100.2

1961–1970 96.2 91.0 95.0 101.7 97.2

1971–1980 96.9 106.0 94.7 90.9 95.7

1981–1990 100.8 94.2 107.1 100.8 99.8

1991–2000 99.8 102.3 103.0 82.6 109.7

2001–2008 107.7 108.0 100.2 129.9 96.8

Figure 5. Winter:summer rainfall ratio, Ryedale, January 1916–August 2009, showing 10-year

running mean.




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rainfall in winter across the whole record

(43.2 millimetres in 1979) is exceeded on 15

summer days overall, as well as eight days

in both spring and autumn.


Despite large variability in heavy rainfall, it

has been possible to identify certain periods

when a large number of heavy rainfall

events have taken place in upper Ryedale

since 1916: the late 1920s and 1930s, the

1950s, 1980s and the late 1990s to the

present. In terms of heavy rain day fre-

quency, the late 1920s to 1930s is the wet-

test period in the record. Since 1997, there

have been a high number of heavy rain days

as well as a number of very high annual

maximum falls. Intervening periods (espe-

cially the 1960s, the bulk of the 1970s and

early-to-mid 1990s) have largely seen fewer

heavy rain days, lending support to the find-

ings of Lane (2008), who argued that,

nationwide, the recent ‘flood-rich period’

from the late 1990s to the present followed

a relatively flood-poor period from 1960,

which itself followed a period of higher

flood frequencies.

In the context of the increase in the winter:

summer rainfall ratio over the latter half of

the twentieth century (Figure 5), recent heavy

summer rainfalls in Ryedale (2005, 2002,

1997) appear unusual. Trends to wetter win-

ters (with more intense precipitation) and

drier summers have been found by other

rainfall studies in northern England (Burt and

Horton, 2007; Malby et al., 2007). Climate

models also suggest future increases in heavy

winter rainfall (Murphy et al., 2009). However,

since c. 2000 the frequency of heavy rain

days in winter (and winter rainfall totals) has

declined and summer rainfall totals, and the

proportion of summer rainfall falling on

heavy rain days, has increased. Nationwide,

the picture is similar, as recent summer

flooding is at odds with the dominant rainfall

trend of the latter part of the twentieth cen-

tury and climate change predictions which

suggest increasing frequencies of heavy

rainfall in winter and a decrease in summer

(Marsh and Hannaford, 2007; Lane, 2008).

However, over the 1916–2008 long-term

record, the heavy rainfall recorded on 19

June 2005 is less unusual, as four other daily

totals have exceeded it, and summer rain

days in Ryedale have been typically heavier

than their counterparts in other seasons.

Nationally, heavy and extreme rainfall events

(as defined at various daily thresholds above

50 millimetres) typically occur predominantly

in summer (Burt, 2005; Rodda et al., 2009)

due to higher temperatures leading to heavy

convectional rainfall: a mechanism frequently

associated with flash floods in upland areas,

including that in Ryedale in 2005.

The flash flood which occurred in upper

Ryedale in 2005 was an extreme hydrological

event, with an extraordinarily extreme esti-

mated return period (in excess of 2400 years)

for peak river flow, far exceeding the com-

parative rarity of the causative rainfall event

(Wass et al., 2008). The rainstorm which

occurred in Hawnby on 19 June 2005 was

clearly an unusual rainfall event in terms of

its intensity and magnitude. It is, however,

not as rare as might have initially been

thought when viewed in the context of a

93-year rainfall record for upper Ryedale.

Although the 1997–2008 period has seen a

large number of heavy rainfall events, larger

daily rainfall totals have been recorded than

those in 2005. In addition to the Ryedale area,

the North York Moors uplands have experi-

enced rainfalls of greater intensity and overall

rainfall accumulation than the 19 June 2005

Table 4

Largest daily rainfalls recorded in Ryedale,





1 August 2002 87.0

2 June 1948 81.8

11 September 1976 75.0

17 July 1940 73.4

19 June 2005 69.6

5 November 1967 67.8

31 August 1997 67.6

28 March 1979 60.1

30 June 1988 58.8

21 May 1918 54.3

Table 3

Decadal means of heavy rain day frequency and the proportion of annual rainfall falling

on heavy rain days in Ryedale, 1916–2008. Figures in brackets indicate the average

frequency of events per year in ‘incomplete’ decades (1916–1920, 2001–2008). Additionally

the mean frequency of events per decade does not include these incomplete decades.

Frequency of heavy rain days

Proportion of annual rainfall

falling on heavy rain days (%)

Period DR1 T10 DR1 T10

1916–1920 15 (3) 11 (2.2) 11.4 9.1

1921–1930 35 19 11.3 6.8

1931–1940 50 33 17.1 12.7

1941–1950 33 23 12.7 9.9

1951–1960 38 28 13.7 11.0

1961–1970 27 18 10.0 7.5

1971–1980 38 22 14.1 9.6

1981–1990 40 32 14.7 12.6

1991–2000 41 26 14.4 10.2

2001–2008 33 (4.1) 24 (3) 14.1 11.3

Mean 37.8 25.1 13.5 10.0

Figure 6. The frequency of DR1 and T10 rainfall events recorded per year for Ryedale, 1916–2008,

showing 10-year running means.


Weather –

April 2010, Vol. 65, No. 4

Heavy rainfall in long tim

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event, including an extraordinarily intense

thunderstorm on 10 August 2003 at Carlton-

in-Cleveland (NZ 508 039, Figure 2), where

47.4 millimetres of rain fell in 20 minutes,

including 30 millimetres in five minutes, a

national record (Cinderey, 2003). The maxi-

mum 15-minute accumulation during this

storm (49.1 millimetres) greatly exceeds the

comparative figure at Hawnby on 19 June

2005 (26.8 millimetres). Furthermore, the

69.6 millimetres daily accumulation at

Hawnby has been exceeded twice during the

period 2002–2007 at Fylingdales (SE 864 967,

c. 32 kilometres east of Ryedale), on 1 August

2002 (114.6 millimetres) and 25 June 2007

(74.4 millimetres). Furthermore, a prolonged

rainstorm on 11 September 1976 gave a

maximum fall of 145 millimetres at Kildale

East Green Beck (NZ 620 097, c. 20 kilometres

north of Ryedale), with other gauges in the

western North York Moors recording daily

totals above 100 millimetres.


An analysis of annual rainfall totals and

heavy rainfall events in upper Ryedale

between 1916 and 2008 indicates that there

is no overall trend in the frequency of heavy

rainfall or the proportion of annual rainfall

falling on heavy rain days. There are four

main periods of high annual rainfall totals

and a large overall proportion and fre-

quency of heavy rainfall: 1927–1940, the

1950s, 1980s and 1997–present. Since the

1960s, heavy rain days appear to have

increased in frequency and in their overall

contribution to annual rainfall. However, the

1930s has the highest decadal frequency of

heavy rainfall events on record. Therefore,

increases in heavy rainfall since 1961 should

be placed in a longer-term context which

recognises the extremely low number of

heavy rainfall events recorded in the 1960s,

and the greater numbers of heavy rain days

which have occurred in decades prior to


From 1961 to 2000, winter rainfall totals

increased relative to summer totals.

Additionally, the proportion of winter rain-

fall falling as heavy rainfall increased over

the latter half of the twentieth century,

while heavy rain days in summer broadly

declined from the 1950s to 2000. Since

2000, however, this trend has reversed, as

winter has seen few heavy rainfall events

and summer has had higher seasonal rain-

fall totals and a relatively high frequency of

heavy daily rainfall events and maxima.

In the context of the 1916–2008 rainfall

record, the rainstorm which occurred in

upper Ryedale on 19 June 2005 is unusual

but not unprecedented. Higher daily rainfall

totals have been recorded in Ryedale and

over the North York Moors in the past. There

is a tendency for summer rainfall events to

be heavier than those in other seasons

Figure 7. The proportion of annual rainfall falling on heavy rain days in Ryedale, 1916–2008. Lines

indicate 10-year running means.

Figure 8. The maximum daily rainfall recorded annually in Ryedale, 1916–2008. Bold line indicates

10-year running mean.

Figure 9. Changes in the proportion of seasonal rainfall falling on heavy rain days for winter and

summer, Ryedale, January 1916–August 2009. Heavy rain days defined using the DR1 threshold.

Lines show 10-year running means.




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throughout the Ryedale record, and for more

heavy rain days to occur in summer than in

other seasons. When compared with the

most recent period (2001–2008), higher fre-

quencies of heavy rain days and a greater

proportion of annual rainfall falling on heavy

rain days occurred in the 1930s.

The composite record which has been con-

structed for Ryedale in this study has enabled

heavy rainfalls and seasonal trends to be

assessed over a 93-year period in an upland

area. The conclusion that recent heavy rain-

fall events, particularly in summer, are not as

rare as may first have been thought clearly

illustrates the importance of using long-term

climatic monitoring and associated records

to put recent weather events into context.


We gratefully acknowledge use of the British

Atmospheric Data Centre and also the use of

a synoptic chart (both UK Met Office), and

the use of the Digimap service and Strategi®

map data. Jeff Warburton also acknowledges

support from NERC (Award NE/D005744/1).

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Correspondence to: Jonathan Hopkins,Durham University, Department of Geography, Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK.

© Royal Meteorological Society, UK

DOI: 10.1002/wea.552

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Dynamicists versus modellers: a growing divide?Meeting reportThis meeting, on 18 November 2009, was

organised by the Society’s History Group

and was held at the University of Reading.

It was advertised with what was described

during the meeting as a deliberately pro-

vocative abstract, asking whether the mete-

orological community has forgotten the

pioneering principles of Rossby and Charney

and whether today’s modellers are really

computer scientists who ‘tweak’ models

without fully understanding them.

In his introduction, Malcolm Walker (Chair

of the History Group) introduced the cast of

characters (Rossby, Charney, Sutcliffe et al.)

whose classic papers in the 1940s laid the

foundations of dynamical meteorology, and

whose experiments with numerical weather

prediction (NWP) led to the first computer-

based weather forecasting systems. The sec-

ond speaker, John Methven (University of

Reading), gave an introduction to the early

theories of the development of extratropical

weather systems, beginning with the Bergen

School and the development of the polar

front theory of cyclones and ending with

the independent development of quasi-

geostrophic theory by Rossby and Charney.

The point was stressed that what both

Rossby and Charney sought, and indeed

found, was a mathematically closed theory

for the evolution of synoptic-scale cyclones.

The initial NWP systems were based on

quasi-geostrophic equations, keeping a

close link with theory. With increases in

computing power, and the realisation that

accurate prediction at finer resolution

required greater knowledge of the unbal-

anced flow, NWP moved to the primitive

equations and the link to theory began to

weaken. The talk ended with a Monty

Python inspired question: what has quasi-

geostrophic theory ever done for us? John’s

answer: It has given us the ability to under-

stand the evolving flow and develop intel-

ligent diagnostics for analysing the output

from numerical simulations.

Next, Lennart Bengtsson (University of

Reading) gave a summary of the initial

development of NWP. His first point fol-

lowed directly from John Methven’s talk: the

fundamental requirement for the inception

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