planetary challenge

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Class presentation for Planetary Challenge, March 2011, Champlain College St. Lambert.


Planetary Challenge

Cornelia Penner

March 2012

4 tips to guide your research

Better research will help you make your point more effectively.


Tip #1:

Think before you search

Population growth


You could first think about what you’re looking for and how to look for it.

Population growth• overpopulation

• carrying capacity

• population growth rate

• effects:

– water crisis

– resource depletion

– etc.

• solutions:

– …

1. Think before you search.2.3.4.


Tip #2:

Use Subject Terms.

What terms work best in the library catalogue?

Google has no Subject Terms.

Use synonyms and related terms you identified while brainstorming.

1. Think before you search.2. Use Subject Terms.3.4.


Tip #3:

Check the date.


Is it old?

Does it matter?

Science changes and develops.

Numbers and statistics change over time.

Environmental problems may improve or worsen.

But you may be using an older source for historical purposes...

1. Think before you search.2. Use Subject Terms.3. Check the date.4.


Tip #4:

Evaluate the source.


Real life example:

Movie recommendations.

• prefers movies from when he was a young man• hates science fiction • movie must be easy to follow • loves happy endings


Chloe the art student

• likes independent, non-mainstream films• hates Hollywood blockbusters• doesn’t mind reading subtitles• loves thought-provoking movies

You’d take into consideration who the movie recommendation is coming from.

Do the same thing for your research sources.

• “the leading international body for the assessment of climate change”• “to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge”• “reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information”• “thousands of scientists from all over the world”

What kind of sources would your audience respect?

1. Think before you search.2. Use Subject Terms.3. Check the date.4. Evaluate the source.

Ask if you need help.

Good luck!

Image Credits

Slide 2: • Alien by Bob MacCallum <>Slide 21: •Grandpa’s 90th Birthday by JoshBerlglund19 <>Slide 22:•I Wonder… by StarLoveSushi16 <>Slide 29:•Jeffrey Sachs by Qtea<

All images used in accordance with a Creative Commons license.

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