planning a safe pregnancy

Post on 14-Aug-2015



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Planning A Safe Pregnancy

Planning A Safe Pregnancy

“A pregnancy can be emotionally as well as physically taxing”

No pregnancy can be termed safe as it comes with its own share of problems. Women go

through a varied range of problems from nausea, vomiting, constipation and frequent

urination to some serious health issues. It is important for women to pay close attention

to their health and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It is important for women to know if their body is ready to cope with the process of

pregnancy. A pregnancy can be emotionally as well as physically taxing and care must

be taken to have a happy time. Visit your nearest Apollo clinic to get detailed reports on

how to plan a safe pregnancy from the Apollo Cradle team.

Some of the ways through which women can hope to have a safe and happy pregnancy


You will need to go through some physiological and pathological tests for a few

months before conception.

Some of the tests might include urine test, keratin test, kidney function, blood

pressure, eye check-up and cholesterol check.

Watching your weight before conception is important. Being underweight or

overweight is a potential threat to the pregnancy as being overweight can impact

your blood pressure.

If you are hooked to alcohol or nicotine which are not conductive to nourishing a

healthy foetus then put a check on such habits because your foetus might be at a

higher risk and you cannot aggravate the risk with these habits.

If you are a type2 diabetic and dependent on oral medication to control your

sugar levels, you might need to switch to insulin before you can go forward with

the pregnancy.

As a diabetic, your dietary needs are special and vary a lot from others. You will

need to re-adjust your diet plans and replace some items with more fruits and

negative calorie foods that don’t hike up the sugar levels and also provide

necessary energy to sustain the foetus.

Vitamin supplements like folic acid and vitamin B will have to be started in

three-four months run up to conception to ensure sound internal health for both

the mother and the baby.

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