planning an iphone app

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Planning an iPhone AppTurning your idea for an app into a real App Store app can be a daunting task. Looking at the amazing, brilliant apps already listed on the Apple App Store can make you think that you’ll never be able to join them.

Fear not! At 123 App Tutorials, we are here to help you turn your dreams into reality and help you change the world, or simply make a fortune off the App Store.

One of the most important aspects of iPhone app development is planning your app. We have all heard the old adage ‘To fail to plan, is to plan to fail’. We, this is very true with regards to app development. Without proper planning and development, your app will likely always stay as just an idea.

Luckily, the planning of an iPhone app isn’t a difficult task. By following the simple guide we’ll lay out for you, you to can join the ranks of published app developers and hopefully make a fortune off the App Store.

You can break the planning of an app down into 4 questions:

1. What does the app do?Basically, this means ‘what is the core function of your app?’ Examples of this are Instagram (lets users share photos) and Facebook (lets users communicate with each other). Be careful not to overload at this section, try to aim for just the core functions of your app.

How to turn an idea into a popular App Store app

2. Who will use the app?This question is pretty straightforward - who are the users of your app likely to be? You can interpret this as, ‘who is the target audience for my app?’ This stage is important if you plan to monetize your app. Targeting a $14.99 app at teenagers who don’t have credit cards isn’t likely to bring you much success.

3. Context which the app will be used in?Essentially when and where your app will be used. This question is particularly important when considered in light of the fact that it will significantly inform some of the user experience / design decisions you will have to make during development. Instagram is an example of an app that has taken this message to heart, its simple interface doesn’t get in the way of users doing what they use the app for - sharing photos.

4. UI Color Palette / DesignThis decision is pretty self explanatory, but still often overlooked by new developers. The color scheme of your app seems like a simple decision, but it can greatly affect the way your users interact. Notice how all of the most popular apps on the App Store have beautiful, light designs? This is because the screens of the smartphones they are used on display black-on-white better than they do the reverse. Thus always err on the side of a light app design.



There you have it, 4 easy to follow steps that will have you planning that awesome app idea in no time! Thanks for reading, and remember to visit if you want more of the same awesome app tutorials, guides and tips!

- Tim Green

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