plant load factors of small hydro - 03 13 hydro power...

Post on 09-Sep-2018






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Published & Issued By:-The Chief Engineer ( Power )Transmission, Planning & Monitoring ZoneDepartment of Power, Itanagar

Sl. No. Page No.

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Background Informations

Plant-wise performances of Divisions

5.1. Lhou E-M Division

5.2. Ziro E-M Division

5.3. Aalo E-M Division

5.4. Pasighat E-M Division

Some important facts regarding Hydro Power stations inArunachal Pradesh

Zone-wise Plant Load Factor

Division-wise Plant Load Factor





6 12

7 13Annexure-B: List of Power Station with PLF below 10%

5.5. Tezu E-M Division

5.6. Hawai E-M Division

Annexure-A: List of Power Station with NIL Generation

5.3. Aalo E-M Division

5.4. Pasighat E-M Division

Page 1


The Transmission Planning and Monitoring Zone is engaged in monitoring

of Generation, Transmission and Distribution systems in the state of Arunachal Pradesh

for the purpose of continuous efforts to improve upon electricity Generation,

Transmission and Distribution to the ultimate consumers. In its endeavour, monitoring

of performance of Hydro Power Generating Stations and providing a systematic analysis

and report on annual basis has been considered necessary. The report prepared is based

on the analysis of the data provided by the Department of Hydro Power, Arunachal


The performance of hydro power projects can be judged by a factor called

Plant Load Factor (PLF) or Plant Capacity Factor (PCF). Monitoring of PLF assists the

utility agencies to take corrective measures to trace out the causes and enable the agency

to grow with better performance. The Plant Load Factor is defined as ratio of energy

generated by the plant in a given period and the total energy that could have been

generated in the corresponding period if installed capacity of the plant is fully utilized.

Normally the Plant Load Factor is assessed on annual basis. The formula for annual

plant load factor is as under:-

Energy generated by the Plant during the year in kWHPlant Load Factor (PLF) = -------------------------------------------------------------------- X 100

Installed capacity (kW) X Nos. of Hours

Energy generated in the year in kWH= ---------------------------------------------------------- X 100

Installed capacity (kW) X 8760

The measures of PLF mostly depict the overall performance of the

Plant. Low PLF of a plant may indicate less utilization of the available capacity. Low

utilization may be for many reasons as experienced in Arunachal Pradesh. Some of the

important factors for low PLF are:-

(a) Due to Prolonged breakdown of Electro- Mechanical equipments.

(b) Due to prolonged breakdown of Transmission and Distribution systems.

(c) Faulty design of the turbine and other systems.

(d) Due to faulty assessment of hydrological capacity.

(e) Due to operational inefficiency of the operators.

(f) Due to absence of grid connectivity.

Page 2

(g) Due to lack of coordination among utilities.

PLF of different types of power stations vary from type to type. Thermal based

(Coal fired, gas fired or nuclear fueled) are as high as around 95%. Storage type Mega

Hydro Power Plants can have PLF of about 50% to 70%. Mega Hydro Power Projects

designed as “Run-Off-River” project can have lower PLF of about 25 to 40%. Small

Hydro Power Plants operating in Arunachal Pradesh, designed at 90% dependable flow,

should have PLF of around 70 to 95%, if the plant is grid connected and 40 to 60%, if the

plants are operating in isolation. Grid connected plants can maximize its generation by

hydrological plant capacity.

This report is compiled, analyzed and published by the Chief Engineer

(Power), Transmission, Planning & Monitoring Zone. The entire publication of this report

is based on the data made available from various Divisions of the Department of Hydro

Power, Arunachal Pradesh.

Comments on any compilation error or analytical error or calculation mistakes are

solicited and attempts shall be made that no such errors occur again in future.

Sd/-Chief Engineer (Power)

Transmission,Planning & Monitoring ZoneDeptt .of Power-Vidyut Bhawan – Itanagar

Page 3

Zone-wise PLF

Sl.No. Zone

No. ofDivisions

Name ofE-M





(kWH)PLF (%)

1 Eastern Zone 4

Pasighat,Tezu, Aaloand Hawai

27145 17020083.33 7.16%

2Western Zone


Lhou andZiro 33665 34901498.00 11.83%

Division-wise PLF

Sl.NoName of E-M


No. Ofgenerating







1 Lhou 30 21680 28526004.00 15.02%

2 Ziro 18 11985 6375494.00 6.07%

3 Aalo 14 10080 3528415.00 4.00%

4 Pasighat 20 8330 7700993.00 10.55%

5 Tezu 23 6675 3705558.50 6.34%

6 Hawai 11 2060 2085116.83 11.55%

Total 116 60810 51921581.33 9.75%

Page 4

Some important facts regarding Hydro power stations inArunachal Pradesh

Generating Stations with NIL generation = 38 nos. (Annexure-A)

Generating Stations with PLF below 10% = 43 nos. (Annexure-B)

Generating Stations with PLF 10% & upto 25% = 26 nos.

Generating Stations with PLF above 25% = 09 nos.

Best Generating Station Dikshi station of Lhou Divisionwith PLF of 58.34%.

Top five best generating stations:

Sl. No. Name of generating station Division PLF (%)

1 Dikshi Lhou 58.34%

2 Dukumpani Lhou 49.07%

3 Chellengkang Ph-II Lhou 32.23%

4 Awapani Ph-II Tezu 30.19%

5 Silli Pasighat 30.05%

Page 5

Plant-wise Performances of Divisions

Name of the Division :- Lhou E-M Division

Sl. No.Name of the

generating station

InstalledCapacity (kW),


Energygenerated(kWH), B

Plant Load Factor(%),


1 Kitpi Ph-I 3 x 500 1637309.00 12.46%

2 Nuranang 3 x 2000 9924750.00 18.88%

3 T. Gompa 1 x 50 69459.00 15.86%

4 Dudunghar 1 x 30 33463.00 12.73%

5 Bramdhongchung 2 x 50 10739.00 1.23%

6 Shakti Nallah 2 x 50 79673.00 18.19%

7 Kitpi MHS Ph-II 2 x 1500 5039414.00 19.18%

8 Chellengkang Ph-II 1 x 30 84710.00 32.23%

9 Bongleng 2 x 50 6156.00 0.70%

10 Thimbu 2 x 50 60098.00 6.86%

11 Bramdhonchung Ph-II 2 x 50 41829.00 4.78%

12 Tsechu Nallah 2 x 50 16126.00 1.84%

13 Rahung 3 x 250 979706.00 14.91%

14 Dirang 4 x 500 3637210.00 20.76%

15 Sessa 3 x 500 621295.00 4.73%

Page 6

Name of the Division :- Lhou E-M Division


Name of thegenerating station

InstalledCapacity(kW), A

Energygenerated(kWH), B

Plant Load Factor(%),


16 Rupa 2 x 100 61014.00 3.48%

17 Dukumpani 1 x 30 128960.00 49.07%

18 Sinchung 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

19 Domkhrong 2 x 1000 320274.00 1.83%

20 Ankaling 1 x 30 16191.00 6.16%

21 Khet 2 x 50 105869.00 12.09%

22 Dikshi 1 x 30 153308.00 58.34%

23 Khadiyabey 2 x 100 0.00 0.00%

24 Seppa 3 x 100 0.00 0.00%

25 Pakke Kessang 1 x 30 59917.00 22.80%

26 Pacha MHS 2 x 1500 5362833.00 20.41%

27 Pakoti 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

28 Patta Nallah 2 x 50 75701.00 8.64%

29 Watte Mame 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

30 Kade Nallah 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

Total :- 21680 28526004.00 15.02%

Page 7

Name of the Division :- Ziro E-M Division

Sl. No.Name of the generating


InstalledCapacity(kW), A

Energygenerated(kWH), B

Plant Load Factor(%),


1 Patte MHS at Tali 1 x 30 0.00 0.00%

2 Koye 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

3 Chambang 1 x 30 14610.00 5.56%

4 Paya MHS at Hiya 2 x 50 102082.00 11.65%

5 Mai Ph-I 4 x 500 0.00 0.00%

6 Mai Ph-II 2 x 500 0.00 0.00%

7 Dulom 4 x 100 0.00 0.00%

8 Maro 1 x 30 0.00 0.00%

9 Sippi 2 x 2000 5410400.00 15.44%

10 Ayingmuri MHS 2 x 125 21868.00 1.00%

11 Lime King MHS 1 x 30 5468.00 2.08%

12 Tago 3 x 1500 821066.00 2.08%

13 Pinto Karo 1 x 25 0.00 0.00%

14 Sikin Karo 2 x 100 0.00 0.00%

15 Sinyum Karo 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

16 Kojin Nallah 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

17 Pappey Nallah 1 x 10 0.00 0.00%

18 Siyum MHS 1 X 30 0.00 0.00%

Total:- 11985 6375494.00 6.07%

Page 8

Name of the Division :- Aalo E-M Division


Name of the generatingstation

InstalledCapacity(kW), A

Energygenerated(kWH), B

Plant Load Factor(%),


1 Pagi (Basar) 2 x 50 20538.00 2.34%

2 Along 4 x 100 41032.00 1.17%

3 Ego - Echi (Dali) 4 x 100 350636.00 10.01%

4 Mechuka 2 x 50 + 1 x 250 55428.00 1.81%

5 Yomcha 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

6 Tato 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

7 Beye 1 x 30 74983.00 28.53%

8 Kambang 3 x 2000 2401175.00 4.57%

9 Liromoba 2 x 1000 17700.00 0.10%

10 Yingko Sikong at Rapum 1 x 50 10744.00 2.45%

11 Angu 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

12 Solegomang MHS 1 x 50 20288.00 4.63%

13 Borung MHS 1 x 50 35204.00 8.04%

14 Sirikorang MHS 2 x 250 500687.00 11.43%

Total:- 10080 3528415.00 4.00%

Page 9

Name of the Division :- Pasighat E-M Division


Name of thegenerating station

InstalledCapacity(kW), A

Energygenerated(kWH), B

Plant Load Factor(%),


1 Yingkiong Ph-I 3 x 50 161634.00 12.30%

2 Sikut / Tuting 2 x 50 155025.00 17.70%

3 Yingkiong Ph-II 2 x 100 442387.00 25.25%

4 Selli 2 x 250 1163582.00 26.57%

5 Kopu at Tuting 1 x 250 531304.00 24.26%

6 Silingri 1 x 50 105436.00 24.07%

7 Singa 1 x 30 12974.00 4.94%

8 Ngaming 1 x 50 20560.00 4.69%

9 Sika 1 x 15 0.00 0.00%

10 Mayung 1 x 5 3068.00 7.00%

11 Gosang 2 x 250 756050.00 17.26%

12 Sirnyuk 2 x 1000 1691760.00 9.66%

13 Kote MHS 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

14 Sijen MHS at Adi Pasi 1 x 50 0.00 0.00%

15 Pyabung MHS 1 x 25 0.00 0.00%

16 Pasighat 2 x 100 291355.00 16.63%

17 Yembung 4 x 500 616151.00 3.52%

18 Silli 1 x 30 78965.00 30.05%

19 Rina 2 x 1000 1670742.00 9.54%

20 Pangkang 1 x 125 0.00 0.00%

Total:- 8330 7700993.00 10.55%

Page 10

Name of the Division :- Tezu E-M Division


Name of the generatingstation

InstalledCapacity(kW), A

Energygenerated(kWH), B

Plant Load Factor(%),

I={B/(Ax8760)}x1001 Deopani Ph-I 3 x 250 151665.00 2.31%

2 Abhapani1 x 250 +2 x100

0.00 0.00%

3 Deopani Ph-II 3 x 250 101382.00 1.54%

4 Anini / Awapani Ph-I 3 x 50 45356.00 3.45%

5 Tah Ahfra Ph-I & Ph-II 1 x 50 + 1 x 50 2470.00 0.28%

6 Chini Ahfra 1 x 250 0.00 0.00%

7 Echi Ahfra 2 x 200 179275.00 5.12%

8 Awapani Ph-II 2 x 250 1322114.00 30.19%

9 Echito Nallah 2 x 20 21622.00 6.17%

10 Rupapani 2 x 20 15404.00 4.40%

11 Chunallah 2 x 15 20133.00 7.66%

12 Doorah Nallah 3 x 100+2 x 100 385719.00 11.01%

13 Tafragram 1 x 250 431123.00 19.69%

14 Tissue 4 x 100 333298.00 9.51%

15 Jonkey Nallah 1 x 25 2626.00 1.20%

16 Ngonalo at Vijaynagar 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

17 Tinning 2 x 30 0.00 0.00%

18 Chicklong 3 x 50 32099.00 2.44%

19 Thiratju 4 x 250 0.00 0.00%

20 Charju 3 x 200 731795.00 13.92%

21 Sumhok Nallah 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

22 Tahin Nallah 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

23 Theya Ahfra at Jambupani 1 x 30 0.00 0.00%

Total:- 6675 3705558.50 6.34%

Page 11

Name of the Division :- Hawai E-M Division

Sl. No.Name of thegenerating


InstalledCapacity (kW),


Energygenerated(kWH), B

Plant Load Factor (%),I={B/(Ax8760)}x100

1 Kaho 1 x 10 5462.00 6.24%

2 Kibitho 1 x 30 0.00 0.00%

3 Mati Nallah 2 x 250 1075738.00 24.56%

4 Yapak Nallah 2 x 100 356678.00 20.36%

5 Teepani 2 x 250 1226985.00 28.01%

6 Krawti Nallah 2 x 50 24581.00 2.81%

7 Hathipani 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

8 Tah Nallah 2 x 50 0.00 0.00%

9 Maipani 2 x 30 0.00 0.00%

10 Ashapani 2 x 30 12234.00 2.33%

11 Langpani 2 x 200 226862.00 6.47%

Total:- 2060 2085116.83 11.55%

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Name of thegenerating station

InstalledCapacity (kW)

Name of theZone

Name of theDivisions

1 Sinchung 1 x 50 Western Zone Lhou2 Khadiyabey 2 x 100 Western Zone Lhou3 Seppa 3 x 100 Western Zone Lhou4 Pakoti 2 x 50 Western Zone Lhou5 Watte Mame 1 x 50 Western Zone Lhou6 Kade Nallah 1 x 50 Western Zone Lhou7 Patte MHS at Tali 1 x 30 Western Zone Ziro8 Koye 1 x 50 Western Zone Ziro9 Mai Ph-I 4 x 500 Western Zone Ziro10 Mai Ph-II 2 x 500 Western Zone Ziro11 Dulom 4 x 100 Western Zone Ziro12 Maro 1 x 30 Western Zone Ziro13 Pinto Karo 1 x 25 Western Zone Ziro14 Sikin Karo 2 x 100 Western Zone Ziro15 Sinyum Karo 2 x 50 Western Zone Ziro16 Kojin Nallah 2 x 50 Western Zone Ziro17 Pappey Nallah 1 x 10 Western Zone Ziro18 Siyum MHS 1 x 30 Western Zone Ziro19 Yomcha 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Aalo20 Tato 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Aalo21 Angu 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Aalo22 Kote MHS 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Pasighat23 Sijen MHS at Adi Pasi 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Pasighat24 Pyabung MHS 1 x 25 Eastern Zone Pasighat25 Sika 1 x 15 Eastern Zone Pasighat26 Pangkang 1 x 125 Eastern Zone Pasighat27 Ngonalo at Vijaynagar 2 x 50 Eastern Zone Tezu28 Tinning 2 x 30 Eastern Zone Tezu29 Sumhok Nallah 2 x 50 Eastern Zone Tezu30 Tahin Nallah 2 x 50 Eastern Zone Tezu31 Abhapani 2 x 100 + 1 x 250 Eastern Zone Tezu32 Chini Ahfra 1 x 250 Eastern Zone Tezu33 Thiratju 4 x 250 Eastern Zone Tezu

34Theya Ahfra atJambupani

1 x 30 Eastern Zone Tezu

35 Kibitho 1 x 30 Eastern Zone Hawai36 Hathipani 2 x 50 Eastern Zone Hawai37 Tah Nallah 2 x 50 Eastern Zone Hawai38 Maipani 2 x 30 Eastern Zone Hawai

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Name of thegenerating station

InstalledCapacity (kW)

Name of theZone

Name of theDivisions

1 Bramdhongchung 2 x 50 Western Zone Lhou2 Tsechu Nallah 2 x 50 Western Zone Lhou3 Bongleng 2 x 50 Western Zone Lhou4 Thimbu 2 x 50 Western Zone Lhou5 Bramdhonchung Ph-II 2 x 50 Western Zone Lhou6 Sessa 3 x 500 Western Zone Lhou7 Rupa 2 x 100 Western Zone Lhou8 Domkhrong 2 x 1000 Western Zone Lhou9 Ankaling 1 x 30 Western Zone Lhou10 Patta Nallah 2 x 50 Western Zone Lhou11 Chambang 1 x 30 Western Zone Ziro12 Ayingmuri MHS 2 x 125 Western Zone Ziro13 Lime King MHS 1 x 30 Eastern Zone Ziro14 Tago 3 x 1500 Eastern Zone Ziro15 Pagi (Basar) 2 x 50 Eastern Zone Aalo16 Along 4 x 100 Eastern Zone Aalo

17Yingko Sikong atRapum

1 x 50 Eastern Zone Aalo

18 Mechuka 2 x 50 + 2 x 250 Eastern Zone Aalo19 Kambang 3 x 2000 Eastern Zone Aalo20 Liromoba 2 x 1000 Eastern Zone Aalo21 Solegomang 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Aalo22 Borung MHS 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Aalo23 Singa 1 x 30 Eastern Zone Pasighat24 Ngaming 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Pasighat25 Mayung 1 x 5 Eastern Zone Pasighat26 Sirnyuk 2 x 1000 Eastern Zone Pasighat27 Yembung 4 x 500 Eastern Zone Pasighat28 Rina 2 x 1000 Eastern Zone Pasighat29 Deopani Ph-I 3 x 250 Eastern Zone Tezu

30 Deopani Ph-II 3 x 250 Eastern Zone Tezu

31 Anini / Awapani Ph-I 3 x 50 Eastern Zone Tezu

32 Tah Ahfra Ph-I & Ph-II 1 x 50 + 1 x 50 Eastern Zone Tezu

33 Echi Ahfra 2 x 200 Eastern Zone Tezu

34 Echito Nallah 2 x 20 Eastern Zone Tezu

35 Rupapani 2 x 20 Eastern Zone Tezu

36 Chunallah 2 x 15 Eastern Zone Tezu

37 Tissue 4 x 100 Eastern Zone Tezu

38 Jonkey Nallah 1 x 25 Eastern Zone Tezu39 Chicklong 3 x 50 Eastern Zone Tezu40 Kaho 1 x 10 Eastern Zone Hawai41 Ashapani 2 x 30 Eastern Zone Hawai42 Krawti Nallah 2 x 50 Eastern Zone Hawai43 Langpani 2 x 200 Eastern Zone Hawai

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