plant structure and transport. chapter 13: plant structure and transport main parts of plant: main...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Plant Structure And Transport

Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

Main Parts Of Plant: 1. Roots 2. Stem 3. Leaves 4. Flowers 5. Seed

Below Ground = Roots Above Ground = Shoot

Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

The Functions of the Main Parts:

1. The Root: Anchor the plant Take in water (osmosis)

and minerals (active transport)

Store Food

Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

2. The Stem: To hold up the parts of

the plant Main function is to

transport substances: To carry water and

minerals To carry food

Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

Vascular Tissue (Transport): 1. Xylem:

Carries water and nutrients UP the plant FROM THE ROOTS to the leaves (capillary action)

2. Phloem: Carries food FROM THE

LEAVES to all parts of the plant

Capillary action

Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

3. The Leaves: Photosynthesis Exchange of Oxygen and

Carbon Dioxide (stomata)

Loss of water vapour (evaporate/transpiration)


Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

Transpiration: Transpiration is the loss

of water vapour from the surface of a plant

Trees get water from the roots to the leaves via this process

Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

4. The Flower: Reproduction Production of seeds

Pollen grains

Chapter 13: Plant Structure And Transport

5. The Seed :

small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food

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