plattsbubgrh sjbntinejj. -*- capital's glad …...plattsbubgrh sjbntinejj. -*-friday morning,...

Post on 23-Mar-2020






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CAPITAL'S GLADWelcomes %^ of Mrs,

hi) u

It CostsNothingv iu-ih.-T o r not ycv'v



•LI: ov'". ORK.

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heart ^in four

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THR STATE> Ivlrs. Au;;'ust;iSpr ing s(.,

ty Clerk's office, in503 and 504.

Dated November 7, 190bWEEDS, COXWAY & COTTER,

Pl::iuMu"}: AtlomevOi.uo .u-.'l L\isr Office addiess

CliRToii E>r-.T-(!t, P i t t s b u r g h X

book 106, pages i land and being in the city of first Tuesday

NOTfCt;- p.\ order of Ho DAVIDACJXKW. Surrogate of Clintonuiy X. Y , untie* irf hereby »i\en-rditij; !o l.iv,, to aH persons ha \ -clainw n g u r s Diivld A B\e ie t tpf .Schuyier r'alls in said Countsasc!, that they uro roquued to

;K!i 'he same with the voneheisi <>:' id the subacriber a t his r e s -

• •. :n ilio T-iwn o ' Schn>ler Fal sounty, Xew York on or De-

J lth dn> of December.. 190G.Juno H t h , 1 90G .

WEAVER, Executor.

IK '

i1:? a r d •-•-1:i"!-» . ms •



•:vi C u r o wil l' Krnn. Y o r ki A. (J;it

A. h .\l)r:rr..'in G. Jones . •} H.. r.-; S* , (. i i iKoiv. N. U.: George , Co:p ,;•.:• ' s , u a r r i i a u of said Air. a- >'. <t.. .'•(<;•;<•-•, .! iH'i'sou ot" unsound int.. >\t'. No:-i.i Main St., Concord, , .:">•

, v.:;!'-Oi' r. Dodge, C o l u m b u s , ' ' L fR-n 1-. Sinirii Dodge. Mi ' s xl

! i : to (>•> I--, \ ruul Mrs. F.liza M , !<son, • II c: Spa r t a . Wi-^1." Mi", ' ii*-:• K. l\ ua> ..n.l (Jil'orrt C.,

of Oi ro i i r ' ih ^ i . . l . eomins t ° r , o"ri.. C'hr.rius i l . Dodge, Sou th , Ii . . ;"k M:>-5. M ^ . F a n n i ? L.' VICTOR Vv*, ivntic'ni. N. ]{.; Mrs. Tda Bel l? ; •—>.-? Rooiinon. Dallas, Texas, Care N'OTICR—Uy order of Hon. DAVID. I). Robinson. 2,"."> Main S t . IT. AGXFAV, Surroga te of Clinton

:-ai<v, -1C7 P( c.v] St., Xew County, X. Y.. notice; is hereby giveneiiy: Roland E-. Gates. M a r i m ! according to law, To all persons hav-

cf Clinton a n d ' M a y , Augrus:nndod and dea- 'Chambers

ihe c i t : o:i);:iheast <ornor 'Hie ' -iui ih<- north line • be heji;»l .•oria".-iy Woo.l-' 'rici rt-n:liuu thence west> above de«:-did lot ami L»i" Datediukjrhoif s t ree t ! Septemb"1:"

line -n Wel l s |•rb ia 'he east1

f -=ach mo t ' hnd Dece r.'v •.

:•" HEAT

nton "'?

i h


fj ki

north-,Xo. !»,;of said|

f beginning. |ot tho street)tho north f>premises and

limns '.lie same sub-:>>reoi by tho public,prvni-itv-: mortgaged'.-• mortgage bearingv o: M-v, 18.r)Y, ttndoffice, of tho Countyuin ' / of Clinton in

of said lorme east lin


N 1ount;*

i-vr* { t h f 1 9 i

'.v?o c-JnK:'t1-" o!' '''(ni.-,!;1 ^'.-.m nil a iMni- ';.-ico T>la:io o: ihr.v.--'>i: iin.i .-i.-iiou HIM. ;

i'ahm-r o.0"oivcl her lvsidcru- • MN t> con !foronor "iiaH. !

Mote th.'iH HO.- su^-i* atul delegates i.•ittended the icooiiriji' in II"* '>>-t pillory ;

ol ilio Palnirr ;n:ins!.i;!, which was dec* Iorated for Iho occasion. i

The niee.Inf,. UIIYM u'a^ pr/-*-'1*!1

over by Frrnk Mrv-S'^ami, v.'-'i ati ••.•. "Iby some ot Chira'ro'^ most in-n-ii'ii^tbnslncKs ruon and by labor kvi.'crs •fro in ivtmy parts oi Vvo rounf py. T1KJ <principal spenkerb wcr > Auir-.'si i'cl- ,mont ?.sd Solh Low or Xow Y.-i-k. X. jS. Stone, grand :n:isiei- of ih^.TtrMlior- !liood of L'H'omoliv" lOn inct"—,. ;nit'W. D. Million. 3>r,-riia.-nr of Hi.- A!n:»)i,'ji- iunited Association of bireet i'i;i!>vay JEmpjoyees.

BefiVsont Suggests Co-operation.A'Jsnst Lohnont ronlinod Iiimsoir to

a recital of what ^ood tho J'cti'j'asionhad JK'tOini'liuhod sim'O ii-=; organizaiU^aarid oonfiikled vrith ihe sua^rsiion thatun active co-operatiou be started in

"I U.B; RUrf," lif fi:Uii, "SXlth tllO PJlor-i£OU£ inturt'sis (.hat y<>u havi* io fanslor in iuo middle wesr. yon would SOJIIgain au imijortanoe \vhi"h you hardlyroaiizo and vrhidi Avould loud irruatlyto asblst this subjegt. so important toour peaco. and vrolfaru—u thorough un-derstaiiufng bousveon omplou'et1 JJU<I em-ployer,'1

Mr. Stone said:J*Thc Civic iVdoration ban enabled

capital and labor tu sit down and dis-cuss in a friendly vray their diffor-ences. I am a iirm lioiiovor in theface to far:e conL'eri'iK'o. Tlio Civicfederation has enabled tho Hrothor-hood of Locomotive Eiurinoors to maket*vo or thioe of tho best sctrletnentsthey ever made. 1 cannot apeak ioowell of the good vrork iJmy are doinp.It Is an educational work all ii\e waythrough, aud when yoti hrinu- the l.ibor-

"f«S: men together you lind that all laborleaders are not dema^o.mies and Ilialall oapitfilistM an* not •\vh:i.u Jlj'\v an-represented by some. This nio\emeul.of the Civic federation is ^Mr-id tobrlnj; ns closer together and will enableus to do away with that last rcsorl ofthe labor ortranizatioro-fthe strike."

"Trades U mo sis Here to Stay."Mr. Mabbn was 'lli--» last spenke- of

thp. evening. He said:"I <:on;n'atulute the Civie fi"l<^-;iiion

for having brouijht about such a .-'.lateof affairs PK penuits v Maiion and aBelrnont to meet on the same platform,for meetings befwoen JUdinoni ami in<!cave not always boen as harrnonionsas they ai'o now. There are peopleainons; our trai'es unjonn who obje<-t tothe Civie federation and who eriiieiseIts movonient. Tbe say we oup;lit notto associate vrith them. But tho timehas come when we must meet them.and if wo can do so in a friendly man-ner how much better will be The ihialresult. The trade;-; union is here tostay. There has been a. great deal otopposition to labor organizations, butthey have lived through it all and willcontinue to do so. I t is a movementthat will not be crushed. The eoneilia-tory body comes between ihe opposingfactions and paves the way for a

•peaceable ending of the diillcuities thatarise between the employer and the•workingraan. Sometimes ii fails in itspurpose, but more often it. Is success-ful. My belief is tha t the time is com-ing when the employer and the em-ployee will have come to such a wayof thinking tha t whenever a differenceof opinion arises there will be no men-tion of n strike, but the first thoughtwill be either to adjust the trouble byarbitration or by the use of concilia-

Windsor Print Works to Resume.

North Adams, Mass., Jan. 14.—TheWindsor Print works, which have beenclosed for about two years and whichwere placed in the hands of receiversin-January, 1905, will resume opera-tions soon, according to an announce-ment just made. The capital will befixed at $1,000,000.

Je rome V. Gates, ch i ld- ' iup claims a^aiiiht Joseph Lapierre \ren of F r m k \Y. Gates and of ^ ' i l j l a fo of Chazy, in said County, Je - ' LJ-L O . C'C •'rTaFt 12'Iih St., Xew York City: j ce:i?ed, that they are required to e x - ! p r u i ,--,,,,7,.,,.,Henry Bin-vll as Executor under said i hibit the same with the vouchers , Q ( ( o i , e , . -|'NWill. -110 Xorth Cnyler Ave.. Oak. J thereof to the subscriher a t the resi- j - i l a ; . ,'., \Par!;, Chir i i :" . 111.; ihe Village of! 'l«nce of Frank J. Lapierre in. the j c.kuV!. J " o f

\vn of Chazy riforesaid on or be- j t i s«me-u"re ihe iS ih day of March, 1907. | ^ \ ^ cevi:,in ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

jl.uul si .uate. lylne; and beinq in tnej city of PhiUburf ih , County of Clin-

ton and State of Xew York, known

! Rout-es Poini, X. Y.: Ben.]. F. i1 Pou^Hs-'. Walter F. Strat ton and Le-;i roy A. Srnii'ord, as t rustees of Com-| mon Sr-liool District, Xo. 5, Town of', Chazy, X. Y., and Benj. F . Douglass, .j Waller F. Stni i ton. T.eroy A. Stafford,iI Win. H. Kobinson and Geo. W.l

Dated, September 4, 1906.FRANK J. LAPIERRE,


on Tho 1st day otto si:id tfanmel Fincr for the fore-n-tjja^e by aclver-


XOTTCE—By order of Hon.DAVID! Goodnle, comprlsina; the Board of' H. AGXEW, Surrogate of Clinton r.Mi:S. Li ,:.[!; T H i U S ,

I'pl'i.;- S.i:.dusky, Ohio.

MHos" Hiart Cure io solrf bydrwQa.ot. who will oi^ranteo thst

It falls

i Librory Trustees of aaid school dis-J County, X. Y . , notice is horeby given! trict. Xo. .">; jiij'l George A. Croukrito, I according to law. to all persona ftav-

flcafj-ibud p.s follow..: Beginningpoin! In the nor the i ly line ot

orr.flia tftieer diatant .'»S5 feet west-, K...I L<aEdith i J " : n j , TMcQuillar. l)ar-\;liMador-» D.irrah.Runieo Ad«- Oi rmoncl. Hat tieNichols and En::

renciants.By virtue of an

ment and decree*ale of this couribovp entitled aTerm of saij con;

/1 a \\.i rr: ,i:



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a;!d -l-

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I) irrah'-o! iiam-JU.IA K.liol-- T) -

to.: ,ivl-*-losure <-.nJ


cle in thea Special' "-" Cour'

Grard Trunk Railway SystemREDUCED RATES [

I c;\ "lo tci April 7, inclusive.Second Class Colonist Fares froja Point, N. Y.SEATTLK, VICTORIA, VAN-





Ei:a Low Rates to Many Otfw Places

•Hou'-'e in the Cii> e:1 i'.uit.-bu;-^!:,Clinton County. X Y.. on the •Jnt'nlay of Decembe:-. 141-H and whichdecree and interlocutory ju i^menrwas duly <nte:-ei and filei in Clin-ton County Clerk's Offne on the2Oth day of Dowhich decree and

T O l ' R f . T , S L E E P I N G CARSLeave Montreal Mondays and Wed-nesday? at 10:30 p. m. for the, **-

; cornmodation of passengers holding, first or second class tickets to CHIO-1 AGO AND WEST thereof as far astho PACIFIC COAST.—tpmioal

| char?e is made for berths which may' he reserved in advance.


For tickets and full Informatioil90(i, and i apply to JVlr. \V. A. Ryan, Agent. O,

ntc-rlocutory j u d g - ' T R"r. System, Rouses Point, N. T.gment authorizes and directs tho sale ,

ilirani C. Ilayford, and Bullock, ing claims

David S. Dilloniio will refund you

Lliles Medical i Jo., Elkhart, IndY.;Hrothers, all of Rouses Point, N

Janios II. Drlscoll, John R. Myers.


i Hoardi Hlwj Loss WiUi All onO<r Gi'i-man Coast.

<'u\l".avcn, Germany, Jsn. 14.—T!i<> iSriii^h sinp Ponwom, Cap-tain Williams, from Falmouth, witha cr.r.iro oi saltpetie, groundod offSciiarhorn, nboa! Ten mileri north-.;<!. t of Cuxiiaven yesterday.

Her crew of ^4 men was drownedfind her cargo is a total loss.

The tu?i Viniian went to the

Into of Pittsburgh in said County,deceased, that they are required to

Frank Pardy, James W. Collopy and[?xhtt)it the same with the vouchersTheodore M. Leonard, comprising the! thereof ^° tho subscriber at hisBoard of Library Trustees of the^ residence on or before 2 4th day ofVillage oi' Rouses Point, N. Y.: aad! December, all persons interested in the estate|, Dated, Juno ist, Lymllnirst C. Dodae late of Rouses j ' THOMAS H. HARNEY.Point, Clinton County, deceased, a : Administrator.-i-editors, heirs, legatees, next of kin j R. E. HEALEY,or otherwise, Send Greeting; j Atorney for Administrator.

Yon and en oh of you are hereby;cited and required personally to bind appanr before our Surrogate othe County, of Clinton, New York, ahis office in Plattsburgh. on the 14thlay of January, 1907, a I L0 o'cloc"

NOTICE- By order of Hon. DAVIDH. AGXK'W. Surrogate of ClintonCounty, N. Y., notice is hereby givenrecording to law, to all persons hav-ing claim's against Samuel W. Craig

MI the forenoon of that day, then andj lale of Hpskniiintown in said County,there to attend the final jndlcia j -loceoao:!,- that they are required to

' exhibit, the same with the, vouchersthereof to the subscriber at the resi-

. h<» Pyngwern throw a live dog and a j Henry Bissau, as Executors of the! Jence of Ernest. Craig in the Town(bundle of clothes aboard tho tug, ' ~ • • - •- -- -•• •

Histanro of tho stranded vessel and! ^e'ttlement of the accounts of Alcxan-lns closely to her tho crew of | lPr W. Fairbank, Ralph Crook nn lP h li d d I

I but disregarded the appeals*to jump; into tho water PO that they might beI rescued. The Vulhan made repeat-led at temp* 3 to reach tho Penj-jwern,} but a heavy r>ea broke over her andj she disappeared from view.

last Will and Testament of l.he saidLyndhurst C Dodge deceased.

And if any of the persons inicrost-

A 3Iidg*'t Asphyxiatod.Atlantic City, X. J. , Jan.

Richard Donan, .i midget well known jin theatrical circle?, was asphyxiatedby illuminating gas here yesterday.Donan was 4 2 years old and a triiloOUT three feet tali.

Montgomery, Am ., Jan . 1-1. — ,funding on the ppoL where Jeffursou |

D-ivi--) :-."vvoro alloskmce <na president 'the eonfrrior.ite state.-5v Braxton !

a:; Comer today was inaugurated j pv*»rnor o£ Alabats. . j J

ed i))!e under the age of twenty-onerears, they are required to appear by!

. their guardian, if they have one. oi'ij if they have none, to appear andj; ipplv for one to be appointee?, or hi| Ihe eveni- of their neglect to do so,j t guardian will be appointed by theI Surrogate to represent and act forfhem in the proceeding.

In Testimony Whereof, we have?aus-:ed Iho seal of our aaid Surro-gate ID bo hereunto affixed.

Witness, DAVID H. AGNEW.JCsn., Surrogate of wild

of Beekmantown. Clinton County, N.YM on or before tbe 15th day of May,

Dated, Nov. 9th, 1 9 0G.ERNEST CRAIG, Executors.

jjotiiv ol' Teachers' Vnit'omi Exami-nations for St)0fl-7.

Nov. S-!)—Keo.seville High School,Kecsevillo. N. Y.

.Ian. 10-n-Keeseville Hi^h schoolKoPt.cviHp, N. Y.

A}>iil j 2-1 3— Peru High School,Porn, X. Y.

Atty. for Exrs.PlaUshurEh, N. Y.

NOTICE—-By prder a? Hon.-DAVIDH. AGNEW, Surrogate of ClintonCounty, N. Y., notice is hereby giveDaccording to law, to all parsons hav-ing claims against Oscar C. Talfordlate of Champlain in said County,deceased, that they are required to ^ho northerly line of said lot 385 feeiexhibit the same with the vouchersthereof to the subscriber at her resl-d?nce in Champlain, New York QD)r before the tirst day of January,1907. • ' ' '

Dated, June 18th, 1906.PEARL M. TALFORD, Executrix.

NOTICE—By order of lion DAVIDH. AGNBW, Surrogate of ClintonCounty, N. Y.. notice is hereby givenaccording to law, to all persona hav-

STIPREME COURT, Trial desired i n g c i a i m a against John Lynch, lateof Peru, in Maid County, deceased,J.iat they are • required to exhibit

in Clinton County.Fred Hanlon Plaintiff, against,

Thomas Nanlon, Mary Ann Hanlon;Michael IJanlon and Margaret Han-

Examinations open at 0 a. in., close I Ion. his wife; Peter Hanlon; Bridgeta I, 1 H: .10 p. m. Openand close at 5 x>. m.

OLIVER A. TVOLCOTT,School Commissioner,

Piral District, Clinton County.\

i is herebyall persojus

XOTrCE—-Gonyo, Mary: In nur-SIK'UCO of au order of HON. DAVIDII. AUNILW. Surrogate ofCounty, New York, noticosriven according to law to a

j having claims against Mary Gonji'O,|la;o of West Chazy, in said County,01" Clintr:n, deceased, to present -twaej^finu\ with tho vouchers thereof, I toI tho sulnrriber, at his place of trajn-luiiciinu: business, at the office of M.13. Clark & Co., at West Chazy, C11;V

t 1:30 p. m. ! Hanlon, individually and as Admin-istratrix of tho goods, chattels andcredits of John Hanlan, deceasod;Patrick Hanlon, Gertrude Hanlon.Ester Hanlon and Eva Il-anlon, chlld-,ren of said John Hanlon, deceased;Julia 1-Ianlou, widow, and Iva Han-lou, Stella Fuller, Pearl Hanlon

ton County, N. Y., on or before t;tie Germain, decease^,20th day of July, 1907. ;• loJhe above jianie.

MATTHEW B. CLARK, jAdministrator.;

NOTICE—Bliss, Sara F.: In pur-suance of an order of Mon. DAVjTDH. AGXEW, Surrogate ol' (.ur.ironCounty, New York, notice is liemf"given according to law to all ^rsohs t o appear or answer, jqdgment Hillhaving elaima against 3a.ra F Bii«3, | b e taken against you by default, for

Hazel Hanlon anu l^uu Tian'.on,children of William Hanlon, deceas-ed; Samuel Fuller, the husband ofStella Fuller; Cora Hanlon, tho vifeof Fred Hanlon,'the plaintiff; PatrickHanlon, the son of Michael Han on.deceased; and Edney Hanlon, hiswife; and Alfred Guibord, as Adnin-istrator of the Estate of William L.

Defendants,d defendants: ^

You are hereby summoned-toanswer the complaint in this actionand to servo a qopy*: of your answeron the plaintiff's attorneys withintwenty days after the service of thissummons, exclusive of the day of jservice. And in case of your fail,

the same with the vouchers thereofto the subscriber at his residence atPeru, N. Y., on or before the 15thday or March, 1907.

Dated, August 30th, 1906.JOHN LYNCH, Administrator.

R. E. HEALEY,Attorney for Administrator.

NOTICE—In oursuanco of an or-der of HON. DAVID H. AGNEVV,Surrogate of Clinton County, NewYork, notice is hereby given accord-ing to law to all persons havingclaims against Thomas J. D'Arcy lateof Plattsburgh in said County of Clin-ton, deceased, to present the same,with the vouchers thereof, to thesubscriber, at bis .place of transactingbusiness, at tire office of W. L. Pat-tipson, Esq., No. 62 Margaret Street,City of Plattsburgh, New York, onor before the 4th day of May, 1907.


Atty. for Executrix,Plattsburgh, N. Y. ,

ate of Plattsburgh in said Countyof Clinton, deceased, to p-eseat tjhename, with the voucher/? thereof, 'totho subscriber, at his place of tnvn-&act"'ng business-. ar. the Gsue^eeValloy"National Bank, Oe.;eso:>, NT:w

the relief demanded in the complaint.Dated, April 16, 190G.



of Clinton, ss. :j By virtue of two executions issuedI out of the Supreme Court of the StatI

erly from tbe northwesterlv corner oriof t l l e r e a I e s t a t e hereinafter descrjb-Cornelia and Beekman Streets a:running thence westerly along saidnortherly line of Cornelia Street 11Jfeet and G inches, thence northerlyand parallel or nearly parallel withthe westerly Hue of Beekman street71:» loot; thence westerly 12 0 feet Iinches to land now or -late of Letson;thence northerly along the line otsaid land oi parallel ov nearly paral-lel with the wt-sterly line of Beek-man Street 911 feet, to other landnow or late of Letson; thence easter-ly along the line of said land 239feei; thence southerly along the lineof said land and parallel or nearlyparallel with the westerly line ofBeekman street 20 8 feet; thence east-erly along the line of said land 40Sfoot 0 inches to the westerly line ofBeekman Street; thence southerlyilons the westerly line of BeekraauStreet 3SI feet 6 inches to land nowor hi to of Mcillanus; thence wester-ly along the north line of said landloo feet; thence southerly along thewesterly line of sail land andparallel or nearly parallel with thewesterly line of Beekman Street 111)feet; thence easterly in the souther-ly line of said land 13 3.'feet to thewesterly Hue of Beekitan Street;thence 'southerly along the westerlyline of Beokman Street 54 3 feet fcinches to the land of the Samuel FVi'las home;, thence westerly alons

and thence southerly along the west-erly line of said land and parallelor nearly parallel with the westerlyline of Beekman Street 385 feet tothe point or place of beginning, con-taining 1C2 acres more or less, beingthe same premises mortgaged by Ben-jamin Mooers by mortgage bearingdate the 17th day of January, 1829,and recorded in the offices of the:(lerk of the County of Clinton inUber H of Mortgages at page thereafter and on the 23rd clayof April, 1SGI, sold to Samuel F.Vilas in proceedings for the fore-closure of said mortgage by advertise-ment.

Also, All that certain piece or par-"ol of land, situate, lying and beingin iho Town of Altona, .County olClinton and State of Ntew ^Yorkknown and designated as lot No. 13of the Duorville Patent containing250 acres moie or less being tiltsame premises conveyed to said Sam-uel F. Vilas by Andrew Williams andwife by deed bearing date the 23rdday df Februai

i vl, I, the undersigned referee

estate, will expose said premisesL'or sale and sell said real estate in=iai 1 decree and interlocutory judg-' Entertainment—that Is, pleasure tit'•nenr described at public auction to \ your guests—doe^not depend on %h*'ho highest bidder at the front door money you spend, "but on jowt ©w»-)f the Court House in the City of' knowledge of how to receive «n4 «*»Plattsburgh, Clinton County, X. Y.icend hospitality. Christine Tvftaa*on the 9Ch day of February, 1907, at Herrick tells you all atom It Poft-10 o'clock in the forenoo,n of said , paid, 50 c*nts. E. J. Clode, Publlahtr,lay as the law directs, the said 1 '.56 Fifth AveM New'*YortCroremises are describe.! as follows: t

All that tract or parcel of land, jsituate in the Town of Beekmantown, 'County of Clinton and State of NewYork, and known and described asforty-five acres in the southwest jcorner of lot No, Twenty-nine in

fDnerviile Patent, and being part ofthe lands deeded to P. F. Bellingerby Gen-it Smith, by deed datt-d •August 1. 1860, and recorclei in jClinton County in Volume 37 of iDeeds, page -1S4. ,

Also, all that other certain pieceor parcel of land situate, lying and ioeing in the northwest corner of lot

y ruary, 1S75, and recorded In the crffiee of the Clerk of th<County of ClintonDeeds at page 19S.

in Liber 67 oi

Also, all certain piece or par-teel of land, situate, lying and betns

•in the Tbwn of Altona, County olClinton and State, of New York,known and designated as the westjiogg, a Justice "of the Supreme Court21u acres of lot Nro. 189 of the 420

ee for | ._- , .,the purpose of selling the aforesaid Hospitality at

Small Espcnse


TRADE-HAEKS, EtcSend rouoh sketch and desortptton of ImenflMtar FREE OPINION *• to pctSQtftMtttf.

Corrweondenco cofifidcatial.Eitablisned 1864.

Branches at Chlca3o/ Cle»euina, Detr«H

\To. Six In the Gore, south of Duer-; MILO B. STEVENS & CO*"ville Patent, bounded andis follows, to wit; Beginning- .„ w^ ,northwest corner of lot No. Six, run-(

ling thence east in the north line SO•ods; thence south parallel with theivest line sixty-four rods; thence.vest to the west line of said loteighty rods; thence north to theolace of begitwo acres oi

Bated December 21, 190G.HENRY E. BARNARD, Referee.

3. L. WHEELER & SON.Plaintiff's attorneys,

No. 33 Clinton street,Plattsburgh, N. Y.

id described i ,dTH S T R E K T WASHINGTON. O. Cining in the


inniiig, containing thirty- j iff land more or Ies3. ' *

Plattsburgh, N. Y,i r. HEFFERNAN, W. T. BCRLEIGII


in Clinton County:--Ada E. MJlla,Plaintiff against John Warren MillsDefendant.To the above named defendant:

You are hereby summoned to'answer the complaint in this actionind to serve a copy of your answeron the plaintiff's attorney within-wenty idaj i after the service of thissummons, >exclusive of the day of3ervice: And in case of your failure toippear or answer, judgment will betaken against you by default, for therelief demanded in the complaint.

Dated July 12, 1905.JOHN B. RILEY,

Plaintiff's Attorney.Office and Post Office Address 31

Clinton street, Pittsburgh, N. Y.Action for Divorce.

To Jhohn Warren Mills:The foregoing summons is served

upon you by publication pursuant toan order of the Hon. Henry T, Kel-

R. E. HEAJLEr,Attorney and Counselor at Law. Of-

fice Dock & Coal Co. Building,Clinton St., Pittsburgh. K. ?.

JOHN E. JUDGE,Attorney "vnd Counsellor at htM

Moore's Block No. 11 Cllnto-B f*U,Plattsburgh, N. Y.

JOHN B. RILEY,Attorney and Cuunaelor at Law. Oflie*Attorney aud Cuuntw

Marlon Block, Hattsbu

! , - SETH S, ULtN,I Attoruey and Counselor a t Law. (ifltc« |»I Levy BuildtaK. opposite Tost Office, Plovi*I ourgh, N. V Money to loan on roal e«taV-

! WJN'SLOW C. WATSON,I Attorney and Ooanaolor a t Law. BoeclsI attention srlren to bu«Inp«« In SUTTOKHWII Oourt. Office over A. McHattte's »tor«1 PlaifcBburp;h. N. Y. Entrance from BrldgStreet, PlattsbarRh, N. Y. *

acre lots in the Canadian and NovaScotia ^Refugee Tract containing 310acres more or less being the samepremises conveyed1 Io said Samuel FVilas by Andrew Williams and SarahA., his wife, by deed bearing date the29th day of (July, 1870 and recordedin the office of the Clerk of the Coun-ty of Clinton in Liber 61 at page (558.

All the minerals that may be onthe east part of lot No. 8 5 Township6 O. M. T., County of Clinton, Stateof New York, said east, part of saidlot containing 247 acres more

H o m a n s N o t C> *\\\.y oi d r i b c t y C i n r g oI J H C I M I I A l a M n n P - « > n ih<

K < " o i n m < i d ' h i o t <h»» m o s t 1 i t i o n

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York onJuly, 1907.


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before the 5th day

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Attorneys for Plaintiff. I of New York against the property of ^ ^ ^ e r wiHi th;^ right to enterice and Post Office address, 26 the late Freeman M. Vilas, I have ,nt ' °"1?„**: . J g . t o en te , r

•linton street, Flattsburgh, N. Y. seized all the right, title and interest ^g™? l t hU I >™n

M . J / I ^ V P thefi,,, ,Mfnn,i,,,,* m,j^«., T_r.,«i v,. ~ruir.u n , u t , n u in ,„„ -MT m i , n i,«,i c l l w s w l c t l m e n c l i u l teams lor the

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purpose of mining and digging forsaid minerals and of carrying thesame awny as the same are reservedn and by a certain deed from Sa

the 2 3rd day of Juno,1S70 and recorded in the office ottho Clerk of the County of Clintonin Lihor fil of Deeds at page 525.

Ditfd Nov. L'S. 1900.C. D. ALLEN, Sheriff.


fjTo the defendant, Edney Hanlon: which the said Freeman M. Vilas hadThe foregoing summons is served in and to the following described real

upon you by publication p/ursuan-, to property on the 14th day of July,in ordr •• of Po' i R TJ Tic ile\ Clln- 1^'"' and I will sell the same it ,„ , „ , , „ . . , « „ , . „ , rt H ,• n n ( o m h I m V d i l o , l O c t o b e r 2 , , p m Ho a u c t i o n u i h e t r o n t d o o r o i , ? d " 1 f ' ^ ; . c o ™ n . *°f }T?m ? , a m i i e J

lr»0( n n ] filed \ i t h t n o l o m p l u n t ' t h e t o n i t H o u s e in t h e CitN of PUt(«?- ' b t ' " l; u . . " . . A n t o m e ^ o u p e iin tl <> ( l o i k ^ oi l ict of C l i n t o n C < u n - | ) u r q h C l i n t o n C o u n U , \ Y o n t h e , ,

Itli d i ot [ n i u a i v 1 9 0 7 a t 10o d o c k in t h e t o i o n o o n o i t h a t d i \ ,t o w n

\1I th t ( e i t n n Ioi ot l i m i « i tu »Uin I lu * ii % ot P l a t t b u i g h ( o u n t \ otC l i n t o n a n d S t i t e o t New Yoi 1j o u n d o d i n d d e s u i b e u i s t o l l o w s o n

t lu not L'I b \ C o u i t S t i c i on t h ei ist M f l r h o t n n S h e e t on the ii*>n

B n n k e i h o N . s t i t e t i n d o n ' l ) n |In PU is nit S t u c t a m

tl ( I -ocust If M Ioi s u ppos< d to c onl \ in s< M n u u s mo <. oii ss he i n - I IK "- l ni pi i n n PS c o m < \-

( I to S mnH 1 1 \ il is I) ' h i ( i\ n ) i o l s ind \Mt< }>\ di (. M i un\^ d i t-

( o u l o d in t h o Oil ico ot t u C l e i k oilu ( o u n n oi ( imt )ii m f ibe i 1 ' •>!

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MIS of Clinton County Court .1 terms of the County Court

o Uli Int i c \ \ i <•(

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after September I Oth,until otherwise ordered,

in ind for the County of Clinton, are1KK1>\ apnointod to he held as fol-

of the State of New York.Dated December 21, 1906 and filed

S. L, WHEELER & SON,Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,'

with the complaint in the office of No- 3 3 Clinton st., Plattsburgh, N. if.the Clerk of the County of Clinton I Samuel L.Wheeler. Perl©y S.Wheelerit Plattsburgh, N. Y. [ -

JOHN B. RILEY, i-•'' Plaintiff's Attorney. !

NOTICE—Duff any, Peter in' pur-suance of an order of Hon. DAVIDH. AGNBW, Surrogate of ClintonCounty, Now York, notice its herebygiven according o law to all personshaving claims against Peter Duff anylate of town of Ausable in said Coun-ty of Clinton, deceased, to present,the Krinve. with the'vouchers thereof,,to the subscribers at their place oftransacting business as such execu-tors at tho office of Frank C. Aguew,No. i Clinton street. Plattsburgh, N.'Y.. on or before the 29th day of,'Juno, 190 7.


Executors. |FRANK P. AGNBW,

Attorney for Executors, 'Platthbur^h, N. Y. -,


" \i<

I t >il mlono \ f m i x

Mu I n n l o n In1M

s I1 S(l d i n ( 1 u l o i

i in ,.oun , tn t pic t l of

I oi ii\^ trial ofj u r y : - -

On tho second .Monday of May ;rui second Monday of Decemborthe Court House in iho City!M sttshur»h. New York.

bpetiai term-, oi1 said Court on

of f a c t w i t h

NOTICE-- Ha>lor, Louisa K.: InpurHuancp of an order of l ion. DAVID;H. AGNKW, Surrogate of Clinton!County, Now York, notice is hereby !mven according to law to all persons !


This Department thoroughly pre-

pares young men and women





i.heto ih

of Clinton, deceased, to presentt-anit\ with \hv vouchers thereof,

.subscriber, at his place of tran-sacting business, at No. ;?7 Bridge•uroot, city of Pla t t sburgh, N. Y., onor before the 13th day of July. 1907.

WILL!AM :\1. FOOTE. Admr.

Business . Offices.The High School Course with lta

elective studies prepares th« «ntrance to any of tho College* ana


Universities. . J

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