play, learn & grow - webinar slides

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Play, learn and grow togetherAn After School Project for Elementary schoolby Nives Torresi

Live Class Programme


Video on YouTube

Summary of Experience

Question time

Feedback form link

Summary of ExperienceWhat did I learn?

Positive and Negatives encountered

Positives Personal learning Lots of Reading Confidence with Technology Creating a bond with

children Understanding the cultural

differences between L1 and L2

Quick to react and change Ability to adapt to new ideas Communication with Parents

was always positive and open

Negatives Venturing into the unknown Unaware of children’s needs Trying to please Parent’s

expectations No idea of relevant

Pedagogical theory or practice

Head on collision course with class Teachers

Two teachers instead of one Too much material not

enough time

What did I learn ? Going from thinking children are just small adults – but they aren’t they

are children with a thinking and reasoning all their own

Children like to take control of their environment especially if it is their ‘environment’ – not yours!

Children want to interact and want to learn something new especially using a computer and showing off what they know

The less I spoke the more they spoke and participated actively

Giving them ‘responsible roles’ each week kept the class focused

Allowing time for play is just as important as teaching them new words, etc.

Give children the active role and they will grow

Keeping a stress free environment is important

What will I do different next time ? Choose and design a syllabus with even less ‘real class work’ and

more interactive tasks or activities

More music and dance with easy repetitive phrases

Keep it even simpler and more fun activities

Take many more photo’s and video clips with children speaking in English for them to listen to themselves

Do more craft oriented activities – such as cut and paste, hats, cubes…

Find other interactive websites for children (I’m open to suggestions!)

Keep a weekly blog of all activities and outcomes of the class progress

Thank you

A very warm thank you to

Dr Nellie Deutsch

for giving me the opportunity to participate actively in her online courses like the MOOCs and Learn to Blend and Flip with Technology. Courses that equipped me to understand how to better use available technology to enhance engagement and create motivation. Also to WizIQ for providing a great platform for Teaching online live.

Please help me to grow in my Teacher development by going to the Google Form link for peer feedback. thank you.

Nives Torresi

An Australian in Italy!

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