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1.800.251.0381© Specialty Technical Publishers – All rights reserved

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highlights of this release

Chapter 2: Getting Started—This release updates Appendix 2A: OHSAS 18001 Gap Analysis Tool to integrate information from OHSAS 18002:2008, the guidance document for implementing OHSAS 18001. The Gap Analysis Tool is also useful as a protocol for conducting internal audits of the OH&S-MS.

did you know?

ISO Committee ISO/PC 283 is developing and publishing a new Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems standard, ISO 45001, which will be based on OHSAS 18001. The anticipated schedule for development is as follows:

• First Committee Draft to be published by May 2014.

• First Draft International Standard (DIS) to be published by February 2015.

• Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) to be published by March 2016.

• Final ISO 45001 to be published in October 2016.

This standard will be structurally aligned with ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), which are themselves undergoing revision and are due for publication in 2015.

18001 Health and Safety Management Systems:A Complete Guide to OHSAS and VPP Implementation

R E L E A S E 13 3 – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4

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1.800.251.0381© Specialty Technical Publishers – All rights reserved

related STP publications

OSHA Compliance: A Simplified National Guide helps employers to comply with all applicable OSHA standards, including provisions for recordkeeping and reporting. This guide clarifies requirements and makes compliance with “general industry” worker protection regulations easier.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems: A Complete Implementation Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system and includes case studies and samples.

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems: Implementation and Integration offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, including information on ISO/TS 16949:2002.

For more information or to purchase any STP product, visit, email, or call 1.800.251.0381.

industry insight

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1.800.251.0381© Specialty Technical Publishers – All rights reserved

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highlights of this release

Chapter 12: Control of Records—This release updates Chapter 12, Control of Records, to clarify the recordkeeping requirements presented in other clauses of the OHSAS 18001 standard.

did you know?

In 29 CFR 1910 alone, more than 40 of the OSHA standards include recordkeeping requirements.

Nine clauses in OSHAS 18001 have recordkeeping requirements. These are:

• 4.3.1 Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls

• 4.4.2 Training, awareness and competence

• Communication

• 4.5.1 Performance measuring and monitoring

• 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance

• Incident investigation

• Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action

• 4.5.5. Internal audit

• 4.6 Management review

18001 Health and Safety Management Systems:A Complete Guide to OHSAS and VPP Implementation

R E L E A S E 13 2 – S E P T E M B E R 2 0 13

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1.800.251.0381© Specialty Technical Publishers – All rights reserved

related STP publications

OSHA Compliance: A Simplified National Guide helps employers to comply with all applicable OSHA standards, including provisions for recordkeeping and reporting. This guide clarifies requirements and makes compliance with “general industry” worker protection regulations easier.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems: A Complete Implementation Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system and includes case studies and samples.

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems: Implementation and Integration offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, including information on ISO/TS 16949:2002.

For more information or to purchase any STP product, visit, email, or call 1.800.251.0381.

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For insight into current industry developments, subscribe to the STP blog at

1.800.251.0381© Specialty Technical Publishers – All rights reserved

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new & noteworthy

In the fall of 2012, the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 was updated. Z-10 is the voluntary consensus standard on occupational health and safety management systems adopted by the American Standards Institute (ANSI) in 2005. The standard was developed and approved by a committee of representatives from American industries and labor unions, and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) was secretariat. Many of Z10’s clauses address the same requirement as OHSAS 18001 and OSHA VPP. One of the main goals of the recent update of Z10 was to integrate occupational health and safety practices into an organization’s business processes.

highlights of this release

Chapter 20: ANSI/AHIA Z10 Overview was thoroughly revised to reflect the recent update to ANSI/AIHA Z10-2012. The Z10 standard is a consensus standard that encourages integration with other management systems. Z10 draws from approaches used by the International Labor Organization’s guidelines on occupational safety management systems. Like OHSAS 18001 and OSHA VPP, Z10 follows the familiar Plan, Do, Check, Act structure and is appropriate for any size or type of organization.

did you know?

There are now more than 250,000 organizations across 155 countries certified to the ISO 14001 standard, including a host of high-profile firms. The standard is currently being revised by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), with the new version expected to be published in 2015.

18001 Health and Safety Management Systems:A Complete Guide to OHSAS and VPP Implementation

R E L E A S E 13 1 – A P R I L 2 0 13

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1.800.251.0381© Specialty Technical Publishers – All rights reserved

related STP publications

OSHA Compliance: A Simplified National Guide helps employers to comply with all applicable OSHA standards, including provisions for recordkeeping and reporting. This guide clarifies requirements and makes compliance with “general industry” worker protection regulations easier.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems: A Complete Guide to Implementation – Construction will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system and includes case studies and samples.

For more information or to purchase any STP product, visit, email, or call 1.800.251.0381.

industry insight

For insight into current industry developments, subscribe to the STP blog at

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 130 OctObeR 2012

new and notewortHy

• New Chapter 21 CSA-Z1000-06 Overview

This release includes a new Chapter 21 describing the CAN/CSA-Z1000-06 standard for occupational health and safety management. The Z1000 standard is a consensus standard that emphasizes the need for worker participation in the implementation and operation of the management system. Like OHSAS 180001 and OSHA VPP, Z1000 follows the familiar Plan-Do-Check-Act structure and is appropriate for any size or type of organization. Z1000 allows options for self-declaration of conformance or certification by an external registrar.

HigHligHtS of tHiS releaSe

The new chapter explains the Z1000 standard following the system used to present OHSAS 18001 and ANSI/AIHI Z10; starting with an overview of the standard’s aims, a list of important definitions, and suggestions for successfully planning and implementing an OH&S-MS according to Z1000 requirements. The chapter also discusses methods for evaluation and corrective action, as well as a management review of the system once it is in place. It also provides details on how to obtain additional information on the standard.

The previous update added Appendix 20A, which outlined a clause-by-clause comparison of the Z1000 standard with OHSAS 18001, OHSA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), RC14001® and ANSI/AIHA Z10. Combined with this update’s detailed discussion of Z1000, the information will help organizations to make important decisions about their OH&S-MS, whether they are already familiar with the standards, have an OH&S-MS in place, or have to choose one to implement.

did you Know?• The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

announced that the 2012 version of ANSI/AIHA Z10, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems standard was approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). According to AIHA, the revised Z10 standard will enable organizations to integrate OHS management into their overall business management systems since it focuses on principles that are broadly applicable to organizations of all sizes and types, not on detailed specifications.

related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. It includes document samples and checklists and features additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system and includes case studies and samples.

Call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail, or visit our website at to receive a 30-day risk-free preview copy of any STP publication.

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 129 august 2012

new and notewortHy

• New Appendix 20A for Chapter 20 Beyond OHSAS 18001

This release includes a new Appendix 20A, which provides a cross-reference and brief comparison of five OHS-MS standards: OHSAS 18001, OSHA VPP, ANSI/AIHA Z10, CSA Z1000-06, and RC14001. The appendix is organized by the OHSAS 18001 clause structure and compares and contrasts the requirements of the various standards.

If you are beginning to plan your organization’s OHS-MS, you can use this comparison to help you determine which standard will be appropriate for your organization.

If your organization already has an OHS-MS that is structured to meet any of these standards and you are thinking about obtaining another certification, this comparison will help you determine what, if any, adjustments or enhancements you will need to make to your existing management system.

did you Know?• If your organization is seeking certification to the OHSAS

18001 standard, you should plan to complete implementation and at least one cycle of the management review process before your certification audit.

• To achieve OSHA VPP Star status, organizations must demonstrate injury and illness rates that are below industry averages and undergo an onsite evaluation.

• With either ANSI Z-10 or CSA Z1000-06, organizations may choose third-party certification through an accredited registrar or self-certification.

• The CSA Z1000-06 standard is intended for Canadian workplaces of all sizes and emphasizes worker participation.

• Responsible Care® companies can follow the RC14001® specification to combine Responsible Care and ISO 14001 into a single certification, which must be renewed every three years.

related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. It features additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

Call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail, or visit our website at to receive a 30-day risk-free preview copy of any STP publication.

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 128 June 2012

(continued overleaf)

HigHligHtS of tHiS ReleaSe

• Updated Case Samples for Chapters 8 and 10— This release includes updated Case Samples

for Chapter 8. Case Sample 8-1 is an updated analysis of regulatory requirements for employee training. Case Sample 8-2 provides an example of how to organize a training needs matrix.

— This release also includes revisions to Case Sample 10-4, which is a sample list of key OH&S Management System Documents and Records.

did you Know?• According to a 2005 survey conducted by Liberty

Mutual Insurance Company, over 60% of chief financial officers reported that each $1 invested in injury prevention returns $2 or more. Over 40 % of CFOs cited productivity as the top benefit of an effective workplace safety program. These CFOs most frequently mentioned better training as their preferred safety intervention.

Related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. Additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

Call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail, or visit our website at to receive a 30-day risk-free preview copy of any STP publication.

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 127 NovembeR 2011

(continued overleaf)

HigHligHtS of tHiS ReleaSe

• Chapter 18 Updated to Reflect Changes in Requirements for Management Review

The text of Chapter 18 and the Case Sample 18-1 have been updated to reflect the revisions to Clause 4.6 (Management Review). The revised chapter discusses how to plan and conduct a strategic review of the OH&S management system with your organization’s top management. The case samples provide examples of procedures and tools to help you organize and conduct the management review and identify opportunities for continued improvement.

did you Know?• If your organization is seeking certification to the

OHSAS 18001 standard, you will typically have to complete at least one cycle of the management review process before your certification audit.

• The management review can be structured in a variety of ways to best meet the needs of your top management. Consider engaging your top management team through a combination of reports, presentations, and meetings. Communicate in ways that are meaningful to executives by highlighting value-added activities such as cost savings from injury reduction efforts and innovations that improve health and safety performance.

Related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. Additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

To receive a 30-day, risk-free preview copy of any of the above publications, please call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail, or visit

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 126 July 2011

(continued overleaf)

HigHligHtS of tHiS ReleaSe

• Chapter 16 Updated to Reflect Changes in Requirements for Incident Investigation, Noncon-formity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action— The text of Chapter 16 and the accompanying

Case Study and Case Samples have been thor-oughly revised to reflect the new Clause 4.5.3 and its two subclauses. The revised chapter discusses how to address the Clause requirements for incident investigation and Clause re-quirements for handling nonconformity, corrective action, and preventive action. The case samples provide examples of procedures and forms for incident investigation and for evaluating, correct-ing and preventing nonconformities. In addition, Appendix 16A describes how to use Six Sigma techniques and tools for root cause analysis and corrective and preventive action.

did you Know?• The OSHAS Project Group reported that, as of

December 2009, over 54,300 certificates has been issued to organizations worldwide; representing 70% growth from 2007.

• In the US, OSHA reports that there are 1731 active VPP sites as of June 2011. Almost 15% of these sites are in the chemical industry sector.

Related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. Additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

Please call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail or visit our website at to receive a 30-day, risk-free preview copy of any of the above publications.

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 125 May 2011

(continued overleaf)

HigHligHtS of tHiS ReleaSe

• Chapter 14 Emergency Preparedness and Response Revised to Reflect Changes in Requirements

The text of Chapter 14 and the accompanying Case Study and Case Samples have been revised to reflect changes to Clause 4.4.7 regarding emergency preparedness and response. The revised chapter discusses how to address the clause requirements and provides sample procedures and forms for identifying potential emergency situations, identifying mitigation and response steps and procedures, and recording drills and emergency events.

did you Know?• The 2007 version of OHSAS 18001 Clause 4.4.7

added requirements for the organization to take the needs of relevant interested parties into account when planning for emergency response. Interested parties might include neighbors, local emergency response organizations, area hospitals, regulatory agencies, public utilities, corporate offices, community groups, media, and the fam ilies of workers. Depending on which parties the organization identifies as relevant to emergency

preparedness and response, this clause requirement may involve more communication and outreach than has previously been needed to comply with regulatory requirements. Therefore, organizations that plan to use the emergency response procedures already prepared to meet OSHA or EPA requirements should carefully review and consider whether the needs of additional parties should be taken into account.

Related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. Additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

Please call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail or visit our website at to receive a 30-day, risk-free preview copy of any of the above publications.

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 124 JanuaRy 2011

(continued overleaf)

HigHligHtS of tHiS ReleaSe

• Chapter 13 Revised to Reflect Changes in Requirements for Internal OH&S Management System Audits

The text of Chapter 13 and the accompanying Case Study have been revised to reflect changes to Clause 4.4.6 regarding operational control. The revised chapter discusses how to address the new, more prescriptive requirements for the OH&S management system to manage operational or organizational changes that may bring new or different hazards and risks and ensure that appropriate controls are put in place before the change is implemented.

did you Know?• The 2007 version of the OHSAS 18001 expanded

the coverage of many clauses—including Clause 4.4.6—from just employees to contractors and other visitors to the workplace? OH&S hazards and risks run in both directions, so operational controls must not only protect contractors and visitors from the hazards of workplace operations, but must also protect the workplace and employees from the hazards created by contractor operations and visitor activities.

Related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. Additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

Please call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail or visit our website at to receive a 30-day, risk-free preview copy of any of the above publications.

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 123 JanuaRy 2010

(continued overleaf)

HigHligHtS of tHiS ReleaSe

• Chapter 17 Revised to Reflect Changes in Requirements for Internal OH&S Management System Audits— The complete text of Chapter 17 and the

accompanying Case Study and Case Samples have been revised to reflect renumbering and other changes to Clause 4.5.5 regarding internal audits of the OH&S Management System.

did you Know?• The 2007 version of the OHSAS 18001 standard

modified the definition of the term “audit” to include requirements for audits to be both independent and documented. An independent audit does not require the use of external auditors, but it does mean that auditors should not be evaluating programs or procedures that they have developed or for which they have responsibility. In order to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, internal audit program managers should keep the requirement for independence in mind as they assemble audit teams and assign audit tasks.

Related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. Additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

Please call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail or visit our website at to receive a 30-day, risk-free preview copy of any of the above publications.

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

18001HealtH and Safety ManageMent SySteMS

Release # 122 septembeR 2009

(continued overleaf)

HigHligHtS of tHiS ReleaSe

• Chapter 4: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control

This release updates the Case Study and Case Samples for Chapter 4: included are a revised sample area hazard analysis, a sample job safety analysis, a sample facility-wide analysis, and a sample procedure for hazard review.

• Chapter 15: Changes in Requirements for Performance Measurement and Monitoring and a New Clause 4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance

Chapter 15 has been completely revised to reflect changes to Clause 4.5.1 regarding OH&S performance measurement and monitoring, and the addition of a new Clause 4.5.2 for compliance evaluation. The latest version (2007) of the OHSAS 18001 standard places more emphasis on the evaluation of compliance with applicable OH&S legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes.

Since its inception, this Guide has recommended that organizations establish and implement a health and safety compliance audit procedure and an audit program that includes detailed compliance protocols and checklists. Readers who have already taken this step will be well-positioned for conformance to the new requirements of the revised Standard.

did you Know?• In addition to VPP, OSHA offers four other cooperative programs

under which businesses, labor groups, and other organizations can work with OSHA to help prevent fatalities, injuries, and illnesses in the workplace. For more information on these cooperative programs, see

Related StP PublicationS

• ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Implementation and Integration

The Pilot Guide to ISO 9001 offers expert advice on updating or implementing your own quality management system (QMS) to meet the requirements of the latest revision of the ISO 9001 Standard, with a special section on integrating it with other systems for efficient management. Includes document samples and checklists. Additional sections on ISO/TS 16949:2002 (Automotive) ISO 10006:2003 (Projects), and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices).

• ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems A Complete Guide to Implementation

This Guide will improve your organization’s overall environmental performance by explaining how to implement an effective and efficient ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS). Written by trained and highly qualified assessors, the Guide discusses the specific requirements, techniques, and approaches for developing a successful system. Includes case studies and samples.

Please call 1-800-251-0381, e-mail or visit our website at to receive a 30-day, risk-free preview copy of any of the above publications.

Specialty Technical Publishers is a leading provider of print manuals, CD-ROMs and online interactive content offering guidance on environmental, health and safety, transportation, business and accounting practices, regulations and laws. We are a recognized source of comprehensive, practical “how-to” business compliance solutions. For detailed information visit us at

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