pmr literature

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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The 2012 PMR Literature format


SHORT STORIES Flipping Fantastic One Is One and All Alone


NOVELS Black Beauty The Railway Children

POEMS I Wonder The River Mr Nobody Heir Conditioning A Fighter’s Line Leisure

SECTION B: Question 1

Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

SECTION B: Question 1

I know a funny little man,As quiet as a mouse,

Who does the mischief that is doneIn everybody’s house!

There’s no one ever sees his face,And yet we all agree

That every plate we break was crackedBy Mr. Nobody.

‘Tis he who always tears our books,Who leaves the door ajar,

He pulls the buttons from our shirts,And scatters pins afar;

That squeaking door will always squeak,For, prithee, don’t you see,

We leave the oiling to be done By Mr Nobody.


a) According to the poem who is responsible for the mischief done at home? (1 mark)


b) What are the two mischievous acts mentioned in the poem? (2 marks)






Black Beauty


Dutchess, Ginger, Merrylegs, James, Joe Green, Jerry, John


Mistreatment of animals

At Earshall Park Black beauty and the other hirses are treated badly when there are forced to wear checkreins until their chest and necks ache. Their mouths and tongues are always sore.

Compassion towards animalsFriendshipFacing challenges in life


Hardworking We must treat animal

kindly. Do not give up easily

when facing hardship.



2011 Describe an event that makes you unhappy

2010 Write about an incident

2009 Write about a relationship between friends.

2008 An incident that you think is important. Give reasons why you think the incident is important.

2007 Write about how 2 characters who work together to achieve success

2006 Why you like and dislike the ending of the story

2005 Write on one of the following moral values

a) Honesty b) Responsibility

2004 Write on one of the themes. Give two evidences from the novel to support your answer.

2003 Describe an incident that you think is interesting. Give reasons for your choice.

2002 Write about a character that you find interesting.


1.Read the text.2.Select at least 3 textual evidence which can be

used to answer the questions.3.Be very sure of the characters in the story.4.Be consistent with your tense. Choose whether

you want to present tense or past tense and stick to it!





I like the character Black Beauty in the novel Black Beauty because he is a good friend. He is also loyal to his owners. He is also a hardworking horse.

Describe one main character in the story. Write why you like or dislike the character . Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

In the story Black Beauty, I like Black Beauty he is a very good friend. At Birtwick Park, he befriends Ginger though she is not very friendly with him when they first meet. They become good friends and he always advises Ginger not to anger their masters. Several years later, when they meet again in London, he does not forget Ginger.

Black Beauty is also very loyal to all his owners. When Mrs Gordon is ill, he races back to the farm immediately though he is tired and help saves Mrs Gordon’s life .In London, he is loyal to Jerry and works hard though he is bothered by the busy city and has to work in the cold, wet winter on slippery streets. Those are the reason why I like Black Beauty. 

Describe one main character in the story. Write why you like or dislike the character . Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.



In the story The Railway Children, I like Peter because he is very courageous.. Peter shows great courage when he suggests to Bobbie and Phyllis to enter the dark tunnel to search for the boy in a red shirt. He also suggests that if a train comes they should stand flat against the wall.

Peter is also very adventurous. This can be seen on their last night in the house when Peter has to sleep on the floor, which he enjoys very much. When they first arrive at their new house, it is Peter who asks them to visit the railway station because he is very excited to see it. Peter is my favourite character because I wish I could be as courageous and adventurous as him so that I can help others in distress

Describe one main character in the story. Write why you like or dislike the character . Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.



We must treat animal kindlyMoral Value

The lady at Earshall Park insists that the checkreins be used to make the horses look presentable. Black Beauty is in a lot of pain when he has to wear the checkreins. His neck and chest ache but the mistress does not care.

the kind gentleman who has taken action by reporting the cruelty of a cab master toward his horse should be taken as an example. He knows that it is wrong to be cruel to animals .

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