poa annuapoa annua cool-seasson sportsson sports ttuurf · 2018-02-12 · 421 27 ai/a 422 35 i/a...

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Poa annuaPoa annuaCool SeasCool-Seas

TTuBruce Branham

University of Illinois aUniversity of Illinois aLands

a Control ina Control inson Sportsson Sports

furfand Matt Giese

and Syngenta Turf &and Syngenta Turf & scape


the seed!



Despite the name, Poa turf is mostly a perenniaturf is mostly a perennia

Seed production separaSeed production separaproblems.

Adapted to low heights shade.

Lack of environmental s–Significantly more susce

–Shallow roots increase sdrought

blem?blem?blem?blem?annua in highly maintain


ates Poa from other weeates Poa from other wee

of cut, compaction, and

stress toleranceeptible to ice and freeze inj

susceptibility to heat and

Why is PoWhy is Poproblproblproblprobl

•Seed production

•Soil seed bank

–Seed production

•H h d•How much seed cproduce?p

•Lush (1993) estimaputting green couldmillion viable seeds

oa such a oa such a lem?lem?lem?lem?

t d f Pcan a pure stand of Poa

ated that a Poa annua d produce from 14 to 63 s/M/Yr!

emperature emperature –– 20020001 (two locations01 (two locations

ggemperature emperature –– 200200

yy01 (two locations01 (two locations

Why is Poproblprobl

• Ad d l h• Adapted to low he

• P d b d• Produces abundan

• M b i• May begin as an aconverts to a perep

• If only an annual, ty ,good preemergenc

• With perennial Poaherbicide is necess

oa such a lem?lem?i h fights of cut

t dnt seed

l b t tiannual but over time, nnial.

then all you need is a yce herbicide.

a, a postemergence sary for control

• Nature doesn’t like ba

• turf surfaces are pere

• Mechanical traffic, fooweeds and diseasesweeds, and diseases

• New plants establishNew plants establish

• Existing plants spreadExisting plants spread

are ground


ot traffic, divots, insects,all lead to voids all lead to voids

from seedfrom seed

d vegetativelyd vegetatively

New Athl

• The delay (5-6 relath ti !happy time!

• Poa seed can comePoa seed can comefrom shoes, equipm

• concentrated at the

• transient, seeds via

• survivors bred bette

etic Field

tively Poa-free years); th

e in sod seed or traffice in sod, seed, or traffic ment, etc.


ble <6 years

er survivors

Poa controPoa contro

• Cultural

• Mechanical

• Biological

• Chemical

l strategiesl strategiesgg

Cultural P

• Returning clippings = g pp gPoa overseeding

• Fertility

• Irrigation

• Cultivation - Voids are an invitation to Poa!


Poa ControPoa ControBiologicaBiologica

o is a bacterium at infects only Poa.Not sufficiently rulent for reliable ontrolontrol.

l Strategiesl Strategiesal Controlal Control

Poa ControPoa ControBiologicaBiologicaBiologicaBiologica

•Use naturally sele–Summer patch blbluegrass weevattack Poa but nattack Poa but n

•Disruptive; Pest c•Disruptive; Pest cnot you!

l Strategiesl Strategiesal Controlal Controlal Controlal Control

ective pestsor the annual il ifi llil specifically

not bentgrassnot bentgrass. controls the timingcontrols the timing

Poa ControPoa ControM h iM h iMechanicaMechanica

H d lHand removal

–Still has place particu–Still has place, particu

•Cut out by hand or pCut out by hand or p

•Effective on new fie

Roundup dauber

Collecting clippings?

l Strategies l Strategies l C t ll C t lal Controlal Control

ularly on putting greensularly on putting greens.


elds with little Poa

Poa ControPoa ControChemicaChemicaChemicaChemica

•Preemergence•Postemergenceg•traumatic contrtraumatic contr•non-traumatic cnon traumatic c


l Strategiesl Strategiesal Controlal Controlal Controlal Control


Poa ControPoa ControChemicaChemicaChemicaChemica

eemergenceA forgotten strategymportant in athleticmportant in athletic C h tCan enhance posteut ineffective without ineffective withoartners.Overseeding needs

l Strategiesl Strategiesal Controlal Controlal Controlal Control

y, but can be fieldsfields

emergence prograout postemergenceout postemergence

s makes this appro

Poa ControPoa ControChemicaChemicaChemicaChemica

ostemergencel f–control of grasses

difficultdifficult– Effective postemEffective postemare necessary for yannua control

l Strategiesl Strategiesal Controlal Controlal Controlal Control

i is in grasses is very

mergence herbicidemergence herbicidelong-term Poa g

Poa ControPoa ControChemicaChemicaChemicaChemica

•P t•PostemergenceC lt l & i–Cultural & envi

affect controlaffect control•i e mowing hei.e. mowing herainfall, soil mo

-Development ofresistance is a c

l Strategiesl Strategiesal Controlal Controlal Controlal Control

t l f tronmental factors

eight temperatureeight, temperatureoisturef herbicide concern!

Poa ControPoa ControChemicaChemicaChemicaChemica•Fumigation/Soil sFumigation/Soil s

–Renovation onlRenovation onl–Reduces but dReduces, but dthe soil seed ba

–Can give a cleagis still present

–Expensive, longff ti ?

l Strategiesl Strategiesal Controlal Controlal Controlal Controlsterilizationsterilizationlyly

does not eliminatedoes not eliminate,ankan start, but seed ,



•When to apply?

–In general, if you onlthapply in the late sum

between August 1 anbetween August 1 andepending on locatio

–If desired a second ain the spring betweein the spring, betwee

ence timingence timinggg

ly make one applicationmmer, somewhere nd September 10nd September 10, on.

application can be madeen April 1 and May 1en April 1 and May 1.

RecommendaRecommendaControl in Control in

more effectivemore effective

enefin, dithiopyr,enefin, dithiopyr,, py ,, py ,




lid dilid diensulide, oxadiazonensulide, oxadiazon

ations for ations for PoaPoaBluegrassBluegrassmore safetymore safetyyy





PreemergenPreemergenof Poa of Poa T t tTreatment


Pre-M 60 WDG @ 3.0 lb

Ronstar 2G @ 3.0 lbs a

Team 2 G @ 3.0 lbs ai

Betasan 4E @ 12 lbs a

nce Control nce Control annuaannuaAug Aug AuAug

93Aug 96


4 21 27

ai/A 4 22 35

ai/A 7 24 31

/A 1 19 27

ai/A 5 14 22

PreemergenPreemergenof Poa of Poa Treatment


Dimension 1 EC @ 0.5 lb

Barricade 65 DG @.65lb

Balan 2.5 G @ 2.0 lbs a

rograss 1.5 EC @ 0.75 lbs fall apps

nce Control nce Control Aug Aug Au

annuaannuaAug 93

Aug 96


4 21 27

b ai/A 5 20 17

bai/A 1 11 12

ai/A 6 13 11

ai/A x 4 5 5 4

PreemeSummSumm•I want to think thI want to think th

strategy in certagy•However, data s,

different story•Not a centerpiec

strategy; but maf ll ifollowing a succprogram

ergence marymaryhis is an effectivehis is an effective in situations.

shows a little

ce of Poa control aybe helpful

f l tessful post

PostemergePostemergePostemergePostemergeTraumatic versus non-tr

–We’re talking trauma tthe grass!g

The PGRs, paclobutrazochemical options for non

These products graduallinfestations when used rgrowing season.

ence Controence Controence Controence Controaumatic control

to the field manager not

ol and flurprimidol, are n-traumatic control.

ly reduce Poa annua regularly during the g y g

PGRs forPGRs forBluegrasBluegras


r Kentuckyr Kentucky ss Athleticss Athletic eldselds

Poa encroaPoa encroaKKKK

Treatment Rate fl oz/ATreatment Rate, fl oz/A


TE @ 26

TE @ 26 fb PB @ 16TE @ 26 fb PB @ 16

TE @ 44

PB @ 16

PB @ 16 fb 24

LSD (P=0 05)

chment intochment intoKBKBKBKB

% Poa Cover% Poa Cover

--- 9 Oct 2006 ---








Effects of PBEffects of PBi KBGi KBGin a KBGin a KBG


B on Ball LieB on Ball LieG F iG F iG FairwayG Fairway


PGRs on A

• PGRs increase turf devoids and openings invoids and openings in

• Key is to have a modKey is to have a modregulation and stop a

l i b iplaying season begin

Athletic Turf

ensity, which reduces n turf less Poan turf →less Poa

erate level of growtherate level of growth pplications right before



• ethofumesate (Prograethofumesate (Progra

• bis-pyribac ethyl (Velobis pyribac ethyl (Velo

• mesotrione (Tenacity( y

• amicarbazone (Xoner

• Available in spring

es for Poa ntrolntrolass™)ass™)

ocity™)ocity )

y™)y )


g 2012


• Current label

• “Fall applications tocontrol annual bluegcontrol annual bluegif application is initiamaximum weed gerclose to the first killic ose to t e stSpring applications the period of maximthe period of maxim


turfgrass sites to grass are most effectivegrass are most effectiveated during the period ofrmination and ended as ng freeze as possible. g ee e as poss b emay be made during

mum weed germination ”mum weed germination.

Ethofumes• Very cultivar dependen

• Tolerant cultivars

• M li ht A i S• Moonlight, America, S

• Sensitive cultivars• Sensitive cultivars

• Northstar Total EclipNorthstar, Total Eclip

• Example programExample program

• Initiate 1-Aug, 1.5 fl og

• Better success with tw

sate : KBGnt

SR2109 d Ab l tSR2109, and Absolute


oz/M, 7-d int., 4 apps

wo apps @ 3-4 fl oz/M,


• Marginal control

• Safety an issue on KBPRGPRG

• Not enough safety &Not enough safety &

sate Notes

BG but very safe on

efficacy to warrant useefficacy to warrant use

Bis-pyribapy• Injurious to KBG safe• Injurious to KBG, safe

• Good control but willGood control, but willcultivars and kill some

• Might be useful on oucan wait for the turf tocan wait for the turf to

• Application ratesApplication rates

• 10 gms ai/A (2 oz p0 g s a / ( o p

• 30 gms ai/A (6 oz p

ac Sodiume on PRGe on PRG

severely injure most KB severely injure most KBe KBG cultivars

ut-of-play areas where yo recovero recover.

rod/A) weekly for 6 weeod/ ) ee y o 6 ee

rod/A) two apps on 10-1

MesotrionControl inControl in


ne for Poa KentuckyKentucky


TenaAKA mesAKA mes• A bleaching herbicA bleaching herbic

turn white - can be

• Safe when appliedK t k blKentucky bluegrascontrol than Sidurocontrol than Siduro

• Use rates 5-8 oz/AUse ates 5 8 o /a seasonal maximi/A)ai/A)

• N t l b l d f AB

acitysotrionesotrionecide susceptible plantcide, susceptible plante jarring.

d at the time of seedinid b ttss - provides better we


A ( 0.16-0.25 lbs ai/A) ( 0 6 0 5 bs a / )um of 16 oz/A (0.5 lbs

BG t l h t t


nacity Total 5/6/09 7/2yt (oz/A) apps 5/6/09 9

% P---------% P

MWF 10 86 9

, MTh 10 85 7

, MTh 5 80 9

2, M 5 57 4

y Resultsatments Initiated on:atments Initiated on:

24/0 5/3/10 6/7/10 7/5/19 5/3/10 6/7/10 7/5/1

Poa annua ControlPoa annua Control---------

93 40 97 92

78 75 100 92

97 0 76 90

41 15 43 92

Notes on M

• Low rates, frequenLow rates, frequenbest, kinda like an

• The hotter the temth h bi id l tithe herbicidal activ

• Under hotter cond• Under hotter condto get controlg


nt applications worknt applications work IV for the turf!

mperatures, the better itvity

itions need less appsitions, need less apps

2011 Resmesotmesot

• Spray volumep y

• Adjuvantsj

• Nitrogen fertility 40 Gg y

search on trionetrione



lity on yotrioneotrione


• Adjuvant trials done during warm weather ggave excellent control regardless of adjuvant.g j

• Stick with NIS at 0.25% v/v for now

• Adding 2.5% v/v UAN significantly increased g ycontrol.

nts with trionetrione

RecommeApply 1 5 lbs N/M asApply 1.5 lbs N/M asor within 7 days of sty

Spray volume of 20 G

Use a non-ionic surfaand UAN (28 % N) a

Apply 3.2 oz prod/A

For maximum Poa cprod/A 10 times 3x/wprod/A 10 times 3x/wnecessary).

endationss urea at initial applicas urea at initial applicatarting. g


actant (NIS) at 0.25 %at 2.5 % v/v

5 times 2x/week.

ontrol, apply 1.6 oz week (should not beweek (should not be

Notes on M• Remember death• Remember, death

• Works best with hiWorks best with hi

• Once bleachedOnce bleached, to rapid kill

• Fall applications ceven though much

•• Mesotrione is raplantsplants

• and you may n

Mesotrioneon bentgrass! on bentgrass!

igh temperaturesigh temperatures

high temperatures leahigh temperatures lea

an also be effective, h cooler

pidly metabolized by

not need this

PotentiaChanChan• Amicarbazone (XoAmicarbazone (Xo

herbicide developeLifeSciences

•• to receive EPA labof 2012of 2012

• PS II inhibitor thatPS II inhibitor that marginal safety on

• PS II inhibitors havi t i

al Game ngernger

onerate™) - newonerate ) - new ed by Arysta

bel in the first quarter

controls Poa withcontrols Poa with Kentucky bluegrass.

ve been shown to

4 + 0.25 oTenacity p

4 + 0.50 oz/A X2 Tenacity plus AmiTenacity plus Ami

oz/A X2 lus Ami


4 +Just started testing this combination this

4 +

this combination this fall

Better safety, fewer applications lower useapplications, lower use rates

This will be our focus in 2012in 2012.

bazonesotrione + Amicarbazo+ 0 5 oz prod/A 2 app+ 0.5 oz prod/A 2 app

Poa controTTu

Mesotrione has bestMesotrione has best safety combined with high levels of controllevels of control

Mesotrione +Mesotrione + amicarbazone appears to be superior - more workbe superior more work needed

Questions with PRG safetysafety

Effective postemergence

ol in Sports rfurf


• Questions?

k you!y

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