political advantages and dangers of a world with or without life extension for (almost) everybody

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Political advantages and dangers of a world with or without life extension for (almost) everybody by Dr Didier Coeurnelle on 5th October Sunday at International Online Longevity Day Conference.


Political advantages and dangers of a world with or without life extension

for (almost) everybody

October 2014

In memoriam

Maria, Vladimir, Wei, Satya, Fatimah, Jing and 100,000 others.

Four parts

Possible choices of the states

Possible choices of "political" groups

Consequences of a longer life for the society, especially concerning violence

More radical concepts (digital longevity)

Three choices for the states

Life extension outlawed (everywhere or in some countries)

Life extension available only to a few (rich people)

Life extension largely available

1. Life extension outlawed.

2. Life extension available only to a few.

3. Life extension largely available

Reactions following "political boundaries"

● Left wing / Progressive side - Right wing / Conservative side

● Secular side - Religious side

● Libertarian - Authoritarian

● Technoconservatives (Luddites) & Precautionary principle - Technoprogressives & Proactive principle

Left wing / Progressive side - Right wing / Conservative side

Immortality for all ?

Secular side - Religious side

God against (biological) immortality ?

Why not ?

Management of terror

It is so difficult to accept death that once you accept it, you do not try to avoid it anymore

Politicians, scientists, act the same way

Libertarian - Authoritarian

Right not to live too long ?

Luddites / Precautionary principle - Technoprogressists / Proactive


Right to health as a human right Obligation for the states

Consequences of a longer life for the society

● Environmental consequences: question of overpopulation, patterns of ecological behavior

● Economic consequences: healthcare systems, pensions

● Level of pacifism / propensity to violence in the society, existential risks and level of resilience of a society

No overpopulation on a short and medium term

Last 40 years: Bangladesh

More productive population

On a very long term (more than 50 years)

● We have time to think about it

● We could let people chose between freedom to live longer and freedom to have many children

● Or it could not be necessary.

Each week, one weekend more

● Life expectancy in good health is also rising

● Less deaths (around 25 %)● Less people in the last year of their life

Less healthcare costs

Longer life, higher Gross Domestic Product

Studies Working life

Working lifeStudies




Pension age rising For poor and rich people? First for people with higher pensions

Peaceful society

Happier population

- Older people -> happier people

- People in good health -> Happier people

Wisdom does not necessarily come with age but ...

Wisdom does not necessarily come with age but ...

When life is longer, you tend to be more careful not to lose it When life is longer, it appears to be a lot more precious

Political choices concerning the technological progress are very

important● Sometimes, we have very fast accelerations:

1957: Spoutnik 1969: first man on the moon

● Sometimes progressions slow downTransportation: 1927 - 1970 Versus 1970 - 2013

● Concerning aging: it depends on societal / political decisions (and not only on Moore's law)

We do not know it could be possible

Parable of the monkeys

They didn't know it was impossible and they did it


How can we improve humanity?

We can try to give people

More sensesMore intelligenceMore happinessMore resilienceLonger lives

To give longer lives would mean also:

More resilienceMore intelligenceMore happinessMore sensesLess existential risks

Thank you for listening and now you can ask questions!


Heales.orgLongevityalliance.org (ILA)didier.coeurnelle@gmail.com

Only if you speak French

Paris, November 20 - 22 2014

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