political science

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Poltical Science


Political ScienceCenter of International Studies

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science


(Political Theories)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science



. .

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science


. .


(Unitary) (Federal) (Unitary State)

(Federal State)

. . . .


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Poltical Science


. .


. . .

. .

. . . . . . . . . ` . . (Upper House) (Bi Party System) (Multi-Party System)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (House of Representative) (Lower House) () (British Upper House/ British House of Lords) (US Senate)

. . . .

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. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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. . . . . . . . . . . ( )/ ( (US Administration)

(House of Representative) (Senate Member)

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(politika) Affairs of the City (politika) Relating to Citizens Of Citizens For Citizens Affairs of the City


() Polettiques Politics (Polettiques)


Affairs of the City ( ) Latin

) Latin

Concise )


Dictionary Politics

(Politique) (Politique) Latin (Politicus)

(politikos) Civil Civic Belonging to the State (polis) (politikos) (polites) City


Latin Citizen (polis)

(polites) (Politicus)


(politikos) ( )

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(Collective Decisions)




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/ /




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Anga Magadha Kashi Kosala Vrijji

Kuru Panchala Matsya Shurasena Assaka Avanti Gandhara Kamboja

Malla Chetiya Vatsa


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. / .





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. . ( ) ( )

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(Ram Chandra Kur)

(Ram Chandra Kur) -

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| 29

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

-() Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

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| 30

. . . . . . . (Tyranny) (China, Confucius)


(Realism, Naturalism, Greek) (Rule by the Best) (Greek, Rule by the Wealth) (China, Taoism) (Oligarchy)

. . . (Capitalism, Europe) (Colonism, Europe) (Socialism) . (Communist) (Karl Marx)


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Poltical Science

| 31

Anarchism Aristocracy Authoritarianism

The rule by the Best

Autocracy Communist State Democracy (demo + Kratos) Rule by the people Rule by the Priests Rule by the Thieves Rule by the Justice Rule by the Judges Despotism Dictatorship Fascism Feudalism Hierocracy Kleptocracy Kritarchy Krytocracy Meritocracy Monarchy

one who rules by himself a. Direct Democracy b. Representative Democracy

a. Absolute Monarchy b. Constitutional Monarchy

Ochlocracy Oligarchy Plutocracy Single Party State Thalassocracy

Rule by Mob Rule by the few Rule by wealth

Base on Imperialism

Theocracy Timocracy Totalitarianism Tyranny a. Rule by the honor b. Rule by the wealth

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The Republic

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The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551- 471 BC)

- Kong Fu Tzu () - Kung Qiu, () or Kung Chin or Master Kung -

- Zhou Dynasty Era


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Confucius {Kong Qiu, September 28, (BC-511~471~479)

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(Zi Gong) (Shu) -

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(R (Li) (Ritual) (Hsin) (Good (R


(R (R (H (Ti)

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Poltical Science

| 38

(R (R (R (Li)





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. . . . . . . . .

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Socrates (BC 470~399) -

Name Birth Death School/ Tradition Main interests Notable ideas Influences Influenced : Socrates : ca. 470 BC : 399 BC : Classical Greek, Socratic School : Epistemology, Ethics : Socratic Method, Socratic irony : Anaxagoras, Parmenides, Prodicus, Diotima : Plato, Aristotle the rest of Western Philosophy

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. .


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(The Method of Speculation)



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Poltical Science

| 45

Plato (BC- 428~328) Name Birth Death Main interests Notable ideas : Plato : BC 428 427 BC, Athens : BC 348 347 BC, Athens : Rhetoric, Art, Literature, Epistemology, Justice, Virtue, Politics, Education, Family, Militarism. : Platonic Realism. -

School/Tradition: Platonism


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Poltical Science

| 46

. . .

(Ignorance) (Opinion)


(Knowledge must be infal (Knowledge must have reality as its ob


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Poltical Science

| 47

Aristotle (BC- 384~322)

(Aristotle) (384-322BC) Name Birth Death Main interests Notable ideas Influences Influenced : Aristotle : 384 BC : March 7th, 322 BC : Politics, Metaphysics, Science, Ethics : The golden mean, Reason, Logic, Biology, Passion : Parmenides, Socrates, Plato : Alexander the great, Avicenna, Averroes, St. Thomas Aqunas, most of western Philosophy and Science

School/Tradition: Inspired the Peripatetic school and tradition of Aristoteliansm

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| 48

(The Stoic -

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| 49

Niccolo Machiavelli (1469~1527)




Name Birth Death Main interests Influences Influenced

: Niccolo Machiavelli : May 3rd, 1469 (Florence) : June 21th, 1527 (Florence) : Politics, Military theory, History : Cicero, Sallust, Livy, Xenophon : Thomas Hobby, James Harrington, Jean Jacques Rousseau (~)

School/Tradition: Renaissance Philosophy, Realism, Classical, Republicanism

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 50"T

(~) "Marsilius" -


"Marsilius" -

"Divine Rig

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. .

. . . . . -



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- -



= =

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


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( )







( - ) () ()

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| 59

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() () -


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| 61

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| 62

. . . . .

(Authoritarianism) (Depotisim) (Dictatorship), (Totalitarianism) (Tyranny) (Militarism)

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| 63


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| 64



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. .


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. .


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| 71



( - ) (AD- ) (AD- ) ( - )


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| 72

AD -First Burmese Empire

Kindom of England First British Empire Old St Pauls Cathedral Palace of Westminster Westminster CathedralUK Constituional Monarchy

AD - AD - AD - AD - AD AD AD - AD - AD - AD -


Second Burmese Empire Third Burmese Empire -

AD 1551 AD - AD - AD - AD

Sir Isaac Newton Michael Faraday Thomas Alva Edison Sir Joseph j.j Thomson


() ()

() (Relativity Theory)

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(Excecutive Members) (Rules)

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| 79

Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bosnia & Herzegovina Brazil Canada Comoros Ethiopia Germany India Iraq Malaysia MexicoFederated State of Micronesia

Provinces States and Territories States Divisions Devisions States Provinces & Territories Regions State States & Territories Governorates States States States Zones States Provinces & Territories Federal Subjects Islands & Parishes States States Cantons Emirates States States

(23) Provinces (6) States (9) Landers (3) Communities (2) Entities (36) States (10) Provoinces (3) Islands (9) Regions (16) Landers (28) States (18) Governorates (13) States (31) States (4) States (14) Zones (36) States (4) Provinces (21) Republic,(46) Oblasts,(9) Krais,

(1) Autonomous City (10) Territories (3) Regions (1) District (1) Federal District, (5561) Municipalities (3) Territories (2) Chartered City (7) Territories Including (1) is Autonomous (Kurdistan) (3) Federal Territories (1) Federal District

Nepal Nigeria Perkistan Russia Saint Kitt & Nevis South Sudan North Sudan Switzerland UAE USA Venezuela

(75) Districts (1) Territories (4) Territories (1) Autonomous Oblast,(4) Autonomous Okrugs, (2) Federal City (14) Parishes

(2) Island (10) States (25) States (26) Cantons (7) Emirates (50) States (23) States

(1) (1)

Federal Federal

District,(1) District,

Incorporated (1) Federal

Territory, (13)Unincorporated Territories Dependency

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| 80

(Being to the Supereme State Power) (Common Wealth) (Defence, Agression from Foreign Troops)

. . . .


() (Federa

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(Mutual Absorption) (Unitary State)

(Unitary State)


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() () ()

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| 84

(Unitary State)




(Unitary State)



(Unitary State)

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| 85

(Unitary State) () (Unitary State)

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| 86

(Unitary State)

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| 87

(Unitary State)

(Unitary State) (Unitary State) (Unitary State)

(Unitary State)

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| 88

(Unitary State)


(Unitary State)

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| 89


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(Unitary State)

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| 91

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| 92

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| 93


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| 94

(Reserve of Power)

(Reserve of Power)


(Reserve of Power)

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| 95

(Unitary State)

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| 96

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| 97



() () ()

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(Double Texation System)


(-) ()




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| 100


(Reserve of Power)

( Fe

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| 101





() ()

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| 102


(-) (-) ()




Unitary State)




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| 103

(Unitary State)


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| 104



(Reserve of Power)

(Reserve of Power)

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| 105

(Direct D




() ()


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| 106

) ( () ()


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| 107






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| 108



Treaty of Versailles





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| 109

(Traditional Concept, Precedent) (Ruling) (Act) (Bye Law) (Order)

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| 110

(Non Documentary)

(Rigid Constitution)

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| 111


(Parliament) (Referendum) (Parliament Special Session) (Federal States)


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| 112


/ (Refe

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| 113


(-) )

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| 114





() ()

() ()


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| 115

() ()






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| 117

() () () () ()


(/) (/) (/) /)




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| 118

(National Assembly)

(Referendum) (/)




(Senat ()

(/) ()

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| 119





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(Legislature) (Executive) (Judiciary)

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| 122

(Direct Democracy) () ()

(Indirect Democracy)


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| 123


" (The End J

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| 124

() () () () ()

/ () ( () ()


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() ()



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(Weighted -


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| 129

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| 130

(Single Member Constituency) (Multi-Member Constituency)


() () ()


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| 131


() ()

() () () () ()

() () () ()

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| 132


- () ()


(---) -) () ()




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| 133

(---) ()



% Conservative & Liberal Unionist Liberal Irish Parliamentary Independent Liberal Independent Liberal Unionist . % . % . % (+) . %

Lord Salisbury Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 134

Parliament Popular Votes Position Common -1886) Seat (British House of 18863.41% 0.06% Irish Parliamentary 12.69%



28.66% 53.08%

Conservative & Liberal Unionist Conservative & Liberal Unionist Liberal Liberal Irish Parliamentary Irish Parliamentary Independent

Conservative & Liberal Unionist







() (-)

) Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil ( ) (3rd Marquess of Salisbury) (


(Popular Votes) (. %)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

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| 135

Conservative Labour Liberal National Liberal Inde-Conservative Independent Nationalist(NI) Communist Agriculturalist Inde-Labour Constitutionalist Scottish Prohibition Inde-Liberal Inde-Unionist Inde-Communist Anti-Parliamentary Communist

. .


21510 16662 30684 18419 57641 116861 114697 1355366 2601486

16289 9861 470 13197

Popular Vote 1922Conservative 4027 Labour Liberal


National Liberal Inde- Conservative Independent


Nationalist(NI) Communist Agriculturalist Inde_Labour Constitutionalist

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| 137

Popular Vote Position (British Election 2010)110970 42762 Other 12% 165394 22860 168216 171942 1929619 285616 491386 10703754 6836824 21181 Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat SNP Green Sinn Fein Democrat Unionist

23% 29%8609527


Plaid Cymru SDLP Alliance Speaker Inde-Sylvia Hermon

Total Votes of Ruling Party (Conservative Party) = 36% Total Votes of Opposition Parties (Eleted + Unelected) = 64 %

Total Unelected Popular Vote

Elected Position (British Election 2010)6 57 1 5 83 3 1 1 Conservative Labour

Other 4% 9%

Liberal Democrat SNP 306 Green Sinn Fein



Democrat Unionist Plaid Cymru SDLP Alliance Inde-Sylvai Hermon

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| 138



(French Type) (Hare System (or) Single Transferrable Vote)

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| 139

() () () -

(Quota) () () () () (Quota) ()

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| 140



() ( ()


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| 141

() ( ()

() ()

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| 142

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( 1. 2.

) = / ( ) ( ( ) ) )

= (



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( )



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| 146


( /

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| 147


(Bi Party System) (Multi Party System) ()

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| 148



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| 149

( (


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| 150

/ /


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| 151

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| 152

(Bicamera System)

) ( )

() (Election) (Acting) (Divine Rights)







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| 153

Senate Federation Council Council of State House of Lords Chambre des Pairs Dewan Negara (National Hall) House of Magnates(Forendihaz) Eerste Kamer (First Chamber) Protsaphea Regional Representative Council House of Councillors (Sangiin) National Council National Council of Provinces Amyotha Hluttaw ( (House of Nationalities) )

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(Senate) () () ()


() ( ()

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Poltical Science

| 156



Treaty of Versailles


() ()


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 157

(Class) (A, B, C)

. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry ( . Appropriations . Armed Services ( ) ) ) )


. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs ( . Budget (

. Commerce, Science, and Transportation ()

. Energy and Natural Resources ( . Environment and Public Works ()


. Finance ( . Foreign Relations (

) )

. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions ()

. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs ()

. Judiciary ( . Rules and Administration ( . Small Business and Entrepreneurship ( . Veterans' Affairs (

) ))


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 158

. Indian Affairs (


. Select Committee on Ethics ()

. Select Committee on Intelligence ( . Special Committee on Aging ()


. Joint Committee on Printing ( . Joint Committee on Taxation ( . Joint Committee on the Library ( . Joint Economic Committee ( )


) )



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 159







() ()

() ()



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 160

(House of Lords) ()

(Church of England) () (Including one Archbishop) ()


() ()

(Church of Ireland)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 161

() ()

/ Labour ConservativeLiberal Democrats

DUP UUP UKIP Plaid Cymru Crossbenchers Lords Spiritual Other Total

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 162




Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 163


(Federation Council) (Upper House) (State of Duma) (Lower House)

) (Federal Assembly of Russia) (U+L)

Duma = To Think or To Consider

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 164

Council) (Upper House) ) () Federal

(Federation (State of Duma) (Lower House)


( () ()

) () () () () ()

() ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 165

( ) ( )

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 166

( )( )




Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 167


/ / / / ( )



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 168

() () ( ) () () ( (Nova Scotia) ()

(Ontario) (New Brunswick)

Ontario Uuebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick British Columbia Alberta Manitoba Saskatchewan New Foundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Northwest Territories Yukon Nunavut = 24 24 10 10 6 6 6 6 6 4 1 1 1 506,678 314,422 91,346 72,999 685,581 548,391 191,400 161,359 84,244 33,962 41,464 30,372 29,474 2791692

() ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 169


() (Unitary State)

(Reserve of Power)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 170



() ()



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 171


() (Federal Assembly ( ) ()


(National Council) ( )

(Council of State (


(Federal Assembly) (National Council) ( ) () Assembly) () () (Council of State) (

( (



(Council of State) () (Half Coanton) (Half Canton) () State) () ( () () () () ( ( (Council of ( () () ( (

() ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 172

(House of Lords)






" "



(Direct Democratic - Check)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 173

( Assembly) ( )

(National (Senate)


(Regional (Mayors) )(National Assembly) ( (Councilors) () () (Senator) () () () () () () %) Councilors) (City (Department Councilors) Councilors)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 174


( )

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 175

(Single Party) Congress)


(National People

( ) )



() ( () () ) ( / )


" (Recall)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 176

( %) (/) (United Front Democratic Parties)

( %)

(/) ( )

() (Standing Committee)

(Standing Committee)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 177

(Standing Committee) (Legal Committee) (Finance and Economics Committee) (Education, Science, Culture and (Special committees the Ethnic Groups Committee)

Publi Health Committee) Committee) (Foreign Affairs Committee) (Oversea Chinese Committee) (Internal and Judicial Committee) (Environmental and Resource Protection

(Standing Committee)


() () () () (


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 178

(Bicamera System)




(House of Representatives)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 179




( ) ( )

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 180

Chamber of Deputies Chamber of Representatives House of Assembly House of Representatives House of Common Legislative Assembly National Assembly

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 181




() () ( () ( () () () ( / / (Electoral Colleges)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 182


(Unitary State)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 183

(Direct Democracy System) or (Pure Democracy) (Representative Democracy System) (Electoral Collage)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 184



(Indirect Democracy System)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 185

(Electoral College)

() (Direct Democrac ()

(Indirect Democracy System)


( ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 186


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 187



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 188



() () () () ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 189

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 190

" " (Check And Balance)





Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 191

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 192



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Poltical Science

| 193







Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 194





) (Cabinet)



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Poltical Science

| 195





Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 196




" (Fixed Executive)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 197





Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 198

) (Congress)

(College of Electros)



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 199


() (/)



() (/) (Legislative Veto)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 200

President Truman signs the Atomic Energy Act on August 1, 1946.


() ()

(The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 )

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 201


() Obama) ( (Franklin D. () Roosevelt)

() () ()



() ( )

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 202




Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 203

() (Congress)


(No Confidence Motion)





Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 204

() (National And Real Executive)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 205


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 206





() /

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 207


() () () ()



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 208


" ()


(Chancellor) () (Chancellor)




Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 209


( ) (Lord Chancellor)

(Lord Chancellor)

(Court of Cessation) ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 210

() ()

(Rule of Law) (Public Law) (The Droit Administrative)


(Rule of Law) (Public Law)

" (Rule of Law)


" The Droit

Administrative Law

" (Rule of Law) (The Driot Administrative Law)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 211



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 212

() () ()



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 213

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 214







" / "

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 215


(Canton Courts) (Courts of Arrondissements) (Courts of Appeal) (Courts of Assizes) (Courts of Cessation)

() () () ()

(Courts of Cessation) (

(The Courts of State) (Councilor) () / (Courts of State) /


(Perfectorial Council)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 216

(Courts /




(Court of Conflit) (Court of Conflit) (Court of Conflit) Cessation) / (Council of State) ( (Courts of





Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 217







() /

(Court of Confilt)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 218


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 219

(Greek) (Direct Democracy)


" (Indirect Democracy)

" "

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 220

(Direct Democratic - Check)







) ()



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 221

() () () () (Plebiscite) (Referendum) (Popular Initiative) (Recall)

" " Plebiscite


(Alsace Lorraine)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 222

(Sar (League f Nations) () ()




Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 223

() () ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 224

(Popular Initative)



( () ( )



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 225

(Recall) () ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 226


() () () () () ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 227

(Unitary State) State)



() () ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 228


() () () ()

() () () () (Nominal Executive) (Real Executive)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 229


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 230




( )

(Reserve of Power) " (High

Federalised State)

(Rigid Constitution) (/) (/) (/) ( )

(Documentry Record)








Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 231


) " " (Republican)

(Bi-Party System) " "


() (House of Representative)

(Senate) (House of Representative) ()

( House of Representative) (North Dakota) () (South Dakota)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 232

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 233

()1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakoda Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Taxas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 50 States Total Population Non Voting Member American Samoa Distict of Columbia Guam North Mariana Island *Puerto Rico U.S Virgin Island Total US Territories Population () () 4,779,736 710,231 6,392,017 2,915,918 37,253,956 5,029,196 3,574,097 900,877 18,801,310 9,687,653 1,360,301 1,567,582 12,830,632 6,483,802 3,046,355 2,853,118 4,339,367 4,533,372 1,328,361 5,773,552 6,547,629 9,883,640 5,303,925 2,967,297 5,988,927 989,415 1,826,341 2,700,551 1,316,470 8,791,894 2,059,179 19,378,102 9,535,483 672,591 11,536,504 3,751,351 3,831,074 12,702,379 1,052,567 4,625,364 814,180 6,346,105 25,145,561 2,763,885 625,741 8,001,024 6,724,540 1,852,994 5,686,986 563,626 308,143,815* 65,628 601,723 178,430 88,662 3,725,789 109,825 7 1 8 4 53 7 5 1 25 13 2 2 19 9 5 4 6 7 2 8 10 15 8 4 9 1 3 3 2 13 3 29 13 1 18 5 5 19 2 6 1 9 32 3 1 11 9 3 8 1 7 1 8 4 53 7 5 1 25 13 2 2 19 9 5 4 6 7 2 8 10 15 8 4 9 1 3 3 2 13 3 29 13 1 18 5 5 19 2 6 1 9 32 3 1 11 9 3 8 1

4351 1 1 1 1 1

4351 1 1 1 1 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

312,913,872*Puerto Rico = 308143815+601723 = 308,745,538

6(Resident Commissioner)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 234

N0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

StateAlabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Taxas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 50 States Total Population

Population(2010)4,779,736 710,231 6,392,017 2,915,918 37,253,956 5,029,196 3,574,097

Elected2 2 2 2 2 2 2

PartyRepublican Republican + Democratic Republican Republican + Democratic Democratic Democratic Independent Democratic + Democratic Democratic Republican + Democratic Republican Democratic Republican Republican + Democratic Republican Republican + Democratic Republican Republican Republican + Democratic Republican Democratic Republican+Democratic Democratic Democratic Farmer Labor Republican Republican + Democratic Democratic Republican + Democratic Republican + Democratic Republican + Democratic Democratic Democratic Democratic Republican + Democratic North Dakota Democratic NLP + Republican Republican + Democratic Republican Democrtaic Republican + Democratic Democratic Republican Republican + Democratic Republican Republican Republican Independent + Democratic Democratic Democratic Democratic Republican + Democratic Republican

Senate Member2 1+1 2 1+1 2 2 1 1 2 1+1 2 2 2 1+1 2 1+1 2 2 1+1 2 2 1+1 2 2 2 1+1 2 1+1 1+1 1+1 2 2 2 1+1 1 1 1+1 2 2 1+1 2 2 1+1 2 2 2 1+1 2 2 2 1+1 2

900,877 18,801,310 9,687,653 1,360,301 1,567,582 12,830,632 6,483,802 3,046,355 2,853,118 4,339,367 4,533,372 1,328,361 5,773,552 6,547,629 9,883,640 5,303,925 2,967,297 5,988,927 989,415 1,826,341 2,700,551 1,316,470 8,791,894 2,059,179 19,378,102 9,535,483 672,591 11,536,504 3,751,351 3,831,074 12,702,379 1,052,567 4,625,364 814,180 6,346,105 25,145,561 2,763,885 625,741 8,001,024 6,724,540 1,852,994 5,686,986 563,626 308,143,815*

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


D =51, R = 47, Inde = 2 /


* = ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 235




(Congress) () (Fixed Executive)



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Poltical Science

| 236

(Supreme Court of United State) () (Senate)


(Reserve of Power)

) (Citizen Initiative)

Popular Initiative)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 237



(Na () ()


() ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 238



() () () (


( ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 239

() ()

() ()


( (Constitue ()


(First - Past The Post)

( (

(Conservative Party) (Labour Party)

() Cross Bencher ( () Lords Spiritual () UK Independent Party (Liberal Democrats Party)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 240

(Upper House)

(Lower House)

( ()

(Church of England) () () (Including one Archbishop) ()

() (Church of Ireland)


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 241

/ Labour ConservativeLiberal Democrats

DUP UUP UKIP Plaid Cymru Crossbenchers Lords Spiritual Other Total


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 242

Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat Democratic Unionist SNP Sinn Fein Plaid Cymru SDLP Alliance Green Independent Speakers & Deputy Speakers

Scottish National Party Irish Republican Political Party The Party of Wales Social Democratic abd Labour Party (North Ireland) Alliance Party of North Ireland Green Party of England and Wales

(Supreme Court of United Kingom)


() (Constitutional Reform Act 2005) ( - )

( - ) (Law Lords)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 243


( (Sovereignty Power) (Reserve

of Power)



(Governer General)


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Poltical Science

| 244




( ()


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Poltical Science

| 245




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Poltical Science

| 246




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Poltical Science

| 247

(Sovereignty Power) (Reserve Power)



(Lok Sabha or Lower House) () ()

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 248()


() () () ()

(Rajya Sabha or Upper House)



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 249

() ) (Documantary) (



() (Italian Senate)

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 250

(Chamber of Deputies) () ()

(Italian Senate) () ( ()


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 251()



Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 252

1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. ) ( )( ( ( ( ( ( () ( ( ( - ) ) ) / ( ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ( ) )



) ) ) )

/ ) - ) /

) / )

/ )


Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 253

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

( -

) ( ( ( ) / ) / / / / ) ) ) )

( ( (

50. CIA World Fact Book 51. Wikipedia Encyclopedia 52. Political Science 53. Constitution 54. Politics 55. Federalism 56. Taoism 57. Karl Marx 58. Marxism59.


60. The Communist Manifesto 61. Comunisim 62. Socialism 63. Monarchy 64. Federal States 65. Judiciary 66. Supreme Court/Constitutional Court 67. Unitary State 68. American History 69. World War (I) 70. World War (II) 71. American Constituion 72. American Congress 73. American Senate 74. American House of Representative 75. American Election 76. Electoral College 77. Senate Election 78. House of Representative Election

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 254

79. President of the United State 80. United State Federal Courts 81. Democracy 82. Republic 83. Confucius 84. History of China/Spring and Autumn Period 85. Socrates 86. Plato 87. Confucius 88. Aristotle

89. Niccol Machiavelli90. Parliament of United Kingdom 91. House of Lords (Upper House) 92. House of Representative (Lower House) 93. Judiciary of England and Wales 94. United Kingdom 95. North Iraland 96. Scotland 97. British Election 98. French Parliament 99. Judiciary of French 100.Switzerland 101.Canton 102.Swiss Parliament 103.Federal Council of Switzerland 104.Federal Assembly of Switzerland 105.New Zealand 106.New Zealand 107.New Zealand Election 108.Australia 109.Australia Parliament 110.Australia Election 111.Italian Politic 112.Italian Parliament 113.Russia Federation 114.Russia Parliament 115.Russian Federa Assembly 116.Federation Council (Upper House) 117.State Duma (Lower House) 118.President of the Russia Federation 119.India

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

Poltical Science

| 255

120.India Parliament 121.India Election 122.China 123.National People Congress/China 124. Elections in the People's Republic of China 125. Chinese Communist Party National Representatives Congress 126.

Si Thu.Center of International Studies, Human Resource Development Program. H.R.D.P

top related