polly follows the stars nat: there’s smoke coming out of thedidiandpolly.com/pfs_script...

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© Helen Doron Ltd., 2016 1

Polly Follows the Stars Script

SONG (Video + Soundtrack)

We Live for Adventure

We live for adventure.

The stars guide our way.

North, South, East, West.

Travelling is the best!

We are chums.

A dog and cat.

I’m Polly the Collie!

And I am Nat!

Photos galore!

Friends from shore to shore.

Join our travels, please;

3, 2, 1, FREEZE!

Episode 1POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I’ve got! I found a stick.

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

PEARL/ROY: Pig, squirrel, fox, goat, sheep, rat…

ROY: Who are they?

POLLY: Ah! The Three Little Pigs.

Nat, get my passport, please? Nat? Wake up, Nat!

NAT: I’m up! I’m up!

POLLY: This is a story of how a creative idea can save the day.

NAT: Let’s start.

POLLY: What happened here?

NAT: We need shelter from the storm!

POLLY: Let’s go down the path and knock on that brick house’s door.

NAT: There’s smoke coming out of the chimney on the roof. There might be food!

POLLY: Hello, there! Could you let us in, please?

VOICE: Are you friends or enemies?

NAT: Erm…

POLLY: Nat! I’m Polly and this is Nat, and of course, we’re friends.

VOICE: Who are you? Are you a wolf?

POLLY: My song! Great idea!

Song - Short Version (Video)

I’m Polly the Collie

I’m Polly the Collie,

I’m brown and white.

I bark, I run.

I have lots of fun.

I’m Polly the Collie,

I’m your best friend.

I sit, I stand.

I touch your hand.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

I’m Polly the Collie

I’m Polly the Collie,

I’m brown and white.

I bark, I run.

I have lots of fun.

I’m Polly the Collie,

I’m your best friend.

I sit, I stand.

I touch your hand.

She’s Polly the Collie,

She’s brown and white.

She barks, she runs.

She has lots of fun.

She’s Polly the Collie,

She’s your best friend.

She sits, she stands.

She touches your hand.

X 2

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VOICE: Ok. You’re a collie dog. Quickly, come on in!

PRESTON: I’m Preston pig, and these are my neighbours, Peter and Priscilla.

POLLY: It’s nice to meet you.

NAT: Ooh, a pink toy rat!

PRESTON: I am sorry I wasn’t very nice at the door. We have to be very careful.

POLLY: Why is that?

PRESTON: Because of the Big Bad Wolf!

PRESTON: He came and huffed and puffed and blew Peter’s straw house down. And then, he huffed and puffed and blew Priscilla’s stick house down!

PRESTON: Their houses were weak, but the brick house is strong.

POLLY: It will keep the wolf out.

PRESTON: Maybe, but how long can we stay in while the wolf is out? The wolf is big and we’re little. We can build new houses, but he will destroy them again!

NAT: What’s a sheep doing out in the storm? Let’s see…

PRESTON: Wait! That’s not a sheep.

NAT: That’s not a sheep? Well what is it then?

PRESTON: It’s the big bad wolf! In disguise! A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

ROY/PEARL: Aah! And then what happened?!

NAT: Then, at the party, we built a chimney, path, roof… and used straw, sticks, bricks.

POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

WOLF: Baahhello. Please give a poor sheep shelter from the storm.

PRESTON: You’re not a sheep! You’re a wolf! And no! Not by the hair on my chinny chin-chin, I will not let you in! Go away, you… b… rat!

WOLF: Rat?! Where?! Where?!

NAT: Hmm… The wolf thought you said ‘rat’…Interesting.

POLLY: You want to use the toy rats to scare away the wolf! Nat, you’re a genius!

NAT: I know.

WOLF: Let me in, or I will huff and puff and blow your house down!!!

PRESTON: Okay. But first, meet some of our friends.

WOLF: Ahh! Rats! Get away! Get away! Help! Aahh!

EVERYONE: We did it!

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see a donkey…

NAT: And a monkey!

POLLY: The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

PRESTON: No, please stay! We’ll have a big party!

NAT: Group selfie, first! Everyone say, “Freeze!”


Song - Short Version (Video)

Three Little Pigs

Three little pigs – a house each picks -

Of straw, of sticks and of bricks.

Along came the wolf: “Please let me in.”

“Not by the hair on my chinny chin-chin!”

So the wolf huffed and puffed and performed his tricks.

Down fell the house of straw, then the house of sticks.

But the house of bricks, he couldn’t blow down.

And he left the house with a big frown.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

Three Little Pigs

Three little pigs – a house each picks -

Of straw, of sticks and of bricks.

Along came the wolf: “Please let me in.”

“Not by the hair on my chinny chin-chin!”


“Let me in, let me in.”

“Not by the hair on my chinny chin-chin.

I will not let you in, not let you in. I see your grin – you won’t win!”

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So the wolf huffed and puffed and performed his tricks.

Down fell the house of straw, then the house of sticks.

But the house of bricks, he couldn’t blow down.

And he left the house with a big frown.


“Let me in, let me in.”

“Not by the hair on my chinny chin-chin.

I will not let you in, not let you in.

I see your grin – you won’t win!”

POLLY: And that is how the Three Little Pigs got rid of the Big Bad Wolf.

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh, no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: Where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… for tomorrow.

NAT: Group paw-bump!


Episode 2POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I got! A daffodil!

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

PEARL/ROY: Donkey, monkey, rabbit, sea, daffodil, leaf.

ROY: Who are they?

POLLY: Ah! Don and Monty. Nat, get my passport, please? Nat? Nat, you’re sleeping!

NAT: Not sleeping, just thinking!

POLLY: This is a story about how important rules are.

NAT: Let’s start!

POLLY: The sea’s so lovely, isn’t it?

NAT: Its water. I don’t like water… or sand.

POLLY/NAT: What was that?!

VOICE: No, Bingo! Don’t run! Come back! Listen!

POLLY: Hi, why are you running?

DON: It’s Bingo, our puppy. My friend, Monty, and I have just adopted him. But he doesn’t listen to us. He does whatever he wants.

DON: Oh, sorry, I’m Don.

POLLY: I’m Polly and this is Nat.

DON: I have to find Bingo.

POLLY: We’ll help you look for him, won’t we Nat?

NAT: Great… more walking in the sand.

MONTY: So hungry. Bingo locked me out. And ran off with the key.

DON: How did this happen?!

MONTY: I can make a salad later… I’m going to go outside to lie down in my hammock. Yes!

MONTY: No, Bingo… don’t!

MONTY: Hey… you’re a dog! Why don’t you bark and call Bingo?

POLLY: Sure!

DON: Bingo, please don’t be noisy; be quiet… No jumping… who wants a treat?

BINGO: Treat!!!

POLLY: Bingo is a puppy. He’s very young. And the very young love to sing and learn. Let’s sing to him!

Song - (Video + Soundtrack)

The Apple is Red

Red, red, red.

The apple is red

Blue, blue, blue.

The sea is blue.

Green, green, green.

The leaf is green.

Yellow, yellow.

The daffodil is yellow.

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DON: Do you see?

BINGO: Lick!!!

NAT: Bingo, no! Sit! Stay!

MONTY/DON: Wh… What… how did you do that?

ROY/PEARL: And then what happened?

NAT: Then, at the party, we ate mangos, pomegranates, pears, bananas, cherries, plums.

POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

DON: Do it again!

NAT: Bingo jump… now hop… this is fun… Now lie down!

NAT: No, Bingo! Stay.

BINGO: Stay…

POLLY: The puppy has to behave, first. And only then, do you give him a treat… or a tummy rub.

NAT: Do you want to give me a lick, Bingo? Good! Bring back the key to the hut and then you can give me a lick.

NAT: Is this where you hid the key? Dig, Bingo! Good boy!

BINGO: Good boy!!!

DON/MONTY: Thank you Nat, you’re amazing!

NAT: I know…

POLLY: Don’t be lazy. Work hard at training Bingo. Stick to the rules you make. That’s how you raise a happy dog… see?

Song - Short Version (Video)


I am a dog that likes to sit,

And Bingo is my name.




And Bingo is my name.

He is a dog that likes to jump,

And Bingo is his name.




And Bingo is his name.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)


I am a dog that likes to sit,

And Bingo is my name.




And Bingo is my name.

He is a dog that likes to jump,

And Bingo is his name.




And Bingo is his name.

We have a dog that likes to run,

And Bingo is his name.

(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!

(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!

(Clap, clap)-N-G-O!

And Bingo is his name.

I am a dog that likes to bark,

And Bingo is my name.

(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!

(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!

(Clap, clap, clap)-G-O!

And Bingo is my name.

There is a dog that likes to scratch,

And Bingo is his name.

(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!

(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!

(Clap, clap, clap, clap)-O!

And Bingo is his name!

There is a dog that likes to spin,

And Bingo is his name.

(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

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(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

(Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)

And Bingo is his name!

There is a dog that likes to dig,

And Bingo is his name.




And Bingo is his name!

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see a mole…

NAT: And a vole!

POLLY: The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

DON: No, please stay! We’ll have a beach party!

BINGO: Party!!!

NAT: Group selfie first! Everyone say, “Freeze!”


POLLY: And that is how Don and Monty learnt to train Bingo!

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: Where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… for tomorrow.

NAT: Group paw-bump!


Episode3POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I’ve got! I found a rope!

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

PEARL/Roy: Mole, vole, antelope, worm, day, night.

ROY: Who are they?

POLLY: Ah! Marty mole and Valery vole. Nat, get my passport, please? Nat? Wake up, sleepy cat!

NAT: Is it dinner time?

POLLY: This is a story about how everyone needs company.

NAT: Let’s start!

POLLY: Marty, Valerie, it was so nice of you to let us stay the night. Nat and I would love to make you breakfast.

NAT: We would???

VAL: Thanks, but we’re not hungry.

MARTY: We’re worried about our friend, Wiggly Woo, the garden worm.

NAT: You’re friends with a worm?! How did that happen?

VAL: Marty and I take a stroll together every day.

MARTY: I’m blind, so Val leads the way.

VAL: But I don’t see very well either.

MARTY: One day, I tripped over a pole.

VAL: And we both fell in the hole!

MARTY/VAL: Whoa!!!

VAL: Inside the hole, we met Wiggly Woo. He wiggled…

MARTY: And wriggled…

VAL: And danced… And Since then, Wiggly would pop up every day, under the bench, on the flowers…

MARTY: In front of the gate, behind the tree…

VAL: Above the rocks, below the table…

MARTY: On top of the chair, at the bottom of the steps.

NAT: But what’s the problem?!

VAL: He won’t come out of his hole anymore.

POLLY: I’d like to meet him.

MARTY/VAL: Wiggly Woo! Here’s a song for you!

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Song - (Video + Soundtrack)

Sense Dance

I can taste with my tongue.

I can kiss with my lips.

I can hear with my ears.

I can swing with my hips.

I can see with my eyes.

I can smell with my nose.

I can touch with my hands.

I can dance with my toes.

POLLY: I have an idea. Hi, Wiggly! My friend and I would love to see you!

VOICE: Ss… see… me? Yippee!!!

WIGGLY: New friends! Hurray!

VAL: Wiggly, tell us why you don’t come out anymore.

WIGGLY: I’ll tell the black cat!

NAT: Okay… okay.

WIGGLY: It’s a secret.

WIGGLY: I miss my worm friends. They live in other gardens.

NAT: Go and visit them!

WIGGLY: I don’t want to upset Marty and Val. They’re my good friends but I do miss my worm friends.

NAT: I see. So, Wiggly misses his worm friends but he’s scared it will make Marty and Val sad.

WIGGLY: It was a secret!

NAT: Not my secret.

VAL: Wiggly! We want you to be happy.

MARTY: Your friends are our friends.

POLLY: We will help you bring your friends here.

POLLY: Let’s dig them some holes!


ROY/PEARL: And then what happened?

NAT: Then, at the party, we ate some pumpkin, cucumber, lettuce, red pepper, carrot, onion.

POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

WIGGLY: How will we dig now?!

POLLY: Spades are slow! Dogs are fast diggers! I’ll dig shallow and deep holes!


VAL: Let’s call your friends, Wiggly!

WIGGLY: Hi!!! Everyone, meet Old Wally in the dark green hat, Young Whitney in the light green hat, Big Brenda in the purple hat and Small Sam in the orange hat.

MARTY/VAL: Wiggly’s happy again!

Song - (Video + Soundtrack)

Wiggly Woo

There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden.

And his name is Wiggly Woo.

There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden.

And all that he can do - is...

Wiggle all night and wiggle all day;

He can’t jump and he can’t play.

There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden.

And his name is Wiggly Woo.

POLLY: Ahh… our work here is done

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see a princess.

NAT: And a pea!

POLLY: The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

VAL: No, please stay! We’ll have a garden party!

NAT: Group selfie first! Everyone say, “Freeze!”


POLLY: And that is how Wiggly Woo found his friends again!

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: Where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… for tomorrow.

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NAT: Group paw-bump!


Episode 4POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I’ve got! Look at my pretty, new scarf!

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

PEARL/ROY: Jumper, blouse, belt, hood, stockings, jacket.

ROY: Who are they?

POLLY: Ah! Princess Edie and Prince Julian. Nat, get my passport, please. Nat? Wake up, sleepy cat!

NAT: Is it dinner time?

POLLY: This is a story about love at first sight.

NAT: Let’s start!

POLLY: What a storm! Nat, what can you see ahead?

NAT: I see lightning! And thunder! Oh, it’s so cold, Polly!

POLLY: I hear crying.

POLLY: Hi. I’m Polly. This is Nat.

EDIE: Hi. I’m Princess Edie.

POLLY: Here, get under our umbrella.

EDIE: Thanks. It was hot during the day, but then, at night, it started to rain, and now look at my dress, my coat, my hood, my belt and tights… all wet!

POLLY: Where are you going in this stormy weather?

EDIE: To my Prince Julian’s castle. We’re going to meet for the first time. I can’t wait! We’re in love!

POLLY: In love? But you’ve never met.

NAT: Did you say castle? Castles are dry! And warm! Let’s go!

EDIE: Prince Julian.

JULIAN: Princess Edie… and friends.

POLLY: Polly and Nat.

JULIAN: Please… come in.

JULIAN: This is my mother, Queen Abigail, and her crow, Kilian. Mum, meet my friends, Polly, Nat… and this is…

QUEEN: Ah, yes… ‘Princess’ Edie, your long time ‘Princebook’ friend whom you’ve never met, but say you love…

EDIE: I’m so happy to meet you, Your Majesty… and the prince.

QUEEN: Are you now? Well, you must all stay the night. Go into the guestroom. You can take off your wet clothes there, Edie dear, and put on some dry ones.

POLLY: Thank you, Your Majesty. Come on Nat.

JULIAN: Well, goodnight everybody.

EVERYONE: Goodnight.


QUEEN: My son must have a princess and she is not a princess, Kili! A princess has beautiful clothes. Her clothes are ugly. And princesses are tall. Look how short she is!

QUEEN: A real princess can’t sleep well with a pea under her mattress. Let’s see just how well ‘Princess Edie’ sleeps.

ROY/PEARL: Aaah! Then what happened?

NAT: Then, at the party, we wore a t-shirt, necklace, bracelet, coat, scarf, cloak.

POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

POLLY: That… ooh, that queen! Edie, wake up! Edie!

NAT: I know a song that will wake her up.

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Song - (Video + Soundtrack)

A Dog Lives in a Kennel

A dog lives in a kennel.

Shake, shake, shake, shake.

X 2

A bird lives in a nest.

Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet

X 2

A bear lives in the forest.

Growl, growl, growl, growl

X 2

A princess lives in a castle.

Wake up, wake up!

X 2

NAT: But What if she’s…

NAT/POLLY: Not a princess?!

QUEEN: Good morning dear… did you sleep well?

EDIE: No, I slept terribly.

NAT/POLLY: Phew!!!

EDIE: There was a pea under the mattress…

QUEEN: How odd!

Polly/Nat: She’s a real princess!

EDIE: Don’t look at me, Julian. I look dreadful. Not like a princess.

JULIAN: You’re beautiful to me, Edie. Inside and out, morning and evening. Will you… marry me?

EDIE: Yes!

Song - (Video + Soundtrack)

I’m Beautiful

I am beautiful when I dance.

I am beautiful when I’m happy.

I am beautiful when I sing.

I am beautiful because I’m me.

I’m as beautiful as a cat.

I’m as beautiful as a chimpanzee.

I’m as beautiful as a dog.

I am beautiful because I’m me.

QUEEN: Congratulations! The whole kingdom is happy for you!

EDIE/JULIAN: Thank you.

POLLY: Ahh… our work here is done.

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see a baboon…

POLLY: The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

JULIAN: No, please stay for our engagement party.

POLLY: We’d love to.

NAT: Group selfie first! Everyone say, “peas.”


POLLY: And that is how Prince Julian and Princess Edie met and got married.

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: Where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… for tomorrow.

NAT: Group paw-bump!


Episode 5POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I’ve got! Look at the blackberries I picked!

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

PEARL/ROY: Spoon, plate, cup, knife, fork, glass.

ROY: Who are they?

POLLY: Ah! Babby Baboon and Roon Raccoon. Nat, get my passport, please? Nat? Wake up, Nat!

NAT: I’m up! I’m up!

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POLLY: This is a story about how to have fun making food.

NAT: Let’s start!

NAT: Do you have to hum in this heat?!

POLLY: I can’t help it! I love a nice walk through a park. Oh, look, a playground!

Song - Short Version (Video)

I’m a Merry-Go-Round

I’m a merry-go-round.

I’m sitting on my bottom.

I spin and spin and spin again.

And as I spin I hum.

Mmmm x 4

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

I’m a Merry-Go-Round

I’m a merry-go-round.

I’m sitting on my bottom.

I spin and spin and spin again.

And as I spin I hum.

Hmmmm (x 4)

Let’s jump up.

Let’s dance.

I’m a merry-go-round

I’m sitting on my bottom.

I spin and spin and spin again.

And as I spin I sing.

Lalalalala x 4

BABBY: Roon, We have to get ready!

POLLY: Hi, I’m Polly and this is Nat. We’re travellers.

BABBY: Hi! I’m Babby and that’s my best friend, Roon Raccoon.

POLLY: What are you getting ready for?

BABBY: I’ve invited my brother, my sister and her baby for a meal, here in the park.

NAT: A meal?!

BABBY: Mmmmm. I want to teach them how to eat with a knife, fork and spoon. I hate how all baboons eat the same way – with their fingers.

ROON: Babby is different. She doesn’t eat like that.

BABBY: I also want to show them how to use glasses, cups and plates.

POLLY: That sounds fun! May we help?

BABBY: Yes. It’s too late for breakfast, but also, too early for lunch! What can I serve?

NAT/POLLY: Brunch!

BABBY: Brunch? What’s that?

NAT: You eat brunch between morning and noon.

ROON: Wait, that’s…

BABBY: Now!!! We must get started!

ROON: Babby, wait. You know that baboons can’t sit still. How will you get your family to sit and stay at the table?

BABBY: Oh… you’re right.

POLLY: Wait! We’ll let them play first, and when everyone gets tired, we can all eat together at the big table!

BABBY: That’s a great idea! Oh no!


BABBY: We don’t have any food!!!

ROY/PEARL: And then what happened?

NAT: Then, at the party, we ate melon, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, watermelon.

POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

BABBY: What are we going to do?!

NAT: I’m going to take a nap.

ROON: I’m happy to go and pick some fruit, but I’ll need help. May I wake Nat up with a nice balloon?


ROON: Nat, wake up… I brought you a balloon. Nat… oh, I know…

NAT: Ahh!!!

ROON: Goodie, you’re up! Let’s go fruit picking!

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Song - Short Version (Video)

We Have Fruit

I see blackberries on the bush,

Blackberries on the bush.

I see blueberries on the bush.

Blueberries for all!

I see raspberries on the bush,

Raspberries on the bush.

I see strawberries on the bush.

Strawberries for all.


Well there is fruit on the bush,

And there’s fruit on the trees.

We’re so lucky we have fruit.

Thank the sun, rain and the bees.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

We Have Fruit

I see blackberries on the bush,

Blackberries on the bush.

I see blueberries on the bush.

Blueberries for all!

I see raspberries on the bush,

Raspberries on the bush.

I see strawberries on the bush.

Strawberries for all.


Well there is fruit on the bush,

And there’s fruit on the trees.

We’re so lucky we have fruit.

Thank the sun, rain and the bees.

I see melons on the plant.

Melons on the plant.

I see watermelons on the plant.

Watermelons for all.

I see cherries on the trees.

Cherries on the trees.

I see apples on the trees.

Apples for all.


POLLY: Oh the fun we then had! Spinning on the merry-go-round, sliding down the slide, swinging on the swings.

BABBY: Pick up your spoons, everyone… in your hand… now into your fruit bowl… scoop up some fruit… not too much… and nto your mouth… well done!

ROON: May I leave the table?


ROON: Whee!

POLLY: Our work here is done.

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see an elephant… The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

BABBY: Oh, please stay! I’m also having a dinner party.

POLLY: We’d love to.

NAT: Group selfie first! Everyone say, “Freeze!”


POLLY: And that is how Babby Baboon made the best brunch ever.

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: Where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… fortomorrow.

NAT: Group paw-bump!


Episode 6POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I’ve got! Look at the beautiful flower I have!

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

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PEARL/ROY: Elephant, dolphin, bear, armadillo, buffalo, chinchilla.

ROY: Who are they?

POLLY: Ah! Eli Elephant and Cilla Chinchilla. Nat, get my passport, please? Nat? Are you sleeping?

NAT: Who, me? Sleeping?! Never!

POLLY: This is a story about good friends helping each other.

NAT: Let’s start!

POLLY: Good morning everyone!

EVERYONE: Good morning!

POLLY: Oh, how I like going to the funfair!

NAT: I don’t! I never win anything.

POLLY: I’ve already won a dolphin balloon, a pheasant balloon, and a shoebill balloon.

NAT: Maybe you could win us some breakfast.

POLLY: Hi. I’m Polly. This is Nat.


NAT: You look sad, what’s wrong?

ELI: No one wants to come to my kissing photo booth! Here, look… The crow, the armadillo, the wren and the buffalo came yesterday. They all said I don’t know how to kiss.

POLLY: Don’t cry, Eli. I’m sure you give perfect kisses. Kiss Nat.

NAT: Nat who?!

POLLY: Nat you!

NAT: Whoa!!!

NAT: That. Was Not. A kiss!

POLLY: Nat is right; that was a blow.

ELI: So, I really don’t know how to kiss!

VOICE: I… I can teach you, Eli.

NAT: Who said that?!

CILLA: Hi, I’m Eli’s best friend, Cilla Chinchilla. I can teach you how to give kisses.

ELI: No! I don’t ever want to give another kiss!

CILLA: It’s easy, Eli. Let me show you!

Song - Short Version (Video)

Try Try Again

It’s hard to climb a mountain,

Unless you’re a goat.

It’s hard to float on the sea,

Unless you’re a boat.

But even if it’s hard,

For an elephant to kiss.

Let’s try again.

And kiss like this.

When at first you don’t succeed,

Try, try again.

Practice makes perfect.

Try, try again.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

Try Try Again

It’s hard to climb a mountain,

Unless you’re a goat.

It’s hard to float on the sea,

Unless you’re a boat.


But even if it’s hard,

For an elephant to kiss.

Let’s try again.

And kiss like this.

When at first you don’t succeed,

Try, try again.

Practice makes perfect.

Try, try again.

It’s easy to fly in the sky,

If you’re a bird.

It’s easy to live underground,

If you’re a mole, I’ve heard.


ELI: No! I can’t! I won’t!

POLLY/NAT: And then what happened?

NAT: Then, at the funfair party, we ate some celery, radish, sweet potato, mushroom, courgette, aubergine.

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POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

CILLA: Eli, come out, please. Friends don’t hide from each other.

POLLY: Now, watch, Eli. Nat and I will show you how to give a kiss.

NAT: We will???

POLLY: It’s just a peck on the cheek.

NAT: How about a paw-shake instead?

POLLY: See? Now you try it.

ELI: Ok.

CILLA: Gently, Eli. That was my elbow.

ELI: Ooops. Sorry.

CILLA: That was my finger, Eli… Let’s try again. Careful with your trunk and aim for the cheek.

ELI: I can do this, I can do this.


ELI: Thank you! I can give kisses! Everyone, Eli’s ‘Peck and Pic’ booth is now open for kisses!

ELI: I’ll be right back.

POLLY: Congratulations, Eli! Your kissing booth is a success!

ELI: Thank you! I’m so happy I could dance and sing! Come on!

ELI: Hey boys and girls, I hope you’re ready to dance. I sure am.

Song - Short Version (Video)

Knees Bend

Knees bend, knees bend.

Right toes point, right toes point.

Left toes point, left toes point.

Step to the right.

Step to the left.

Clap to your partner.

Clap to your partner.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

Knees Bend

Knees bend, knees bend.

Right toes point, right toes point.

Left toes point, left toes point.

Step to the right.

Step to the left.

Clap to your partner.

Clap to your partner.

Head round, head round.

Right foot round, right foot round.

Left foot round, left foot round.

Step to the right.

Step to the left.

Clap to your partner.

Clap to your partner.

Hips swing, hips swing.

Right arm swing, right arm swing.

Left arm swing, left arm swing.

Step to the right.

Step to the left.

Clap to your partner.

Clap to your partner.

POLLY: Our work here is done!

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see a little boy… The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

ELI: No, please stay for the funfair evening party.

POLLY: We’d love to.

NAT: Group selfie first! Everyone say, “Freeze!”


POLLY: And that is how Eli the Elephant learnt how to give kisses.

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… for tomorrow.

NAT: Group paw-bump!


Episode7POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I’ve got! A new mirror!

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

PEARL/ROY: Shoulders, feet, tummy, knees, thighs, nails.

ROY: Who are they?

POLLY: Ah! Pinocchio and Geppetto. Nat, get my passport, please? Nat? Nat, are you sleeping?

NAT: Who, me?! Sleeping? Never!

POLLY: This is a story about the good things that happen when we tell the truth.

NAT: Let’s start!

NAT: Say free…

NAT: Hey!

BOY: Sorry! Sorry!

POLLY: It’s okay. What’s your name?

BOY: Peter! Oh, no! I mean, Pinocchio. Ahh! My nose won’t stop growing!

POLLY: Is this your house?

PINOCCHIO: Yes! No… I uh… I live down the road with my father.

POLLY: We’ll take you to him.

GEPPETTO: It’s nice to meet you, Polly and Nat.

NAT: Why is your son made of wood?

GEPPETTO: Ah… Well, I am a carpenter. I was working one day…


GEPPETTO: The wood! It’s alive! I will make a little boy out of this wood. Some fingers… and fingernails, 2 feet, toes and thumbs to tickle, tickle! Your name is Pinocchio. Let’s dance!

Song - Short Version (Video)

Move Your Body

Head and nose,

Round and round.

Knees and toes.

Round and round.

Shoulders, feet,

Round and round.

Ears and cheeks.

Round and round.

Move your body to the beat.

Move your body with your own two feet.

Move your body to the beat.

Move your body with your own two feet.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

Move Your Body

Head and nose,

Round and round.

Knees and toes.

Round and round.

Shoulders, feet,

Round and round.

Ears and cheeks.

Round and round.

Mouth and eyes.

Round and round.

Tummy, thighs.

Round and round.

Move your body to the beat.

Move your body with your own two feet.

Move your body to the beat.

Move your body with your own two feet.

GEPPETTO: Not again, Pinocchio! You know that when you tell lies, your nose grows longer.


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PINOCCHIO: Let’s visit the fairy! Her fairy dust always fixes my nose.

GEPPETTO: The fairy has lost her fairy dust.

PINOCCHIO: Oh, no! How?!

GEPPETTO: Nobody goes to her puppet theatre anymore. She is so sad, she can’t make fairy dust.

PINOCCHIO: The fairy always helps me. Now, we’ll help her! Come on!

ROY/PEARL: And then what happened?

NAT: And then, at the party, we took so many pictures of Pinocchio’s chin, shin, face, back, hip, wrist.

POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

FAIRY: People want new stories. I don’t know any new stories.

POLLY: Geppetto! Pinocchio! These puppets look just like you!

PINOCCHIO: I know! Let’s tell them my story!

FAIRY: Great idea!

NAT: The show’s about to start!

FAIRY: Once upon a time there was a carpenter who always wanted to be a father…And they lived happily ever after.

NAT: Put the money into the basket, please!

NAT: Tada!


FAIRY: This is enough to keep the theatre open! Thank you all!

POLLY: Your fairy dust! It’s back!

FAIRY: You’ve turned into such a good boy, Pinocchio.

PINOCCHIO: Now I know it’s always best to tell the truth.

FAIRY: It’s time…


PINOCCHIO: What? What is it?

GEPPETTO: Look in the mirror, my boy.

PINOCCHIO: I’m… I’m a real boy! Thank you! I’m so happy!

Song - (Video + Soundtrack)

I’m Happy

I’m happy, happy, happy in the morning.

I’m happy, happy, happy at night.

I’m happy, happy, happy when I eat my lunch.

I’m happy, happy, happy when I write.

I’m happy, happy, happy in the sunshine.

I’m happy, happy, happy in the rain.

I’m happy, happy, happy when I go out to play.

And happy to go home again.

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see… a duckling!

POLLY: The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

GEPPETTO: No. Please. Stay. We must have a party!

NAT: Group selfie first! Everyone say, “Freeze!”


POLLY: And that is how Pinocchio became a real boy!

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: Where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… for tomorrow.

NAT: Group paw-bump!


Episode 8POLLY: Roy and Pearl are home!

PEARL/ROY: Polly! Nat!

POLLY/NAT: Hurray! You’re back!

PEARL: Look what I’ve Got! A new toy dolphin!

NAT: Cool!

ROY: Show us your old travel photos.

NAT: I took them.

PEARL/ROY: Duckling, kitten, puppy, chick, kid, lamb.

ROY: Who are they?

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POLLY: Ah! The duckling and his mummy. Nat, get my passport, please? Nat? Can you hear me, Nat?

NAT: What?! Just joking.

POLLY: This is a story about turning fear into fun.

NAT: Let’s start!

NAT: It’s so… hot!

POLLY: Look at those poor flowers… they’re so thirsty…

NAT: I’m thirsty, too!

POLLY: Wind… Look up, Nat! The sky is turning grey. It’s going to rain.

NAT: I hear quacking!

POLLY: Hi, I’m Polly, and this is Nat.

DUCK: Hi. I’m Deirdre and that’s my son, Declan Duckling.

POLLY: Hi, Declan!

NAT: Come out and look at my photos!

DECLAN: No! I’m hiding from the rain.

DEIRDRE: But Declan, ducks aren’t scared of the rain. We swim in the lake all year long.

Song - (Video + Soundtrack)

Seasons Jig

Summer, autumn, winter, spring,

I love to swim. I love to sing.

In summer, it is sunny and hot.

In autumn, it’s cool and rains a lot.

In winter, it’s cold with snowflakes.

In spring, it rains in the lake.

Summer, autumn, winter, spring,

I love to swim. I love to sing.

DECLAN: I don’t want to come out. They scared me.

DEIRDRE: Who did?!

DECLAN: The donkey, the hen, the rooster; the sheep and them mouse. They all said…

EVERYONE: It’s going to rain! Quick, IN BUBBLES run so you don’t get wet!

NAT: I know what to do.

NAT: May I come in?


NAT: Okay… we’ll see you in the spring.

DECLAN: Uh-huh.

POLLY: Nat, what are you doing?!

NAT: Hiding! I… I’m also scared of the rain!

ROY/PEARL: And then what happened?

NAT: And the flowers at the party were so pretty. Grey, purple, light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green.

POLLY: Nat! You’re skipping ahead!

NAT: Oh! Yes! Hee hee!

POLLY: Where were we?

DEIRDRE: How can we show them how important rain is?

POLLY: Let me try.

POLLY: Declan, can you see that the flowers are thirsty?

DECLAN: Uh-huh. They all look ill.

POLLY: Do you see what the rain is doing to them?

DECLAN: They have their colour back! The flowers look healthy again.

DEIRDRE: That’s because they were very thirsty, and rain is water.

DECLAN: It is?!

DECLAN: Why didn’t you say so?! I love water! Whee!!! Mummy, look! I’m swimming in the rain!

DEIRDRE: Well done, darling!

DECLAN: Nat!!! This is so much fun!

POLLY: Come out Nat. Please…

NAT: I hate getting wet!

POLLY: Would you like an umbrella?

NAT: Do you have one?

POLLY: Here you go…

NAT: That’s… not bad.

POLLY: Enjoy standing out here. I’m going for a swim!


Song - Short Version (Video)

Pitter Patter

Pitter patter, pitter patter,

On the roof tops falling.

I can hear the tiny raindrops

Calling, calling, calling, calling.

Song - Long Version (Soundtrack)

Pitter Patter

Pitter patter, pitter patter,

On the roof tops falling.

I can hear the tiny raindrops

Calling, calling, calling, calling.

Here’s the sunshine. Here’s the sunshine,

Above the tree tops rising.

I can hear the happy birds,

Chirping, chirping, chirping.

NAT: I love water, too.

EVERYONE: Well done, Nat!

NAT: Where do we go next?

POLLY: I see… a little train engine.

POLLY: The stars are speaking to us! Friends… time for us to go!

DEIRDRE: No. Stay. We’ll have a lake party!

DECLAN: I’ll invite my friends; kitten, puppy, chick, kid and baby elephant.

POLLY: Great!

NAT: Water selfie, first! Everyone say, “Freeze!”


POLLY: And that is how Declan and Nat learnt to love the rain!

ROY: Wow! And then, did you come to live with us?

NAT: Oh no…

POLLY: We had many more adventures first!

PEARL: Where did you go next?

POLLY: That is a new passport page and a new story… for tomorrow.

NAT: Group paw-bump!


Screenplay: Eran Edry

Song lyrics: Helen Doron

Song music: Niko Levy

Graphic design: Liraz Badash

ISBN: 978-965-7069-95-0 | PN: 12685001

© Helen Doron Ltd., 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, re-published,

copied or publicly displayed in any form or by any means, mechanical or

electronic, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage

and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from

Helen Doron Limited.


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