polymorphism & methods comp206 geoff holmes & bernhard pfahringer (these slides: lots of...

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Polymorphism & Methods

COMP206 Geoff Holmes & Bernhard Pfahringer

(these slides: lots of input from Mark Hall)

poly + morphos (greek) “many forms”


• Subclass redefines a method:– different behaviour– or maybe modified behaviour

class Rectangle {public String toString() {

return “<Rectangle @ ”+x+”/”+y+” “+width+” by “+height+”>”;



• Subclasses inherit everything from superclasses, but cannot directly access private fields or methods, only public and protected ones.

• Can still access overridden methods:public void roam() { super.roam(); // some additional local stuff}

Inheritance: Is-A (not Has-A)

• B should extend A if “B is-A A”– Triangle Is-A Shape– Surgeon Is-A Medical Doctor

• Bathroom Has-A Tub– Tub is an instance variable of Bathroom


Code Inheritance

• Use inheritance to implement shared behaviour (code) only once!

• Always avoid code duplication!– easier to change (only one place),

especially when debugging


• what happens when one declares and initializes a reference variable:

Dog myDog = new Dog();• allocate space for reference variable of

type Dog• allocate space for a new Dog object on

the heap (and initialize it)• point the reference to the new object


• Reference type can be any super class or Interface implemented by actual type:Animal myDog = new Dog();

• As generic as possible => more flexible code:

Map<String,Object> myMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();


Animal[] animals = new Animal[]{new Dog(), new Lion(), new Cat(), new Wolf(), new Hippo()};

for(Animal a: animals) {a.eat();



• Parameters/Arguments and return values can be polymorphic too:class Vet { public void giveShot(Animal a) { a.makeNoise(); }}class PetOwner { public void start() { Vet v = new Vet(); Dog d = new Dog(); Hippo h = new Hippo(); v.giveShot(d); v.giveShot(h); }}

How to stop overriding:

• final declaration:– class: cannot extend/subclass any further

final public class String { .. }– method: cannot be overridden in subclasses

class Cat {

final public void makeNoise() {…}– field: cannot change value

final int count = animals.length;

Overriding rules

• Argument and return type must be the same:

class Appliance {

public boolean turnOn();


class Toaster extends Appliance {

public boolean turnOn(int level);



Overriding rules

• May NOT be less accessible:

class Appliance {

public boolean turnOn();


class Toaster extends Appliance {

protected boolean turnOn();

// illegal



• Two (or more) methods with the same name but different argument lists (see code example)

• Usually best avoided, can be very confusing and counter-intuitive

Which method is executed

• Compile time: compiler ensures that method with appropriate signature (compile-time type info for arguments) exists in “compile-time” receiver class

• Runtime: given the actual runtime-type of the receiver, the most specific method of appropriate signature is located and executed

• ==> runtime types of arguments do NOT matter (again, see code examples)

Java Generics

(with input from Robi Malik)

Generic types for collections

• Old Java (1.4 and older):List strings = new ArrayList();


String word = (String) strings.get(0);

• New (since 1.5):

List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();


String word = strings.get(0);


• Better readability

• Better type-safety: no casts (runtime checks), compiler can already catch problems

Writing your own generic code

public class Stack<E> { public void push(E element) { contents.add(element); } public E pop() { int top = contents.size()-1; E result = contents.get(top); contents.remove(top); return result; } private List<E> contents = new ArrayList<E>();}

Formal type parameter

public class Stack<E> { … }

– convention: Short (single-char) uppercase– can be used wherever a Type is needed– will be replaced with actual Type

Problems with sub-types

class Student extends Person { .. }

List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();

List<Person> people = students;

// should this be possible? -> no

No, because

Person sam = new Person();


// if this was legal, we would have just sneaked a non-student onto the students list

on the other hand, how do you write generic code then accepting lists of sub-types of Persons ???


void printCollection(Collection<?> c) {

for(Object o: c) {




// only read access (everything is an Object), but cannot add, because do not know correct type (except null, which is any type)

Bounded wildcards

public void drawAll(Collection<? extends Shape> c) {

for(Shape shape: c) {




// again, only read access, allows collections of Shape or any sub type of Shape

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