pond the oceanstore prototype. pond -- dennis geels -- january 2003 talk outline system overview...

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PondThe OceanStore Prototype

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Talk Outline

System overviewImplementation statusResults from FAST paperConclusion

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

OceanStore System Layout

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

The Path of an Update

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Data Object Structure

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Talk Outline

System overviewImplementation statusResults from FAST paperConclusion

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Prototype Implementation

All major subsystems operationalFault-tolerant inner ringSelf-organizing second tierErasure-coding archiveMultiple application interfaces: NFS, IMAP/SMTP, HTTP

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Prototype Implementation

Missing piecesFull Byzantine-fault-tolerant agreementTentative update sharingInner ring membership rotationFlexible ACL supportProactive replica placement

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Software Architecture

20 SEDA stages280K Lines of Java (J2SE v1.3)JNI libraries for crypto, archive

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Running OceanStore

Host machines must have JREx86 libraries provided

Upload package, SSH public keys~4MB

Centralized control: run-experimentBuilds, ships per-host configurationStarts remote processesScans logs for completion or errorsSupport for virtual nodes

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Example configurationSystem description Node template

hosts monkey.cs orangutan.cs ….

ULNFS ulnfs.cfgdynamic mortal 0RP rp.cfg static daemon 0Ring0 inner.cfg static daemon 1Ring1 inner.cfg static daemon 2Ring2 inner.cfg static daemon 3Ring3 inner.cfg static daemon 4Archive0 storage.cfg static daemon 5Archive1 storage.cfg static daemon 5Archive2 storage.cfg static daemon 5Archive3 storage.cfg static daemon 6Archive4 storage.cfg static daemon 6


<sandstorm> <!include Generic.hdr> <stages> <!include Network.stg> <RpcStage>

class ostore.apps.ulnfs.RpcStage

<initargs> mountd_port 2635 nfsd_port 3049 node_id ${NodeID}</initargs>

</RpcStage> <!include Client.stg>


Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Deployment: PlanetLab

http://www.planet-lab.org~100 hosts, ~40 sitesPond: up to 1000 virtual nodes5 minute startup

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Talk Outline

System overviewImplementation statusResults from FAST paperConclusion

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Results: Andrew BenchmarkRan MAB on Pond using User Level NFS (ULNFS)

Strong consistency restrictions for directoriesLoose consistency for files allows caching, interleaved writesBenefits: Security, Durability, Time travel, etc.

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Results: Andrew BenchmarkPhase Linux Pond-512 Pond-1024

I 0.9 2.8 6.6II 9.4 16.8 40.4

III 8.3 1.8 1.9IV 6.9 1.5 1.5V 21.5 32.0 70.0

Total 47.0 54.9 120.3

4.6x than NFS in read-intensive phases7.3x slower in write-intensive phases

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Closer look: Update Latency

Inner Ring update algorithm:All-pairs communication to agree to startEach replica applies update locallyAll-pairs to agree on resultEach replica signs certificate• Threshold Signature

Robust to Byzantine failures of up to 1/3 of primary replicas

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Closer look: Update Latency

Threshold Signature dominates small update latencyCommon RSA tricks not applicable

Batch updates to amortize signature costTentative updates hide latency

Update Latency (ms)

Key Size

Update Size

5% Time

Median Time


512b4kB 39 40 41

2MB 1037 1086 1348


4kB 98 99 100

2MB 1098 1150 1448

Latency Breakdown

Phase Time (ms)

Check 0.3



Apply 1.5

Archive 4.5

Sign 77.8

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Closer Look: Update Throughput

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Closer look: Dissemination Tree

Secondary replicas self-organize into application-level multicast tree

Shield inner ring from request loadSave bandwidth on update propagation

Tree joining heuristic:Connect to closest replica using TapestryShould minimize use of long-distance links

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Stream Microbenchmark

Designed to measure efficiency of dissemination treeRan 500 virtual nodes on PlanetLab

Inner Ring in SF Bay AreaReplicas clustered in 7 largest P-Lab sites

Streams updates to all replicasOne writer - content creator – repeatedly appends to data objectOthers read new versions as they arriveMeasure network resource consumption

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Results: Stream Microbenchmark

Dissemination tree uses network resources efficientlyMost bytes sent across local links as second tier grows

Acceptable latency increase over broadcast (33%)

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003

Talk Outline

System overviewImplementation statusResults from FAST paperConclusion

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003


Operational OceanStore PrototypeCurrent Research Directions

Examine bottlenecksImprove stabilityData Structure ImprovementReplica ManagementArchival Repair

Pond -- Dennis Geels -- January 2003


FAST paper“Pond: the OceanStore Prototype”

More informationhttp://oceanstore.cs.berkeley.eduhttp://oceanstore.sourceforge.net

Demonstrations Available

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