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Maldon Pony Club Inc.

Members Booklet



Page 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Welcome

Page 4 ……………………………………………………….……………………………... PCAV & Midland Zone

Page 5 …………………………………………………….…………………….………….. People you should know

Page 6 ……………………………………………………………..……………………….. Contacts

Page 7 ……………………………………………………….…………….…………………………. Membership

Page 8 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Membership card

Page 10 ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Attendance

Page 11 …………………………………………………………………………………………….. Rally days

Page 12 ……………………………………………………………………………. Uniform

Page 13 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tack & Gear check

Page 14 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Certificates

Page 15 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Are You Ready to Compete?

Page 17 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Grading

Page 18 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Instructors, Camps and Competitions

Page 19 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Parents/Guardians/Helpers and Etiquette

Page 20 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Volunteering Guidelines

Page 23 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Other rules

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Welcome to the Maldon Pony Club. We are one of the 17 clubs in the Midland Zone, and the 204 in the state of Victoria.

We are situated at Maldon Recreation Reserve, Lewis Road, Maldon.We have a pre5 to grade 1 cross country course as well as sand areas for our other activities.Our club rooms have recently been refurbished.

Maldon pony club has an annual awards night with many awards for our members to work towards along with efficiency certificates.

At Maldon we aim to: To encourage young people to ride and to learn to enjoy all approved types of sport

connected with horses and riding To provide instruction in horsemanship and riding and to instil in the members the proper

care of their animals. To promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty, thereby cultivating

strength of character and self-discipline.

Pony Club is a global movement that has been established in 15 countries around the world. With a membership count of over 102,000 people, it is the largest organisation of riders to exist today. The concept was born in Britain in 1929 as a way of encouraging local youth to get riding, whilst providing them with instruction they may not have had access to otherwise. It took only a year for the notion of pony club to spread to Gibraltar in Spain, and so began the movement which is still going strongly today.

Pony Club is quite a prominent organisation in the equine industry in Victoria. Within the ten geographical zones, there are around 200 clubs, with roughly 6500 riding and adult members registered each year. Membership consists of 3 categories: Junior Riding Members (minimum age is up to individual clubs to decide; although usually it is around 3 or 4 and under 17) Associate Members (between 17 and 25 (until the 30th June following their 25th Birthday) and Adult Members.

Pony Club is an excellent way for riders to learn in a fun, encouraging atmosphere, whilst teaching responsibility and providing the opportunity for new friendships.

The Pony Club place in order of importance:

The safety of the rider The comfort of the horse The enjoyment of the rider The progress of the rider

The Pony Club aim is not to produce individual riders of exceptional ability, rather to help ALL members improve their riding skills and to enjoy the experience.

Please visit our club website: http://www.maldon.ponyclubvic.org.a u

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PCAV & Midland Zone

Maldon Pony Club is an affiliated member of the Pony Club Association of Victoria, and as such we are bound by it’s Code of Conduct, Rules, Regulations and Syllabus of Instruction.

For more information on PCAV visit www.ponyclubvic.org.au – About Us

Membership of the PCAV provides access to all appropriate PCAV activities; permits members to compete at state events and provides insurance cover for members.

PCAV is divided into ten Zones, and Maldon Pony Club is in the Midland Zone.

Midland Zone

Our zone has regular meetings to keep the zone running smoothly and holds events in all disciplines annually along with instructors school, camps etc.

As well as competing at Zone events, our pony club has a responsibility to Zone and State to assist in: Setting up dressage/showjumping areas Catering As well as competing at these events, the club has a responsibility Ground/event management

(including parking) All parents are asked to assist so that these tasks are not left to one or two parents. Our Club also has two Zone Delegates to attend Zone meetings on our Club’s behalf.

To learn more about the Midland Zone, go to their website: http://www.midlandzone.ponyclubvic.org.au/

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People you should know

At Maldon Pony Club we have a range of people in official positions that are willing to help you out wherever possible. Fellow members are also a good point of call if you are unsure of where to go for information.

President: Terry Franklin (who to contact in relation to general Pony Club enquiries)

Vice President: Kim Williams (who to contact in relation to general Pony Club enquiries)

Secretary: Kira Chalmers (who to contact in relation to Pony Club administrative matters)

Treasurer: Jody Pickering (who to contact in relation to Pony Club financial matters)

District Commissioner (DC): Julie Robins (who to contact in reference to competition gradings and rally information)

Chief Instructor: Nicki Chalmers (who to contact in reference to rally information)

Event Secretary: Nicki Chalmers (who to contact in reference to event information eg. Competitions, closing entry dates etc.)

If you aren’t entirely certain of who is who, or who to contact, our members are more than willing to point you in the right direction.

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Name Position Email Contact #

Terry Franklin President tfranklin4@bigpond.com 0409 679 592

Kim Williams Vice President brettmegsandkim@bigpond.com 0421 999 706

Kira Chalmers Secretary kira.chalmers@bigpond.com 0407 140 580

Jody Pickering Treasurer jody@allantax.com.au 0428 148 474

Julie RobinsDistrict


h: 5448 8385 m: 0407 327 055

Nicki Chalmers Chief Instructor chalmers.nicole.n@edumail.vic.gov.au 0407 054 851

Linda Nancarrow Newsletter ellybae7@bigpond.com

Kira ChalmersUniform Co-coordinator

kira.chalmers@bigpond.com m:0407 140 580

Nicki ChalmersEvents Co-

coordinatorchalmers.nicole.n@edumail.vic.gov.au 0407 054 851

Kira Chalmers Clinic Organiser kira.chalmers@bigpond.com 0407 140 580

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Membership fees are set each year at the Annual General Meeting. From February rally onwards, fees are paid on a pro-rata basis until June, when full fees for the year are due, and MUST be paid by the 30th of June. At MPC, fees are reduced for more than two riders in the one family. The Club try to keep our fees to a minimum but in return ask that you and your family assist with working bees, setting up, packing up and running of events and clinics.

Maldon Pony Club Inc offers Senior Riders (over 26 years of age) membership. Priority is given to existing members of the main group (Under 26) who become ineligible for associate membership and wish to continue with Maldon Pony Club Inc and Pony Club Association of Victoria, as well as parents of our junior members.

A monthly newsletter is produced and is emailed to each member and or their family as soon as practical after the Pony Club's monthly committee meeting.

The newsletter is very important as it contains relevant information to Club activities, committee decisions, PCAV news and other issues, clinic information and event entries. Please read the newsletter carefully so that you know what is going on in your club.Members are classified as:Fees for 2015/16 are as set out belowJunior Riding Members Riding members under the age of 17Fee 2017/18 year $240 including $138 PCAV component.

2nd and subsequent member $225 including $138 PCAV component.

Associate Members Riding members aged between 17 and 25 (until the 30th June following their 25th Birthday)

Fee 2017/18 year $260 including $158 PCAV component.

Adult Member An adult over the age of 25 that is a member of a club for insurance reasons only covered by PCAV.

Fee 2017/18 year $175 PCAV

Service Provider Members who provide Instruction to Riding Members at this club, who do not have children of their own as members here. They must have a current Working with Children Card.

**please note the above fees may change after June 30 th 2017**

Our Fees are used to – pay affiliation to PCAV which includes insurance; andto the Zone for it’s administration. A percentage goes to the purchase and maintenance of our buildings and equipment, while we also pay qualified instructors for Rally Day.

Fees are due in May, for the following membership year; in order that the Secretary and Treasurer can be prepared for the annual PCAV Strength Return and have rider’s cards ready for the first week of July.

Failure to pay on time will leave Riders without Insurance coverage and they will not be permitted to ride at the July Rally nor compete at any PCAV events.7 | Page

Membership CardWhen paid up the Club Secretary will register the Rider with PCAV, who will issue a membership card which must be produced at each Rally, for attendances and gradings to be recorded as proof of attendance. Cards must not be tampered with; or altered by anyone other than the District Commissioner or Card Secretary.

A junior club member (under 17) must attend 5 rallies, two of which must be by the combination within the preceding 12 months. However, within the first six months of new club membership only two mounted rallies by the combination is required.

An associate member (17 years and over) may continue membership of the club and receive PCAV benefits until June 30th following their 25th birthday. Associates must have two mounted rallies by the combination within the preceding 12 months.

Qualifying a horse – at a rally the horse that is intended for qualification needs to be presented to gear check and to be ridden for at least 3 out of the 5 activities on the day or 2 of 4 activities if that is what is timetabled. There is no obligation to ride only one horse at a rally but only one horse per rally can be qualified.

All financial members are issued with a pony club card. Your pony club card is your pony club 'passport' and needs to be treated as a VIP document. To compete at pony club events your grading’s must be up to date. It is your responsibility to check that you are graded in the appropriate grade for the appropriate discipline before entering a comp. The card has your personal details in it plus the name of the horse/s that you ride at the rallies.

At each rally you attend your card will be completed by the card secretary. The date of the rally will be recorded along with the initial/s of the horse you rode at the rally. If you are absent the word absent will be recorded against the date the next time the secretary sights your card.

It is vitally important that cards are kept up to date especially if you wish to compete at a pony club event. Riders cards are checked at all events for attendance and gradings and an incomplete card will result in the rider being unable to compete.

At the back of your card there is a section to record you’re grading in Horse trials, Dressage, Show jumping and Combined Training. Only the District Commissioner may complete this section. If you need to be graded or have your grading changed please place a note to this effect with all relevant details in your card before placing it in the red tin at the rally. The Card Secretary will then let the DC know and your card will be updated. Please understand that the rally day is a busy day for the admin volunteers so you need to check your card before leaving the grounds on rally day to make sure all details are correct.

Cards need to be placed into the attendance card tin (in club rooms) at the start of each rally prior to gear check each rally. The DC or card secretary will not chase cards to be signed.

Lost or Damaged Club Member CardsAdvise the DC if you have lost or damaged your club member card. The club will apply for a replacement card from PCAV. You will be charged a fee for the replacement card. A Club Members Verification Form is available for emergency use only, if a replacement card cannot be issued from PCAV in time. They are not to be used in place of a member card for any length of time.

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Remember that if you do not have your grading card at an event conducted under PCAV rules you are not permitted to participate.Junior and Associate Members can only be a member of one Pony Club at a time, if they are moving to another club while a financial member of another, or were in the last financial year; they require a signed transfer form to be completed and sent into PCAV Head Office.

All riders need to sign the clubs register (sign in) book prior to each rally. This helps to maintain (backup attendance records) an attendance register for all club rallies, working bees, activities etc.

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Leaving Early/Arriving Late

If a rider needs to leave early the rider is expected to inform the Instructor and DC as a matter of courtesy and safety. The DC needs to know the whereabouts of riders and families at all times during the rally. The need to arrive late or leave early on a rare occasion is understood. However regular occurrences (i.e.: more than 3 per pony club year) will result in “absent “being recorded in the membership card. This is because the PCAV expects that the attendance qualifications will be achieved by attending full rallies. Also it is unfair that frequently tardy members should be rewarded and qualify when other members attend all day.

Parent/Guardian Duty

It is a condition of membership that a parent or guardian be in attendance with their child at all times. This is a safety issue. If a parent /guardian needs to leave during a rally another guardian must be appointed and accepted. The sign in book is open and available at every rally and must record the guardian details and acceptance of responsibility.

Rally Attendance

All riders must notify the DC by email or telephone no later than the Thursday prior to the rally and advise if they will be attending the rally or not. If a rider is unable to attend a rally it is important to advise the DC prior to the rally if possible. This allows effective planning of the rally especially booking of instructors which cost the club money. Failure to advise the DC of intent to ride at the rally will result in the rider not being allocated to a group and hence the rider will miss the first lesson.

Unmounted AttendanceRiders who cannot ride due to illness/injury to themselves or their horse may attend a rally unmounted and receive “unmounted” attendance accreditation in their card. To be eligible the rider must be in full uniform and attend or help out at activities as directed by the DC. An unmounted rally counts as a qualifying attendance for competition as long as the combination has two mounted rallies in the preceding 12 months of the competition date

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Rally days

Rallies are the monthly gatherings of our members. These take place on the first Sunday of each month (with the exception of January) at our grounds at Lewis Road, Maldon unless otherwise stated. A timetable of the rally showing the members groups and the day’s activities is displayed inside the club rooms from 8.30am.

In the interest of the most effective grouping of riders all members are requested to contact the District Commissioner by email, or text no later than the Thursday before the rally advising if they will be attending the rally or not. Failure to advise the DC of intent to ride at the rally will result in the rider not being allocated to a group and hence the rider will miss the first lesson

The collation of the groups is largely determined by the numbers of riders attending on the day.  We try to break groups into an even number taking into consideration the size of horse, friendship groups and the education and jumping standard of the horse. 

Riders can be mounted or unmounted, and a wide range of activities are often scheduled, and can cover a diverse range of equestrian skills – flat work, dressage, jumping, games cross country, navigation and anything else that can be thought of to provide a broad range of experiences, fun and education for riders. Whilst due emphasis will be given to providing a solid foundation in the elementary areas of flat work and jumping, the aims of pony club are to offer a variety of activities. Pony club is not solely about instruction and certainly not about concentrating on one area of riding.

A typical rally day follows the following format:

Park your vehicle & float or truck. Secure your horse to your float/truck or place in a yard. Bring your membership card and drop in the box at the office and check what group you are in and what activity you have first.

9:00 - riders assemble to help set up 9:30 - gear check (in front of the club rooms) 10:00 - lesson 111:00 - lesson 212:00 - LUNCH1:15 – information session 1:30 – lesson 32.30 – lesson 43:30 - pack up gear for the day & collect your membership card*please note the above may vary depending on the number or riders*

Rally Days are organized by the District Commissioner.All manure and hay in yards must be cleaned out and place around treas.

Things to bring to Rally Days – Lunch or money for the CanteenFeed for your mountBucket for waterSecure Headstall and lead rope, rug in winter.

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Our Uniform

In Pony Club, every Club has their own distinct uniform and colours. These must be adhered to at all times when representing the club at competition/s.


White shirt with a collar (long or short sleeved not singlet) Pony Club tie (black). Woollen ‘V’ neck jumper with a gold sash from the right shoulder to the left hip (on

days of extreme heat, it is acceptable for riders to compete without jumpers, however they must remain neat and tidy in presentation).

Jodhpurs in accordance with the PCAV Gear Rules 10.2 (must be “Banana, beige, white, fawn or oatmeal” in colour)

Long hair must be secured back as so it does not obscure any part of the rider’s back number

Watches and medical bracelets are the only jewellery permitted, all visible piercings must be removed or taped

Helmets MUST comply with the following standards, in accordance with the PCAV Gear Rules 10.5 AS/NZS 3838 (AU) PAS 015 (UK) ASTM F 1163 (USA) VG1 (Europe) EN 1384 (Europe) only acceptable for helmets made up to and including 2015.

Boots must be brown or black in colour, fully soled in smooth leather or rubber synthetic material, a shallow ripple sole is acceptable, can be short or long (see PCAV Gear Rule 10.7 for further information)

Gaiters must be full grain leather on the exposed side, colour must match the boots. Chaps, chinks and chappettes are not to be worn (see PCAV Gear Rule 10.8 for further information)

Medical armband with correct information (as per PCAV Gear Rule 10.6) Club saddle blanket (black woollen with gold trim and gold MPC letters on the near

side hind of the blanket, or other appropriate saddle)

A copy of the full gear rules can be found on the PCV website: http://www.ponyclubvic.org.au/site/ponyclub/vic/downloads/Publications/Rules%20and%20Regulations/Gear%20Rules/Book%20-%20Gear%20Rules%202017.pdf


Club polo or shirt with sleeves (no singlet or tank tops) Club approved windcheater or hoodie Jodhpurs of any colour Name badge Long hair is recommended to be secured back for rider safety Jewellery as per competition rules Helmets as per competition rules Boots as per competition rules, can be any colour Gaiters, chaps, and chappettes are permitted, of any colour One appropriate saddle blanket Club approved waterproof jacket Club approved spray jacket

Tack & Gear Check

The saddle must fit the pony correctly, neither low on the withers or pressing on the pony’s spine at the back.

A saddlecloth must be used for all Pony Club activities. It must be fitted so no ridge or edge is under the saddle where, with the rider’s weight, could cause soreness of the pony’s back.

Blankets in club colours are optional, only one is to be worn.

The bridle must be well fitted so that the bit is comfortable in the pony’s mouth. A noseband, if used, must be well fitted, not too tight or too low.

Whips must not exceed 750mm in length including the flap, which must be flat. Stirrup grips (treads) are recommended for safety. See PCAV Gear Rules for more information

Uniform items can be purchased through the club new and some second hand item.

Gear Check

Riders need to attend gear check for three reasons: Safety of the rider and comfort and safety of the horse An award for best presented horse and rider is presented each year, this is scored at

gear checks Record attendance, if a rider intends to ride two horses at a rally, the second horse

must be gear checked by the instructor of that lesson, or the gear checker or the DC prior to beginning that session

Any rider who misses the gear check will not be scored for presentation. However a gear check is still required before riding, so the rider must present to the DC prior to beginning an activity. Permission will be given to join in, riders are encouraged to apologise to the instructor for being late. The need to inform the DC is a matter of courtesy and also a matter of safety and satisfaction of insurance requirements.

Gear Check is done in accordance with the Gear Check Rule Book which is available from the PCAV Website – www.ponyclubvic.org.au – Publications – Rules and Regulations.If you have any extra queries talk to the District Commissioner

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As riders progress through Pony Club they can undertake Efficiency Tests and be awarded Certificates for successfully completing the requirements at each level. These tests are progressive and begin with the “E” Certificate for which the rider can be less than 7 years of age. These Certificates are optional, but some level is mandatory to compete at State competitions.

These are a great way to test and display your knowledge, and they are recognised around the world.

The Certificate work is based on Horsemastership and consists of basic knowledge handy for the care and well being of your horse/pony. Horsemastership (theory) is a compulsory component of your Pony Club Association of Victoria Membership.

The member has to be of a certain age before they are permitted to sit for each test. The minimum age for candidates doing the tests are as follows:

E Less than 7 yearsD 7 yearsD Star 9 yearsC 12 yearsC Star 14 yearsK 14 yearsB 15/16 yearsH 17 yearsA 17 years

The details of the Certificates can be found at the following link: http://ponyclubvic.org.au/default.asp?Page=3880&MenuID=Coaching - Education %2F10853%2F0%2F%2CEfficiency_Certificates_and_Procedures%2F10838%2F0%2F 0

Please speak to the DC if you would like to undertake an Efficiency Certificate.

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Are you ready to compete?

Often riders focus only on getting themselves and their horses ready to compete. Hours of work are put into learning tests, practicing over jumps and getting horse fit. On the big day, however, these riders who manage to place or win, will have asked themselves 3 key questions....

Question 1: Do I have my PCAV Club Member Card - and are my details correct?(This will be sent out once you have returned your membership forms and paid your membership)

Before entering and attending an event, riders need to check their PCAV Member Card and make sure it contains accurate and complete information. If you turn up at a competition and your details are found to be incorrect, you will be ineligible to compete. Therefore, you need to plan ahead. It is your responsibility to ensure that any changes and updates are correct - these can only been done by the Club's Card Secretary/s.You should check that, in the 12 months prior to the date of the competition:

Your Card shows you have attended at least 2 mounted rallies at your Club on the horse you will be competing on.

A junior club member (under 17) must attend 5 rallies, two of which must be by the combination within the preceding 12 months. However, within the first six months of new club membership only two mounted rallies by the combination is required.

An associate member (17 years and over) may continue membership of the club and receive PCAV benefits until June 30th following their 25th birthday. Associates must have two mounted rallies by the combination within the preceding 12 months.

The name and spelling of your horse on your Card matches what has been written on your entry form

The horse/rider have been graded at the grade entered into for the competition

Graded competitions are Horse Trials (Dressage/Showjumping/Cross Country), Showjumping, Dressage and Combined Training (Dressage/Showjumping). The DC is the only executive member of the committee who is able to grade the riders. Riders can be graded after their 2nd ridden rally on the horse/pony.

Question 2: Have I got the right gear for a horse and rider at my grade at this type of competition

Riders are expected to know and comply with certain PCAV gear requirements before competing. Apart from comfort and safety reasons, it's important that riders use the same equipment so that no one person has an advantage over someone else. At the end of the day, it is the rider’s responsibility to make sure the correct gear is used - otherwise you

risk being not allowed to compete or being eliminated from an event.

THE PCAV's Gear Rules are updated and published on the Associations website: http://ponyclubvic.org.au/default.asp?MenuID=website+administration%2F17%2F20%2Cedit+main+m e nu%2F10809%2F0%2CPublications_%40_Rules %2F10854%2F0%2F0%2CRules_and_Regulations_and_ G uides%2F10917%2F0%2F0%2CRule_Books %2F13187%2F0%2F 0

15 | PageThey spell out why gear check is important and address what the rider is responsible for (as well as the official conducting the gear check). They are well laid out so it is now much

easier to compare and contrast what can be worn/used at rallies vs different types of competitions. Use incorrect gear or broken/damaged gear and you may be disqualified or not allowed to compete.

Question 3: Have I read and understood the competition rules?

Make sure you understand what the judges expect of you when you ride. It sounds obvious, but many talented combinations have ridden brilliantly on the day and then found themselves at a disadvantage or eliminated because they didn't know the event rules. Don't leave it to the day or the event to work out what's expected. At best, you risk putting yourself at a competitive disadvantage. At worst, you could put yourself, your horse and other riders at risk as many of the competition rules are there http://ponyclubvic.org.au/default.asp?MenuID=website+administration%2F17%2F20%2Cedit+main+m e nu %2F10809%2F0%2CPublications_%40_Rules%2F10854%2F0%2F0%2CRules_and_Regulations_and_ G uides %2F10917%2F0%2F0%2CRule_Books%2F13187%2F0%2F0 to protect the rider.

So be smart... visit the PCAV website and download the latest rules for all kinds of pony club events.

http: //www.ponyclubvic.org.au/

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Grading will be done in accordance with the Grading Guidelines available from PCAV – www.ponyclubvic.org.au – Coaching/Education – Grading Guidelines.

What is Grading?Grading is based on the ability of the horse and rider as a combination, thereby providing the opportunity for each combination to compete at a standard commensurate with their ability.

The grading is achieved by assessing the capability of the horse and rider as a combination, irrespective of the age of the rider or the size of the horse, or the horse's previous grading or performance. A separate grading is required for each discipline.Grading should only occur when the combination is capable of competing safely, and this applies to all age groups.Other than a supervised rally activity or formal supervised training school/clinic, any pony club section/activity that includes any form of dressage, showjumping or cross-country element, requires the combination to be graded for the activity. Ungraded combinations may only compete in competitions that do not require grading. The District Commissioner is responsible for all grading, with assistance from instructors, and this decision shall be final. Club member cards (Grading cards) may be held by the DC and if so must be obtained by the rider prior to an event and take

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Instructors, Camps and Competitions


MPC endeavors to secure the services of respected instructors, who are paid by the club. Our own experienced adult member instruct occasionally too. Regardless of who takes your group, you are expected to listen to them at all times (this is not only a good manners aspect, it is for the safety of you, your horse, and potentially the rest of your group), and treat them with respect.

No instructor will insist on a combination attempting an activity which the rider does not feel safe or ready to attempt. Our instructors are skilled horse-people who want the young riders of the club to have fun at rallies while learning new skills, and sometimes by challenging themselves by pushing their boundaries - which can be very rewarding.

Occasionally during theory/horsemastership sessions there will be a guest speaker and/or a demonstration of interest e.g. equine acupuncturist, Stock Horse riders, farriers, veterinarians etc. If you have contact with someone who could give an interesting talk, or you would like to have a session from a particular field in the equine industry, please contact the DC so we can arrange a rally date!

Should you not be able to participate in a lesson, you will be expected to stay with your group and participate unmounted.

Camps and Competitions

WPC holds a number of competitions each year. There are usually Horse Trials (usually in July) and Showjumping & Dressage Championships (February). MPC may hold other Clinics/Training Days as instructors become available. The Club also enters teams of riders in Midland Zone competitions e.g. Game competitions, Flat and Musical Ride teams etc.

If sufficient members are interested, an annual weekend camp may be held at a venue with suitable accommodation and facilities for ponies and riders. These camps are lots of fun and usually involve lots of riding in groups with friends, food consuming and staying awake till all hours!

Note: Costs for these activities (camps and competitions) are not covered by the membership fees and participation is optional.

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Parents, guardians, helpers and etiquette

Parents/Guardians/Helpers All Coaches, Instructors and Volunteer coaches, employees and Contractors before attending a rally or activity must hold a current working with children card. Categories of members who require to hold a working with children check are as follows: An adult supporter which category shall be deemed to include the following:

Both parents of riders who regularly attend rallies A single parent who regularly attends rallies. A non parent guardian of a child either temporary or otherwise who regularly

attends rallies. An honorary life member who regularly attends rallies and club activities. Visiting members and adult supporting members as defined above from clubs

other than the host club. A non member who does not fall within the categories listed above who regularly

attends rallies and club activities.

It is expected that one or both parents or a responsible helper will be present at the grounds whenever their child is riding - Pony Club is not a baby-sitting service!

Parents are required to help wherever possible during a rally, be that in the canteen, with setting up or putting away equipment, helping to run activities (i.e. Games) or general maintenance duties from time to time.

Parents are responsible at all times for any non-riding children who accompany them to the Pony Club rallies.

Parents are also encouraged to support the Club by attending Committee meetings (held the second Tuesday after a rally in the Club Rooms, contact a Committee member for time details) and getting involved in the running of the Club, and the maintenance of our excellent facilities. Remember, if we don’t maintain the great standard of our facilities, our young riders will be unable to use them!

Parents are also required to assist on and at Maldon Pony Club Inc events.


1. Courtesy, common-sense and consideration for other people and their ponies should be observed at all times by riders, parents and helpers.

2. Parents and helpers should refrain from interrupting instructors by shouting commands to their child during sessions. This interferes with both the rider’s (not only your child too!) and the instructor’s concentration, confuses the rider and annoys the instructor! Parents may talk privately with the instructor at the end of the session if they wish.

3. Unnecessary rough treatment of ponies (or riders!), foul language and displays of temper will not be tolerated.

4. If a rider, parents or helper has a query, this should be taken to the DC.

5. No rider is permitted to ride without an approved safety helmet and boots - this includes any visitors “sitting” on ponies.

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6. Riding during lunch-break is not permitted. 7. Dogs are not permitted at rallies or events. 8. Smoking is not permitted on the grounds. 9. Alcohol is not permitted at any rally or event.

10. No ponies or horses are to be tied to floats which are not securely attached to the towing vehicle.

11. We encourage riders to be aware of the weather conditions; to “slip, slop, slap” and to take care and have fun in the sun! Sunscreen is available for everyone in the clubrooms.

12. Lunging is only permitted in the round yard and must be done by a person wearing appropriate shoes, gloves and a helmet.

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Volunteering GuidelinesThe Maldon Pony Club is a not for profit community based club. The club holds fundraising events in order to improve the facilities and provide not only excellent instruction but also excellent facilities for the members. In order for the club to run efficiently and cost effectively it is a condition of membership that each family support the club by volunteering to do tasks involved with the running of monthly rallies and fund raising events.

As Riding Members are usually riding at rallies and events the majority of the volunteering is expected to be done by one or more Adult Supporters. An adult supporter may be a parent, guardian, grand parent, relative or friend. Riding members should also commit to volunteering when they are not involved in riding activities.

It is understood that individuals vary in their ability to assist and that not all individuals will be able to assist with all activities on all occasions. It is the individual's responsibility to determine how best they can assist the club. If necessary an individual may consult with a committee member to come up with ways that they may be able to contribute.

For the Club to run effectively on rally days there are several areas where each family must contribute.

Canteen Set up and pack up equipment at the start and end of rallies Clean the clubrooms/toilet area Clean up after your horse

For the club to keep membership fees at a minimum and to ensure there are sufficient funds to maintain and improve facilities, the club runs several events throughout the year. Each family must provide assistance:

On the day of the event On a day to prior to the event At working bees

At these events the club runs it is important that families plan ahead to ensure that they will be available to volunteer for these events. From time to time additional events may be added to the yearly program. Members should note that there are just as many duties to be done prior or after the event as there are on the event day.

You may volunteer for a position on the organising committee which will include some activities before the event and on the day of the event. (Remember everyone in the past did these jobs for the first time. There will always be someone who can teach you the ropes.)

Event Coordinator Event Secretary

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Canteen Coordinator

On the day of the event you may volunteer for one or more of the following activities:

Dressage Marshall Dressage Penciller Show Jumping Marshall Show Jumping Penciller Canteen Gear Checker Cross Country Penciller Results Collector Scorer Many other activities.

Before and after the event you may volunteer for one or more of the following activities:

Setting up dressage or showjumping rings

Preparing the cross country course, painting, placing mulch, cleaning up around trees, whipper snipping and mowing

Cleaning the clubrooms, collecting rubbish Photocopying or other secretarial type tasks Preparing food in consultation with the canteen coordinator Packing up equipment and cleaning up after the event

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Other Club Rules

The following rules are additional to those outlined elsewhere within this handbook, as well as those set out by the Pony Club Association of Victoria which may be found at:

http://ponyclubvic.org.au/default.asp?MenuID=Publications_@_Rules/10854/0/,Rules_and_Regulatio n s_and_Guides/10917/0 /

These are imposed for reasons of safety of personnel, horses and protection of property.

Stallions, colts and "rigs" are not permitted at rallies or competitions

Horses under 4 years old may not be allowed to jump at rallies and cannot jump in Pony Club competition

If the DC considers any pony to be ill, injured, lame, unsuitable, unsafe or otherwise in need of attention, it may not be ridden at a rally

Ponies must never be tied to any float which is not connected to a vehicle or otherwise suitably restrained

In the parking area, or otherwise congested areas of the club grounds, riders are not permitted to trot or canter – walking pace only

Riders must not leave a group, or join another group without the permission of the instructor or person in charge of the activity. Transfer to another group can only be approved by the DC or Chief Instructor

Riders can not join a group late after the lesson has begun and must wait for the commencement of the next lesson. You may join in with the group unmounted.

Alcohol is not permitted to be consumed on the premises during any youth based activity and only at other times specifically approved by the Committee

Other info about the below and further rules can be found on the PVAC website:Dog PolicyRiding on Grounds outside of Rally DaysSmoking on GroundsAlcohol PolicyClean up after Rallies Out of Bounds AreasNon Riding AreasWet Weather PolicyHot Weather Policy

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