portable bbattery kkit - xm-radio-satellite.com

Post on 22-Apr-2022






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Portable BBattery KKit

IInnssttrruuccttiioonn MMaannuuaallModel XXM101WK

Important: This manual contains important safety and operating information. Please read, understand,and follow the instructions in this manual. Failure to do so could result in personal injury, death, and/ordamage to your Sportscaster, accessories, and/or to your vehicle or property.


rief HHistory

A Brief HistoryThank you for purchasing the new AGT Sportscaster Satellite Radio Accessory Kit.

• Mount your Sportscaster into cradles that are easily installed in your vehicle or yourhome. Connect your Sportscaster's power, and antenna connectors and you areready to enjoy XM Satellite Radio.

• A built-in FM transmitter allows you to hear XM programming on your car or homeFM radio, using an unused frequency on the FM band.

• Available accessory kits make your Sportscaster useable in the home or on the go.

About Advanced Global TechnologyAdvanced Global Technology (AGT) is a worldwide leader in mobile, home and portableelectronics and audio technology. With its exciting line of satellite radio products,AGT offers a broad portfolio of products to answer a wide variety of information andentertainment needs-in the vehicle, home, office, and portable environments.

About XM Satellite RadioXM Satellite Radio is the nation's leading provider of satellite radio with more than 6million subscribers. XM offers more than 160 digital radio channels: 100% commercial-free music channels, ranging from hip hop to opera, rock to bluegrass, big band toreggae; 71 talk radio channels, including news, sports, comedy, and children's pro-gramming; and 21 channels of round-the-clock traffic and weather reports.Subscribers pay $12.95 a month for the XM service, which was named Best RadioService by the music industry's leading magazine Billboard at the 2004 DigitalEntertainment Awards. Exclusive programming on XM includes Major LeagueBaseball® games for every team, all season long. You can listen to XM on a variety ofsatellite radio receivers for the vehicle, home, and portable use. In-dash XM radios areavailable in more than 120 vehicle models for the 2006 model year. XM is broadcastvia satellite from coast to coast, so you can listen to XM continuously as you travelacross the country.

* To receive the XM service, you must subscribe to XM. Available in the continental United States and Canada only. Satellite radio reception dependson the ability of the antenna to receive a signal. The signal may not be available in buildings or if obstructed (e.g., by mountains, trees, bridges, etc).


Let’s GGet SStarted


Let's Get Started

First, some important reminders:

We know you're eager to turn on your new Sportscaster and listen to XM, but pleasetake a moment to read through this instruction manual.

Warning: This manual contains important safety and operating information.Please read, understand, and follow the instructions in this manual. Failure to do socould result in personal injury, death, and/or damage to your Sportscaster, accessories, and/or to your vehicle or property.

Caution: Use your Sportscaster only with the enclosed components or approvedaccessories. Do not modify wires or other connectors in any way; you could cause amalfunction, which could damage your Sportscaster and will void your warranty.

Caution: Refrain from using food or drinks near your Sportscaster. Spilling foodor drinks on the unit can damage it. Also, improperly installing the antenna cablecan cause leaks, which can damage your Sportscaster and/or your vehicle.


Important battery information-please read

Your Sportscaster's accessory battery pack should be charged before you use theaccessory with the receiver. The amount of charge is indicated by the battery levelindicator on your Sportscaster's display. When you're charging the battery, you willsee . When the battery is exhausted, you will see .

When you use your Sportscaster for the first time, charge the battery until thebattery level indicator indicates it's fully charged. Then, use your Sportscaster untilthe battery is completely discharged. This charge/discharge cycle will reset thebattery level indicator so that it will more accurately report the level of the batterywith future usage.

Your battery performs best when used and charged in an ambient temperature ofbetween 50°F to 90°F (10°C to 32°C). Batteries gradually lose their ability to retain thesame capacity as when they are new and require longer charging times. When abattery no longer holds its charge, you should replace the battery. Always useauthorized batteries and power adaptors. Replacement batteries and poweradaptors can be ordered online at www.advancedgt.com.

To prevent injuring yourself or damaging your Sportscaster, do not disassemble,crush, or puncture the battery. Do not leave your Sportscaster inside a hot vehicle orin direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Never allow metal to touch thebattery terminals. Your Sportscaster's rechargeable battery should be disposed ofproperly and may need to be recycled. Contact your local recycler for details. Neverdispose of batteries in a fire or in water as they may explode.



g YYour SSportscaster


Installation Using the Portable Battery Kit

1. Attaching the battery to your Sportscaster is simple. First, install battery by liningup the battery with the slots in the back of your Sportscaster. Next, slide thebattery into place until it is locked. (Figure1). For a complete charge, the batterymust be charged for approximately 3 hours. The battery life is approximately 4hours.

2. To attach the belt clip onto your Sportscaster, push the Sportscaster into the beltclip until it locks into place. (Figure 2).

3. Plug the connector of the integrated XM antenna headset into the connectorswith the wire exiting upwards as shown in (Figure 3).

4. To remove the Sportscaster, push the release tab on the top of the belt clipupward and pull the Sportscaster forward.


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- PPersonalizin

g YYour SSportscaster

Audio LevelThe Audio Level option adjusts the Sportscasters audio output. There are 10 levels ofadjustment available.

1. Press the Menu button to enter the Setup Menu.2. Press the Up or Down Arrow button to navigate to Audio Level.3. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the Audio Level sub menu.4. Press the Left or Right Arrow button to adjust the audio level to your comfort.5. Press the Select button to store the new setting.

Note: The default setting is level 6.

Display Options

CCoonnttrraassttThis option is used to adjust the Sportscasters display contrast. There are 10 levelsof adjustment available.



g YYour SSportscaster


1. Press the Menu button to enter the Setup Menu. 2. Press the Up or Down Arrow buttons to navigate to Display Options. 3. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the Display Options sub menu.4. Press the Up or Down Arrow buttons to navigate to Contrast.5. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the Contrast setting screen6. Press the Left or Right Arrow button to adjust the contrast to your desired level. 7. Press the Select button to store the new setting.

Note: The default setting is level 6.

BBrriigghhttnneessssThis option is used to adjust the Sportscasters display brightness. There are 10 levelsof adjustment available.

1. Press the Menu button to enter the Setup Menu. 2. Press the Up or Down Arrow button to navigate to Display Options. 3. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the Display Options sub menu.4. Press the Up or Down Arrow button to navigate to Brightness.5. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the Brightness setting screen6. Press the Left or Right Arrow button to set the brightness to your desired level. 7. Press the Select button to store the new setting.

Note: The default setting is level 6.


g YYour SSportscaster

BBaacckkLLiigghhtt TTiimmeeoouuttThis option powers the Sportscaster’s backlight Off after a preset time has elapsed.This feature is only active when using the Portable Battery Kit to power yourSportscaster.

1. Press the Menu button to enter the Setup Menu. 2. Press the Up or Down Arrow buttons to navigate to Display Options. 3. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the Display Options sub menu.4. Press the Up or Down Arrow buttons to navigate to Timeout.5. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the Backlight Timeout screen.6. Press the Up or Down Arrow buttons to select either Off, 1, 3 or 5 minutes.7. Press the Select or Right Arrow button to enter the desired time.

Note: The default setting for the BackLight Timeout is Off.



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TroubleshootingYour Sportscaster should provide you with trouble-free performance without needingany servicing. If it does not appear to be working properly, first try to remedy the prob-lem by following these steps:

1. Attach all connections firmly and securely.2. Ensure the cigarette lighter adapter or auxiliary power socket is clean and free of

corrosion.3. Check the adapter fuse by unscrewing the ribbed end of the adapter. If required,

replace with a 2-amp fuse only. If your cigarette lighter adapter does not have aremovable end cap, then it is equipped with an internal fuse that resets itselfafter it is left unpowered for a period of time.

IIff yyoouu sseeee tthhiiss oonn tthhee ddiissppllaayy:: YYoouu sshhoouulldd::

NO SIGNAL Move your Sportscaster away Cause: The XM from the obstructed area (e.g., signal is being blocked. an underground garage).

CHECK ANTENNA Connect the antenna. Make Cause: Possible problem with sure the cable and connectorsXM antenna are not damaged or kinked.

OFF AIR Tune to another channel.Cause: The channel selected is not currently broadcasting.

UPDATING Simply wait until the updateCause: Your Sportscaster is being is completed.updated with the latest encryption code.

--- To receive that channel, contact XMCause: You may have tried to tune to a Satellite Radio at 1.800.967.2346channel that you have blocked or that .you cannot receive with your subscription package.


ty Warranty Information

OOnnee-YYeeaarr LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyyThis limited warranty sets forth all AAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyy responsibilitiesregarding your product. There are no other expressed or implied warranties fromAAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyy.

WWaarrrraannttyy SSeerrvviiccee PPrroovviiddeeddIf you purchased the product new from a retail vendor, AAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyywarrants the equipment against defects in material and workmanship for a period ofone (1) year from the original date of purchase. This warranty is in lieu of all otherexpress warranties. This warranty begins when you purchase the product andcontinues for one (1) year unless you sell or rent the unit, in which case the warrantystops.

AAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyy disclaims any implied warranty, including the warranty ofmerchantability and the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, as of the date ofone year from your original purchase of the product AAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyyassumes no responsibility for any special, incidental, or consequential damages.

This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which varyfrom state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of special,incidental, or consequential damages or limitations on how long a warranty lasts, sothe above exclusion or limitation may not apply to you.

WWaarrrraannttyy SSeerrvviiccee NNoott PPrroovviiddeeddThis warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse, abuse,improper installation or operation, lack of reasonable care, unauthorized modification,or the affixing of any attachment not provided by AAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyy with theequipment, and/or loss of parts. This warranty is voided in the event any unauthorizedperson opens, alters, or repairs the product.

All AAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyy equipment being returned for repair must be suitablypackaged.





WWhhaatt ttoo DDoo ffoorr WWaarrrraannttyy SSeerrvviicceeDuring the first thirty (30) days, a defective product is eligible for over-the-counterexchange at the retailer from whom it was purchased. After thirty (30) days, thedefective product should be returned to the authorized service center. Please allow aminimum of 2-3 weeks for the return of your product. For the shipping address of theauthorized service center, call one of the telephone numbers given below.

Your product will be repaired or replaced if examination by the service centerdetermines the product is defective. Products received damaged as a result ofshipping will require you to file a claim with the carrier prior to repair. A productreceived with missing parts or with damage due to abuse, inadequate packing or someother noncompliance with this limited warranty will be returned to you C.O.D., freightcollect.

Note: A product received which was not made by Advanced Global Technology or which is notdefective as determined by our test procedures will not be repaired and will be returnedto you C.O.D., freight collect.

TToo OObbttaaiinn WWaarrrraannttyy SSeerrvviiccee• Provide proof of the date of purchase within the package.• Prepay all shipping costs to the authorized service center.• Include a return shipping address within the package.

Please retain your sales receipt, the carton, the packing materials, and the printedmaterial. The original carton is the best shipping container for the Product should youhave to return it.

FFoorr yyoouurr rreeffeerreennccee::

Model Number XM Radio ID Serial Number

Date of Purchase Where Purchased

AAddvvaanncceedd GGlloobbaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee TTeelleepphhoonnee NNuummbbeerr:: 11-887777-SSUUPPTT-AAGGTT ((778877-88224488))

VViissiitt UUss oonn tthhee WWeebb:: wwwwww..aaddvvaanncceeddggtt..ccoomm

Advanced Global Technology, LLCP.O. Box 2060New York, NY 10156-2060U.S.A.Customer Service (1) 877.SUPT.AGT


AGT, Sportscaster name and related logos aretrademarks of Advanced Global Technology, LLC.

XM name and related logos are registeredtrademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.

Printed on Recycled Paper©2006 Advanced Global Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.

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