
Post on 01-Oct-2015






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Winter semester Visual Communications class projects.


  • PortfolioAmbie Snell

  • Ambie Snell4363 S. Albright DrSalt Lake City, UT


  • Table of Contents

    BrochureMontagePhotodesignLogosStationeryBusiness CardsFlierWebPageEvent Ad

  • BrochureDescription: A trifold brochure

    Program: Photoshop & InDesign

    Date Completed: March 29, 2015

    Course: Visual Media. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original, new logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate four quality images, not including the logo. Write at least 250 words of original copy in at least three paragraphs, headers, and subheaders.

    Process: I designed my logo in Illustrator. I knew I wanted to have a texture or a background picture. I decided to go with wheat because it is goes well with the theme. I then looked for wedding images that matched the same theme. The Typeface that I used for my logo, I also used for headings in my brochure to also create unity as well as using the flower from the logo. In Photoshop I cut the couple kissing, out of their picture, then placed it in my design in InDesign and established a text wrap with a list I made.

  • MontageDescription: An inspirational montage of two images with use of typography.


    Date Completed: February 15, 2015

    Course:Visual Media. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Unify a layout with a consistent theme and dominant spiritual message. Blend two or more images together gradually, using masks. Use a mask to apply a filter to one part of the image.

    Process: I found a picture of the flag being raised by U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima and a picture of a flag. In photoshop, I began with a dark brown background chosen from a color in the photograph of the Marines. I then placed the picture of the Marines on top of the background with a yellow filter. I then created a mask. The next layer was the flag, which I used the brush tool set and alteredthe opacity.

  • PhotodesignDescription: Photograph editing.

    Program: Photoshop

    Date Completed: February8th, 2015

    Course: Visual Media. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match those colors, then incorporate the colors into the layout. Use a digital camera to take a qaulity image. Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool on separate layers for non destructive editing.

    Process: I chose is Split Complimentary color scheme..The photo was taken with a Nikon D10 digital camera. After capturing the image I edited the photo with sharpening, enhancing selective colors and adjusting the levels of the photograph. I then created with various shapes two flowers that resembled the flowers in the photograph.

  • LogosDescription: Three logo variations for one company of my choice. At least one illustration design and one text design.

    Program: Illustrator

    Date Completed: February 22, 2015

    Course: Visual Media. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Create three completely different, original logos to fit a company for personal image that will appeal to the audeince. Use only Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos.

    Process: I found images on the internet that resembled what I imagined. I brought them into Illustrator and used the pen tool and the ellipse tool to create the shapes I wanted to create the flowers. After that, I choses a color scheme and appropriate typefacs. I wanted to give my hypothetical client a wide variety for options.

  • StationeryDescription: Creating matching letterhead and business card with a newly designed logo.

    Program: Illustrator & InDesign

    Date Completed: March 1st, 2015

    Course: Visual Medial. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Use basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Include contact informationProcess: For my letter head I created a blue/teal rectangle and gave it 75% opacity and then put a carpet texture on top at 7% opacity. The emblem that I placed for a watermark has a fun representation. The last name of the couple that began the business begins with an S. The emblem is two S. The two S letters creates four circles which represents their four children and potentially four major points that they are basing their business plan off of. I then placed the logo for the letterhead and contact information at the top.

  • Business CardsDescription: Business card with newly designed logo

    Program: Illustrator

    Date Completed:March 4, 2015

    Course: Visual Media. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Use basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card

    Process: For the business card I wanted to incorporate the same things from the letter head designed previously. I decided to make the background the exact same with a carpet texture and logo. The emblem in the logo I pasted inside the shape using the draw inside mode and enterprises I masked so that the carpet background came through and gives the feel of a cutout.

  • FlierDescription: Black and White flier.

    Program: InDesign

    Date Completed: January 25,2015

    Course: Visual Media. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. To incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout.

    Process: I created 4 different sketches of possible layouts for this project. I chose one of my favorites and used as the direction I wanted to take for this flier. I created the flier using Adobe InDesign. Choosing different typeface and weights of font provided a good contrast in the flier. The triangle created at the top of the page allowed expression of containment for the text that gave information about the conference.

  • Web PageDescription: A web page designed to show my personally created logo.


    Date Completed: March 15, 2015

    Course: Visual Communications. Emily Kunz

    Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Write content to describe the process of creating the logo. Acquire working knowledge of HTML and CSS.

    Process: I created this web page using only BBEdit. I was able to validate using w3schools web validator. Using the HTML code that I created last week I uploaded a pre-made CSS sheet and made personal changes to it. This gave my webpage the feel that I was going for.

  • Event AdDescription: A color full-bleed event ad to promote a serviceevent using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.

    Program: Microsoft Word

    Date Completed: February 1, 2015

    Course: Visual Media. Emily Kunz

    Obejectives: Comprehend image sizing. Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Choose a color scheme and typeface(s) that work for the message and audience. Learn to use only Word design features without using any Adobe programs.

    Process: I scanned the floralpattern and then used a Word image effect to crop the and adjust the image to what was necessary for the ad. I then created boxes that matched the color of from the pattern to use as the background. After creating the background I created three boxes for the background of the text.

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