positive thinking · positive thinking •maybe god wants me to meet a few wrong people before...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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  • Positive Thinking

    Bradley D. Hyde, BSc, MHPP,


    Delta Medical Center


    The Cure to Mental Illness?

  • Do I have a positive


    Positive Thinking

  • Positive Thinking

  • Affects* of Positive Thinking

    We all know the effects of stress on the human body.

    *high blood pressure *ulcers *headaches, etc.

    Can’t positive thinking result in the

    reverse effects? Both lab research and

    survey research indicate that positive

    emotions help people who were

    previously under stress relax back to

    their physiological baseline

  • Seven Ways to

    Improve Your Mental


    Positive Thinking

  • 1. Work first on your relationships

    Positive Thinking

  • Positive Thinking

    •Maybe God wants me to meet a few wrong people

    before meeting the right one so that when we finally

    meet the right person, we will know how to be

    grateful for the gift

    •The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on

    the porch swing with, never say a word, then walk

    away feeling like it was the best conversation you

    have ever had

  • 2. Develop a routine to start every day in a

    positive mental state

    Positive Thinking

    •Positive and negative are directions.

    Which direction do you choose?

    •Suppose you stand at a crossroads,

    one way leading to a desert and the

    other one to a lush meadow, which

    way do you choose?

  • 3. Learn how to monitor your current

    mental state and changes to it.

    Positive Thinking

  • 4. Carefully monitor your self-talk

    Positive Thinking

  • Positive Thinking

    The tongue weighs

    practically nothing,

    but so few people can

    hold it!

  • 5. Develop methods of shifting

    yourself to a more positive state

    Positive Thinking

  • 6. Deal with problems


    Positive Thinking

  • 7. Be a positive energy

    source with others

    Positive Thinking

  • What you or your clients need

    to watch out for….

  • Focusing on the negative:

    This is sometimes called filtering. You filter out

    the good and focus only on the bad.

    Example: "I'm sad that I don't have many

    friends. People must not like me."

    Reality: You have some friends. So that

    means you're likable and can make more

    friends if you want them.

  • Should:

    People sometimes have set ideas about how they "should" act. If you hear yourself saying that you or other people "should," "ought to," or "have to" do

    something, then you might be setting yourself up to feel bad.

    Example: "I should get married before I'm 30. If I don't, it means I'm a loser."

    Reality: There's nothing wrong with having a timeline in mind. But you're not being fair to yourself if you make your self-worth depend on meeting a deadline.

  • Over generalizing:

    This is taking one example and saying it's true for everything. Look for words such as "never" and


    Example: "I got laid off. I'll never get another job."

    Reality: Many people lose their jobs because of

    downsizing and other things beyond their control. It

    doesn't mean that you won't be able to get another


  • All-or-nothing thinking:

    This is also called black-or-white thinking.

    Example: "If I don't get a big raise at my next review, then it means I have no future with this company."

    Reality: There's nothing wrong with wanting a big raise. But if you don't get the raise, there may be reasons for it that have nothing to do with you.

  • The difference between can and

    cannot are only three letters.

    Three letters that determine your

    life's direction.

    Positive Thinking

  • Anger is only one letter short

    of danger.

    Positive Thinking

  • How can I leave here with a

    positive attitude?

    Positive Thinking

    Special thanks for portions of this presentation were modified from the following: Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) by Baz Luhrmann, Randy Glasbergen Cartoons, a piece originally

    submitted by Bruce St.John, Leadership Coach entitled The Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Mental Attitude, HealthWise

  • Positive Thinking

    Brad Hyde, BSc, MHPP, GA

    Contact: 870-919-2459







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