post-encounter youth manual2

Post on 25-Oct-2015






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Post-Encounter 1

Victory in Christ Christian Fellowship Int’l.

2nd Flr. SPA Bldg., 519 A.H. Lacson St., Sampaloc, Manila Tel. # 7494459 E-mail Add:

Post-Encounter 2

This material is taken from the Consolidation Track Material

developed by the International Charismatic Mission of Bogota, Colombia. It is used by kind permission. Unauthorized copying of this teaching material is

strictly prohibited. It is to be used solely as part of the G12 vision.

Victory in Christ Christian Fellowship Int’l.

2/F SPA Bldg. 519 A.H. Lacson St., Sampaloc, Manila Philippines 1008

Contact: (02) 749-4459

Post-Encounter 3



1. Youth Who are Firm in Their Decisions

2. Finding Our Strength in God 3. The Power of Adoption 4. Relating to God 5. The Bible: The Book that Transforms Your Life

6. Knowing the Will of God 7. Thinking as a Conqueror 8. Strengthening Your Emotions 9. Restoring the Blessing of Sexuality

10. The Importance of Baptism

Post-Encounter 4

Post-Encounter 5

INTRODUCTION Dear young person, We would like to congratulate you for showing the strength to conquer in life, and for having a great capacity for perseverance. Now that you know what your mission in life is, you will not only conquer natural dreams, but spiritual dreams as well. We all long to be recognized, valued, and accepted by those around us. When people desire to be successful, they must clothe themselves with inner strength in order to have the capacity to overcome any obstacle that may come along the way. The young people who are successful are those who have learned to grow from their failures. They know that with God’s grace, adversity turns into great blessings in their lives. They learn from each difficulty because they can recognize that every trial is like a trampoline that helps them reach higher heights. We should never allow failure to stop us. Instead, we should take another breath and continue advancing in the race we have before us. God is no stranger to our situation. He was the One who planned the place of our birth, the nation we would be raised in, and the resources that we would have available to us. We have proven that by having the right attitude, difficulties can be turned into lessons that enhance our life. This is also how we can understand those who are going through the same things that we have experienced and lived. In your Encounter, you deserved your new purpose for living. During this special time that we will share together in the Post Encounter, our desire is for you to know how to live a life of purpose. The word “Winner” will become a part of your name. This is God’s destiny for you. Each class and teaching will strengthen you and minister to you. You will be formed into a young man or woman of God.

Pastors Cesar & Claudia Castellanos

Post-Encounter 6


YOUTH WHO ARE FIRM IN THEIR DECISIONS Biblical Text Acts 9:3-22 Deeper in the Word Exodus 14:15 Isaiah 53:4-5 Galatians 2:18 Ephesians 6:10-11 Ephesians 4:22-32 “As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’ And he said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ Then the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’ So, he trembling and astonished, said, ‘Lord, what do you want me to do?’ Then the Lord said to him, ‘Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.’” – Acts 9:3-6 PAUL’S CONVERSION Without a doubt, Paul became one of the most important figures in all of Christian history. He had firm determination to serve Jesus with all his heart. During his supernatural conversion, he received a heavenly vision that allowed him to continue Jesus’ mission – making disciples of every nation. What happened to him in Acts 9? • Paul was confronted with his past (vs. 4-5)

Jesus asked, “Why are you persecuting me?” If Paul had possessed the strength to answer Jesus’ question, then he might have responded by saying, “Because the zeal for tradition consumes me.”

Post-Encounter 7

• He received a revelation of his own nature (vs. 6).

He was trembling and astonished. When God confronts us, the hidden things in our hearts are exposed by the light.

• He had his first encounter (vs. 9). For three days, Paul had a personal encounter with God. During this time, he had no desire to eat or drink. He was not able to see, and all he wanted to do was pray.

• A man of God prayed for him (vs. 17). He received his sight and was filled with the Holy Spirit in that encounter. God always uses people to bless us.

• He chose to be baptized (vs. 18) Paul was knowledgeable in the law. He knew that God was a God of covenant. He also knew that the way in which God would relate to His people would be through the covenant of baptism, which is represented through Jesus’ death on the Cross.

• He spent time being discipled (vs. 19) The time he spent sharing with Christian leaders gave him the foundation on which to develop the ministry that God had entrusted him.

• He preached diligently about Jesus Christ (vs. 20) Paul’s conversion caught the attention of those who knew of his religious zeal. They were amazed that he converted to Christianity.

• He put much effort (vs. 22). It is imperative for all of those who have had a genuine encounter with Jesus to put much effort to share His love with others. Romans 1:16 ____________________________________



Post-Encounter 8

• Paul believed that Jesus was the Christ.

Even though Saul was familiar with biblical prophecies concerning the Messiah, they were not revealed to him until he had his own personal encounter with Jesus. 1 John 2:27 _____________________________________



STAND FIRM AGAINST THE ENEMY’S ATTACKS “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10-11) The Israelites had successfully left Egypt in victory when Moses saw Pharaoh’s army coming toward them with the intention of destruction. He threw himself on the ground and called out to God. The Lord said to him, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward” (Exodus 14:15) STAND FIRM AGAINST WORLDLINESS Paul said, “For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor” (Galatians 2:18) We should understand that within us exist a nature that tries to rebel against God in order to make us slaves to our own desires and passions. Our carnal nature is as dangerous as a trained lion that only needs to taste a single drop of blood to revive its savage instincts and cause it to rise up against it masters. Ephesians 4:22-32 ___________________________________




Post-Encounter 9




__________________________________________________ 1. Put off the old man. Which is addicted to deceitful lusts.

To be addicted means, “to cling to destructive habits


2. Put away lying. We must speak truth to our neighbor. Bad company corrupts good character


3. Be angry, but do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath.

4. Don’t give way to the devil. A person who is easily

angered and resentful opens a door to the enemy. With this, the enemy no longer attacks from the outside, but from the inside of a person.

5. Let him who stole, steal no longer. Whoever had the

habit of stealing must now make up for it by being generous.

6. Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth. But

only that which is good for edification, so that it may impart grace to the hearers. Negative words or complaints

are like a contaminated river.

7. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit has come to live in your heart, but He doesn’t want to be treated as though He doesn’t exist. Spiritual indifference makes Him sad and His blessings can be withheld because of this.

8. Let all bitterness be put away from you. With all wrath,

anger, clamor, evil speaking and malice. Be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving to others, even as God in

9. Christ forgave you.

Post-Encounter 10

CONCLUSION As you can see, we need to remove everything that can become an obstacle to our spiritual development, especially areas in which we have struggled with in the past. There are areas in our lives in which God does not intervene unless you allow Him to. He did His part by taking our sicknesses and pain upon His body on the Cross. He took our rebellions and sins, and that is why He was punished. His wounds became our deliverance and healing (see Isaiah 53:4-5). APPLICATION Determine from this day forward to break completely away from your past and begin to live in a new level of blessing in your life. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 1 Review Paul became one of the most important figures of Christian history as a result of his firm commitment to serve Jesus with all of his heart. 1. Write what Paul had to be confronted with.

2. Write the revelation that Paul received. _______________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE Read Ephesians 6:10-12 3. How must we prepare ourselves to stand against the

attacks of the enemy?

A. ____________________________________________

Post-Encounter 11

B. ____________________________________________

C. ____________________________________________ 4. Complete and memorize the following verse (Ephesians

4:29): “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

REFLECTION AND APPLICATION 5. In what ways can we confront the world? Explain your

answer. A. ______________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________

6. In which circumstances of your daily life, when you want to

be angry, must you give a soft answer? _______________________________________________

7. If someone who has hurt you in the past continues to offend you, do you believe that you can give place to resentment? Explain your answer. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

GROUP DISCUSSION 8. Analyze and discuss with your companions:

a. What does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit?

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

b. What type of words grieve the Holy Spirit? ____________________________________________

c. What symptoms does a bitter person manifest? ____________________________________________

Post-Encounter 12


FINDING OUR STRENGTH IN GOD Biblical Text Judges 6; 12:14 Deeper in the Word 1 Corinthians 15:43 Judges 7:17 Hebrews 11:34 Exodus 14; 15:1-21 “And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said to him, ‘The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor!’ Gideon said to Him, ‘O my lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, “Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?” But now the LORD has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites. ’Then the LORD turned to him and said, ‘Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?’” Judges 6:12-14 Although He has delivered your life from captivity, He still desires to show you great wonders. JEHOVAH IS OUR STRONG HOLD (Psalm 27:2) A new believer must learn how to put all of his or her strength in God. This will give the new believer vigor to finish the race with success. Vigor is the impulse, the vehemence that causes us to go forward with great intensity and force. It fills us with total confidence in God, who gives us strength to not grow weary along the way. Exodus 14; 15:1-21

Post-Encounter 13

DRAW STRENGTH FROM WEAKNESS 1 Corinthians 15:43 __________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ This helps us understand that in order to transform our weakness into strength, the weaknesses must be sown. That is, to release them at the foot of the Cross so the death of Christ can absorb them. JEHOVAH IS WITH YOU In the beginning this new walk in Christ, it is required that weakness be transformed into the power to conquer. We find one of the greatest examples of this in the life of Gideon. Judges 6:12________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS The angel not only told Gideon that Jehovah was with him, but he added, “Mighty warrior.” It was hard to believe that the Lord could be speaking to someone without the courage or confront such a large foe. God does not look at our past, our failures, or our circumstances, God always sees the purpose that he has destined for our lives, and that is what makes the difference

What helped Gideon to see the words of the angel fulfilled? When someone accepts the Word with all of his or her heart, a miracle takes place. The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in


Post-Encounter 14

the strength you have and save Israel out of the Midian’s hand” (Judges 6:14). The Lord said, “Am I not sending you?” To “send” signifies that you have heaven backing you up. This is similar to an ambassador who has the support of his government. CONQUERING OUR WEAKNESSES What has your weakness been? Everyone knows what his or her own weakness is. What are the enemies that come against the anointing of God in us? Fear is the greatest enemy of the anointing. Fear is preacher from hell who stands next to someone. When we are ready to conquer, this voice says, “You can’t do it.” He brings arguments from the past and says, “I know your life.” This preacher may know your past, but he does not know your future. When you say, “From now on, God is with me and His strength is my strength,” a difference is made. There is sure victory because fear has been confronted, not fled from. You can confront what you fear because you are not alone anymore; God is with you now. Inferiority is a spirit that makes you feel incapable. It makes you feel that you have no courage or importance. Negativity is a spirit that controls your thoughts. It makes you see adversity bigger than it really is. Accepting God’s strength as our strength is the only way to defeat negativity. ADVANCING INTO VICTORY What did Gideon do? He didn’t do anything strange. What weapons did he use? He used an empty earthen pot, a torch and a trumpet.

Post-Encounter 15

What does this mean? An empty pot symbolizes our weaknesses; we don’t have anything. The earth represents our life. God wants empty pots. The torch symbolizes the flame of the Holy Spirit or the flame of God’s Word. They are the power of God to illuminate our lives. The trumpet symbolizes the proclamation

1. Explain what “vigor” means.

, because through our words we proclaim divine truths. Judges 7:17 ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The secret of their victory was that all the disciples spoke one language, they waited for God’s time, and they acted and obtained the victory. The young person who is dedicated to God never gets ahead of God’s timing. CONCLUSION Many times when you look at your past, you can find a chain of rejection, of broken dreams, of unfinished projects, and of unfulfilled desires. But, today God says, “Your past does not matter. From now on, I am with you.” This is what makes the difference. Everything changes when god comes into your life. APPLICATION Surrender your weakness at the foot of the cross and you will see how the Lord transforms it into great strength. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 2 REVIEW A new believer must learn how to put all of his or her strength in God because this will give him or her the vigor to finish the race with success.

Post-Encounter 16




2. Explain this verse: 1 Corinthians 15:43:



_______________________________________________ GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE 3. What were the circumstances in Gideon’s life when God

spoke to him?



4. Complete and memorize the following verse and place your name in it; “When the angel of the lord appeared to ______________, he said, The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” (Judges 6:12)

REFLECTION AND APPLICATION 5. What are your current weaknesses and how are you being




6. According to Pastor Cesar’s explanation of Gideon’s weapons to defeat a great army, give the significance of each weapon and a personal application. Earthen Pot: _____________________________________



Post-Encounter 17

_______________________________________________ Torch: __________________________________________



_______________________________________________ Trumpet: _______________________________________


_______________________________________________ GROUP DISCUSSION 7. Develop two strategies to obtain victory in areas of

weakness. Share ideas about how you can defeat fear, inferiority and negativity.

Post-Encounter 18


THE POWER OF ADOPTION Biblical Text Romans 8:14-26 Deeper in the Word Romans 8:29-39 Psalm 2:8 James 4:3 I John 3:21-22 “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by which we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” –Romans 8:14-15 RECEIVE THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION When anyone adopts a child, that adoptive son or daughter is entitled to the same rights enjoyed by biological children. Both natural and adopted children are part of the family. They share an inheritance and they are entitled to identical privileges and treatment. What condition were you in when you came to the Lord? Most of us were in bad shape. We were suffering from spiritual malnutrition. We were naked, spiritual orphans. Even though there was no hope for us, he extends his mercy to us and loved us with his infinite grace. Even though we are not His biological children, He made us His own. Even though we were not born to be His people, He adopted us and granted us the same rights and privileges extended to His beloved people of Israel.

Post-Encounter 19

SHOW THAT YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD “For the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the revealing of the sons of God” (Romans 8:19). Creation is eagerly waiting for the children of God to show up, and reveal and claim that the only hope for humanity lies in Jesus Christ. RECEIVE YOUR INHERITANCE “…and if children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together” (Romans 8:17). God has prepared plenty of spiritual and material blessings for your life. If you are not enjoying them yet, you may be lacking the essential element: faith. He has so much more to give, so much more than what we can imagine. While you are focused on the little things, God wishes to give you the great things. Psalm 2:8 __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ James 4:3 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 1 John 3:21-22 ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The adversary has slowly sown greediness in our hearts as the notion of associating prayers for material things. The enemy seeks to make it known that believers are poor. God wants to shower abundant blessings on your life, home, family church and nation.

Post-Encounter 20

THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A CHILD OF GOD • They are led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14). • They are free from the slavery and fear (Romans 8:15). • They testify of the Holy Spirit in them, who assures them

that they are God’s children (Romans 8:16). • They are aware of God’s design to conform us to the image

of His Son (Romans 8:29). • They experience the wonderful reality of God having called,

justified and glorified them (Romans 8:30). • They know God is their greatest ally (Romans 8:31). • They receive what God has prepared as best for them

(Romans 8:32). • They are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37). • They know they have the best advocate in the universe –

the One who intercedes for them: Christ (Romans 8:34). • They know they are God’s heirs, and co-heirs with Christ

(Romans 8:17). • Their relationship with God is so strong and intimate that

nothing can separate them from His love (Romans 8:38-39) God did not spare His Son. He did not negotiate. He gave His Son on our behalf. Our salvation was bought at an extremely high price. Is not God’s Son worth mush more than a house, a car or any other material thing?

Post-Encounter 21

CONCLUSION In God’s eyes, you are not a second-class citizen. On the contrary, because of your faith in Jesus, God has raised you to enjoy the dignity of His Son. You do not only partake of Jesus’ privileges, but you are also able to enjoy His inheritance. Besides, you have the best guide: the Holy Spirit. He will reveal the Father and the Son to you. They will lead you along on the righteous path you need to walk. APPLICATION From this moment on, begin to think and behave as true heir of God.


REVIEW 1. What does adoption means?

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE 2. Complete and memorize (Romans 8:15):

“For you did not receive a spirit of that makes you a slave again to fear. ____________________________________ _______________________________________________

3. Connect the following characteristics of a child of God to the proper corresponding verses of the Bible: - Is led by the Holy Spirit Romans 8:38, 39 - Is freed from the spirit of Romans 8:17

Post-Encounter 22

bondage and of fear - Is heir of God and co-heir with Christ Romans 8:14 - Has God as their best ally Romans 8:5 - Is related to God with an Romans 8:31 Inseparable love


4. If you have had difficulty drawing close to God as your

Father, do you think this is the proper feeling for a child of God? Explain your answer. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

5. Have you received the inheritance that belongs to you as a child of God? - Yes _____ What have you inherited? ________________ _______________________________________________ - No _____ Why not? ______________________________ _______________________________________________

GROUP DISCUSSION 6. Gather as a group and make a list of all the spiritual and

material blessings we inherit as children of God. Take time to pray specifically to claim these blessings.

7. Share how you can begin to enjoy your inheritance as a

child of God.

Post-Encounter 23


RELATING TO GOD Biblical Text Daniel 6; Psalm 16:11 Deeper in the Word Psalm 100:2-4 Matthew 6:9-15 John 14:13-14 Mark 11:24 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “You will show me in the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 RELATING TO GOD PERSONALLY Prayer is a personal relationship with God, where He delights to hear every word that we say. The Lord desires for us to enjoy intimacy with Him in the same way a father enjoys relating to his children. Mark 11:24 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Just as the experience of falling in love

Your communion with God can never be boring because every second He allows us to be in His presence is an indescribably powerful experience. We should not want that time to ever stop because there is nothing more important than being in His presence. He makes us

is unique, so is the experience of prayer. Only he who practices it can live it.

feel important. He shows us His love.

Post-Encounter 24

He reveals His will to us. He protects us under the shadow of His wing and provide for all of our needs. The only way can become monotonous and boring is when it lacks love and commitment. JESUS TAUGHT HIS DISCIPLES TO PRAY The Lord never taught His disciples how to preach, but He did take the time to teach them how to pray. If you are a disciple of Christ, you must learn to communicate with God. Matthew 6:9a ENTERING INTO HIS PRESENCE WITH THANKSGIVING Psalm 100:24 _______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ There is no greater joy than being in the presence of our God. The attitude of our heart determines the success we will have in our prayers. A person with a thankful heart is the one who recognizes the power of the Word of God in every area of his or her life. Those doors that will take us to the gates of His Majesty are called “thankfullness.” We express our gratitude through attitudes or emotions, and there should always be expressions of thanksgiving on our lips. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 _________________________________ __________________________________________________ PRAYER IS THE KEY TO RELATE TO GOD Prayer is the master key to opening the door to a direct relationship with God. Ask in the Name of Jesus John 14:13-14 ______________________________________

Post-Encounter 25

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Any prayer you lift up has to be directed to the Father, in the name of Jesus. Jesus is Our Provider God is Lord of everything. In Him there is abundance and He is always generous with each of His children. His goodness and favors are unlimited. Jesus is Our Only Mediator 1 Timothy 2:5 _______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ When you direct yourself to God, you should do so in the name of Jesus. When you do, He becomes the bridge between you and God. We must understand that there are two natures within us – the spiritual one and the carnal one

This is the time when we express to God all that is in our heart through prayer. He reveals His will to us through His Word and by demonstrating His great love for us. Developing your devotional time is a vitally important habit. We must daily

. Galatians 5:17 ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The more we practice prayer, the stronger our spirit man will grow and the weaker our carnal nature will become. Prayer and thanksgiving should operate together. As we develop our prayer life and integrate it into our daily routine, we will be fulfilling God’s will and fanning flame of revival. Giving thanks is the best medicine for bitterness, pain and failure. UNDERSTANDING DEVOTIONAL TIME

Post-Encounter 26

dedicate a specific, private, and intimate time to be with the Lord. Make a Book of Dreams The Lord is pleased when, in prayer, we describe our requests in specific detail – even drawing pictures or using graphics. The Lord always answers them; many times much faster than they expect. 1 John 5:14 ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Characteristics of a Devotional Time - Find a private and specific place. - Set the time and duration of your devotions. - When praying, be completely sincere and transparent with

yourself and God. - Always take your Bible, a notebook and a pen to write what

God says to you. - Maintain a list of requests that you present to Him in prayer. How to have a Devotional Time Psalm 42:1-2a ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 1. Begin with a time of prayer. 2. Take time to read from the Bible (for example: begin with 1st

John) 3. Dedicate some time to meditate and apply what you read. CONCLUSION Without a doubt, a personal relationship with God is the fountain of life. Make the decision and start this new stage of your life by following these simple steps. It will give you a

Post-Encounter 27

successful and abundant life, you to experience God’s greatness in your life. APPLICATION Begin your time of devotions tomorrow morning and experience God’s wonders in your life. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 4 REVIEW Just as the experience of love is unique, so is the experience of prayer. 1. In your own words, what is prayer?

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

2. Complete: The only way prayer becomes boring and monotonous is when there is lack of: _______________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE 3. In your Bible, find three verses Jesus used to teach His

disciples how to pray: A. ____________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________ C. ____________________________________________

4. Complete and memorize (Mark 1:24):

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________


Post-Encounter 28

Describe your relationship with God. Explain the areas you have had difficulty in developing communion with the Lord. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 5. Fill in the details of your devotional time.

Time _________________ Place _______________________ Prayer List

Personal Prayer Requests

Date of Request

Date of Reply

GROUP DISCUSSION 6. Share your personal experience in prayer. Expose any

areas of struggle in prayer. Bring your Book of Dreams next week and have a time of prayer.

Post-Encounter 29


THE BIBLE: THE BOOK THAT TRANSFORMS YOUR LIFE Biblical Text 2 Timothy 3:16 Deeper in the Word Mark 11:22-24 Romans 10:17 Matthew 12:36-37 Hebrews 4:12 John 1:1-3 Matthew 24:35 Psalm 18:13 John 6:63 Psalm 33:6 Isaiah 55:11 Hebrews 11:3 Colossians 3:16 2 Peter 1:21 1 Peter 2:1-2 Isaiah 30:8 Ephesians 4:31 Daniel 12:4 Matthew 4:4 John 20:30-31 Hebrews 5:12-14 “All Scripture is given by inspiration of god, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” 2 Timothy 3:16 THE AUTHORITY OF THE WORD Mark 11:22 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Post-Encounter 30

Everything about the way we live is filtered through the spoken Word. What we say determines what we do and what we become. With the words of our mouths, we chart the course of life or death. The Lord Always Acts According to His Word John 1:1-2 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ When god purposed in His heart to create the world and mankind, He simply sent His Word. Each Word Given by God is Sent Full of Power Psalm 18:13 ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The word “power,” in Greek, is “dunamis,” which when translated, means, “dynamite.” Psalm 33:6 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Hebrews 11:3 _______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ What could be seen today was created by what could not be seen. Behind the visible world exists another world that is invisible, where all beings are of a spiritual nature and God rules them all. THE BIBLE IS INSPIRED BY GOD 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 ___________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Post-Encounter 31

__________________________________________________ From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation, is the complete Word of God. The Bible was written within a period of 1,600 years

Its richness is so abundant that we will never finish understanding it in its entirety. In the Holy Scriptures, we find the

. The sacred writers, who participated in this great work, were approximately 40 men, who came from different ages, cultures and social classes. 2 Peter 1:21 ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ It was Written and Preserved Until the End Isaiah 30:8 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Daniel 12:4 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ It Helps Us to Know and Believe in Jesus John 20:30-31 ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Hebrews 10:17 ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ DETAILS OF THE MOST MPORTANT BOOK The Bible was the first book printed by Gutenberg. It has been translated into almost every language. It is the most important book of all time, for all people.

answers to all of life’s problems. The Word gives us the

Post-Encounter 32

guidelines for working miracles. It instructs us on the path of salvation and it’s the map that will lead us to success. Jesus is the Main Character The main character of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ. In times past, each aspect of His ministry, death, and resurrection had already been prophesied. Scripture also reveals the events that will take place leading up to His second coming to this world. It is Our Hope The Bible is the only book that can take us from darkness to light, and from death to life. It rescues us from the power of Satan to transfers us to the power of Jesus. It frees us from oppression so that we can be flooded with a glorious peace, and it rebukes sickness so that we can enjoy complete health. It is the only book that can bring wisdom to our lives, hope for our families and an understanding of eternal glory. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WORD OF GOD Hebrews 4:12 _______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The Word of God is: Alive The Word of God has so much life. Matthew 24:35 ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Effective

Post-Encounter 33

The word “effective” is derived from the Greek word “energues,” which means, “operative” or “dynamic.” This means that the Word is charged with all divine energy and fulfils the purpose for which God has sent it. Sharp The Word of God is an emphatic discerner. It is sharper than a two-edged sword (from the Greek word makhaira). When we confess the Word of God with faith, we are releasing the spirit of life. Colossians 3:16 _____________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ THE WORD OF GOD IS OUR SPIRITUAL FOOD Just as natural food strengthens and sustains our physical bodies, God’s Word strengthens and sustains our spiritual lives. A. Milk

1 Peter 2:1-2 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ The mother’s milk is to a baby what the Word of God is to the newborn Christian. Ephesians 4:31 __________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ It is important that we must choose to eliminate these things from our lives. When we do so, the milk of God’s Word becomes the richest nourishment we can receive.

B. Bread

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Matthew 4:4 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

C. Solid Food Hebrews 5:12-14 _________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Solid food is for those who have reached maturity through exercise. Likewise, when an athlete desires to win a championship, they must be completely dedicated to the sport. Continual practice is what makes them a professional champion.

CONCLUSION A believer can reach spiritual maturity if he or she exercises by studying the Word. The more he or she studies and goes deeper in the Scriptures, the stronger his or her senses will grow into a normal and healthy spiritual development. APPLICATION Together with your students, design a list of Bible lessons in chronological order so it can be read in the least time possible. Assign it according to their level of maturity. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 5 REVIEW When God purposed in His heart to create the world and mankind, He simply sent forth His Word, and every Word given by God goes forth in power.

Post-Encounter 35

1. Give the biblical reference for the ‘inspired Word of God’. _______________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE 2. Find and write the biblical meanings of:

A. Teaching. ____________________________________ B. Reproof. _____________________________________ C. Correction. ___________________________________ D. Instruction in righteousness. _____________________


3. Complete and memorize (2 Timothy 3:16). “All Scripture is God – breathed ______________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

4. Write why the Bible is the most important book. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

REFLECTION AND APPLICATION 5. What benefits have you receive from studying the Word?

A._____________________________________________ B._____________________________________________ C._____________________________________________ D._____________________________________________


6. Give a person application of the three aspects of the Word of God.

7. Share your experience of your Bible studies with your peeps.

Post-Encounter 36


KNOWING THE WILL OF GOD Biblical Text I Thessalonians 5:24 DEEPER IN THE WORD Genesis 25:23, 32 Hebrews 12:16-17 32:26, 31; 33:4, 10 2 Corinthians 12:9 Romans 8:5-8 Esther 5:2-3 Psalm 73:27 Romans 2:2; 2 Romans 8:9-11 Corinthians 3:18 Jeremiah 1:5 1 John 2:17 Matthew 4:3-4 Psalm 40:8 Job 2:4 “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24 I. THE CARNAL MAN

Genesis 25:23 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Rebecca felt the oppression of two natures struggling within her womb. Both of them fought continually. Jacob represents the spiritual man. Esau represents the carnal man.

Post-Encounter 37

We should understand that the spiritual man is the one who is willing to live by the Spirit of God and can know and follow His will. The carnal man

• Thinking evil thoughts.

is the man who desires to depend on himself without taking God’s will into consideration. Often, because he knows that God does not approve of what he does, he keeps his distance from the Lord. The carnal man is characterized by:

• Living separated from God. • Being an enemy of God. • Obeying his evil desires and not pleasing God. • Rebellion that leads to spiritual death.

II. THE SPIRITUAL MAN Romans 8:9-11 __________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ The spiritual man is characterized by: • Living according to the spirit. • Thinking about what the Spirit desires to do. • To have eternal life and peace. • Having the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him. God knows us even before we are born and has sent us to this world with a specific mission. Jeremiah 1:5 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

III. FREEDOM TO CHOOSE Genesis 25:31-32 ________________________________

Post-Encounter 38

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ God gave each human being a free will. Man’s behavior is determined by the thoughts he accepts in his mind. The enemy’s great strategy is to plant seeds into your mind in the form of thoughts


. He used thoughts as “bait” so that he can gain control of your life. Job 2:4 _________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ The adversary has used the desires of the flesh to blind people’s spiritual eyes. In doing so, he blocks the understanding in order to prevent a person from hearing the voice of God. Hebrews 12:16-17 ________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Genesis 32:26 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Genesis 33:4 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ What caused Esau’s attitude to change so abruptly? It was the kind of miracle that prayer produces because prayer changes circumstances. Genesis 33:10 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________

Post-Encounter 39


V. LEANING ON GOD Genesis 32:31 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ 2 Corinthians 12:9 ________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ “The sun rose on Jacob” (Genesis 32:21b). The sun is a symbol that we have found grace in the eyes of God. Esther 5:3 ______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ When we have found favor with God, we begin to live in a period of mercy, where the power of God and legions of angels are at our disposal and will help us to win victory.

VI. RENEWING OUR WALK WITH GOD Romans 12:2 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ One of the greatest dilemmas in a person’s life is having to confront the unknown because it may produce fear, uncertainty and doubt. In order to win in the spiritual realm, we must keep our minds renewed constantly. We must understand that many things that were very useful in the past may not be useful today. Renewing our minds always keeps us active, just like the river that runs downstream maintains fresh water at all times. Each day is different that the next. 2 Corinthians 3:18 ________________________________ _______________________________________________

Post-Encounter 40

_______________________________________________ YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT GOD’S WILL FOR YOUR LIFE IS:

- Good. God has prepared the richest blessings for you to enjoy in the same way a loving father wants to give his children the best.

- Acceptable. God is very careful and everything He

gives His children is satisfying and fulfilling. We know that God’s blessing enriches and is not accompanied by sadness or sorrow.

- Perfect. The word perfect speaks to us about

something that is complete. God never leaves anything undone. All of His blessings are immense.

Psalm 40:8 ___________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 1 John 2:17 __________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

CONCLUSION Finding the way to perfection in the Lord depends on your willingness to hear the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit and to follow His ways without reservation until you see that the will of God in your life is good, acceptable and perfect. With this, You will behave as a spiritual being and will be able to start living in the supernatural dimension. APPLICATION

Post-Encounter 41

Each student is to turn in a written list of at least five attitudes he or she needs to change in order to stop being a carnal man and to help him or her become a spiritual man. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 6 REVIEW 1. We must understand that the will of God is known only by

those who are committed to live a life in the Spirit. Between Jacob and Esau, which one represents the spiritual man and which one represents the carnal man? A. Jacob represents: _____________________________ B. Esau represents: ______________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE 2. Describe three characteristics that distinguish the spiritual

man and the carnal man. Give three biblical references (see Romans 8:9-11). A. Obedient to the Holy Spirit. ______________________ B. Has eternal life and peace. ______________________ C. The Spirit of God dwells in him. ___________________

3. Describe the significance of the following aspects of the will

of God. A. Good. _______________________________________ B. Pleasing. ____________________________________ C. Perfect. ______________________________________

4. Complete and memorize the following Bible verse.

“And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________________” (Romans 8:11).

Post-Encounter 42

REFLECTION AND APPLICATION Esau’s decision to sell his birthright was made without any pressure from God. 5. Think about this: Does God give you the freedom to choose

the road you wish to take? Explain your answer. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

6. Write down which areas of your life still need to be submitted to the will of God. _______________________________________________

GROUP DISCUSSION 7. Comment and discuss the meaning of this phrase found in

Genesis 32:36: “I will not let You go unless you bless me.”

Post-Encounter 43


THINKING AS A CONQUEROR Biblical Text Philippians 4:8 Deeper in the Word Proverbs 23:7 Luke 4:8 1 Corinthians 15:33 James 4:7 1 John 5:4 1 Corinthians 2:16 John 3:5 Psalm 45:7 Ephesians 3:17 Numbers 13:30-31 1 John 3:9 14:8-10, 24, 28, 37, 38 Romans 12:2 Proverbs 12:14; 18:7 Philippians 4:6 Ecclesiastes 10:12 1 Corinthians 2:11-12 “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8 Everything we think becomes our lifestyle. “To think is to live,” sentenced Cicero. Marcos Aurelio said, “Your life becomes what your thoughts convert it to be.” Today your life is a reflection of your thoughts. GUARDING OUR THOUGHTS

Post-Encounter 44

Proverbs 23:7 ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ We are the end result of our thoughts and our thoughts are expressed through our words. The enemy works through our thoughts because he knows that if people accept his ideas in their mind, he can easily conquer their will. If we don’t accept them in our mind and our will remains firm, we will suffer no damage. TV – Choose programs that influence you in a positive way and that edify you. Internet – Use this tool in a proper way. It is now one of the most widely used mediums of communication. Radio – Watch out for the type of music you listen to. Its message can contaminate you and affect your behavior. Friendships – Choose people who edify and bless your life. 1 Corinthians 15:33 __________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ BEING A WINNER 1 John 5:4 _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The apostle John represents us with two basic characteristics of a conqueror: a. Born of God b. Our faith 1. BORN OF GOD

John 3:5 ________________________________________

Post-Encounter 45

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Water speaks about baptism, while being born of the Spirit results from accepting Jesus in your heart as Lord and Savior of your life. Ephesians 3:17a _________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

2. OUR FAITH Faith is not human; it is not material; it is not emotional or intellectual. Faith can only come from a spiritual nature, and it can only grow in those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. Faith makes us partakers of Jesus’ nature. Faith cannot be fabricated and you cannot imitate it


. When trials come, only those who have faith can withstand them. Hebrews 11:6 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Faith believes what God says; it believes the word of God.

Romans 12:2 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Your mind is a treasury of riches. Do not allow the enemy to bombard you with destructive and negative thoughts. Philippians 4:6 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

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Ralph Waldo Emerson aid, “What is ahead of us and behind us is significant, compared to what is within us.” Within our minds is the potential for life. Thoughts and ideas are fertilized in our minds.

4. MAINTAINING AN OPEN MIND FOR INNOVATION Let’s not look for the shortest route. If we want success, we have to invest time. I have learned that our minds need to be open to change on a daily basis. Innovation prevents man from falling into monotony. Each day bring new challenges. We must understand that there is a spiritual being behind every thought. The thoughts we allow in our minds determine our personality. What a great blessing it is to know that our thoughts can be in God’s control.

5. HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST Consider this: What did the Lord Jesus think about? Everything Jesus thought about was connected to the word. That is why you will find Him saying, “To do Your will is My desire.” Luke 4:8 ________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ James 4:7 ______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 1 Corinthians 2:16 ________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Psalm 45:7 ______________________________________

Post-Encounter 47

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Among the things the prophet could see about Jesus’ nature was that Jesus was the happiest man on earth and His joy was an anointing from the Lord. In other words, joy comes as a result of a life of holiness, where the love of righteousness has grown and we have determined in our hearts to stay away from every form of evil. A. Think as a Conqueror

Numbers 13:30-31 _____________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ A conqueror always sees the solution to every problem because he or she knows that with God, everything is possible.

B. Speak as a Conqueror Joshua presents seven steps to take in order to take hold of that which God wants to deliver into your hands: The Strategy of Joshua: 1. Let us go up

A life of faith implies an effort on our part and is completely opposite to the life of sin. Sin always takes people down the easy road, which implies a downhill life. Faith demands effort.

2. Let us take possession.

Joshua was completely sure his army could defeat their enemies because he knew that the power of God had weakened them.

3. We are more able than they.

Post-Encounter 48

In other words, the ones with us are more than the ones with them. Joshua was completely convinced in his heart that God had already given them the victory. The spirit of discouragement had come to prevent the triumph. Numbers 13:31 ____________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Numbers 14:8-10 ___________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

4. Find favor We can only please God when we live a life of faith. A life of faith implies total dependency on God. When we do this, the best blessings will be ours.

5. Do not be rebellious Rebellion is the unwillingness to do things according to God’s will and plan. Discouragement came to the people because of their negative attitude, and this led them to rebellion.

6. Do not fear the people Do not be afraid of the people you have to confront. This means that you accept what is dominating their life. You cannot conquer that which you fear.

7. They are bread for us

Post-Encounter 49

This expression illustrates how easy victory would be, and that Joshua’s army could defeat their enemies without much effort. The language of faith is always unpleasant to the ears of unbelieving, discouraged and complaining people!

C. THE POWER IN WORDS OF FAITH Numbers 14:28 _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Numbers 14:24 _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

D. THE DEVASTATING EFFECTS OF COMPLAINING Numbers 14:2-3 _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Numbers 14:28 _______________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Numbers 14:37-38 _____________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Have a Grateful Heart Thanksgiving is the doorway to God’s presence. No one can enjoy God’s presence until thanksgiving rests in his or her heart.

Post-Encounter 50

Words of the Wise and the Foolish Proverbs 12:14 ________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Ecclesiastes 10:12 _____________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Proverbs 18:7 _________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

CONCLUSION Being able to live the desires of our heart depends largely on our attitudes and thoughts. Let’s make an effort to obtain and retain the mind of Christ. This will result in having a renewed mind of Christ. This will result in having a renewed of a conqueror. It will also produce an eager heart to have God’s will established in our own lives, in our families, in our jobs and our health. APPLICATION Having the mind of a conqueror should lead a life of success, victory and the possession of the promises that our God has given us in the different areas of our lives. This includes our relationship with God, our relationships with our families and everyone around us-our ministries, our finances, our jobs and our health. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 7 REVIEW

Post-Encounter 51

1. The enemy wants to bombard our minds with images to the

point of getting us to act on them. By what means can your mind be contaminated it you are not on your guard? A. ____________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________ C. ____________________________________________ D. ____________________________________________

“Don’t live like the rest of the world. On the contrary, change your way of being and thinking” (Romans 12:2, NLV).

2. How can you change your thoughts and not accept failure? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE 3. Write the meaning of “legalism”.

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

4. Complete and memorize the following scripture (Corinthians 2:16). “For who has known the mind _______________________ ______________________________________________.

REFLECTION AND APPLICATION 5. Write down a list of some words of faith that you should

daily confess. ____________ _______________ ______________ ____________ _______________ ______________ ____________ _______________ ______________ ____________ _______________ ______________

6. Explain how words of complaint have negatively affected you.

Post-Encounter 52

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

GROUP DISCUSSION 7. Look up five Bible verses that will help you to have the mind

of Christ and write them down.


STRENGTHENING YOUR EMOTIONS Biblical Text Judges 16:19-20 Deeper in the Word Genesis 37; 39, 45 Proverbs 4:23 Judges 14:1-3, 17 1 Peter 5:8 Judges 15:1-2 “Then she lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him. And she said, ‘The Philistines are upon you, Samson!’ So he awoke from his sleep, and said, ‘I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself fee’ But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.” Judges 16:19-20 The book of Judges tells us the story of a young man named Samson. He did not know the true meaning of love. God had a great dream for him – he was called to save the whole nation of Israel while many enemies were threatening them. For Samson to accomplish his calling, he had to be a Nazarene. This meant that he had to be consecrated to God, and holiness had to be the center of all that he did.

Post-Encounter 53

GUARDING MY EMOTIONS Even though God had a great plan for Samson’s life, his great weakness was being controlled by his emotions. Whenever someone does not surrender this important area of his or her life to God, it affects the call of God on his or her life. Proverbs 4:23 ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ THE ENEMY IS ALWAYS LYING IN WAIT (Judges 16:1-3) When the power of God’s spirit is upon a person, he conducts himself in a different manner. Samson did not guard this precious communion when he began to flirt with one woman after another. THE ENEMY’S PURPOSE Judges 16:5 ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The enemy’s plans are never for your benefit; his purpose is to draw you away from God, and this why you must guard your heart as the most valuable treasure. THE DANGER OF TREADING IN THE ENEMY’S TERRITORY What caused Samson’s destruction? Was it the weaknesses of his emotions? Even though we have tried to blame Delilah for Samson’s fall into sin, we cannot ignore the fact that Samson was no ordinary man. He has been chosen by God. He had a holy covenant. Samson had been set aside for God’s holy use. THE DANGER OF PLAYING WITH SIN

Post-Encounter 54

Self-gratification caused this young man to play with sin on numerous occasions; it caused him to risk his anointing and future (see Judges 16:6-15). PRESSURE CAUSED HIM TO LOSE EVERYTHING (Judges 16:20-21) Delilah was bait used to trap Samson. She had no agenda of her own. She was controlled by the prince of the Philistines. Demonic powers

1. Samson allowed himself to be led by what he saw (Judges 14:1).

use beautiful bait to trap the unsuspecting and lead them to their destruction. Sin caused Samson to lose the anointing of God. He lost his vision when they plucked out his eyes. He lost his honor and became an object of mockery for his enemies. He lost the great opportunity God had given him to raise up a generation for him. Samson’s lack of self-control led him to prostitute his feelings with various Philistine women. LEARNING FROM SAMSON Let’s learn from Samson’s mistakes from not waiting on God.

Many of us allow ourselves to be led by appearance. We only look at the exterior, but God looks at the intents of the heart.

2. When he saw her, he wanted to marry her (Judges 14:2). He really did not know her. He did not know her morals, her past, or what she wanted to be in the future.

3. He looked at a person who did not belong to the people of God (Judges 14:3). Delilah not only had different spiritual principles, but she belonged to the enemies of God. She was a Philistine!

4. The woman Samson chose was neither faithful nor honest (Judges 14:17).

Post-Encounter 55

What kind of love uses manipulation to take advantage of her husband?

5. He played with God.

Judges 15:1-2 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Judges 16:1 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Judges 16:15 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Judges 16:20 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ What an ordinary experience. In reality, many people fall into this same pattern. This is the result of relationships where God is excluded. There is deception, betrayal, pain, lies and no blessing or fullness of God.

SOMEONE WHO KNEW HOW TO WAIT Genesis 37 Genesis 45 CONCLUSION The enemy’s plan is still the same (see Judges 16:21). He wants to deceive you through your emotions. He seeks to take you away from the n, to bind you and mislead you so that you will not fulfill God’s plan for your life. Even though the Lord had great plans for Samson, he played with God and lost his

Post-Encounter 56

blessing. Today, you must surrender your heart to God completely, and you will obtain great blessings. APPLICATION Today, you must restore the altar of your emotions. If you have allowed impurity into your heart or have been involved with things that are not pleasing to God, He is waiting for you. If you repent with your whole heart and give you a new one. Then, you can fulfill God’s great plan for your life. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 8 REVIEW Samson was the hope for Israel’s liberation, but he made a grave mistake. 1. What was the cause of Samson’s downfall?

a. ____________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________ d. ____________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE “With such nagging she prodded him day after day until he was tired to death” (Judges 16:16).

2. Looking at this verse for practical application, what types of

methods did Delilah use to pressure Samson? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

3. Describe what Samson lost when he got emotionally involved with Delilah? A. ____________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________

Post-Encounter 57

C. ____________________________________________ D. ____________________________________________

4. Complete and memorize the following scripture (Proverbs

4:23).: “Above all _______________________________________ _______________________________________________

5. Samson allowed himself to be led by what he saw. When have you been led by appearances? _______________________________________________

6. How will you protect your emotions? Give a biblical example. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ GROUP DISCUSSION

7. Share what your emotional life was when like when you first started coming to church. What decisions did you have to make? What blessings have you experienced since you made that decision?

Post-Encounter 58


RESTORING THE BLESSING OF SEXUALITY Biblical Text Genesis 3; Proverbs 6:23-29 Additional References Deuteronomy 18:9; 27:19 1 Corinthians 10:3 2 Samuel 12:9-10 James 1:16-17 Proverbs 5:18-19; 6:23-26 “For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life, To keep you from the evil woman, From the flattering tongue of a seductress. Do not lust after her beauty in your heart, Nor let her allure you wither eyelids. For by means of a harlot A man is reduced to a crust of bread; And an adulteress will prey upon his precious life. Can a man take fire to his bosom, And his clothes not be burned? Can one walk on hot coals, And his feet not be seared? So is he who goes in to his neighbor’s wife; Whoever touches her shall not be innocent.” Proverbs 6:23-29 The life of a young person is Satan’s target and he is using every means to pervert his mind. Satan wants to make a man

Post-Encounter 59

believe that it is impossible to live in righteousness and integrity. 1 Corinthians 10:13 __________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ There is always a way of escape for man to be free of sexual oppression. BREAKING THE CURSE OF INAPPROPRIATE SEXUALITY Adam and Eve stood before the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A few moments before this, God placed them there pure and innocent and covered by a robe of holiness. In the next scene, the Lord looked for them in the garden and could not find them. His voice shook the whole universe. It carried as much authority as when Christ told Lazarus who was already dead for four days, to come out of the grave. God’s voice pierced the heavens, reached the dwelling of the first couple, and asked three questions. He asks these same questions of us today. I. “WHERE ARE YOU”

Genesis 3:9 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

I ask you today: Where is your sexuality?

Satan had managed to turn the first couple’s gaze toward the wrong tree. He caused them to see it differently. He did this so that he could inspire them to rebel against God.

Now, the Heavenly Father calls you and says, “My child, where is your sexuality?” It does not matter how far you have gone, what mistakes you have made, or if you have mishandled your sexuality. God wants to give you a second chance.

Post-Encounter 60


God had to prompt David through the prophet Nathan to turn back to him. David came to be known as the sweet psalmist of Israel. He had a pure and innocent heart, but everything in him changed overnight. He began to commit the most heinous sins, all because of looking at the wrong thing.


When he found out that she was pregnant, he tried to cover his own sin. He had her husband killed and then married her.

2 Samuel 12:9-10 ________________________________ _______________________________________________

When he put his own desires over the Word of God, he opened the door to a curse that allowed the adversary to lift up strong arguments against the royal family. David had to confront his sin when he saw death take his newborn son. He could not do anything to stop it.


Genesis 3:11 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ James 1:16-17 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ There are only two sources from which we can receive information about our sexuality. The first comes from the Father of Light, who does not waver in His opinions or change His mind. The other comes from evil error accompanied by seduction and deceit.

Post-Encounter 61

Proverbs 6:23-26 _________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Sexuality, within the parameters established by God, produces great satisfaction. Only those who heed the divine laws will come to know it. Everyone who makes the Holy Spirit his or her teacher will never have guilt, remorse, frustration or bitterness because God will bless every area of his or her life.

III. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Genesis 3:13 ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ The question that God is asking you is, “What have you done with your sexuality?” History tells us of times when mankind lost its bearings and restraint and gave it to impure desires. God only needs one man who will swim against the current of this world, someone who will keep covenant with Him. Through this man, God will judge the city, the nation and the world.

BREAKING THE CURSE OF INJUSTICE Deuteronomy 27:19 __________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The weak are those who cannot defend themselves or who are disadvantaged. In that group, we can include foreigners, orphans and widows. There is one more group we need to consider: the unborn babies in their mother’s womb. No one is as defenseless as a developing baby. How many couples agree to have abortions? This is an injustice toward the weak.

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“Lord, keep me from bloodshed.” It doesn’t matter if you went to bed with a young lady and want to cover your sin. If you consented to an abortion, there is a curse on your life. The blood of that child cries out for vengeance. Only the blood of Christ can break the curse. Today, if you will genuinely repent before God. He will give you a new opportunity. CONCLUSION We know that God created sexuality and that is blessed within its divine parameters. God Himself gave man sexual enjoyment, but when man moves away from God, his sexual life becomes completely distorted. Today, God wants to instruct you on how to live your sexual life in holiness. His desire is for young people to know the true happiness that can only be found under His designs and commandments. APPLICATION Surrender your sexual life to God. Renew your mind and trust completely that God desires the best for you. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 9 REVIEW We know that sexuality was created by God and is blessed within the parameters He has set. 1. Write in which way the enemy tries to contaminate the mind

of man. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE Memorize the following verse: “No temptation has seized you except that which is common to man. And God is faithful; he

Post-Encounter 63

will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide you a way out so that you can stand up under it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). 2. Studying this verse, would you recommend it to someone

who is oppressed by temptation? Why or why not? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

3. Write the answer to the question God asked Adam after he had sinned: “Where is your sexuality?” _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

4. Describe David’s steps in his process of committing the errors we mentioned, and how he came to confess his faults. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

5. There are only two sources for receiving information about sexuality. Which one would you say has been yours? Explain. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

6. In your personal situation, what parameters must you set to live in sexual purity? a. ____________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________


Post-Encounter 64

7. Write ten biblical parameters that are vital in times of temptation.


THE IMPORTANCE OF BAPTISM Biblical Text Mark 16:16 Deeper in the Word Matthew 3:15-17 Acts 10:47-48 Galatians 3:27 Luke 3:12 Romans 6:3,5 Matthew 28:19-20 Acts 8:12; 36-38 Acts 2:38 “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Mark 16:16 God is a God of covenant and He relates to His people according to covenant. In the old days, God established with Israel the covenant of the circumcision. With the coming of Jesus to this world, He established water baptism as one of the ways in which we seal our faith and our commitment to Him. I. JESUS GAVE US THE PERFECT EXAMPLE

Before starting His ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ went to the Jordan River so that John would baptize Him.

Post-Encounter 65

After Jesus was baptized, three things occurred: • The heavens opened. • The Holy Spirit descended like a dove and came upon

Him. • There was a voice from heaven that said, “This is my

beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

In this teaching, we see three blessings that cover those who are baptized: A. The heavens will be opened

This means that man’s relationship with God, which had been separated by Adam’s sin, has been restored in Jesus Christ. Now, God moves the heavens and tends to His children’s needs.

B. They will be filled with the Holy Spirit Just as Jesus received the fullness of the Holy Spirit after His baptism, when the believer steps out in obedience, he or she is clothed by the power of God. Galatians 3:27 ________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

C. They will be adopted Romans 6:3 __________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Baptism symbolizes burial. The Lord no longer asks us to go through the ordeal of the Cross because He already carried out guilt, sin and curse. The only thing He demands is for us to go down to the waters of baptism, which is equivalent to dying on the Cross. We can leave our carnal nature completely crucified there.

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Matthew 28:19 ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

III. BAPTISM TAKES PLACE AFTER REPENTANCE After hearing Peter’s anointed message on the Day of Pentecost, the Jews who heard him were convicted. They came to the apostles and asked them, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:37-38 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ THE LORD’S INSTRUCTIONS TO HIS DISCIPLES WERE: • Make disciples of all nations. • Baptize them in the name of the Father, of the Son and

of the Holy Spirit. • Teach them to obey all the things that Jesus had

commanded them. • Impart in them the security that He is with us everyday,

even till the end of the world. The Apostle’s invitation was: • Repent. They knew exactly what Peter was trying to

say. They were to turn their hearts back to God, leave their evil ways behind, and purpose to walk down the right path.

• Be baptized. Being baptized was a personal

covenantal decision. All believers should enter this burial covenant with the understanding that although we deserved to die, Jesus did not ask us to. Instead, baptism replaces our burial.

Post-Encounter 67

• Be willing to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

We know that the most important person in the whole universe is the Holy Spirit. God has given Him to us as a gift so that we would guard our relationship with Him as the pearl of great price.


FOLLOWING CONVERSION Acts 8:12 _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Philip was the one who shared the Word with an Ethiopian official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This man received the revelation that the Scriptures are the Word of God and that Jesus is the true Messiah. Acts 8:36-38 _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ After Philip makes the Scriptures clear to him, and he understands that Jesus Christ is Lord, the eunuch decided to partake of that blessing and ordered the chariot to stop so that he could be baptized. The only requirement that Philip demanded was that he had faith.

V. BAPTISM IS ALSO FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT JEWS The apostle Peter preached the Gospel of Jesus in Cornelius’ house, and while he was speaking, the Spirit of God descended with power upon all those who heard the message and they were al filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter’s experience with that Gentile family was: - That God approved of them. The Apostle makes this

analysis: If God has incorporated them into His people

Post-Encounter 68

and has made them equal to us, who can refute what God has approved?

- He acted quickly. Peter didn’t want to hear the opinions of the other Jews; he acted in faith. Through baptism, he broke the barrier of separation that existed between the Jews and the Gentiles.

- He consolidated them. Peter stayed with them for

several days in order to instruct them in the Christian faith.


Acts 16:28-34 Paul represents the following truths: 1. Salvation is extended to the whole house. 2. They preached the Word to the whole family. 3. They baptized the whole family. 4. They placed their entire house at Paul’s disposal.


REPENTANCE When the multitudes went to John the Baptist to be baptized, he exhorted them strongly: “Therefore, bear fruits worthy of repentance” (Luke 3:8). Our words and our actions are our fruit. When the people asked him what they should do, he answered them saying: A. Be generous.

Luke 3:11 ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

B. Be upright.

Post-Encounter 69

Luke 3:13 ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

C. Do not complain about anything. Luke 3:14 ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

CONCLUSIION If Jesus Christ Himself, never having sinned, fulfilled the requirement of baptism, how much more do we, who need a new start in life, need to exchange our old nature for the blessings God has in store for those who obey His Word. APPLICATION Together with the group, set a date to baptize all the students. STUDY GUIDE LESSON 10 REVIEW Before beginning His ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 1. What were the three signs that occurred after the Lord

Jesus was baptized? A. ____________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________ C. ____________________________________________

2. According to Mark 16:16, what are the two fundamental

steps to receive salvation?

Post-Encounter 70

A. ____________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________

GO DEEPER AND MEMORIZE 3. What does water baptism signify?

A. ____________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________

4. Complete and memorize (Mark 16:16).

“He who believes and is baptized shall be save, _________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

5. According to Matthew 28:19-20, write down the four instructions the Lord Jesus gave to His disciples. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

REFLECTION AND APPLICATION 6. What is required of you to be baptized?


7. When you are baptized, what fruits must you bring forth? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

GROUP DISCUSSION 8. Gather as a group and discuss the significance of water


Post-Encounter 71




Day 1

Matthew 1 - 4

Day 2

Matthew 5 - 7

Day 3

Matthew 8 - 10

Day 4

Matthew 11 - 13:23

Day 5

Matthew 13:24 - 15

Day 6

Matthew 16 - 19

Day 7

Matthew 20 - 22:22

Day 8

Matthew 22:23 - 24

Day 9

Matthew 25 - 26

Day 10

Matthew 27- Mark 1:34

Day 11

Mark 1:35 - 4

Day 12

Mark 5 - 7:23

Day 13

Mark 7:24 - 9

Day 14

Mark 10 -12:34

Post-Encounter 72

Day 15 Mark 12:35 - 14

Day 16

Mark 15 - Luke 1:45

Day 17

Luke 1:46 - 3

Day 18

Luke 4 - 6:36

Day 19

Luke 6:37 - 8

Day 20

Luke 9 - 10

Day 21

Luke 11 - 12

Day 22

Luke 13 - 15

Day 23

Luke 16 - 18


Day 24

Luke 19 - 21

Day 25

Luke 22 – 23

Day 26

Luke 24 – John 1

Day 27

John 2 – 4

Day 28

John 5 – 6

Day 29

John 7 – 8

Day 30

John 9 – 11:27

Day 31

John 11:28 – 13

Day 32

John 14 – 16

Day 33

John 17 – 19

Day 34

John 20 – Acts 2

Day 35

Acts 3 – 5

Day 36

Acts 6 – 8

Day 37

Acts 9 – 10

Day 38

Acts 11 – 13

Day 39

Acts 14 – 16

Day 40

Acts 17 – 19

Post-Encounter 73

Day 41

Acts 20 – 22

Day 42

Acts 23 – 26

Day 43

Acts 27 – Romans 1

Day 44

Romans 2 – 5

Day 45

Romans 6 – 9

Day 46

Romans 10 – 14

Day 47

Romans 15 – 1 Cor. 2

Day 48

1 Corinthians 3 – 7


Day 49

1 Corinthians 8 – 11

Day 50

1 Corinthians 12 – 15

Day 51

1 Cor. 16 – 2 Cor. 4

Day 52

2 Corinthians 5 – 10

Day 53

2 Cor. 11 – Gal. 2

Day 54

Galatians 3 – 6

Day 55

Ephesians 1 – 5

Day 56

Eph. 6 – Philippians 3

Day 57

Phil. 4 – Colossians 4

Day 58

1 Thes. 1 – 2 Thes. 2

Day 59

2 Thes. 3 – 1 Tim. 5

Day 60

1 Tim. 6 – Titus 1

Day 61

Titus 2 – Hebrews 4

Day 62

Hebrews 5 – 9

Day 63

Hebrews 10 – 13

Day 64

James 1 – 5

Day 65

1 Peter 1 – 2 Peter 1

Post-Encounter 74

Day 66 2 Peter 2 – 1 John 4

Day 67

1 John 5 – Rev. 2

Day 68

Revelation 3 – 9

Day 69

Revelation 10 – 16

Day 70

Revelation 17 – 22

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