post independent india-pms and their policies

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Post Independent India-PMs and Their Policies




    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU 1951-1964

    Challenges before Nehru - to achieve massive reconstruction of polity and economy,advancement towards basic objectives of democracy, civil liberties, secularism, ascientific and international outlook, planning with socialism, to alleviate poverty andunemployment, land reforms, consolidation of the nation, solutions of language and tribal

    problem, form a new electoral policy and independent foreign policyNOTE-(I am not giving consolidation hi story as I think it is already sent i n pr eviouscompetition.)

    How he proceeded?

    1951-1952 first general election held on basis of universal adult franchise(21 or + age) Some critics said a backward country like India can only suited to benevolent

    dictatorship. Election held according to directive principles and independent election commission as

    also made. Sukumar Sen was appointed as first chief election commissioner. Peoples response to new political order was tremendous. Establishment of democratic institution Press having free play even when it criticized government severely. Even court was independent when it turned down legislation of agrarian reform.

    Both ruling and opposition parties played its role well in parliament. Nehru put states and centre at cordial terms hence he did not force states to effect landreform just to keep federalism strong.(only president rule in Kerala in 1959 wasexception)

    But this tendency somehow harmed to the subjects of health, education, agricultural instates.

    Although Nehru at the same time made centre strong and even it was easy to do this asruling part was same in both centre and states.

    Nehru kept states supremacy over military as he was worried with its coup in PakistanFrance and Germany.(hence low expenditure on it)

    Nehru was critic of bureaucracy and ics but gradually he understood the Patel andaccepted the administration system.

    This was also a time when evil of corruption started in India. His major achievement in field of science. First national science laboratory and national

    physical laboratory was laid on in 1947. In 1952 first of five institute of technology was set up on patterned of Massachusetts IT

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    India was country of the world to recognize importance of nuclear energy in constructingmeasures hence set up a ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION in 1948with HOMI J.BHABHA. Latter on separate deptt. Was laid on.

    Asias first nuclear reactor was set up in trombay (Bombay) In 1962 space research started by setting up IDIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR

    SPACE RESEARCH AND ROCKET LAUNCHING FACILITY AT THUMBA. Krishna menon as defence min. initiated defence research.

    Under the article 36 of DPSP welfare policy is promoted on socialistic pattern of society. This phrase was officially accepted by congress session at avadi and latter on adopted inthe objective of third five year plan.

    Land reforms, planned economy development, rapid expansion of public sector, laborlegislation, right to form trade union , go on strike, security of employment, provision ofhealth insurance, distribution of wealth through progressive taxes, expansion of educationetc.

    Anti untouchability law in 1955, reservation in education and employment for sc/sts. 1951 Hindu code bill in favor of women demands for right. However due to protest from

    jansangh and Hindu communal sectors bill was passed in four separate parts in the secondterm of Nehru.

    Bill introduced monogamy, right of divorce to both men and women, raised the age ofconsent and marriage and gave right to maintenance and to inherit family property.

    But a uniform civil code could not be enacted (shahbano case) In 1951 literacy was only 16.6%(6% in rural) Vast efforts were done b government that increased enrollment in primary secondary

    education in both girls and boys. By 1964 total no of universities were increased from 18 to 54. But behind the success story major weakness was decline in educational standards Target of free and compulsory education was shifted from 1961 to 1966 and then to

    distant future. For rural uplift community development and panchayati raj institution program was

    started in 1952 and 1959.(much cooperated by U.S. during cold war) Despite of good results it was suffered with bureaucracy.(hence balwant rai committee in

    1957) On the recommendation from 1959 panchayati raj was adopted as self governance in all

    over country trough three level system But cooperative movement and these programs could not succeed according to

    expectation as it ignored the class division of Indian society so major benefits were

    reached to only upper class.


    Nehru realized that India should speak in her own voice on current situations.

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    Hence NAM came in row. At the same time India neither joined Bagdad pact, manilatreaty, SEATO, CENTO WHICH JOINED THE COUNTRIES OF WEST AND EASTASIA TO THE WESTERN power BLOC.But NAM was not immoral neutrality it was a freedom to decide what was right or wrongthen take stand in favour of right.We helped Indonesia from Dutch colonies in 1948 then participated in Afro-Asianconference.

    In 1961 Belgrade conference it supported disarmament and peaceThe major aim of our policy was to promote interest of Indian economy hence wemaintained good relation with both U.S. (technology in green revolution) and SOVIETUNION (largest arm exporter).Active membership in various UN body IMF WORLD BANK etc and in peacekeepingforce and in commonwealth institution.

    LAL BAHADUR SASHTRI (1964 -1966)

    After the death of Nehru there were two main contenders for pm post. But shastri made it

    with the support of k. kamaraj, the congress president. Shastri was widely accepted in the party as he was more amenable to their wishes and notchallenge their leadership in the party.

    Shastri with his calm character did not make any change in Nehrus cabinet.(exceptIndira Gandhi, minister of information and broadcasting)

    Challenges -Problem of official language of Hindi versus English flared up in 1965 nut dueto government incapability it fin ally solved in 1966. Demand of Punjabi Suba and Goasmerger with Maharashtra was allowed to simmer. Our economy was stagnating. Slow rategrowth of industry and b.o.p problem but major one is food shortage.

    C.M. of food surplus states denied helping in food crisis situation. Even US suspended toimport due to indo-Pakistan war.

    Despite of creating State Food Trading Corporation and statutory rationing, no resultcame. However strategy of green revolution was come which fully implemented in Mrs.Gandhis pe riod.

    Shastri was criticized for his thin decision power under pressure of cabinet. But after some time shastri showed his independence as government first criticized the

    US bombing of N. VIETNAM He set his own pms secretary L.K. JHA

    Real challenge came in 1965 during indo-Pakistan war (Pakistan demanding forKashmir)

    In 1965 followers of Saikh Abdullah and other dissident leaders created a great deal ofunrest there(Pakistan thought it was a right time even it was supported by US and Indiawas not completely come over after 1962 war)

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    However once war started BRITEN US cut off arms food and other supplies to both thecountries and china called India as aggressor but soviet union kept supporting India evenin UN.

    Under pressure of UN ceasefire was put on. India recovered its pride and self confidencewhich was lost in 1962 war.

    The good news was that infiltrators did not get support of Kashmiri people. Andsecularism was maintained during war (Muslim, Sikh, christens all fought against

    Pakistan army) Shastri became national hero.TASHKENT AGREEMENT - IN 1966 subsequent to the ceasefire agreement and underthe good offices of the Soviet Union Shastri and Pakistan president Ayub Khan met inhere and signed declaration acc to which both sides agreed to withdraw from all occupiedareas and return to their pre-war august positions. In the case of India it meantwithdrawing from strategic Haji Pir pass through which Pakistan infiltrators could comeagain. Shastri had to agree this unfavorable terms to avoid war and losing soviet supporton Kashmiri issue in UN and in supply of defence equipment especially MIG planes andheavy tanks.Shastri got tragic heart attack in Tashkent.

    INDIRA GANDHI 1966- 1969

    After shastri death there was again Morarji Desai as a pm contender but due to hisunpopularity in party Kaamraj gave support to Mrs. Gandhi thinking that young andinexperienced women would easy to dominate.CHALLENGES Punjab was on boil, Naga issue and Mizo trouble, economy recessionexport and industrial growth was declining, failed monsoon in year 1966, drought,inflation, and famine in E.UP BIHAR, Pakistan-china axis led to sharp rise in militaryexpenditure, budget deficient growing and endangering of fourth five year plan

    Demand of Punjabi Suba and N agas for autonomy was accepted then successfully dealtwith drought situation

    Under pressure of US (PL 480-import of food grains) and IMF(aid stopped after indo-Pakistan war) she devalued rupee by 35.6% to increase export(although decision createdcriticism)

    However decision was not proved to be successful. She remained silent on Vietnam issue in world politics after being humiliated by US time

    to time in matter of its export of wheat. Her latter signed joint agreement with soviet to end US bombing on Vietnam and not

    joined even Asian forum as it was supported by US. Unfortunately she had to run awayfrom US proposal of its funding of indo-American educational foundation.

    She developed links with Egypt and Yugoslavia to strengthen NAM. Even she tried tohave a dialogue with china but not succeed.

    She even faced agitation demonstration student strike riots with a new feature of bandh ofcity due to increasing disparity.

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    By taking it full advantage opposition Jan Sangh left parties communist criticizedgovernment.(matter of banning beef eating was put up by Jan Sangh but governmentstood firm against it)

    Year 1966 saw beginning of downslide of parliament(she was often called a gungigudia by opposition leader Mr. Lohia)

    Once after election of 1966 Mrs. Gandhi reassumed as a pm(despite of peopledissatisfaction with the congress they did not have another option till now as opposition

    parties did not raise any social agenda. their only aim was to defeat Mrs. Gandhi ) After this first time the role of rich and middle peasant was increased in Indian politicswhich hated congress and communist. They controlled the rural vote by their muscle andmoney power. They wanted control over land. (In north UP BIHAR PUNJAB parties likeBKD AKALI DAL SSP were formed. However in south communist presence kept rurallandowner tied to congress)

    This election also started era of coalition government though CPM did not join this. Evencongress did this in some states. All these started defection in politics.

    In spite of all Mrs. Gandhi emerged as central power, she made Mr. Desai a deputy PMwith a mere status.

    Year 1969 congress moved towards split. New phase of left over politics stated.THE NAXALITES- CPM originally was spilt from CPI in 1964 on ground ofrevolutionary politics and reformist parliamentary politics. Usually CPM participated in

    parliamentary politics and formed coalition government in WB with bangle congress,with JYOTI BASU, the CPM leader. Soon one section of the party (young cadresinspired by Chinese method) revolted against party leadership and its reformist attitude.They were turned out of the party but they started their movement under leadership ofCHARU MAJUMDAR and formed CP-ML in 1969. They launched peasant uprising in

    Naxalbari village. Thus they were called Naxalities.

    INDIRA GANDHI 1969-1973

    CHALLENGES- slowing down of economy growth, domestic saving, rate ofinvestment, US aid, increasing black money, corruption, unrest among country middleclass , emergence of new action gherao. The Syndicate members were joined by Mr.Desai. This team did not allow Mrs. Gandhi to appoint her member in workingcommittee.

    She did calm and calculated reaction as she did not want to jeopardize party unity. Soon in 1967 she adopted 10 point program - social control of banks, nationalization of

    general insurance, state trading in import and export trade, ceilings on urban propertyand income, curb on business monopolies and concentration of economic power, publicdistribution of food grain, rapid implementations of land reforms, provision of house

    sites to the rural poor and abolition of princely purse .(although congress was leaned tovague radicalism but after 1967 election there was tilt to left)

    However the old right wing did not accept it but she remained firmed. She again went against her part for making GIRI as president.

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    MRTP act 1969 to check concentration of economic power. By all her efforts she once again initiated a climate of optimism. Her GARIBI HATAO was more powerful than opposition INDIRA HATAO. As a result in 1971 election she restored party position

    CHALLENGE OF BANGLADESH- there was Punjabi speaking Muslim living in WestPakistan and Bengali speaking Muslim in East Pakistan. Soon West Pakistan acquired adominant position in Pakistans army, polity, bureaucracy, economy resulting discrimination inEast Pakistan. Moreover there was absence of political mechanism but gradually they got senseof power of democracy that gave them majority of seats in Pakistan assembly elections underleadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman of Awami League party. But Pakistan general YahyaKhan backed Zulfiqar Bhutto of West Pakistan. Hence a West Pakistan army initiated reign ofterror. Rape killing burning of crops was happened. Migration was stared from East Pakistan toCalcutta and formed Mukti Vahini. Mrs. Gandhi knew that war any action against Pakistan couldcreate bad image for her in world politics but problem of migrated refugees was increasing

    burden on India s food stock and economy. Even if she took action she had to wait for a righttime as military operation could not be done in monsoon season in East Pakistan and Himalayan

    passes would help Chinese aid to Pakistan. And moreover mukti vahini was not well prepared tillnow even was being trained by Indian army.

    So for next four months she tried to gather a world political support for her. US-CHINA stoodagainst her in UN but she soon declared indo-soviet peace friendship cooperation treaty fornext 20 years.

    On 3 december war was started from pakistan s side as Mrs. Gandhi wanted. And underleadership of general J.S. Arora we defeated pakistan and Bangladesh was created and pakistanfreed Mr. rahman who became PM of Bangladesh on 1972.

    In year 1972 having left-of-centre agenda initially she did not proceed with furthernationalization

    24 th and 25 th amendment was done in 1971 (Gorakhnath case) 1974 pokhran test

    J.P. MOVEMENT AND ENERGENCY- by the beginning of 1973 her image starteddeclining as problem of inflation growth down etc again came in picture Gujrat and Bihar having unrest due to price hike in 1974. Even president rule wasimposed there then fast of Mr. desai led to dissolve of Gujrat assembly. Bihar movementwas led by j.p. narayan. The famous total revolution and party less governmentmovement was started.As the movement grew it attracted non left parties students socialist traders middle classsupport from all over country. But at the end of 1974 the movement got slow as it couldnot be popular among rural and urban class.On 12 June 1975 justice Sinha of high court convicted Mrs. Gandhi for having indulgedin corrupt campaign practices and declared her election invalid. At the same time jantadal won in Gujarat assembly election. Now J P and opposition parties made coalition and

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    called for nationwide one week campaign of mass mobilization and civil disobedience on29 June. And thus Mrs. Gandhi posed emergency on 26 June. ( Although both J P andIndira did not choose democratic way)From mid 1976 people started disillusioned with the emergency. In starting those controlover black marketing was now becoming slowed down and price hike was started. Presscensorship, power of policegiri was increasing. The twenty point agenda was failed andsanjay Gandhi was becoming popular. And his four points of family planning, pant tress,

    clearing sums, dont take dowry was implemented with cruelty. Congress also adoptedsterilization agenda forcefully.All these was becoming intolerable for nation hence on 18 january 1977 Mrs. Gandhiannounced election of loksabha and emergency was removed. She got defeated. Janta dalcame in power with Mr. desai as a PM.

    MORARJI DESAI 1977-1979

    CHALLENGES- economic situations, social justice, administration, communal violence etc

    Failed in many challenges except its rural employment program food for work. Congress was split in 1978 a) congress (I) and congress (U). Congress (i) under indra got revival very soon. She again came in power in 1977. Old jan sangh leaders leaving janta dal form BJP.

    INDRA GANDHI 1980-1984

    She immediately dissolved nine states assemblies in opposition ruled states. She succeeded in planning, foreign policies (tilting to US), economic liberalization, and

    growth over 4%. On 31th October 1984 she was assassinated.

    RAJIV GANDHI 1984-1989

    CHALLENGES- 1984 riots, Bhopal gas tragedy etc

    He already showed his capability in 1982 Asian games. With the support of his friend and advisor on technology mission Mr. Sam Pitroda(set up

    C-DOT), he initiated his 6 technology mission and arrival of millennium was set as targetdate.

    Drinking water mission in all the villages, literacy mission by using television radio,immunization of pregnant women and children(polio), white revolution, expanding edibleoil production, to bring telephone in every village

    His computerization program was even criticized by left. Local self government was strengthen Jawahar rozgar yojna for rural poor was initiated(now MGNREGA) New education policy-NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA

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    National perspective plan for women-30% reservation in all panchayati raj bodies, dowryrelated offences was passed in 1986

    First time environment project-clean the river Ganga plan launched, new ministry ofenvironment and environment clearance was created.

    Set up 7 zonal cultural centers in different part of countries to encourage regional culture Anti defection act 1985 was passed Concept of lok adalat and consumer protection act was started

    Encouragement to programs critical to governmentFOREIGN POLICY-

    indira had formed 6 nation 5 continents initiative, its first meeting was held in his time. Disarmament issue was put on his agenda like his ancestors Supported de-colonialism (Namibia independence), nelson Mandela movement As US committed to support Pakistan to promote Mujahidin against USSR, he did not tiltto it He was after Nehru, visited china. India even refrained from condemning Tiananmensquare massacre of 1989 At the same time Bangladesh was moving in Islamic direction, Nepal was imposingheavy duties on Indian imports and discounts to Chinese import, Maldives was havingcoup, Pakistan was in same tone Sri Lanka problem was major. As many Tamils were fleeing to tamilnadu. Thegovernment of Sri Lanka launched repression in Jaffna, base of LITTE. TN governmentwas pressuring on central to take action against this. (Refugee having Tamil aslanguage). Sri Lankan president Jayavardhane-Rajiv accord 1987 was held according towhich Tamils majority areas were merged into single province in there. Devolution of

    power would take place. LITTE would be dissolved and Indian army would aid sri lanka

    if she is needed but it was failed as LITTE did not accept it. In the mean timeJayavardhane asked Indian army to help so situation became messy as LITTE havinglocal support and moreover just then Premadasa succeeded Jayavardhane and askedIndian army to withdraw. Finally the LITTE issue caused Rajivs death. India negotiated with Vietnam to withdrawal it from Cambodia.He promote compact version of G77 as G15 Doubling of defence expenditure, guided missile development program initiated by Mrs.Gandhi showed results, AGNI PRATHVI NUCLEARED POWER SUBMARINE werecome in picture Bofors scandal caught his image that caused him loose in election and V.P. Singh camein power. (But not for long time, then charan singh, p.v. rao, h.d. devgauda all came forshort time.)


    CHALLENGES- communal agenda pushed by VHP, RSS, bajrang dal, ayodhya issue Gujaratissue, THELKA issue scandal , price hike

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    The largest coalition government 13 party was formed under Bajpayee leadership. Communal agenda was put on back burner. Pokhran 2 test in 1998 though US and CHINA much criticized it and banned nuclear

    supply to it even India did not sign NPT and CTBT India developed its defence under super guidance of Mr. Kalam as Pakistan was

    developing its long range missile ghuri and US military base in Diageo Garcia in HindOcean and Chinese infiltration was increasing.

    India successfully won in kargil. Kandahar incident was also held Agra summit and Lahore bus sewa program for confidence building measures with

    Pakistan was also initiated in this phase although not much succeeded Indo-US nuclear deal was major mile. India became partner in SAARC In LPG era FDI was also pushed in retail. Foreign policy with central Asia (Iraq and Israel) became improved after look to east

    policy under which it opposed Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. But the decision of pre election could not save NDA in election after its INDIA



    Congress came in power POTA was repealed. NAC was set up Set up a new ministry of minority affairs, a Sacher committee was formed to review

    minority section. Introduced communal violence bill But a paradigm shift was to right based bill and policies RTI, NERGA, RTE etc were leap forward.


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