post production questionnaire

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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1. Post-Production Questionnaire: Graphs By Karishma Thakeria 2. What gender are you? 40% Male 60% Female The pie chart indicates that 4/10 were males and 6/10 were females. 3. What age category do you fall under? The age category of the people that answered the questionnaire were between the ages of 12 to 20 years of age. This is important to consider throughout the whole questionnaire as their view points may differ. 4. What rating would you give my film out of 10? (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) 1 person said 7/10 6 people said 8/10 3 people said 9/10 The outcome of these responses were positive and indicated that people enjoyed watching my film. Majority gave the rating 8 out of 10 which shows that the film was successful in meeting the target audiences needs. 5. Were you able to understand the narrative of the film? The response for this question was 50% for both meaning that the narrative may need some work in the way that it is presented within the film so that the audience are able to understand what is going on. 6. Was the genre of my film clear? Again, the responses were 50% for both, possibly due to there being more than one type of genre within my film. The main genre was adventure, but there were also the animation genre itself, along with elements from the comedy genre. 7. What was the strongest element of my film? Most people admired the music within my production following this was the narrative and characters. This shows that sound plays an important part in creating verisimilitude and intrigues the audience and keeps the film entertaining. Along with there being a strong narrative and a relatable set of characters. 8. What was the weakest element of my film? Most people agreed that the middle of the film was quite weak: this is probably due to the lack of ideas that I had left for the film meaning that I had to lengthen some scenes and improvise them. This may have caused some confusion for the audience. This suggests that it is important to reference the narrative and script often so that changes can be made. 9. Would you advise other people to watch my film? 8 out of the 10 responses stated that they would advise other people to watch my film. This shows that the film was successful in entertaining my target audience. 10. Do you feel that the certification Universal is suitable for my film? All of the 10 responses stated that the certification Universal is suitable for my film. This is due to the film not containing any harmful or offensive material.

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