post world war ii us in the cold war. another conflict during the cold war occurred in vietnam in...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Vietnam WarPost World War II

US In The Cold War

Another conflict during the Cold War occurred in Vietnam in Southeast Asia.


By 1954, Vietnam had been divided into North Vietnam (communist and backed by the Soviet Union) and South Vietnam (democratic and backed by the United States).

Dividing Vietnam

By 1961, many South Vietnamese had joined the Vietcong and the two countries had already begun fighting.

Start of the war

People who live in South Vietnam but who supported the North Vietnam


The US intervened to stop the spread of communism into South Vietnam.

This is called the Domino Theory

Domino Theory

The idea that if South Vietnam fell to communism, other countries in Southeast Asia would fall too, like dominoes in a row.

Domino Theory

President Kennedy sent military advisors to Vietnam.

In 1964, an American ship was torpedoed in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Gulf of Tonkin

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowed the President of the United States to do whatever it was necessary to prevent further attacks.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

The Congress approves and supports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.

Tonkin Gulf Resolution August 1964

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

President Johnson ordered that American soldiers be sent in.

By 1968 more than a half a million troops were fighting in the war.

American troops

A military campaign that began on January 31, 1968.

Communist North Vietnamese troops and Viet Cong fought against South Vietnamese and American troops

The US was considered the winner because the communists did not gain control of the South

Showed the US that their opponent was much stronger than expected

Tet Offensive

Americans were divided over whether the US should be involved militarily in Vietnam

There were many protests, especially on college campuses, and many turned violent.

Americans at home

1. The Vietcong were hard to find and identify.◦ They used guerilla warfare

Differences from other wars

Small groups of soldiers use mobile tactics to beat a larger, less mobile army

Tactics: ambush, raid, sabotage It was easy for the Vietcong to hide in the

dense jungle vegetation.

Guerrilla Warfare

2. New weapons were used

◦ Napalm- a jellied gasoline

◦ Agent Orange- a herbicide used to kill jungle vegetation.

Differences from other wars


Agent Orange

3. Many Americans were against the war.

Differences from other wars

Hawks supported the war in Vietnam

Doves believed the Vietnam War could not be won and was morally wrong

Americans were divided-

The conflict ended in 1973 with a cease-fire agreement in which US troops were withdrawn.

End of the conflict

In 1975, the Communists captured the South Vietnamese capital and reunited Vietnam.

End of the conflict

Tet Offensive – attacks on South Vietnam cities & bases – war not ending

President Johnson announces he won’t seek re-election

Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated

Richard Nixon elected President of the US


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