postdeconstruction chart

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  • 8/13/2019 Postdeconstruction Chart


    Post Deconstruction: The Death of the Illusion of the I-Subject:Metaphors and Pointers From Science, Philosophy, Buddhism and Yoga which Deconstruct The Deconstruction Process


    NeuroscienceBiological /Chemical

    Quantum Physics Buddhism viaSakyamuni

    Buddha(563-483 B.C.)

    and NagarjunasMadhyamika(Middle Way)


    Advaita-Vedantavia Nisargadatta


    Tantric Yoga viaKashmir Shaivism

    Hindu YogaGrammarians


    There is

    no I

    a) There is nothing that

    exists outside the textEverything is in the text.(Jacques Derrida)

    b) The I -subject isa product of languagediscourse and exists inlanguage only.

    c) The I is part ofa language game (L.Wittgenstein)

    a) The I and language

    arise after the actionor event has alreadyoccurred.

    b) The I- subject is aby-product of chemicalexchange.

    a) The I occurs through

    a nuclear exchange.(b) The I appearsthrough an interactionof the dimensions andforces.

    a) The mind is devoid of

    mind. (H. H. Dalai Lama)b) The I is an illusion.

    c) Give-up all perceptionsof objects, (DiamondSutra)

    a) You Are Not.

    b) Anything you think youare, you are not.

    c) Question everything;dont believe anything.

    d) Fluids come togetherand the I Am appears.

    e) Brah means words, mameans beingness.

    d) No me, no you, no me,no you.

    a) Everything is made

    of consciousness,nothing exists outside ofconsciousness. (Yoga


    b) The I, the self, theperceiver is made ofconsciousness.

    c) All bondage is causedby sound.

    a) The I arises from

    the word principle calledBrahma.

    b) Brah means words,ma means beingness.(Nisargadatta Maharaj)

    a) All I-dentities are

    models and taken on(fused) and are not y

    b) Who were you prto taking on theseI-dentites?

    There isno center,source orlocation

    a) There is no logos. Thehistory of philosophy isthe history of the searchfor a logos. (J. Derrida)

    b) Deconstruction ofmeaning, and the logosas a center or source orcore.

    a) The conceptof separation isneurologically produced.

    b) There is no center,or self prior to theabstraction process.

    a) There is no location.

    b) The I-subject isformed through aninteraction of the forcesand dimensions.

    c) Bells Theorem: Thereis no locality. There areno local causes.

    (d) If we are talkingabout Quantum Physicswe are talking aboutnonlocality. (Neils Bohr)

    a) Emptiness is noneother than form, formis none other thanemptiness. (Heart Sutra)

    b) The I-subject has noseparate, independentself-nature.

    c) There is no separateindependent origination

    (dependent arising).(Nagarjuna)

    d) No self, no soul, nolife, no world. (DiamondSutra)

    a) There is only onesubstance.

    b) No me, no you, no me,no you.

    c) Its all an illusion.

    d) See it all as a dreamand have done with it.

    a) Seeing everything asenergy or consciousness.

    b) All meaning, purposes,models, maps, andall logic or logos isconsciousness.

    a) Neti-Neti

    b) The I-subject as aplay of the elements, air,earth, water, re, andether, therefore there isno center. Source or self.

    a) You are prior to alexperiences, therefordiscard all.

    b) There is no I prthe word I.

    c) There is no locatio

    There is nocause and


    a) Cause and effect are inlanguage only.

    b) Cause and effect are alanguage game.

    c) Cause and effect aredeferred.

    a) Cause and effectare (abstracted)representations. (DavidHume)

    a) There are no localcauses. (John Stuart Bell)

    a) Cause and effect areinterchangeable.

    a) There is no cause andeffect because there isonly one substance.

    b) Cause and effectare just a way ofthinking about things.(Nisargadatta Maharaj)

    a) Undifferentiatedconsciousness is thecause and effect

    b) There is no cause andeffect.

    c) All bondage is causedby sound.

    a) The I-subject as aplay of the elements, air,earth, water, re, andether, therefore there isno center. Source or self.

    b) There is no separateI which causes anythingor does anything.

    a) There is no cause effect.

    b) There is no locati


    a) There is no I separatefrom language.

    a) The self or I occursduring a biochemicalreaction.

    b) Neuroscience: Thesense of separation isneurological, possiblytransmitted from the skinboundary.

    a) The self or I-subjectis a by-product ofsubatomic particlesinteracting andexchanging.

    a) The I-subject ismaya.

    b) There is no separate,independent self or soul.

    c) There is no self, nosoul, no life, no world.(Diamond Sutra).

    a) You are not.

    b) Fluids come togetherand the I Am appears.

    c) You think you are aperson, so you thinkMaharaj is a personMaharaj is not a

    person, an enitiy or adeity, Maharj is cosmicconsciousness.

    a) The I-subject ismade of the sameconsciousness as theobject; therefore, no I-subject.

    a) The I-subject is aplay of the elements andgunas (forces).

    a) There is no I prthe word I.

    b) There is no causethere is no effect.

    There is nodoer, you

    are not thedoer

    a) There is no I outsideof the word I.

    b) The I is a supplementto the text.

    a) The subject-I is alinguistic abstraction ofthe nervous system.

    a) The I- subject is aby-product of subatomicexchange.

    b) Everything is a by-product of subatomicexchange.

    a) There is no separateindependent self or soulor identity.

    b) There is no self, soul orworld. (Diamond Sutra)

    a) There is no experiencerseparate from theexperience.

    b) Fluid comes togetherand the I am appears.(Nisargadatta Maharaj)

    a) The cause of allbondage is sound. (SivaSutras)

    b) All that is heardis nonexistent. (SriShankara)

    a) The I-subject arisesfrom the word principlecalled Brahma.

    a) There is no I prthe word I.

    b) If you feel specialdifferent then anotheare in an I

    c) You are not anyIdentity or False corFalse self.

    The spacebetween

    a) Find the spacebetween the gap orbinaries called Khora. (J.Derrida)

    b) The space betweengrafted texts ordiscourses.

    a) Periodicity is when thenervous system wipesthe slate clean.

    a) The strong forceborrows energyfrom nothing to holdtogether the nucleus ofan atom, and then thestrong force disappears.

    b) An atom is99.999999999999%empty.

    a) The space betweentwo thoughts.

    b) Bardho means inbetween

    a) Before your lastthought arose, stay there.(Nisargadatta Maharaj)

    a) The space betweentwo thoughts. The spacebetween is called thecasual body and it is thesubtle side of the I.

    b) The casual bodyor space between isthe implicit side of theI, and as such it Theholographic universe.

    a) Meditation: The spacebetween two thoughts orbreaths.

    a) The space betweetwo thoughts or breais a preliminary stepprior to that is theconsciousness.

    The illusionof desires

    a) The I-subject is aconstruction of desires.(Deluze & Quattro)

    b) The I-subject is aconstruction of the will topower. (Nietzsche)

    a) The I-subject occursthrough a biochemical,molecular exchange.

    a) The I-subjectis a construction ofsubatomic particlesexchanging andinteracting.

    b) The I-subject isappears through anintensication of theQuantum Field.

    a) The cause of sufferingis desire. (Buddhas FirstNoble Truth)

    Therefore, deconstructthe I- subject.

    b) The I-subject iscondensed emptiness.

    a) The I-subject is not.

    b) The I-subject arisesfrom uids.

    c) Discard the I-subject.

    d) There is no I-subject.

    e) There is no doer.

    a) The I-subject ismade of consciousness.

    b) Desires are made ofthe same consciousnessas the knower orexperiencer of desires.

    a) The subject anddesires are a play of theelements and gunas(forces).

    b) There is no desires nora desirer, there is onlya play of the forces andelements.

    c) All is clouded bydesire (Bhagavad Gita)

    a) Life is suffering iswhats so.

    b) Stop trying tochangechange isresistance.

    o personalcenter, nopersonal

    source, nopersonalself, no

    personalI, no


    a) There is no center,there is no subject. (Levi-Strauss)

    a) The I-subject arises asa biochemical reactionafter the action, event,perception, and sense ofdoership arise.

    b) The I is anabstraction of the brainand nervous system.

    a) The I- subject is anexchange of subatomicparticles.

    b) There is no location forthe subject I.

    (Bells Theorem)

    c) Everything is aninterconnected whole,therefore there is nolocation. (David Bohm)

    a) The subject I has noseparate independentorigination.

    b) There is no separateindividual self or soul.

    c) The subject I occursthrough a play of emptinessand form and is not.

    d) No self, no soul, nolife, no world. (DiamondSutra)

    a) There is no I-subject.

    b) The I Am is atemporary state

    a) The I isconsciousness.

    b) Since everything isconsciousness, there isno source, location, orself.

    a) The center is the Selfof all or consciousness.

    a) The I- subject gan illusionary sourceor center, as if, it is thsource or center of itworld, when it is not

    2002 by Stephen H. Wolinsky, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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