poster research

Post on 22-Jul-2015






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Poster Research

I have decided to make a poster to help advertise my newspaper. As I didn’t know anything about making posters, I have looked at how other papers advertise their products to see what would be the best way to go about this.

The London Paper has decided to use colour as their most pivotal point to the advertisements. This works well as it gives a message to the audience of what sort of issues will be raised in the paper. The colour scheme runs concurrent with the actual publicized paper.

The metro logo is right in the centre of the poster. Compared to the London Paper there is hardly any information. The people in the station surrounding the logo symbolize everyday life.

Seeing as the people are blurred the metro sign stands out more than anything else in the poster. The colour scheme is quite bright and therefore you notice that this is the main part of the image and what the advertisement is all about.

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