poster/pages edit - how did you attract/address your audience? - question 5 evaluation (final)

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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How did you attract/address your audience?With the use of my survey which I created on Survey Monkey I was able to

identify what my audience wanted in a new film. A question that I asked was

‘What is your favourite genre of movie?’ the results came through with Thriller

and Action/Adventure at a total of 7 responses each, another however

included Drama with 6 responses. This is the first key area and it allows me to

say that if incorporate those genres, even slightly, into my thriller film then it will

likely attract my audience to see it.

Another question that I asked in my survey was

‘What makes you enjoy watching movies’ and the

strongest answer was 85% of respondents

agreeing that the Storyline has to be strong in

order to achieve a good film, among high

responses too was actors, score and atmosphere

that the film creates. In order to attract my

audience I must therefore tailor actors and acting

toward them, which I did manage to achieve as

you can see with our teenage actor (Tom Seago)

but also create a good atmosphere with plenty of

tension in the thriller but also an effective Soundtrack. Our audience range is 16-24 and this is

helped by the fact that 73% of my respondents were within this bracket when answering my

survey, therefore it gave a fairly good view into what my target audience wants and thus this

showed how I was able to attract them. As mentioned before, the actor, Tom Seago (as seen to

the right), is a teenage Boy, much like the popular Sci-Fi Thriller, Donnie Darko and this

allowed for my target audience to see the protagonist as more relatable along with this, it was

one of my questions and 85% of respondents stated they preferred male lead actors in thrillers.

The score or soundtrack that we created had themes of Zombie films such as World War Z

and our inspiration cam from such songs on their soundtracks and this was because they are

often extremely effective at creating tension through the score and they often have a young

audience appeal bracket alike our thriller therefore even the small details could potentially

attract my target audience.

Another area which we used to attract our audience was the use of action elements in our

Thriller because as mentioned before, Action ranked joint first for my audience research with

Thriller and therefore it would seem clever to incorporate elements of Action into our thriller

and this can even be seen in our opening sequence where we took the idea of slow-motion

from Disconnect and used it when our character kicks the door open.

Overall, I feel that we have addressed our audiences fairly well from what I saw that my specific

audience has commented on, including most importantly that my character and protagonist is a

male of a relatable age, similar to that of Donnie Darko. The soundtrack works well to attract a wider

audience that would maybe be used to zombie themed horror films and also the incorporation of

action, again to capture a larger audience range, potentially expanding upon the 16-24 bracket too

with these.

Rough Edit ScreeningDuring the screening of our rough edit at college, we asked all

those who were watching it to fill out our fairly simple questionnaire

just to help us improve on areas and understand what required

updating. You can see an example of a filled out questionnaire that

we handed out to those watching the opening to the right.

We included various generic questions to begin with asking about

their favourite genre but then we began to question areas that we

were not sure of, for example a question included was ‘Did you like

the black and white effect over our opening?’ this was because at

the time we were not sure wether to keep it or not and thus our

audience feedback on this question helped us decide to keep it as

all of our respondents stated that they liked the effect.

Another answer that we needed to find out from our audience is

wether they liked the soundtrack, and for the most part people did

enjoy it and thought it relevant toward the opening and so therefore

we decided to keep it as opposed to changing it, which we were


The last question (‘What could we improve on?...’ was where we listened and required feedback on and we received a lot

of helpful comments that improved our final edit because we listened to our audience and what they stated to improve

upon. For example the most helpful responses you can see below:

This response was helpful as it outlined what was required of

us in order to achieve a better opening. In order to outline the

first point that was written in the questionnaire, we decided to

shorten the time that the eye was in view to a quarter of a

second, also created more suspense and was more effective.

We also listened to the second comment and stopped the

opening when the door opened, leaving the suspense to the

watcher in order for them to continue to watching my thriller


Type to enter text

Another useful response that we received was someone had

pointed out at the length of the opening titles and how small

and quick they passed on the opening, therefore we created

the final edit with both longer titles and also made them larger

on the screen and thus made it easier for the audience to read

the opening titles, therefore this shows how we listened and

amended due to our screening and questionnaire to improve

the final edit.

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