posthospital care for vulnerable elderly: are discharge ... a project to develop audit criteria for...

Post on 25-Jun-2018






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Andrea Steiner, PhD Contact Information Business Address: Department of Community Studies University of California 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Home Address: 3363 Merrill Road Aptos, CA 95003 Telephone: +1-831-464-7497 (home) +1-831-459-1267 (work) Fax: +1-831-464-0744 (home) +1-831-459-3518 (work) E-mail: Educational Qualifications 1993 Ph.D., Health Policy Analysis, Rand Graduate School of Policy Studies, CA, USA Dissertation: Posthospital Care for Vulnerable Elderly: Are Discharge Patterns Equitable? 1986 M.S., Gerontology

Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, CA, USA

1973 A.B. cum laude, Art History Brown University, RI, USA Work Experience 2001-current Research Associate Professor and Lecturer, University of

California Santa Cruz, Department of Community Studies; Research Associate, UCSC Center for Justice, Tolerance and Community. The Department of Community Studies offers an interdisciplinary major designed to “integrate knowledge and methodology from the Social Sciences and Humanities… The faculty offer courses related to social change – including broad structural and social changes and community-based


organizing… These courses… examine social change at the community level.”

1998-current Senior Lecturer in Gerontology & Health Policy, University of

Southampton, UK (on leave since January 2001, at UCSC) This is a tenured appointment, equivalent in the US system to an associate professorship, made jointly by the Faculties of Social Science (Department of Social Work Studies) and Medicine (Department of Geriatric Medicine). Central responsibilities include taking a leadership role in research, organising an MSc specialist stream in Ageing, Health and Community Care, contributing to the geriatrics education of medical students, and supervising postgraduates in their dissertation research.

1994- current Health Policy Research Consultant (private). Consultancy

projects in the UK have included designing a national longitudinal survey of long-term care facilities (examining both care homes and residents within the homes) and conducting a series of projects on the topic of intermediate, or transitional, care for the King’s Fund.

1994-1998 Lecturer in Health Policy, Institute for Health Policy Studies,

Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Southampton, UK. IHPS is a multidisciplinary research and policy analysis group within the Faculty of Social Sciences, examining health care organisation and delivery within the NHS and more broadly in the UK. This faculty post was a research-based lectureship, requiring full participation in academic life and emphasizing development, implementation and supervision of health policy research. Key projects included:

Guidance for local evaluation of Primary Care Act Personal Medical Services (PCAPMS) pilots. Drafted guidance for prospective PCAP pilots on how to determine a sensible and appropriate evaluation strategy, given that all PCAPs would be required to conduct local evaluation. US evidence on managed health care: lessons for the NHS. Conducted a systematic review of over 70 high-quality studies. Outputs included journal publications and an Open University Press book (State of Health series).


The shifting balance of care: economic evaluation of the primary/ secondary care interface. Developed guidance for purchasers on how to use economic evaluation to determine whether to commission services from secondary or primary care providers. In particular, researched outcome measures appropriate to such evaluations.

1994-1996 Senior Research Associate, Research Institute for Care of the

Elderly, Bath, UK Directed a project to develop audit criteria for discharge of older patients with fractured neck of femur, by relating processes of acute and postacute care to longer-term patient outcomes.

1993-1994 Visiting Fellow and Senior Research Officer, Centre for

Analysis of Social Policy, University of Bath, UK Worked with Professors Rudolf Klein and Ellie Scrivens to evaluate the potential role of hospital accreditation in the NHS. 1987-1993 Health Policy Consultant, Social Policy Department, the RAND Corporation, CA, USA

RAND is a non-profit research organization targeting public policy for analysis using a multidisciplinary empirical approach, including statistical and economic methods. Students of the Graduate School are required to develop and/or work on existing research projects 155 days per year, either at RAND or under the auspices of UCLA. In this context, drafted research proposals, managed databases, conducted and led analyses, handled project management functions including monitoring budgets and communicating with clients, presented formal briefings, and authored/co-authored internal reports and peer-reviewed articles. Major projects included: Analyzing Appropriateness of Acute Medical Care for the Elderly (1987-1988) Conducted extensive literature review examining the appropriateness of older patients' use of physician visits, acute medical procedures, acute hospital days, and medication. Devised ranking system for evaluating reviewed articles according to criteria of methodological quality.

Monitoring Postacute Care for Medicare Recipients (1989-1992)

Used logistic regression and other statistical techniques to analyze patterns of use of skilled nursing facilities, home health


care, and rehabilitation care in a nationally representative sample of 1.9 million elderly Americans.

1988-1993 Evaluation Coordinator, Senior Health and Peer Counselling

Center, CA, USA (1988-1991) and Visiting Assistant Professor in Research, Dept. of Medicine, University of California/Los Angeles, CA, USA (1991-1993) on the following project:

An In-Home Preventive Health Care Program for Older Persons (October 1991-September 1993) Directed evaluation component

of a 3-year community-based randomized controlled study testing the effectiveness of in-home comprehensive geriatric assessment and health education by nurse practitioners.

1992-1993 Adjunct Professor, Antioch University, Marina del Rey, CA,

USA Taught course on Aging and Health Policy. 1984-1987 NIA Predoctoral Scholar (1986-1987), Andrew Norman Institute

for Advanced Study in Gerontology and Geriatrics, Andrus Gerontology Center, and Research Assistant (1984-1987), Andrus Gerontology Center, CA, USA Duties included in-person and telephone interviewing, questionnaire design, experimental testing, data analysis, drafting reports and papers.

1978-1984 Massage and body/mind therapist. Private practice, La Costa

and Golden Door spas, Dr. Jerry Berneathy (chiropractor), San Diego, CA, USA

1973-1978 Operations assistant and administrative assistant, Children’s

Television Workshop (Sesame Street), The Jewish Museum, and the City Center for Arts and Dance (Joffrey Ballet and Alvin Ailey Dance Troupe)

Research Program and Grants 2002 Aging and Neighborhood Care. (Lead applicant) $4,000 from the

Center for Justice, Tolerance and Community to support the formation of an interdisciplinary “research and policy cluster” with academic and community-based participants. With Prof. S. Harding and others, organize and convene the Elderado Reading


& Video Club, a monthly public meeting “to discuss ageing without making it a medical diagnosis.”

1998-2001 Do PCAPs improve quality of care? (Lead applicant, with Prof. M.

Roland, Prof. R. Robinson, Mr. D. Evans, Dr. M. Sculpher, Mrs. J. Robison, Mr. S. Campbell). £283,330 from Department of Health, 1998-2001. Contract variation, 2000, + £4704 ($460K)

1998-2001 Do Scottish PCAPs improve quality of care? (Lead applicant, with

Prof. M. Roland, Mr. D. Webb, Mr. S. Campbell) £105,000 from The Scottish Office (NHSE), 1998-2001. Contract variation, 2000, + £1080 ($170K)

1998-2000 A study of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a critical pathway

for femoral neck fracture in the UK. (Second applicant, with Dr. H. Roberts, Mrs. S. Nash, Mrs. L. Onslow) £140,655 from NHS Executive South and West R&D, 1999-2001. ($225K)

1998-2000 Therapeutic nursing or unblocking beds? Comprehensive evaluation of

an intermediate care unit, based on a randomized controlled trial. (Lead applicant, with Dr. J. Brooking, Dr. R. Wiles, Dr. R. Pickering, Prof. R. Robinson and Mr. P. Lees). £121,469 from NHS Executive South and West R&D, 1998-2000. ($195K)

1997 Guidance for local evaluation of PMS (Primary Care Act) pilots.

(with D. Evans, R. Robinson) Department of Health, 2 months, £15,400. ($25K)

1996 A review of US evidence on managed care and its relevance for the NHS (with R. Robinson), Department of Health Research & Development Division, 6 months, £31,502 ($50K) 1996 Gerontological research network (coordinator), South & West

Regional Health Authority Research Network Scheme, 3 years, £3,000 ($5K)

1995 Evaluation of a pilot program to accredit nursing services in the South & West Region, South & West Regional Health Authority Committee on Clinical Audit and Clinical Effectiveness, UK, 6 months, £25,000 ($40K)


1995 The impact of physiotherapy during respite stays for severely demented

elderly (with V. Pomeroy and others), Department of Health (South & West Regional Health Authority Research & Development Program), UK, 3 years, £141,796 ($227K)

1995 The shifting balance of care: Economic evaluation of the

primary/secondary care interface (with R. Robinson and others), Department of Health (North Thames RHA R&D), 2 years, £67,000 ($107K)

1994 Developing audit criteria for discharge planning for high-cost diagnoses in elderly patients, Wessex Regional Health Authority Committee on Clinical Audit and Clinical Effectiveness, UK, 12 months, £15,000 ($25K) 1991 Posthospital care for Medicare patients, funded by the Health Care Financing Administration, USA, 18 months, $136,000 Consulting 2000-2002 Evaluation of Southampton Homeless PMS Pilot. (Advisory role on

evaluation led by Dale Webb) 1999-2000 Local evaluation of primary care pilots. (Lead, with D. Webb and

J.Robison) Ran three day-long seminars for primary care PMS pilots for NHS Executive, Leeds.

1997-1998 Intermediate care. Conducted a series of projects for the King’s

Fund, London; initially as part of the London Commission (Sean Boyle, director) and subsequently as part of the Nursing Developments Programme (Barbara Vaughan, director). Produced five published reports, in addition to original internal report, and contributed to numerous workshops and seminars.

1994-1995 Survey of long-term care institutions. Devised sampling plan and

advised on data collection for large-scale national survey for Laing & Buisson, London.


Publications Original articles in refereed journals Walsh B, Steiner A, Sheron L, Warr J, Pickering RM. Nurse-led inpatient care: Opening the ‘black box’. (2003) International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40:307-319. Campbell S, Steiner A, Robison J, Webb D, Raven A, Richards S, Roland M. Is the quality of care in general medical practice improving? Results of a longitudinal observational study. (2003) British Journal of General Practice, 53:298-304. Wiles R, Postle K, Steiner A, Walsh B. on behalf of the Southampton NLU Comprehensive Evaluation Team. (2003) Nurse-led intermediate care: patients’ perceptions. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40:61-71. Steiner A. (2001) Intermediate care: A good thing? Age and Ageing, 30(S3): 33-39. Wiles R, Postle K, Steiner A, Walsh B. on behalf of the Southampton NLU Comprehensive Evaluation Team. (2001) Nurse-led intermediate care: an opportunity to develop enhanced roles for nurses? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34(6): 813-821. Steiner A, Walsh B, Pickering RM, Wiles R, Ward J, Brooking JI for the Southampton NLU Evaluation Team. (2001) Therapeutic nursing or unblocking beds? A randomized controlled trial of a post-acute intermediate care unit. BMJ, 322:453-460. (24 February 2001) Pomeroy VM, Warren CM, Honeycombe C, Briggs RSJ, Wilkinson DG, Pickering RM, Steiner A. (1999) Mobility and dementia: Is physiotherapy treatment during respite care effective? International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14:389-397. Steiner A and Robinson R. (1998) Managed care: US research evidence and its relevance for the NHS. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 3(3): 159-166. Godber E, Robinson R and Steiner A. (1997) “Economic evaluation of shifts at the primary/secondary care interface: Developing a taxonomy and assessing the literature.” Health Economics Journal, 6:205-21. Exworthy, M., Steiner A, Barnard, S. (1996) “The future of clinical audit: The outcomes of a consensus conference.” Journal of Clinical Effectiveness, 1:4, 129-133.


Steiner A. (1996) “Does it matter how you slice it? The relationship between population ageing and the use of hospital and posthospital care in the U.S.” Ageing and Society, 16:205-232. Steiner A, Raube, K., Stuck, A.E., Aronow, H.U., Draper, D., Rubenstein, L.Z., Beck, J.C. (1996) “Performance of four short scales measuring psychosocial aspects of well-being in elderly community residents.” The Gerontologist, 36:54-62. Koh, W.H., Jones, S.D., Steiner A, Garrett, S.L., Calin, A. (1996) “Fatigue in ankylosing spondylitis: its prevalence and its relationship to disease activity, sleep, and other factors.” Journal of Rheumatology, 23:487-490. Jones, S., Steiner A, Garrett, S., Calin, A. (1996) “The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient Global Score (BASGI).” British Journal of Rheumatology, 35:66-71. Scrivens, E.E.J., Klein, R., Steiner A (1995) “Accreditation: What can we learn from the anglophone model?” Health Policy, 34:193-204. Stuck, A.E., Aronow, H.U., Steiner A, Alessi, C.A., Bula, C.J., Gold, M.N., Yuhas, K.E., Nisenbaum, R., Rubenstein, L.Z., Beck, J.C. (1995) “A randomized trial of annual in-home comprehensive geriatric assessment and other interventions in community-dwelling people age 75 and older.” The New England Journal of Medicine, 333:1184-1189. Stuck, A.E., Beers, M.H., Steiner A, Aronow, H.U., Rubenstein, L.Z., and Beck, J.C. “Inappropriate medication use in community-residing older persons.” (1994) Archives of Internal Medicine, 154:2195-2200. Rubenstein, L.Z., Aronow, H.U., Schloe, M., Steiner A, Yuhas, K.E., Gold, M.N., Raube, K., Nisenbaum, R., Kemp, M., Stuck, A.E., Beck, J.C. (1994) “A home-based geriatric assessment, follow-up and health promotion program: Design, methods and baseline findings from a 3-year randomized clinical trial.” Ageing: Basic and Clinical Research, 6:105-120. Brook, R.H., Kamberg, C.J., Mayer-Oakes, A., Beers, M.H., Raube, K., Steiner A. “Appropriateness of acute medical care for the elderly: An analysis of the literature.” (1990) Health Policy 14: 225-242. Books and monographs Steiner A, Vaughan, B., Hanford L. (1999) Intermediate Care: Shifting the Money. London: King’s Fund. (38 pages)


Vaughan, B., Steiner A, Hanford L. (1999) Intermediate Care: The Shape of the Team. London: King’s Fund. (38 pages) Robinson, R. and Steiner A. (1998) Managed Health Care: US Evidence and Lessons for the NHS. Buckingham: Open University Press (State of Health series, C. Ham, Ed.) (207 pages). Steiner A, Vaughan, B., Hanford, L. (1998) Evaluation of Intermediate Care. London: King’s Fund. (80 pages -- King’s Fund bestseller) Evans, D. and Steiner A. (1997) A guide for local evaluation of PMS pilots. In McKeon, A. Personal Medical Services Pilots under the NHS (Primary Care) Act 1997: A Guide to Local Evaluation. Leeds: NHS Executive, 11-47. Steiner A and Vaughan, B. (1997) Intermediate Care: A discussion paper arising from the King’s Fund seminar held on 30th October 1996. London: King’s Fund. (25 pages -- King’s Fund bestseller) Steiner A. (1997) Intermediate Care: A Conceptual Framework and Review of the Literature. London: King’s Fund. (81 pages -- King’s Fund bestseller) Peer-reviewed papers in books Steiner A, Robison J, Webb D, Coulson D, Campbell S, Roland M. (2000) How is primary care organised for older people? Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Oxford 2000. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, 86-90.

Richards S, Robison J, Steiner A, Webb D. (2000) What do older people want from primary health care? ? Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Oxford 2000. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, 99-101.

Steiner A, Walsh B, Wiles R, Ward J on behalf of the Southampton NLU Comprehensive Evaluation Team. (2000) Post-acute intermediate care: Evaluation of a nurse-led unit. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Oxford 2000. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University, 319-323.

Invited articles and letters Steiner A. (2001) Intermediate care: not just a nursing thing. Age and Ageing, 30:6, 433-435. (editorial).


Walsh B, Steiner A. (2001) Nurse-led inpatient care: therapeutic nursing or unblocking beds? British Journal of Health Care Management. Steiner A, Godber, E., Robinson, R. (1998) What is primary care? Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 3(2): 128 (letter). Robinson, R. and Steiner A. (1998) Managed care: drawing lessons from the USA. Journal of Managed Care. Robinson, R., Steiner A (1997) Managed care: Just ask US. Health Service Journal, 107:24-25. Steiner A. (1997) Intermediate care: A new concept? Geriatric Medicine, 27:11. Robinson, R., Steiner A, Godber, E. (1997) Cracks in the edifice. Health Service Journal, 4 September, 26-28. Robinson, R., Steiner A, Godber, E. (1997) Primary care: Leading the NHS. Practice Nursing, 7:30-31. Steiner A. (1996) “Who is doing the myth-making?” An invited comment on a speech by New Zealand former minister for Crown Health Enterprises, Paul East, as part of a feature titled “Addressing the Minister: Restoring Reality.” Health Care Analysis, 4:130-145. Jones, S.D., Calin, A., Steiner A. (1996) “An update on the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity and Functional Indices BASDAI, BASFI): Excellent Cronbach’s Alpha Scores.” Journal of Rheumatology, 23:407 (letter). Technical reports (subject to internal peer review) Webb D, Steiner A (Eds.) (2001) Does PMS Improve Quality of Care in Scotland? Final Report to the Scottish Executive. Southampton: University of Southampton. December 2001. (66 pages + appendices) Steiner A. (Ed.) (2001) Does PMS Improve Quality of Care? Final Report from the Quality of Care Project National Evaluation of PMS. Southampton: University of Southampton. November 2001. (45 pages) Steiner A. (Ed.) (2001) Does PMS Improve Quality of Care? Technical Appendix to the Final Report from the Quality of Care Project National Evaluation of PMS. Southampton: University of Southampton. November 2001. (94 pages)


Raven A., Steiner A., Robison J., Sculpher M. (2001) Economic Analysis of PMS Pilots: Supplement to the Final Report from the Quality of Care Project National Evaluation of PMS. Southampton: University of Southampton. November 2001. (18 pages) Steiner A. (Ed.) (2000) Does PMS Improve Quality of Care? Interim report to the Department of Health. Southampton: University of Southampton. (187 pages) Steiner A. (Ed.) (2000) Therapeutic nursing or unblocking beds? Final report of the Southampton NLU Comprehensive Evaluation. Southampton: University of Southampton. (82 pages + appendices) Postle K, Wiles R, Steiner A, on behalf of the NLU Comprehensive Evaluation team. (2000) Nurse-led care: Therapeutic nursing or unblocking beds? Report of the qualitative research conducted as part of a comprehensive evaluation of a nurse-led unit. University of Southampton. (128 pages) Webb D, Steiner A. (2000) PMS Pilots Local Evaluation Briefing Paper: Update on local evaluation of the first wave. Southampton: University of Southampton. (4 pages) Steiner A, Robinson, R. (1997) The Performance of Managed Care: A Review of US Evidence. Southampton: Institute for Health Policy Studies Research Paper. (181 pages) Steiner A, Robinson, R. (1997) Managed Health Care: Studies Used in a Systematic Review of the US Literature. Southampton: Institute for Health Policy Studies Research Paper. (93 pages) Godber, E., Steiner A, Robinson, R. (1997) The Shifting Balance Towards Primary Care: Evidence and Guidelines for Economic Evaluation. Southampton: Institute for Health Policy Studies. (369 pages) Exworthy, M., Steiner A, Lees, D. (1995) Evaluation of a Regional Pilot of Nursing Accreditation. Institute for Health Policy Studies Research Paper, University of Southampton. (88 pages) Scrivens, E., Klein, R., Redmayne, S., Steiner A. (1993) Accreditation: What can we learn from the anglophone model? Working Paper No.2, Centre for Health Planning and Management, Keele University. (15 pages) Scrivens, E., Klein, R., Steiner A. (1995) What can we learn from the anglophone model? in E. Scrivens (Ed.), Issues in Accreditation: Working Papers 1-6, Centre for Health Planning and Management, Keele University, pp. 3-13.


Scrivens, E. and Steiner A. (1995) English accreditation systems: a review. Ibid. pp. 18-22. Steiner A, Scrivens, E., Klein, R. (1995) Views on organisational audit, in E. Scrivens (Ed.), Experiences and Views of Accreditation: Working Papers 7-9, Centre for Health Planning and Management, Keele University, pp. 11-22. Steiner A. Posthospital care for vulnerable elderly: Are discharge patterns equitable? (1993) RAND, RGSD-103.(167 pages) Steiner A and Neu, C.R. Monitoring the changes in use of Medicare posthospital services. (1993) RAND, MR-153-HCFA. (113 pages) Brook, R.H., Kamberg, C.J., Mayer-Oakes, A., Beers, M.H., Raube, K., Steiner A. Appropriateness of acute medical care for the elderly: An analysis of the literature. (1989) RAND, R-3713-AARP/HF/RWJ/RC. (68 pages) Publications from the PMS National Evaluation Team (Four separate evaluation teams collaborate periodically to produce reports; a single representative from each team is a named co-author, but all team members contributed to and reviewed the output before publication.) PMS National Evaluation Team. (2000) National Evaluation of First Wave NHS Personal Medical Services Pilots: Integrated interim report from four research projects. Manchester: National Primary Care R&D Centre. Autumn 2000. (no introduction; includes Steiner A, Campbell S, Robison J, Webb D, Sculpher M, Richards S, Roland M. Quality of care in PMS). Leese et al. (1999) Setting Out: Piloting innovations in primary care, a report on behalf of the PMS National Evaluation Team. Manchester: National Primary Care R&D Centre. July 1999. Other Steiner A, Cooperband M, Diamond A, Goldman R, Jacobs P, Nguyen P, Satinover L. (1987) Generation to Generation: A living history of Beth Sholom Temple Congregants. Santa Monica, California: Beth Sholom Temple. Research findings have been covered in the Wall Street Journal (1990), Saga Magazine (2000), Health Service Journal (2000), Pulse (1999, 2000), Nursing Times (2000), Community Care (2000). (Most of these are UK publications.)


Under review or in preparation: Steiner A, Campbell SC, Robison J, Webb D, Raven A, Richards SC, Roland MR. Does PMS improve quality of care? An observational study. (Under revision for Journal of Health Services Research & Policy) Steiner A, Walsh B, Wiles R. Integrating and interpreting results of a multi-method evaluation: The case of a comprehensive evaluation of nurse-led inpatient intermediate care. (In preparation for Quality in Health Care) Campbell S, Robison J, Steiner A, Webb D, Roland M. Improving the quality of mental health services in primary care: a longitudinal study. (Under review with Journal of Mental Health) Richards S, Steiner A, Robison J, Webb D, Campbell S. What do older people want from their primary care? (In preparation for Ageing and Society)

Webb D, Steiner A, Robison J, Campbell S, Roland M. Evaluating Health Policy Innovations: Responding to the Methodological Challenge. (In preparation for Social Science and Medicine)

Invited Presentations since 1995 Ageism and ageing

11 April 2003, Guest lecturer in long-term care ombudsman training course. Santa Cruz, California 10 April 2002, same as above.

Healthy aging as a community issue

7 October 2002. Plenary talk to Seniors Health Conference, UCOP. Irvine, California. (Videotaped for UCTV)

Findings from the quality of care evaluation of PMS first-wave pilots

9 December 2001. Results of the quality of care evaluation. Briefing to the Department of Health, England. 8 September 2000, What do older people want from primary care? Annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology, 9 September 2000, Oxford. (co-author with Sally Richards et al.)


8 September 2000, How do GPs organise primary care for older people? Annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology, 9 September 2000, Oxford. (first author) 15 June 2000, King’s Fund conference on Personal Medical Services (PMS) pilots, London. (plenary)

How to write a successful grant application

3 May 2000, School of Health Professions, University of Southampton Findings from the Comprehensive Evaluation of a Nurse-led Unit

9 September 2000, Therapeutic nursing or unblocking beds? Results of a comprehensive evaluation of a nurse-led intermediate care unit. Annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Oxford. (first author) Picked up by Health Service Journal (22 September 2000, Joanna Lyall), Saga Magazine (December 2000, Judy Kirby) 5 and 18 May 2000. Results of the comprehensive evaluation. Dissemination to staff at nurse-led unit and to all hospital trust. 7 April 2000, Patterns of primary care utilisation post-inpatient medical care. Wessex Research Network annual conference, Tidbury, Andover (co-author, with Jilly Ward and Bronagh Walsh) 18 September 1999, ‘Needing all the help you can get before you come home’: The evaluation of a nurse-led unit as a hospital discharge option for older people. British Society of Gerontology annual conference, Bournemouth (co-author, with Karen Postle and Rose Wiles) 20 March 1999, Nurse-led intermediate care units: enhanced roles for nursing? Annual meeting of the medical sociology group, British Sociology Association, York. (co-author, with Rose Wiles and Karen Postle)

Nearing the end: Thoughts on quality of life at the end of life

13 October 1999, annual conference of Palliative Care Conference (Quality of Life, Quality of Death: Palliative Care in Nursing Homes and Residential Care), Winchester Guildhall (plenary)


Special considerations in evaluation of older people’s health care 17 March 1998, Health and Social Care in Later Life, meeting convened by the Nuffield Foundation (in Oxford); (plenary)

Intermediate care: A conceptual framework and review of the literature (and variations on this theme)

23 March 2001, Intermediate Care: Current Progress, Future Prospects. BUPA Seminar at London School of Economics (plenary). 15 September 2000, Care Closer to Home, King’s Fund conference on intermediate care, London (plenary) (picked up by Community Care, 4 October 2000, Frances Rickford cover article on Intermediate Care) 13 May 1999, British Geriatrics Society-sponsored national conference on Alternatives to Hospital Care, Leeds (plenary; led to journal article) 4 May 1999, Southampton General Hospital rehabilitation seminar series 9 September 1998, West Hertfordshire Community Health NHS Trust (plenary) 30 July 1998, West Hertfordshire Community Health NHS Trust (plenary) 12 March 1998, British Geriatrics Society, Southeast Thames Branch (plenary) 29 October 1997, King’s Fund seminar on Evaluation of Intermediate Care (plenary) 2 October 1997, Southampton Health Authority, Primary Care Study Day (2 hours) 10 September 1997, British Geriatrics Society, West Midlands Branch (plenary) 26 June 1997, British Geriatrics Society Council Day, London (plenary) 21 January 1997, Capita Training Seminar, London (plenary)

30 October 1996, King’s Fund seminar on Intermediate Care (plenary)


The U.S. evidence on managed care: Lessons for the NHS

13 March 1998, Cheltenham ‘String of Pearls’ GP group Study Day

11 December 1996, University of Southampton Institute of Public Health Medicine, seminar series

Connecting process to outcome: Developing audit criteria for discharge of older patients with fractured neck of femur.

19 February 1997, Hip Fracture - Treatment and Rehabilitation, Postgraduate Medical Education Department, Salisbury District Hospital

4 July 1996, British Congress of Gerontology, paper session 15 May 1996, Project Dissemination Conference, Bath (plenary) 29 February 1996, St Martin’s Hospital Audit meeting 12 February 1996, Royal United Hospital Orthopaedic Audit meeting 2 December 1995, South and West Regional Audit Conference, paper session 25 June 1995, Partnerships in Orthogeriatric Care conference, Bath.

Preventive health care for people aged 75-plus: Results of a randomized controlled study emphasising home-based comprehensive assessment and education.

2 June 1999, Geriatric Consultants’ seminar, Southampton General Hospital 21 March 1997, Meeting of Wessex Branch of the British Geriatrics Society, (plenary)

4 July 1996, British Congress of Gerontology, paper session

6 November 1995, Wessex Institute of Public Health Medicine, seminar program

(also co-author on numerous posters and papers presented at national conferences, e.g. meetings of the American Public Health Association, the Gerontological Society of America, the Association for Health Services Research, the American Geriatric Society)


Teaching Responsibilities

2000- * Health Care Inequalities (connecting theory to practice). Community Studies 100N, winter quarter 2000/2001 (This undergraduate seminar is part of the prerequisites for the major.)

* The Aging Society. CMMU 80-E, spring quarter 2001

* Health Care Inequalities. CMMU 80-N, winter quarter 2001/2002.

* Aging, Ageism and Activism. CMMU 111, spring quarter 2002.

[total of 123 students; mean student rating: 4.5]

* Analysis of Field Materials. CMMU 194, winter quarter 2002/2003 (This upper-level course is one of the core courses of the major.)

* Ageism and Activism. CMMU 111, spring quarter 2003. (A refinement of the previous year’s course)

* Health Insurance and Uninsurance. Group independent study, winter quarter 2002/2003.

Have also sponsored seven student internships (at International Health Programs, Santa Cruz County Department of Health x2, English Language International, Ombudsman Advocates Inc. x3) and act as advisor in the major for approximately 25 undergraduates.

1998-2000 MSc in Professional Studies (Ageing, Health and Community Care).

Designed, marketed and implemented (including active teaching) a specialist stream in a course offered by the Department of Social Work Studies. Program is now ongoing at University of Southampton, UK

1998-2000 Policy issues in care of older people (for third year medical students) 1998-2000 Long-term care seminar (for third year medical students) 1998-2000 Introduction to quantitative methods (session of course for postgraduate

students in social science disciplines) 1998-2000 Comparing and mixing qualitative and quantitative methods (session in MSc

in Research Methods, offered by Faculty of Medicine; session in MSc in Rehabilitation Research; received top ratings for two years running)

1997 Health policy (postgraduate - first year MSC – course; received perfect evaluation scores from students)


1997 Rationing and priority setting in the NHS (session of policy course for second year medical students) 1996, 1997 Needs assessment in primary care; Barriers to organisational change (sessions of IHPS modular course on Primary Care Management) 1996, 1997 Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in policy research (session of Southampton University Faculty Research Training Scheme) 1994, 1995 Evaluating health care from an international perspective (for Project 2000 Nursing, and Health Policy MSc, students) 1993 Research Methods in Aging (sessions for postgraduate gerontology students) 1993 Aging and Health Policy (sole responsibility; seminar for upper-level

undergraduates) 1992-1993 Taught reading to young children in battered women’s shelter, Watts,

Los Angeles, CA (voluntary) 1988-1990 RAND Scholars Program, a cooperative venture with Santa Monica High

School (topic for policy analysis: abortion). 1988-1991 Teaching assistant in the Sloan Foundation Senior Summer Institute’s

Communications for Policy Analysts course for two years, providing intensive tutoring to minority students between undergraduate and masters’ programs in public policy.

1985-1986 Teaching assistant for undergraduate Sociology of Aging course, Andrus

Gerontology Center, University of Southern California 1985, 1986 Taught comparative religion and oral history, Temple Beth Sholom,

Santa Monica, CA 1984 Created and ran an after-school course, “Anatomy for Kids” in Rancho

Santa Fe, California. (voluntary) 1971-1973 Taught reading to low-income children as part of the VISTA program,

through Brown University, Providence, RI. (voluntary)


Graduate Student Supervision and Assessment 2002 Comparison of residential long-term care in the UK and Netherlands. Berta

Zehetmayr, for MSc in Professional Studies (Aging, Health & Community Care), Southampton University. Successfully completed.

1999-2000 The role of social work in post-acute rehabilitation. Jonathan Bevan, for

MSW, Southampton University. Successfully completed.

Dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance abuse: the best way forward. Nikki Vesey, for MSW, Southampton University. Successfully completed.

Deafness: disability or difference? An anti-oppressive approach to constructing deafness in a social work context. Kate Radford, for MSW, Southampton University. Dissertation received distinction. Radford graduated with distinction overall.

Domesticating dementia: the discipline of mental health social work. Gareth Davies, for MSW, Southampton University. Successfully completed.

Concepts of independence and dependence: Older people’s experience of formal care. Jonathan Fairhead, for MSc in Social Work, Southampton University. Received Diploma in Social Work. Interpretations of rehabilitation and recovery. Alex Hoffman, for MSc in Evidence-based Health Care, University of Oxford. Successfully completed.

1998-99 Commissioning primary care. Nicola Holttum, for MSc in Health Policy, Southampton University. Successfully completed. Rationing care at the level of the hospital ward. Lynne Smith, for MSc in Health Policy, Southampton University. Successfully completed.

1997-98 Pharmaceutical needs of elderly patients on admission to and discharge from

hospital. Penny Green, for PhD in Pharmacy, Bath University. Acted as internal assessor, year 1 (department had only one appropriate assessor, aside from the supervisor, and required two).

1996-97 Measuring effectiveness in health promotion. By Dale Webb, for MSc in Health Policy. Dissertation received distinction.


Scholarships/Award of Prizes 1973 Graduated university cum laude 1985 United Association of University Women scholarship 1985 American Association for Retired Persons policy training

internship 1986 Leonard Davis Scholar 1986 National Institute on Aging multidisciplinary training grant in geriatrics and gerontology 1987 Dychtwald Award for outstanding contribution to the field of aging

by a student 1987-1990 Pew Charitable Trusts health policy fellowship, to support

training of leaders in health policy External Professional Activities Board of Directors, Seniors Council (Area Agency on Aging), Santa Cruz County Advisory Board Member, Center for Justice, Tolerance and Community, UC Santa

Cruz Ombudsman, Long-term care residents’ rights advocate, Santa Cruz County (from

May 2002) Member, Task Force, Long-term Care Integration Project, Santa Cruz County (from

April 2001) Adjunct Faculty, Saybrook Graduate School, San Francisco, CA Conference Director, 1999 Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology.

As Conference Director, played a leading role, including chair of program committee, member of finance committee, and lead administrative coordinator. The conference attracted 240 bookings, 140 paper/poster presentations, and received highly favorable evaluations.


Member, Steering Committee, Special Interest Group on Health Services Research, British Geriatrics Society (from October 1999)

Chair, Education & Research Committee and Member, Care Committee, The Brendoncare

Foundation. The Foundation takes a progressive approach to residential care. Member, Executive Board, and Vice Chair, International Relations subcommittee, British

Society of Gerontology (from October 1999) Member, Executive Board, and Vice Chair, Member Services subcommittee, British Society

of Gerontology (1997 - 1999) Designed and maintained Directory of Members’ Research Interests, BSG website, annual conference guidelines; developed strategies to support different consituent groups such as students, practitioners, academics; ran successful membership drive.

Coordinator, Gerontological Research Network (1996 - 1999) This Southampton-based

network was funded to implement a two-pronged seminar series --- speakers coming to Southampton and Southampton speakers travelling to sites around the region --- to disseminate research results and develop research strategies in the areas of long-term care, primary/secondary care interface, and older people’s relationships. During its operation, the network grew from 12 to 153 people, sponsored 23 speakers (including 8 international), had two research proposals funded and several others shortlisted.

Invited participant, Nuffield Review of Ageing (16-18 March 1998) This three-day

intensive workshop was convened to develop guidance on the expected needs of older people into the millenium. Gave paper on issues in evaluating services to older people.

Chair, planning committee for Health Care Development Group conference (1997)

Organized a half-day meeting for 100-plus Southampton-based researchers interested in collaborative, multidisciplinary health research. Held on 12 November, 1997.

Editor of Social Sciences in Health (1995) Created a special issue of the Faculty of

Social Sciences' Research News, targeted to the local medical, health care and health services research communities to inform them of the social science research activity in health and to promote collaborative interdisciplinary research. As part of the effort, introduced a local Internet bulletin board, HealthNet.

Member, Gerontological Society of America (1984-current)



Reviewer for Journal of Health and Social Care, Health Economics Journal, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, NHS Research & Development grant applications in Southwest, Southeast and West Midlands regions, Open University Press, Economic & Social Research Council.


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