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NRC – ReGenX Innovation Report

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This document, prepared by PDI and delivered to the NRC, will show that the ReGenX

generator innovation reverses conventional generator armature reaction. The ReGenX

generator innovation accelerates the system under load rather than decelerating it as

per the conventional generator armature reaction paradigm. This paradigm shift will be

shown in both a Salient Pole Axial Flux Generator and an Induction Generator.


In electricity generation an electric generator is a device that converts mechanical

energy to an electromotive force. (1)

The induced voltage (called electromotive force or EMF) will create an electric current

through an external circuit connected to the coil terminals resulting in energy being

delivered to the load.

Thus, the kinetic energy that spins the source of the magnetic field is converted into


Note that the current flowing through an external load

in turn creates a magnetic field that opposes the change in the flux of the coil,

so the coil opposes the motion (generator armature reaction).

The higher the current [flowing in the conventional generator coil (A)], the higher

the opposing force produced and the larger the force that must be applied to the

rotating magnetic field by the prime mover to keep it from slowing down. (2)

Conventional Generator Coil (A) Regenerative Acceleration Coil (B)

Low Impedance High Impedance

Low Frequency High Frequency

Inductor Operation Capacitor Operation

Conducts current w/ Conducts current only at

100 % duty cycle TDC

Opposes magnetic rotor Delayed current flow

rotation 360 degrees Delays repelling magnetic

of current Sine wave. field production until TDC.


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Conventional Generator Operation (A)

When a “conventional” generator delivers power to a load, the load current causes the

generator to decelerate the prime mover. The greater the current magnitude the more

force (external energy) must be applied to the prime mover to keep the system from


Figure 1. Conventional Generator Torque Paradigm

In Figure 1 above the prime mover torque (Tt) rotates the generator in the

clockwise direction. The generator responds by creating a counter-

clockwise-torque (Tg) which opposes the torque supplied by the prime


PDI ReGenX Generator Innovation Operation (B)

The ReGenX generator innovation reverses the above scenario such that when the

ReGenX generator delivers power to a load the generator accelerates and assists the

prime mover rather than resisting it. The greater the current magnitude the less force

must be applied by the prime mover to keep the system from accelerating.

Figure 2. Regenerative Acceleration Torque Paradigm

In Figure 2 above the prime mover torque (Tt) rotates the generator in the clockwise direction. The generator responds by also creating a clockwise-

torque (Tg) which assists to the torque supplied by the prime mover.


NRC – ReGenX Innovation Report

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Test Protocol 1. Universal Motor Prime Mover

(1) PDI will employ a conventional induction generator (A) and deliver electrical

current to a load to establish what minimum magnitude of current (0.2 Amps) is

required to cause system deceleration.

(2) PDI will introduce a conventional coil (A) into the ReGenX generator innovation

prototype and establish conventional generator coil (A) system deceleration with

1.4 Amps of load current (7 times the minimum load current required to induce

system deceleration).

(3) PDI will engage the ReGenX generator innovation coils (B) and establish system

acceleration with 1.57 Amps of load current – 685 % more load current than the

conventional generator in item (1).

(4) PDI will reconfigure the ReGenX generator innovation prototype with

Regenerative Acceleration Generator Coils (B) only and repeat item (3) and

deliver 2.2 Amps of current to the load with system acceleration and (1,000 %)

more load current than the minimum load current required to decelerate the

conventional generator system.

(5) PDI will configure the conventional induction generator to operate as a ReGenX

Induction Generator Innovation (B) and provide on-load system acceleration with

a load current of 0.3 Amps (50 % more than the minimum load current/system

deceleration required in the conventional generator baseline (A)).


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ReGenX Generator & Induction Generator Test Bench

ReGenX Generator

Universal Motor Prime Mover

Conventional Induction Generator


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Test Protocol 2. Induction Motor Prime Mover

(6) PDI will employ a pair of conventional coils (A) and a pair of ReGenX coils (B)

which are placed on two identical “I” cores. The two conventional coils (A) will

deliver AC power to the load while producing conventional generator system

deceleration (A) and the ReGenX coils (B) will be used to override the

conventional generator coils’ (A) deceleration while delivering increasing

amounts of power to the load with a decreasing amounts of prime mover input

power. PDI will highlight the slight IP limitation which led to the development of

the next ReGenX prototype and IP embodiment.

(7) PDI will employ an “E” core and place two ReGenX coils (B) on the centre core

leg and place the conventional coil (A) on the outer core. The conventional

generator coil (A) will deliver power to the load and will create conventional

generator (A) system deceleration. The ReGenX coils will be engaged and they

will do two things simultaneously. 1)They will accelerate the system while

reducing the input power required by the prime mover and 2) the discharging

magnetic flux from the ReGenX coils will be collected in the conventional coil’s

core and the total load output power will be increased accordingly (by about

15 %).


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Test 1 Conventional Generator (A)



Test 1 Demo Video: http://bit.ly/LM34Fd

Test notes:

(1)The conventional induction generator (A) had little or no deceleration effect on the

prime mover while delivering 0.19 Amps of current to the load at 4,073 RPM.

(2) With a load current increase to 0.22 Amps the conventional induction generator

(A) reduced the system speed from 4,246 RPM down to 4,169 RPM or a 1.8 %

drop in system speed.

Test 1 Conclusions:

A BASELINE load current of only 0.22 Amps is required to decelerate the system

prime mover by 1.8 % when a conventional induction generator (A) is employed.


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Test 2 Conventional Generator (A)



Test 2 Demo Video: http://bit.ly/KXQqaK

Test notes:

(3)The conventional coil (A) in the ReGenX prototype delivered 1.4 Amps of load

current and decelerated the system from 1,675 RPM (no-load) down to 1468 RPM

– a 12.4 % decrease in system speed.

(4)The prime mover input current increased from 3.61 Amps to 3.71 Amps in

response.(2.8 % prime mover input current increase).

Test 2 Conventional Coil (A) Conclusions:

The conventional coil (A) in the ReGenX prototype delivered 1.4 Amps of load current

and decelerated the system by 12.4 %.

Test 1 comparison - A BASELINE load current of 0.22 Amps is required to decelerate

the ReGenX prototype prime mover by 1.8 % in the conventional induction generator


Increasing the load current in the ReGenX prototype conventional coil (A) by 84 %

over the conventional induction generator (A) increases the deceleration by more

than 12 %.


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Test 2 ReGenX Generator (B)


(5) Engaging the ReGenX coils (B) at a no-load speed of 1,659 RPM and delivering

1.57 Amps of load current accelerated the system up to 1,680 RPM (1.3 %


Test 2 Conclusions

The conventional generator coil (A) decelerated the system as expected while

delivering 1.4 Amps of current to the load.

The ReGenX generator coils (B) accelerated the system as expected while

delivering 1.6 Amps of current to the load.

A BASELINE load current of only 0.22 Amps is required to decelerate the

prototype prime mover by 1.8 % with the conventional induction generator (A).

Increasing the conventional generator (A) load current by 536 % (1.4 Amps) over

the baseline load current level (0.22 Amps) also increased the system

deceleration from 1.8 % to 12 %.

Increasing the ReGenX generator (B) load current by 685 % (1.6 Amps) over the

baseline load current (0.22 Amps) did not induce system deceleration but created

system acceleration instead.

Test 3 will show that further increasing the ReGenX coil (B) load current to

1,000 % (2.2 Amps) over the baseline (deceleration) load current ( 0.22 Amps) will

only induce increased system acceleration.


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Overall deduction:

Increasing the load current in the conventional generator (A) increases the system

deceleration (as predicted by conventional scientific wisdom) and requires an increase

in prime mover energy to supply the load power.

Increasing the load current in the ReGenX generator (B) innovation does not produce

system deceleration or require any increase in the prime mover energy to maintain load


Test 3 ReGenX Generator (B)


Test 3 Demo Video http://bit.ly/LB8zvG

Test notes:

(6) Increasing the load current up to 2.2 Amps does not produce any adverse

(regenerative braking) conditions.

Test 3 ReGenX Coil (B) Conclusions:

Increasing the ReGenX coil (B) load current to 1,000 % over the baseline

conventional generator coil (A) (deceleration) load current will only induce

additional system acceleration and no conventional generator (A) armature

reaction (system deceleration).


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Test 4 ReGenX Induction Generator (B)


Test 4 Demo Video: http://bit.ly/LriOR1

Test notes:

(7) The ReGenX Induction Generator (B) accelerates from 4,026 RPM to 5,900 RPM

(47% speed increase) while delivering 0.32 Amps of current to the load.

(8) Increasing the no-load speed by 3.7% to 4,176 RPM increases the load current

by 12% to 0.44 Amps while increasing system acceleration up to 6,313 RPM


Test 4 ReGenX Coil (B) Conclusions:

The conventional induction generator (A) from Test 1 established a baseline load

current magnitude which decelerated the system with only 0.22 Amps of load current.

However increasing the load current in the ReGenX Induction Generator (B) innovation

by 45% accelerated the system by 47%.

Increasing the load current in the ReGenX Induction Generator (B) innovation by 100%

accelerated the system by 51%.


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Graph 1.0 shows the magnitude of system deceleration or armature reaction in

the conventional generator (A) with a load current of 0.22 Amps and 1.4 Amps.

Graph 2.0 shows the system acceleration produced in the ReGenX generator (B)



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Conventional Generator Armature Reaction (A)

Note that in the conventional generator system (A) the current flowing through an

external load in turn creates a magnetic field so the coil opposes the motion of

the rotating magnetic field. The higher the current, (the higher the opposing

force) and the larger the force that must be applied to the rotating magnetic field

to keep it from slowing down.

ReGenX Generator Armature Reaction (B)

Note that in the ReGenX generator (B) innovation system the current flowing

through an external load in turn creates a delayed magnetic field so the coil

assists the motion of the rotating magnetic field. The higher the current, the

higher the assisting force and the lower the force that must be applied to the

rotating magnetic field to keep it from speeding up.

Part 1 Report Conclusions

The conventional induction generator (A) required a minimum load current of

only 0.22 Amps (baseline) to create system deceleration. Further increases in

load current above this baseline resulted in higher percentages of system

deceleration and increases in prime mover force would be required to sustain the

load power.

The ReGenX Generator (B) innovation did not produce any system deceleration

but produced system acceleration instead. Increasing the ReGenX generator’s

load current by 1,000 % over the conventional generator’s baseline still did not

produce any conventional generator system deceleration but increased system

acceleration and decreases in prime mover input would be required to reduce

system acceleration while delivering power to the load.

- End Part 1-


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ADDENDUM PART 1 Universal Motor Speed-Torque Curve / Torque-Current Curve Figure 2 shows the speed-torque curve and Figure 3 shows the torque-current curve. The graphs show that, in the universal motor, the torque decreases when the rotation speed increases and the torque increases when the current increases. (3)


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NRC – ReGenX Innovation Report

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Testing Phase Part 2

Test 5 “E” Core Concentric Coil ReGenX (B) Prototype IP

Iteration w/ Induction Motor Prime Mover and Magnetic Flux


Test 5 Demo Video: http://bit.ly/LkUFd0







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Test notes:

(9) The system was brought up to an initial no-load operating speed of 3126 RPM.

(10) The conventional coil (A) was engaged and produced 8.13 Watts to the load

while inducing conventional generator armature reaction and system


(11) The ReGenX coil (B) was engaged and the ReGenX coils’ (B) discharging flux

output was collected in the conventional coil’s (A) concentric core and the load

power increased instantly from 6.6 Watts load output from the

conventional coil (A) to 9.43 Watts. This represents a 43% load power

increase with system acceleration.

(12) ReGenX generator (B) output power continues to increase to 11.4 Watts.

(13) When the ReGenX coils (B) are disengaged the load power drops instantly to

8.59 Watts (a 24.6 % drop).

(14) At maximum RPM the ReGenX generator (B) delivers 13.4 Watts at 3300 RPM

with minimum stator current and minimum motor supplied torque.

(15) The conventional coil (A) delivers 0.017 Watts with maximum motor stator

current and maximum motor torque being supplied to the drive shaft.

The ReGenX generator (B) delivered

78,724 % more power to the same load

with less prime over input power and less drive

shaft torque than the conventional generator.


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Graph 3.0 Comparison between ReGenX generator (B) output and conventional

generator (A) output.

ReGenX generator (B) performance advantage over conventional generator (A)

= 78, 724 %.


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Test 5 Conclusions:

The conventional generator coil (A) delivered power to the load and decelerated the

system as expected. The induction motor prime mover self regulated the stator current

and responded by increasing the drive shaft torque to its maximum level possible.

Graph 4.0 Induction Motor Prime Mover Drive Shaft Torque Response with

Conventional Generator (A) Loading.


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The ReGenX generator (B) delivered over 78,000 % more power to the same load but

required the minimum induction motor stator current and minimum motor supplied drive

shaft torque.

Graph 5.0 Induction Motor Prime Mover Drive Shaft Torque Response with

ReGenX Generator (B) Loading.


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Test 6 “I” Core / Coil ReGenX Prototype IP Iteration w/

Induction Motor Prime Mover.

Test 6 Demo Video: http://bit.ly/MAJEUf

Test Notes:

(16) The conventional generator coil (A) produced a load current 0f 0.763

Amps with system deceleration and increased induction motor current draw.

(17) The ReGenX coil (B) and conventional coil (A) delivered 0.6 Amps to the load

with system acceleration and a decrease in prime mover input current.


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(18) The ReGenX generator (B) delivered a maximum load current of 0.63 Amps

with the minimum input current to the induction generator and minimum drive

shaft torque.

(19) The conventional generator coil delivered a maximum load current of 0.23

Amps with the maximum input current to the induction generator and maximum

drive shaft torque.

Graph 6.0 Test 6 Conventional Generator (A) Load Current / Prime Mover Torque

vs the ReGenX Generator (B) Load Current / Prime Mover Supplied Torque.


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Induction Motor Torque Speed Characteristics

Graph 7.0 Induction Motor Torque Speed Characteristics (4)

From the graph above we can see that the ideal operating region for an induction

motor is at 80 % of synchronous speed or 2880 RPM. Above 2880 RPM the torque

supplied by the induction motor is tending towards 0.0 Nm at synchronous speed

of 3600 RPM.


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PDI operated the ReGenX generator (B) above the 2880 RPM mark where

increased system speed resulted in decreased induction motor supplied torque

while ReGenX supplied power increased.

The conventional generator coil (A) however took advantage of the induction

motors increasing torque magnitude at 2880 RPM but this still was not enough to

overcome the load current and supply a steady state power to the load.

Report Conclusions

Conventional scientific wisd

om states that, “electric generators must create resistive forces when converting

kinetic energy to electrical energy” and as a result additional input energy must

be supplied to the system above and beyond the original energy required to

establish a no-load steady state operating speed.

PDI’s ReGenX technology proves that, “electric generators can indeed create

assistive forces when converting kinetic energy to electrical energy” and as a

result - a reduction in input energy can be realized, reducing the input energy

required to below the no-load steady state energy requirements.

- End Report -


(1) Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_generator

(2) LAZAR’S Generator Guide - http://www.generatorguide.net/

(3) Analysis of Characteristics of a Universal Motor http://www.jmag-


(4) Polyphase Induction Motor Basics http://cnx.org/content/m28334/latest/

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