power point on environmental issues

Post on 13-Sep-2015






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power point on environmental issues


  • Environmental issuesareany such issues created due to human activities and cause harm to the environment.

  • Japan maintains one third of its electric production from nuclear power plants.However the Fukushima Nuclear power Plant Disaster on 11th march, 2011 proved the failures of nuclear power. 3 out 0f the 5 reactors in the plant started leaking following an earthquake in the nearby region. Over 1,40,000 people were evacuated from the nearby area.The disaster was rated as 7 out of 7 on INES scale.

  • Japans approach on waste management relies heavily on four major factors: 1) technological advancements in incineration, 2) technological advancements in plastics recycling, 3) Comprehensive production-side recycle stream package labeling, and 4) wide consumer-side/household participation in recycling and waste material separation

  • Major Issues:-

  • Cancer Villages in ChinaThe existence of cancer villages proves Chinas disregard for environmental protection. The CANCER VILLAGES ARE LARGE AREAS THAT ARE SO POLLUTED THAT EVEN LIVING IN THEM CAN CAUSE SEVERAL TYPES OF CANCERS. In Shangba (a cancer village), a city in southern Guangdong province, the river that flows through town changes from white to a shade of orange because of varying types of industrial effluent. Many of the river's contaminants, like cadmium and zinc, are known to cause cancer.

  • India has made one of the fastest progress in the world, in addressing its environmental. Still, India has a long way to go to reach environmental quality similar to those enjoyed in developed economies. Pollution remains a major challenge and opportunity for India. All forms of pollution air, land, water are prominently found in India.

  • Floods are a significant environmental issue for India. It causes soil erosion, destruction of wetlands and wide migration of solid wastes.

  • India is recognized as has having major issues withwater pollution, predominately due to untreated sewage. Rivers such as theGanges, theYamunaandMithi Rivers, all flowing through highly populated areas, are all heavily polluted. Water supply and sanitationcontinue to be inadequate, despite long-standing efforts by the various levels of government and communities at improving coverage.

  • There are many ways we can prevent environmental problems, especially Global Warming. Common and simple ways we can help save our environment are as follows: 1.Stop using spray products with CFC's 2.Stop burning wastes especially non-biodegradable. 3.As individuals, the only thing we can help prevent environmental problems is to keep our environment clean.4.Plant more and more trees. Stop Deforestation.5.Use Public transport to Travel as it will save money, fuel and there will be less air pollution.

  • QUESTIONNAIRE What do you understand by the term Environmental Issues ?

    Name the two pollutants / contaminants present in water bodies and are known to cause cancer ?

    Why does the river flowing through town changes from white to a starting shade of orange in Shangba , a city in Southern Guangdong province ?

  • Environmental Issues in Japan include ___________.

    What is the response of Japanese Government regarding environmental issues ?

    What is meant by Cancer Villages in China ?

    What does UNEP stands for ?

  • Mention two major harmful effects caused due to floods. What are the four major factors on which Japans approach on waste-management relies on ?

    What are the various ways by which we can prevent environmental problems in different countries ?


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