powerpoint presentation - galp · presentation and galp’sview on the matters referred herein, and...

Post on 15-Jun-2020






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An integrated energy player developing profitable and sustainable businesses



By attending or reading this presentation, you acknowledge and agree tobe bound by the following limitations and restrictions. This presentation hasbeen prepared by Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A. (“Galp” or the “Company”) andmay be amended and supplemented, but may not be relied upon for thepurposes of entering into any transaction. This presentation is strictlyconfidential, is being distributed to a limited range of persons solely fortheir own information and may not (i) be distributed to the media ordisclosed to any other person in any jurisdiction, nor (ii) be reproduced inany form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of theCompany.

Although the Company has taken reasonable care in preparing theinformation contained herein, no representation, warranty or undertaking,express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, thefairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or theopinions contained herein or any other material discussed at thepresentation. Neither the Company nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries,shareholders, representatives, agents, employees or advisors shall haveany liability whatsoever (including in negligence or otherwise) for any lossor liability howsoever arising from any use of this presentation or itscontents or any other material discussed at the presentation or otherwisearising in connection with this presentation.

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Matters discussed in this presentation may constitute forward-lookingstatements. Forward-looking statements are statements other than inrespect of historical facts. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”,“intends”, “estimate”, “will”, “may”, "continue”, “should” and similarexpressions usually identify forward-looking statements. Forward-lookingstatements may include statements regarding: objectives, goals, strategies,outlook and growth prospects; future plans, events or performance andpotential for future growth; liquidity, capital resources and capitalexpenditures; economic outlook and industry trends; energy demand andsupply; developments of Galp’s markets; the impact of regulatoryinitiatives; and the strength of Galp’s competitors. The forward-lookingstatements in this presentation are based upon various assumptions, manyof which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including withoutlimitation, management’s examination of historical operating trends, datacontained in the Company’s records and other data available from thirdparties. Although Galp believes that these assumptions were reasonablewhen made, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant knownand unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other importantfactors which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond itscontrol. No assurance, however, can be given that such expectations willprove to have been correct. Important factors that may lead to significantdifferences between the actual results and the statements of expectationsabout future events or results include the Company’s business strategy,industry developments, financial market conditions, uncertainty of the

results of future projects and operations, plans, objectives, expectationsand intentions, among others. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies andother important factors could cause the actual results of Galp or theindustry to differ materially from those results expressed or implied in thispresentation by such forward-looking statements.

Actual future results, including financial and operating performance;demand growth and energy mix; Galp’s production growth and mix; theamount and mix of capital expenditures; future distributions; resourceadditions and recoveries; project plans, timing, costs, and capacities;efficiency gains; cost savings; integration benefits; product sales and mix;production rates; and the impact of technology could differ materially dueto a number of factors. These include changes in oil or gas prices or othermarket conditions affecting the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries;reservoir performance; timely completion of development projects; war andother political or security disturbances; changes in law or governmentregulation, including environmental regulations and political sanctions; theoutcome of commercial negotiations; the actions of competitors andcustomers; unexpected technological developments; general economicconditions, including the occurrence and duration of economic recessions;unforeseen technical difficulties; and other factors.

The information, opinions and forward-looking statements contained in thispresentation reflect the information available as at the date of thispresentation and Galp’s view on the matters referred herein, and aresubject to change without notice. Galp and its respective representatives,agents, employees or advisors do not intend to, and expressly disclaim anyduty, undertaking or obligation to, make or disseminate any supplement,amendment, update or revision to any of the information, opinions orforward-looking statements contained in this presentation to reflect anychange in events, conditions or circumstances.

| Investor Presentation – September 20192

Cautionary Statement

Galp key takeaways

2.4 bn boe2P + 2C resources

Exploration & Production

Gas & Power

Refining & Marketing

107.3 kboepd (+15% YoY)WI production

€1,440 mEbitda

17.1 mtonOil products sales

€610 mEbitda

330 kbpdRefining capacity

€137 m Ebitda

5.2 TWhElectricity sales

7.3 bcmNG/LNG sales

ESG recognitions



Market Cap.€10.8 bn

Ebitda€2.2 bn (+24% YoY)

GalpA fast growing integrated energy player

Note: Market cap as at 30.08.2019. All remaining figures related to the year of 2018.| Investor Presentation – September 2019

2019-2020 milestones

c.25 $/bbl

by 2020

Group cash


OrganicFCF 1

c.1.0 €bn p.a.

by 2020


GalpPositioned to deliver unique growth and value

Execute/ExtractFrom current portfolio

Start toDiversify capital allocation

DeliverNext growth cycle

2020+ goals

Investing5-15% into low carbon and new business models

SelectiveCapex allocation

Value Proposition

CommittedTo total shareholder return

Note: 1 FCF net of dividend payments to minority interests, namely to Sinopec in Brazil.| Investor Presentation – September 2019


Execute Extract Explore


A clear strategy

Develop a profitable and resilient E&P


Optimise and expand presence in the

downstream market

Promote transition to lower carbon


Offer innovative and differentiating solutions

TechnologyInnovation Digitalisation

| Investor Presentation – September 2019


upstream portfolioDeveloping three core areas in our


Santos & Campos (Brazil) Area 4 (Mozambique)

World class deep water portfolio

Unique exposure to the Brazilian pre-salt

Congo Basin (Angola)

| Investor Presentation – September 2019





upstream portfolioTop quartile

• Lowest upstream portfolio breakeven amongst integrated peers, from a unique world class asset base

• Maintain portfolio resilience and competitiveness

Source: Rystad, January 2019. Note: Benchmark includes Majors, E&Ps and Integrated companies (the latter shown in dark grey). Breakeven NPV10, 2019 real terms. Weighted portfolio breakeven based on 2025 average production.

Upstream portfolio breakeven ($/bbl)

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

Angola Brazil Mozambique

2018 2019E 2020E 2025E 2030E

Previous planRisked Exploration



CAGR 12-16%

CAGR >10%


• Optimise developments

• New ventures

2020+2019/20Adjusting Lula

and Iara timeline, reflecting P67 and

P68 units’ later start-up

Increasing contribution from existing portfolio

(Brazil and Mozambique)

• Lula North

• Berbigão/Sururu

• Atapu 1

• Kaombo South

• Sépia East

• Coral South

• Greater Carcará

• Rovuma LNG

• Lula West

• Atapu 2

• Júpiter

• Exploration

Additional upside

Note: As per usual guidance, production levels consider the expected stake adjustments from unitisation processes in Brazil.

production growthIncreasing potential of long-term

Gas weight (%)


WI production from existing portfolio (kboepd)

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

Lula & Iracema Delivering and improving large scale projects

BM-S-11 | Lula & Iracema

• Completing initial development phase: 9 FPSOs deployed with c.1.3 mmbpd total installed capacity

• Plateau periods now expected at 4.5 years on average

• Current recovery factor estimate at 31% and long term goal of 40%

• Unitisation of the Lula accumulation effective as of April 1, 2019, with Galp’s stake at 9.209%

Lula North (#9)

Last unit deployed with first

oil in February 2019

Lula & Iracema2Q19 production: c.97 kboepd

11 | Investor Presentation – September 2019

BM-S-11A | Greater Iara

• Berbigão/Sururu FPSO already at final location and first oil is expected by YE2019

• Ongoing drilling campaign and optimising PoD for the three different accumulations

• Supportive results from ongoing Sururu appraisal campaign

• Atapu unitisation effective as of September 1, 2019, with Galp’s stake at 1.703%. Berbigão/Sururu processes ongoing.

IaraThe next high-quality pre-salt growth project

12 | Investor Presentation – September 2019

Berbigão/SururuFirst oil by 4Q19

Atapu 1First oil by 2020

Greater CarcaráHigh potential to drive 2020+ growth

Phase IFirst oil expected by 2023/24

BM-S-8 and North of Carcará

• Carcará reservoir quality to exceed Santos basin average performance with breakeven <$40/bbl

• Phase I considering a 220 kbpd FPSO and full gas re-injection concept

• Ongoing appraisal for Phase II, with two confirmed oil discoveries in North of Carcará

Phase IIAssessing data from appraisal campaign

| Investor Presentation – September 201913

BM-S-24 | Sépia East and Júpiter

• 180 kbpd FPSO already awarded for the Sépia project

• Unitisation of Sépia East and Sépia effective as of September 1, 2019, with Galp’sstake at 2.414%

• Maturing large scale Júpiter discovery development concept and technological feasible solutions

Sépia and JúpiterAdditional 2020+ pre-salt contribution

14 | Investor Presentation – September 2019

SépiaFirst oil expected in 2021


R&D initiatives and

several technical studies

• Mozambique to become a major LNG supplier, leveraging quality and scalability of gas discoveries

• Favorable time to market to meet LNG demand

• Coral South: 3.4 mtpa FLNG under execution

• Rovuma LNG: PoD for Phase I approved, comprising 2x 7.6 mtpa mega trains

Mozambique Area 4Fast tracking phased LNG developments

Coral South

FLNG first gas expected

by 2022

Rovuma LNG

Working towards Phase I

FID in 2019

15 | Investor Presentation – September 2019

Block 14/14k and Block 32

Angola Contribution increasing with Kaombo ramp-up

Block 14/14kOptimising mature development

KaomboProject ramp-up, with two units already producing

• 2 FPSOs ramping-up, with total installed capacity of 130 kbpd

• Block 14/14k production expected to decrease due to natural decline of the fields

16 | Investor Presentation – September 2019

Regional focused exploration strategy

Selectively accessing new opportunities

• Accessing high potential assets in 2018 Brazil bid rounds: Uirapuru in Santos Basin and C-M-791 in Campos Basin

• Developing competitive advantages and synergies with current portfolio

• Leveraging presence in Brazilian pre-salt top tier acreage

• New ventures to include both selected DRO and exploration assets

Area of potential interestGalp’s presence

17 | Investor Presentation – September 2019

• Processing 3D seismic in PEL 82

• Completed 3D seismic acquisition in PEL 83

PEL 82 & PEL 83(Namibia)

• Analysing results of broadband 3D seismic across all blocks

Blocks 5, 6, 11 & 12(São Tomé and Principe)

• Targeting first exploration well in 2019/20

• DST to appraise oil discovery



Planned exploration activities

18 | Investor Presentation – September 2019


GDP Growth1.3% 2.7%3.0%2.8%3.0%

Downstream activities focused on selected clusters

Economic recovery supporting oil and natural gas markets in Iberia

Present in five African countries, leveraging expected market growth

Adapting downstream businesses to market trends


Iberian oil products and NG demand

Source: IHS/Company’s view; GDP in dollars.

c.2%Oil CAGR




59 60 62 63 65

30 31 3236 36

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Oil products (mton) Natural gas (bcm) RHS

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

R&M: RefiningCompetitive and flexible refining system

Leveraging refineries’ location (SW Europe), namely competitiveness in the North American East Coast

Oil product sales of 17.1 mton in 2018 (c.70% placed in Iberia)

Focus on maximising energy efficiency and enhancing conversion, through “+$1/bbl” initiatives

21 | Investor Presentation – September 2019


IMO 2020 Integrated profile providing hedge to demand specs changes

Upstream (€m)1 Downstream (€m)1

Benefiting from sweeter crudes expected market price appreciation

Galp’s upstream developments consisting of sweet crudes

Current refining configuration allows for feasible sulphur specs offer

Exploring longer term optionality

Notes: 1 Expected impact from IMO regulation by 2020, considering assumptions embedded in the business plan. Illustrative and not exhaustive. 2 Oil and gas sales – Royalties – Production costs.

Production sales margin


Galp crudes appreciation Production sales margin



2 2

Realised margin pre-IMO

(considering "+$1/boe"


Products price


Raw materials


Realised margin by 2020

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

R&M: MarketingLeading player in core regions

High quality retail network located in Iberia and selected African clusters

Enhancing efficiency of operations and strengthening regional presence

Note: All figures related to the YE2018

Launching new services while improving fuel and non-fuel offering


Service stations Conveniencestores



23 | Investor Presentation – September 2019


Building a sustainable integrated business

Building new NG/LNG sourcing basket

Strengthening gas and electricity commercial position in Portugal and Spain

Leveraging integration with remaining downstream businesses

Associated businesses include equity stakes in gas distribution and international pipelines1

Note: 1 77.5% stake in GGND (regulated distribution). International pipelines related with Iberian NG sourcing

€100-150 mp.a.

Ebitda Associates

€90-100 m p.a.


| Investor Presentation – September 2019

Innovation & digitalisation

Leverage on digitalisation and

data analytics

Foster innovation agenda

New business models

Developing alternative mobility services,

including an electric offer

Provide customer-centred solutions

Building portfolio optionalityLow carbon solutions

Preparing integration with current electrical commercial offer

Developing a sustainable portfolio of renewable power

generation, through solar PV projects in Portugal and Spain

25 | Investor Presentation – September 2019


Net debt to Ebitda RCA

CFFO (€m) Capex (€m)






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018





2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Dividends (€/sh)

Solid financial track record






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018





2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

| Investor Presentation – September 2019




Organic CFFO 2018-20 CAGR of 10-15%


Refining margin












CFFO 2018-20 CAGR




Upstream to benefit from production growth and lower oil taxes from Iara

Downstream performance supported by improved operations and efficiency initiatives

IMO regulation expected to positively impact upstream and downstream performance

Group Ebitda expected above €2.2 bn in 2019 and over €3 bn from 2020 onwards

CFFO (€m)

Note: All figures according to IFRS 16. For comparison purposes, previous plan figures and growth rates were adjusted for both IFRS 16 and macro.| Investor Presentation – September 2019




2018 2019E 2020E

Upstream Downstream IFRS 16 impact Previous plan


Organic capex of c.€1 bn p.a.

Annual average net capex (€m)

Upstream Acquisitions Downstream

Low carbon & New business solutions Previous plan




2018 2019-20E

2019 capex now expected at c.€0.9 bn

Upstream 2019-20 capex

Brazil Mozambique Angola Exploration & Appraisal

E&P accounting for c.70% of Group’s investments, with Mozambique gaining relevance

Note: Upstream net capex for 2019-20 considers equalisations from past costs/profits adjustments related with unitization processes in Brazil.

The estimated equalisation net position as of April 2019 amounted to a c.€100 m receivable.| Investor Presentation – September 2019


Organic FCF of c.€1 bn from 2020 (post minorities)

Cash flow (€m)

Note: FCF net of dividend payments to minority interests, namely to Sinopec in Brazil.

New cash cycle supported by a highly competitive and resilient portfolio

Net debt to Ebitda expected at c.0.8x in 2020

Operational cash generation and asset rotation to support portfolio optionality

<$25/bblGroup’s FCF breakeven

| Investor Presentation – September 2019





2018 2019E 2020E 2025E

CFFO FCF Proposed 2018 dividend

Prioritising reinvestment in value accretive opportunities

Oil, Gas & Power to remain core and starting to develop low carbon

2018 dividend proposal of c.€0.63/share (+15% YoY) approved at AGM

Potential for dividends growth, while maintaining financial discipline

Low carbon /New business models

DividendsOil, Gas & Powerbusinesses


Maintaining a disciplined

capital allocation

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

Key data & backup info


Macro assumptionsand plan sensitivity

Galp assumptions 2018 (actual) 2019E 2020E

Brent price ($/bbl) 71 c.65 65

Galp refining margin ($/boe) 5.0 c.4.0 6.0-7.0

EUR:USD 1.18 c.1.15 1.20

Ebitda CFFO FCF1

Sensitivities (€m) Change 2019E 2020E 2019E 2020E 2019E 2020E

Brent price $5/bbl 145 180 95 85 70 65

Refining margin $1/boe 90 100 90 70 90 70

EUR:USD 0.05 (75) (100) (60) (70) (25) (35)

Note: 1 Organic FCF net of dividend payments to minority interests, namely to Sinopec in Brazil.| Investor Presentation – September 2019


Balance sheet Cash Flow

No changes on receivables / payments No impact on FCF

Leases subject to depreciation and interest

c.€170 m

€0 m







All leases on balance sheet

Leased FPSOs and subsea equipment account for c.70% of operational leases

Fixed assets Liabilitiesc.€1.2 bn c.€1.2 bn

IFRS 16Impacts on Galp’s reporting principles

Note: Balance sheet figures as of 1 January 2019 and CFFO calculated based on 2018.| Investor Presentation – September 2019

Reserves (mmboe) 2017 2018 Chg.

1P 383 389 2%

2P 748 755 1%

3P 965 985 2%

Contingent resources (mmboe) 2017 2018 Chg.

1C 296 425 43%

2C 1,352 1,658 23%

3C 3,297 3,671 11%

Prospective resources (mmboe) 2017 2018 Chg.

Unrisked 3,835 4,303 12%

Risked 566 623 10%


Galp reserves and resources

Note: All figures are based on DeGolyer and MacNaughton report as of 31.12.2018. Reserves figures on a net entitlement basis. Contingent resources and prospective resources on a working interest basis.

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

Results supported by strong operational performance

Profit & Loss (€m) Balance sheet (€m)

2017 2018 YoY 1H19(IFRS 16)


Ebitda RCA 1,786 2,218 24% 1,109 (6%)

E&P 850 1,440 69% 782 2%

R&M 774 610 (21%) 212 (37%)

G&P 132 137 4% 105 54%

Ebit RCA 1,032 1,518 47% 663 (13%)

Associates 150 137 (8%) 83 13%

Financial results (34) (70) n.m. (8) 22%

Taxes (483) (726) 50% (363) (1%)

Non-controlling interests

(88) (151) 72% (72) (3%)

Net Income RCA 577 707 23% 303 (20%)

Net Income IFRS 597 741 24% 223 (50%)

Dec.17 Dec.18 YoY Jun.19 vs. Dec.18

Net fixed assets 7,231 7,340 109 7,424 84

Rights of use (IFRS 16) - - - 1,240 1,240

Working capital 584 814 230 782 (32)

Loan to Sinopec 459 176 (283) - (176)

Other assets (liabilities) (609) (546) 63 (779) (234)

Capital employed 7,665 7,784 118 8,666 883

Net debt 1,886 1,737 (149) 1,598 (139)

Operating leases (IFRS 16) - - - 1,252 1,252

Equity 5,779 6,047 268 5,817 (230)

N et Debt + Op. Leases + Equity

7,665 7,784 118 8,666 883

36 | Investor Presentation – September 2019


UpstreamKey operational indicators

2017 2018 YoY 1H19 (IFRS 16)


Working interest production2 kboepd 93.4 107.3 15% 112.2 6%

Oil production kbpd 81.6 94.8 16% 99.4 7%

Net entitlement production2 kboepd 91.5 105.9 16% 110.3 5%

Angola kbpd 6.0 6.8 14% 10.4 92%

Brazil kbpd 85.5 99.1 16% 99.8 1%

Oil and gas realisations – Dif. to Brent USD/boe (6.6) (8.7) 32% (8.0) (17%)

Production costs USD/boe 8.2 8.2 0% 4.2 (4%)

Exploration & Production1

Notes: 1 Unit figures based on net entitlement production. 2 Includes natural gas exported, excludes natural gas used or injected.

| Investor Presentation – September 2019


DownstreamKey operational indicators

2017 2018 YoY 1H19 YoY

Galp refining margin USD/boe 5.8 5.0 (14%) 2.7 (43%)

Refining cost1 USD/boe 1.7 2.6 50% 2.4 5%

Raw materials processed mmboe 114.2 100.4 (12%) 48.7 (10%)

Total oil products sales mton 18.3 16.8 (8%) 8.1 (7%)

Sales to direct clients mton 8.7 8.6 (2%) 4.4 6%

2017 2018 YoY 1H19 YoY

NG/LNG total sales volumes mm3 7,348 7,616 4% 3,851 (0%)

Sales to direct clients mm3 4,374 4,740 8% 2,354 (0%)

Trading mm3 2,974 2,875 (3%) 1,497 (1%)

Sales of electricity to direct clients GWh 3,625 3,865 7% 1,629 (21%)

Sales of electricity to the grid GWh 1,386 1,296 (7%) 667 (4%)

Refining & Marketing

Note: 1 Excluding impact of refining margin operations.

Gas & Power

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

Key indicators Galp’s debt


Debt indicators

31 Dec. 2017

31 Dec. 2018

30 Jun. 2019

Gross Debt 3,083 3,245 3,008

Cash and equivalents 1,197 1,508 1,410

Net debt 1,886 1,737 1,598

Operating leases (IFRS 16) - - 1,252

Net Debt to Ebitda1 1.1x 0.8x 0.7x

Available credit lines €1.3 bn €1.4 bn €1.4 bn

% Debt at a fixed rate 60% 52% 41%

Debt reimbursement (€m)

EIB 6% EMTN 35%

Bank Loans 59%

Debt Structure

Note: 1 Ratio considers the LTM Ebitda RCA (€2,151 m at 30 June 2019), adjusted for the impact from the application of the IFRS 16 standard (€93 m at 30 June 2019).

| Investor Presentation – September 2019





2019 2020 2021 2022 2023+ 2024+

@ 30 Jun 2019 @ 31 Dec 2018


Shareholding structure

Free Float33.3% 59.2%


Institutional investors account for 83% of Galp’s free float1, o.w.:

61% Europe

34% North America

5% Rest of the world

Note: 1As at 31.03.2019.| Investor Presentation – September 2019


A committed and experienced team

Over 25 years of experience in Oil & Gas and a Galp Board member since 2007. Former Board executive for more than 12 years in the energy and beverage industries.

CEOCarlos Gomes da Silva

Filipe Silva

Over 25 years of experience in the banking sector. Galp Board member since 2012. Former Deutsche Bank CEO in Portugal.

Carlos Silva

Over 30 years of experience in the automotive, tourism and Oil & Gas industries. Galp Board member since 2012.

Thore E. Kristiansen

Over 30 years of experience in Oil & Gas and Galp Board member since 2014. Held senior executive roles in Equinor for South America.

Galp’s Executive Committee

CFO COO Upstream COO Midstream

Susana Quintana-Plaza

Over 21 years of experience in the aerospace and energy sectors, having also held roles in venture capital arms. Galp Board member since 2019.

Sofia Tenreiro

Over 18 years of experience in the personal care, telecommunications, media and technology industries. Galp board member since 2019.

COO Commercial COO Renewables &New businesses

Carlos Costa Pina

Over 17 years of experience in public senior level functions in capital markets, finance and insurance. Galp Board member since 2012.

COO Infrastructure

| Investor Presentation – September 2019

# Number DD&A Depreciation, Depletion and Amortisation mton Million tonnes

$ (or USD) Dollar DRO Discovered Resources Opportunities mtpa Million tonnes per annum

% Percentage E Expected NG Natural Gas

& And E&P Exploration and Production NPV Net Present Value

@ At Ebitda Earnings before interest and taxes, depreciation and amortisation o.w. Of which

€ (or EUR) Euro EC European Commission Op. Operator

+ Plus EIB European Investment Bank Opex Operational expenditure

< Below EMTN Euro Medium Term Note p.a. Per annum

> Above EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction PoD Plan of Development

1C; 2C; 3C Contingent resources ESG Environment Social and Governance PV Photovoltaic

1P Proved reserves EU European Union R&D Research & Development

2P Proved and probable reserves FCF Free Cash Flow R&M Refining and Marketing

3D Three dimensional FID Final Investment Decision RCA Replacement Cost Adjusted

3P Proved, probable and possible reserves FLNG Floating Liquefied Natural Gas ROACE Return on Average Capital Employed

bbl Barrel FPSO Floating Production Storage Offloading sh Share

BBLT Benguela, Belize, Lobito and Tomboco G&P Gas and Power SW South West

bcm Billion cubic metres GDP Gross Domestic Product TL Tômbua-Lândana

bn Billion GGND Galp Gás Natural Distribuição, S.A. Ton Tonne

boe Barrel of oil equivalent GWh Gigawatt-hour ToR Transfer of rights

c. Circa IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards TSR Total Shareholder Return

CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate IMO International Maritime Organisation TWh Terawatt-hour

Capex Capital expenditure IPO Initial public offering U.S. United States of America

CCO Chief Corporate Officer kboepd Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day vs. Versus

CDP Carbon Disclosure Project kbpd Thousand barrels of oil per day x Times

CEO Chief Executive Officer LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

CFFO Cash flow from operations m Million

CFO Chief Financial Officer mm3 Million cubic metres

Chg. Change mmboe Million barrels of oil equivalent

CO2 Carbon dioxide mmbpd Million barrels of oil per day

COO Chief Operating Officer mmbtu Million British Thermal Units



| Investor Presentation – September 2019



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