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Post on 20-Mar-2018






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75 285 41 Circle 75 Windy Ridge Pkwy


• Project Site is located in an area that Cobb County has designated as a Regional Activity Center.

• RAC designed to “provide for areas than can support high intensity development which serve regional markets.

• Z-44 seeks RRC (Regional Retail Commercial) zoning category which is designed to “provide locations for intense retail, commercial, office or mixed uses which exceed 500,000 square feet.”



• Site already approved for 3.7 million square feet of office, multiple 24 story hotels (1800 rooms) and other development with a density and use pattern more intense than the Z-44 proposal. (Height variances granted)

• Current entitlement would allow for a piecemeal development, no DRI review, no uniformity, no traffic management (70,000 trips with no traffic system improvements), no quality control, no additional use restrictions and would not be a catalyst for an increase in property value in the area.



NO SLUP needed for parking on upper level of a parking garage (not occupied). Parking Business is an expressly permitted stand-alone use in O&I and RRC. (Automobile Parking Garages). Any parking on Tract II are additional spaces that actually provide more than required for the mixed use (includes 24 story height variance).


• 630,000 sq. ft. of Class A Office building(s).

• 500,000 sq. ft. of upscale Retail.

• 600 units of luxury multi-family Residential.

• 450 key select service Hotel(s).

• 100,000 sq. ft. of multi-use Entertainment Facility. (Z-44 is a reduction in total density).

• All designed to advance quality of life and to bring a unified sense of place to the surrounding area.

Representative Projects Similar to Ballpark Village

Representative Samples envisioned for Ballpark Village


• 89,000 local jurisdictions in the United States with only 30 MLB Teams.

• Typical zoning codes, sign ordinances and landscape requirements are not designed to address exclusive mixed use developments that partner with major league sports teams.

• Instead, there is a need for a comprehensive and coordinated development approach that maintains equal or superior quality controls but provides flexibility for exceptional design characteristics.

SUPPORT FOR FLEXIBILITY • Detailed analysis from 11-2013 until today that supports the flexibility

portions of the Summary of Project/Stipulations. ( Application, Staff Rec, GRTA, ARC).

• Size/Topography=A single development of 74 acres in a RAC is unprecedented and beneficial to the County. Site contains rock, steep slopes and not easily visible. There is large pipeline running down the middle of the Site and it is surrounded on all sides by major roads creating development challenges.

• Strict generic application of Ordinances would create undue hardship and not allow for Ballpark Village’s unique quality and design which is needed to be a successful Project (property has been undeveloped for years).

• Ballpark Village is a once in a life time development and the commitment for three decades, plus the Master Covenant control by the Atlanta Braves (related entities) is peculiar only to the Project Site.

• Z-44 is a benefit to the public good as it provides world-class development, unified traffic management, master covenants to regulate quality for three decades and is a benefit to the public health, safety and welfare.



• Z-61 (RRC) with FAR of 3.8 and building height of 27 stories (approx. 300’ feet).

• Z-62 (RRC) a FAR of 2.92 and building height of 27 stories.

• RRC setback variances granted routinely to allow for development (reductions of 100%, 97%, 95%).

• Sign variances granted at Cumberland Mall of ten times the sign area allowed. (numerous other examples in commercial areas).


• Applicant has no equal, there are no other developers that have the economic credentials, fan base and a commitment to remain within the Development for 1/3 of a century. (perspective on commitment).

• Atlanta Braves (related entities) will not invest $700,000,000 and then accept anything less than superior quality from each and every aspect of the Development.

• Atlanta Braves Baseball Stadium will be on the Project Site and no person or entity is more concerned about quality than the Applicant (No precedent because one must analyze Z-44 as unique). (143 years of excellence).



• Master Association controlled by Applicant and its Braves related entities.

• Master Covenants and Restrictions designed to mandate superior quality.

• Restrictive Covenants will be recorded upon transfer of Stadium Site to the Authority and will run with the land.

• Covenants will govern all property even if subsequently transferred to an Owner in the Development.

SPECIFIC PROVISIONS • Establish an exceptional Ballpark Village standard to protect, enhance

and preserve the value, amenities, and attractiveness of the Development including a Master Landscape Plan.

• Establish use restrictions and strict architectural, landscape, construction, development and signage standards/controls (content, uses restrictions are not limited by Constitution like the County).

• Establish a Design Review Board (Braves related entities and other Owners, Tenants) and a mandatory design review process that must be completed before seeking any required County or GDOT permits.

• Covenants will be more comprehensive than any Cobb Zoning Ordinance and may deny a request even if the desired sign, building or activity would be permitted under County ordinances.


• ARC states Braves traffic planning has involved “innovative strategies” which are “commendable and are exemplary of the type of development and district planning called for in regional plans and policies.” (DRI)

• Coordinate with County to provide and implement comprehensive Traffic Management Plan to facilitate access and address pedestrian accessibility, facilities and circulation. (before first Stadium Event).

• Utilize appropriate solutions and improvements consistent with GRTA review engineered to account for traffic at full build-out of mixed use and standing room only Stadium capacity. (teams of professionals working daily as Braves are the ones most concerned about traffic).

New Stadium more accessible than Turner Field via 14 major roads

COMPREHENSIVE PARKING PLAN • 100% of all required Parking for the Mixed Use is provided without

including Tract II (3000+ entitled right now).

• RRC specifically states “shared parking arrangements are PERMITTED and encouraged. (RRC also allows “parking for vehicles” as an expressly permitted use)(Project Site is one “Site” not changed by public road).

• Shared parking for game day with mixed-use spaces and dedicated parking on adjacent project tracts. Numerous options include bus circulator system, public safety enforcement, shuttle routes and safe pedestrian corridors.

• Off-site (not part of Z-44) shared parking agreements focused on safe pedestrian access and distribution of traffic from major access locations. (35,000 avail.)(Area owners’ interest in lease and building additional)(Cf. 8500 KSU Soccer Stadium zoned to RRC with 20% on-site rest is “shared parking” over one mile away)(If KSU can make it work, so can the Braves)


• Project Site is .01 % of the upstream Chattahoochee watershed and will have zero effect on Chattahoochee River Peak discharges.

• In an effort to possibly over-detain, will collect and re-use stormwater, potential uses being irrigation and cooling tower as well as the use of pervious material to reduce rate and volume runoff. (any above 80% is pervious).

• Install vegetated bio retention areas to provide a combination of water quality, detention and infiltration.

• All development will comply with Cobb County Stormwater Ordinance and NPDES permit requirements to provide for clean water.


• July 15, 2014 additional restrictions.

• Remove any genuine question as to whether the Applicant will develop the mixed use.

• Confirms the timely filing of the Master Covenants at transfer of Stadium Site with sunset provisions on flexibility portions.

• Includes conditions that, limit exterior signage, address security and landscaping concerns and confirm Cobb County will retain oversight of the development. (Waterford Place, ECCA, Cobb County Civic Coalition).

• Reinforces the fact that the Applicant is the entity most dedicated and determined that the Development with be world-class and a gold standard for decades to come.

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